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Baltar is the name associated with characters who betray humanity to near-extermination in the Original Series and Re-imagined Series.

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Birth place {{{birthplace}}}
Birth Name
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Nickname {{{nickname}}}
Introduced [[{{{seen}}}]]
Last Known Appearance [[{{{lastseen}}}]]
Marital Status
Family Tree View
Role Quorum of Twelve Representative, Commander of the Cylon Pursuit Force
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by John Colicos
Baltar is a Cylon
Baltar is a Final Five Cylon
Baltar is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
Baltar is an Original Series Cylon
Related Media
@ BW Media
Additional Information
Baltar in the separate continuity


Baltar's Deeds[edit]

Lord Baltar (sometimes referred to as Count Baltar) has a relatively prolific life as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve, the ruling body of the Colonies. He apparently financed and plotted many expeditions of the Cyrannus galaxy during the Thousand Yahren War. These surveys and expeditions also included the tylium-rich planet of Carillon, though the fact was never revealed as in reports to the Quorum.

President Adar thanks Baltar for his work on the Cimtar Peace Accord (TOS: "Saga of a Star World").

For many yahren, Baltar apparently plotted to use the Cylons as his iron fist to bring down the Colonies under his dictatorship. Using the Cimtar Peace Accord as a ruse (taking advantage of both Colonials and Cylons), he manages to work up the humans' excitement for the Treaty as well as give the Cylons what they want: the eradication of the threat of the lifeform known as Man.

The Cylons take the opportunity. However, the Cylons simply consider Baltar a pawn to be used up once moved. His plans for domination destroyed, Baltar is thanked by the Imperious Leader by scheduling him for public execution. Baltar is likely sent to the planet Cylon, or one of their many outposts (TOS: "Saga of a Star World").

The First Salvation of Baltar[edit]

The new Imperious Leader spares Baltar's disheveled life to seek the Human remnant that escapes the destruction of the Twelve Colonies of Man. Baltar is spared essentially because the Imperious Leader believed that, to find the humans, another human was needed that would think as their prey did (TOS: "Saga of a Star World", "Lost Planet of the Gods").

Now in command of a fully equipped basestar, and assigned Lucifer, a IL-series cogitator, Baltar tracks down Galactica and decides to abduct a Colonial WarriorLieutenant Starbuck—to convince the warrior that he wants peace, as well as to discover why the Vipers flew so erratically. Baltar succeeds in getting Colonial survivors to believe him, Baltar continues his charade of good will by landing on Kobol to prove his intentions of peace. Using the Quorum medallion, he manages to gain entry into the Ninth Lord of Kobol's tomb. After trying to paint Adama as a liar who spread lies of his involvement with the Cylons, Baltar proves an annoyance as he tried to rob the tomb of the Ninth Lord.

Starbuck returns to the surface to tell the newly trained Viper pilots what Baltar promises while Lucifer decides to ignore Baltar's orders and begins attacking the Fleet and Kobol. Debris falls on and traps the traitorous Lord Baltar on Kobol while the Colonials flee the Cylons once more (TOS: "Lost Planet of the Gods").

The Second Salvation of Baltar[edit]

The entrapped Baltar on Kobol is once again saved by the Cylons so that they could, yet again, attempt to stop Adama's rag-tag fugitive fleet and the last battlestar.

Baltar manages to track the Fleet from the Cyrannus galaxy—home of the Cylons and Colonials—and to the sector containing the prison colony Proteus. Baltar apparently loses sight of the Fleet for a time after it changed course due to Robber's transmissions back to Cylon hands (mistakenly thinking he was contacting the Aeries colony) (TOS: "The Long Patrol").

Baltar plans to herd Galactica and her Fleet to Arcta and its Ravashol Pulsar to finish off Adama's fleet once and for all. Baltar's subordinate, Command Centurion Vulpa, commands the Arcta base. However Baltar's plan is thwarted and the Fleet manages to pass the planet relatively unscathed, leaving Baltar to find some way to explain this military blunder to the Imperious Leader (TOS: "The Gun on Ice Planet Zero").

Baltar manages to get in another attack by destroying the Fleet's two agro ships, and the destruction of the crops on the third. However, the agron colony of Sectar is near the Fleet. Adama manages to solicit a trade from the ruling populous of the main Sectar city, Serenity (TOS: "The Magnificent Warriors").

Baltar attempts to capture a warrior for interrogation. After this and another tactic fails near Attila, Baltar discovers an amusing rivalry between the two Cylon IL-series cogitators, Lucifer and Specter. But Specter gets the final laugh when the Cylon cons Baltar into believing an altered-version of the situation of Attila. This deception helps Specter keep some dignity and ability to obtain another position without being a "has-been" (TOS: "The Young Lords").

Sometime thereafter, Baltar yet again finds an opportunity to destroy Adama and his Fleet. Once finally destroying the Fleet, Baltar hopes to make the Cylon's "outer capitol" of Gamoray his seat of power (TOS: "The Living Legend, Part I"). The timely appearance of the legendary Commander Cain spoils this opportunity and others as Cain and Adama combine forces. Baltar is almost killed in his personal Cylon Raider as the Pegasus nearly collides with the ship (TOS: "The Living Legend, Part II").

Baltar survives the engagement to aid the Imperious Leader when the main city of Gamoray is assaulted by Colonial forces (TOS: "The Living Legend, Part II").

Baltar's Selfless Surrender[edit]

Count Baltar is forced to his knees by Count Iblis (TOS: "War of the Gods, Part II").

When Count Iblis manifests in the Fleet, Baltar requests to board Galactica under a flag of truce, but the Quorum of the Twelve sees this as a sign when he is apparently directed to surrender per the two conditions set out by the Quorum to test the seemingly omnipotent Iblis. Baltar is chastised and dropped into his personally reserved cell on the Prison Barge. Baltar attempts to help the Colonials unravel the mystery of the manifestations later known as Beings of Light, mythical figures that maintained the universe, working to aid others indirectly (TOS: "War of the Gods").

Baltar as an Aide[edit]

Baltar is essential in exposing an electronics expert and Ortega's murderer, Karibdis. After Apollo extradites Baltar from the Prison Barge, Baltar and Apollo thwart Karibdis from killing them both (TOS: "Murder on the Rising Star").

Apollo's deal, which guarantees Baltar's freedom from incarceration in return for his assistance in catching Karibdis, is reneged, and Baltar is returned to his imprisonment.

During the temporary "visitation" of the Eastern Alliance personnel, commanded by Commandant Leiter, Baltar plots his escape with the assistance of the Borellian Nomen (Taba, Maga and Bora) and Leiter's enforcers from Terra's Eastern Alliance. "Lead" by Baltar, the prisoners capture eleven Quorum members, Lieutenants Boomer and Sheba, and the Council Security in the bay at the time.

Baltar makes a deal with Adama (TOS: "The Hand of God").

Baltar gives Adama an ultimatum: return the Cylon Raider and its pilots, as well as the fueled Eastern Alliance vessel, or be responsible for the deaths of his prisoners. The prisoners are in a shuttle rigged with detonators attached to the shuttle's hull. However, Baltar is subsequently tricked into a false sense of security upon boarding his personal raider, outwitted by two dysfunctional Cylons and two warriors.

His partners in crime were more fortunate. They escape—much to Baltar's chagrin. Baltar is left with undignified mess hall work, sputtering escape plans that do not inspire confidence from inmates (TOS: "Baltar's Escape").

The Colonials use one significant ability from Baltar: His knowledge of the Cylon's basestars. Tired of running from the Cylons, Commander Adama decides to mount an attack on a basestar discovered by a patrol. Adama believes the basestar is the only Cylon presence in the area the Fleet is traveling. In return for Baltar's aid, Adama promise adequate shelter and provisions on a habitable planet, as well as a short-range transmission device. With Baltar's instructions, Starbuck and Apollo disable the basestar's sensors, thus allowing Galactica to destroy the basestar (TOS: "The Hand of God").


  • In the theatrical version of Battlestar Galactica's pilot movie, Baltar was beheaded in front of the Imperious Leader. However, with the production of the television series, and Glen Larson's appreciation for the character, caused the entire death scene for Baltar to be re-shot, with Baltar being spared at the last moment in the televised pilot.
  • Battlestar fans noticed the different sides of Baltar. In "Saga of a Star World" and "The Young Lords," Baltar was shrewd and deviously evil. In "The Living Legend," Baltar appears as an insane and delusional power-hungry man who would dare cross the Imperious Leader. In "War of the Gods," Baltar evidently demonstrates intelligence and dignity by playing with fate and facing the Fleet's Quorum. Finally, he shows another version of himself by being a bumbling imbecile, thanks to Battlestar's writers that decided to alter what Baltar was and should have been during the series' run.
  • Lord Baltar is also known as Count Baltar. Although both "Lord" and "Count" were used in addressing Baltar at some point, the former is more applicable to the series, since the latter title is used only in the pilot.
  • Watchers of the series can also note the intended-to-be-subtle changes in the scenes concerning Baltar's talk with the new Imperious Leader. In "Saga of a Star World," the Imperious Leader states that Baltar will vie for peace on the behest of the Cylons, as they are powerful enough to be "tolerant" of the humans. However, in the beginning scenes of "Lost Planet of the Gods," this part is conspicuously absent. This led fans to believe that: (1) The "olive branch" mandate was not part of the series canon to make the series more interesting; or (2) Baltar attacked the Fleet on his (and Lucifer's) own prerogative, in which Baltar (could have) made it appear that the surviving humans were intolerant to the peace offering, which would likely be to convince the Leader that his position was the wrong one to take.
Baltar's colony is given as Picon, growing up on the asteroid Cygnus where his family owned a tylium mine. At 17, Cygnus was taken by the Cylons and he lived as a prisoner for 5 yahren, all the while blaming the Capricans and Aerians for this as they had failed to adhere to their mutual protection treaty with Picon. After being liberated, he studied "political economy" at the University of Picon, later returning to turn the small mine his family had owned into "the largest intercolonial Tylium trading firm in the Galaxy (sic)" in a span of a decade.
He became bored with business and entered politics, honing his public speaking skills and offering people "what they most wanted to hear: that the Cylons could be reasonable, and that peace was at hand". His persuasive words lead to his selection to be a member of the Quorum of Twelve ten yahren prior to the end of the Thousand-Yahren War, where he began working on the armistice proposal that brought the destruction of man. At the time of the fall of the Colonies, he was 117 yahren.[1]



  1. Kraus, Bruce (1979). Encyclopedia Galactica, p. 16-17.

For others with the same first name, see: Gaius (disambiguation).
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Age {{{age}}}
Colony Born on Aerilon, later relocated to Caprica
Birth place {{{birthplace}}}
Birth Name Gaius Baltar
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Callsign {{{callsign}}}
Nickname {{{nickname}}}
Introduced Miniseries
Last Known Appearance [[{{{lastseen}}}]]
Death Unknown causes on new Earth, c. 148,000 BCE
Parents Julius Baltar (father)
Unnamed mother
Siblings {{{siblings}}}
Children {{{children}}}
Marital Status In a relationship with Caprica-Six
Family Tree View
Role Leader of the monotheistic cult;
former President of the Twelve Colonies;
former Caprican Delegate;
former Fleet science advisor
Rank {{{rank}}}
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by James Callis
Baltar is a Cylon
Baltar is a Final Five Cylon
Baltar is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
Baltar is an Original Series Cylon
Related Media
@ BW Media
Additional Information
Baltar in the separate continuity

Doctor Gaius Baltar is a brilliant scientist, legally-elected President of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol, and, later, a revered religious figure for the remnants of humanity. An amoral person who has always had his self-interests above all else, Baltar's actions have both saved and imperiled the Fleet and its survivors on numerous occasions throughout their exodus from the Colonies — an event that that he is ultimately responsible for allowing to occur.


  • Dr. Baltar is from Aerilon. He was born and raised on a dairy farm outside of the town of Cuffle's Breath Wash. Finding the local dialect to be unpleasant, starting at the age of ten he trained himself to speak without the Aerilon accent in hopes that one day he might be considered as not coming from Aerilon. He left Aerilon after his 18th birthday turning his back on his family and his heritage.
  • He was formerly a lead defense systems developer working for the Colonial Ministry of Defense and came to prominence as a computer technology designer, having won three Magnate Prizes.
  • He is very charismatic, and became personal friends with President Richard Adar. However, Baltar is also extremely arrogant.
  • Baltar becomes responsible for the design of the critical Command Navigation Program (CNP) used throughout the Colonial Fleet, but could not fix all of its shortfalls himself and asked his lover (Number Six) to fix almost half of the base code. When she rewrote the code, she got it up to 95% efficiency but also put in back doors to allow the Cylons to "shut-down" space craft fitted with the CNP. It's shown that he was somewhat aware of what she was doing, but he did it for her, not the company she supposedly worked for, as he truly fell for her after she helped his father out.
  • Baltar's scientific prowess seems strongest in the medical and biological fields (TRS: "Epiphanies"). As a result of his lesser (although still advanced) computer programming skills, he seeks the help (and as a byproduct, the affections of) a young woman to aid him with the CNP.
  • Baltar's two-year affair with the mysterious woman-- even to the extent of using code she herself wrote to overcome shortfalls in his CNP—allowed her unrestricted access to some of the most sensitive systems of the Colonial defenses.
  • Baltar's involvement with his blonde assistant does not stop him from dalliances with other women during this time, right up to when his assistant confronts Baltar and a lover in bed.

Character History[edit]

The Attack on the Twelve Colonies[edit]

  • Baltar learns that his "corporate spy" lover is in fact a new type of Cylon—a Cylon in human form, able to mimic human beings down to the smallest detail, who altered his CNP with backdoors to subvert any CNP-equipped ship.
Gaius Baltar and Number Six kissing in the Miniseries.
  • Even though Baltar is appalled that it was his sexual folly that led to a holocaust, he is nevertheless determined to survive and keep this unintended treachery hidden. He only survives the following attack because the Cylon agent sacrifices herself to protect him from a nuclear blast.
  • Baltar is rescued from Caprica following the forced-landing of Colonial Raptor 312—at the cost of one of the crew staying behind (TRS: "Miniseries")
  • Baltar is plagued by visions of Number Six that only he can see and hear. He cannot be sure whether this is a result of his own guilt at his actions or whether—as she initially claims—she is part of a chip that has been implanted in his brain[1].
  • Baltar is put to work trying to devise a means of detecting these humanoid Cylons. He luckily exposes Aaron Doral as a Cylon agent (TRS: "Miniseries"), using little more than invented technobabble to convince Colonel Tigh.

Gaining trust[edit]

  • Baltar eventually develops a genuine detector. This, together with his survival of a foiled attempt to expose him as a traitor (TRS: "Six Degrees of Separation"), firmly establishes his credentials within the Fleet's hierarchy. As the Cylon, Shelly Godfrey looked like his mental Number Six and appeared after she mysteriously disappeared, Baltar came to believe Godfrey was a physical manifestation of his inner Six especially when Godfrey's deception was revealed after he accepted the Cylon God and repented and Godfrey disappeared mysteriously and Messenger Six reappeared at the same time. It was revealed, however, that Godfrey was in fact another copy of Number Six who had the job of discrediting him due to his Cylon detector and disappeared due to another Cylon killing her by secretly blowing her out an airlock (TRS: "The Plan").
  • With this new-found trust, and despite his willingness to deliberately conceal vital information, such as Sharon Valerii true status as a Cylon agent (TRS: "Flesh and Bone"), Baltar enters the realm of political leadership, first as the Representative for Caprica on the Quorum of Twelve, and then as the newly-elected Vice President of the Colonies (TRS: "Colonial Day").
  • Messenger Six continues to help and hinder Baltar, gradually drawing him to a point of near-open acceptance and participation in Cylon plans and activities (TRS: "Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part II"). Whether by coincidence or design, Six manipulates Baltar through repeated threats of exposing his involvement with the destruction of the Colonies (TRS: "33,," "Six Degrees of Separation"), while also appearing to aid him by giving information that appears insightful or inspired to help the Colonials.
Gaius Baltar and Number Six seeing "the shape of things to come" in "Scattered".

A greater purpose or insanity?[edit]

  • Initially an atheist, Baltar is slowly converted to the Cylons' monotheistic faith: first he repents his sins (TRS: "33" ), then he prays to the Cylon God and devotes his life into serving his divine will (TRS: "Six Degrees of Separation"), and finally, he is led to believe that he is an instrument of God (TRS: "The Hand of God").
  • Baltar is subjected to a final revelation of his role with the Cylons (as Messenger Six sees it) when "the future" is revealed to him on Kobol, in the form of the first of "God's new generation of children" (TRS: "Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part II").
Number Six showing Baltar the clearing filled with human bones, telling him they were from human sacrifices.
  • While stranded on Kobol after a crash landing, Baltar's Messenger Six warns him that the Colonial religion is a falsehood to cover up atrocities of their nature.
  • On Kobol, Baltar shoots Alex "Crashdown" Quartararo in the back, killing him instantly, to save Cally from a practically suicidal and unnecessary attack on a Cylon missile battery[2]. The group are eventually rescued by the Raptors. Baltar tells the SAR team that Crashdown died a hero in the fight, and Chief Tyrol reluctantly corroborates his story (TRS: "Fragged").
  • Back on Galactica, Cally blackmails Baltar into making it a priority to prove that Chief Tyrol is not a Cylon, as Colonel Tigh suspects, or Cally would reveal the truth of Crashdown's death.
  • Incensed at this ingratitude, Baltar gambles that the jailed Boomer knows of the number of Cylons in the Fleet, and blackmails her into doing so, using Tyrol's life.
Baltar receives his brain scan from Dr. Cottle, as Six watches on in amusement.
  • Questioning his own sanity after his Messenger Six claims that he was generally crazy, Baltar has a brain scan performed in sickbay by Dr. Cottle which confirms no "foreign objects" are present in his head.
  • Baltar is ready to believe that he is truly insane until he hears Karl "Helo" Agathon and Caprica-Sharon discuss Valerii's pregnancy with a Cylon/human hybrid child from his observation room. Six tells Baltar earlier that "their child" would be born in that cell, and this leads Baltar to realize that Six must be real because his subconscious couldn't have known that (TRS: "Home, Part II"). However, Hera is actually neither conceived, nor born in that specific cell. Instead, Messenger Six could actually be hinting at Tigh's and Caprica-Six's future baby, that most likely is conceived in that particular cell.

Many talents[edit]

  • When D'Anna Biers films a documentary about life aboard Galactica, Six urges Baltar to give an interview to try to win people over to thinking that he should be running the Fleet. Baltar performs badly as he begins his interview but, fortunately, his interview is interrupted by a Cylon attack that Biers chooses to film instead (TRS: "Final Cut").
  • Baltar aids in trying to overcome the Cylon logic bomb which devastates Galactica's computers. Tigh's dislike of Baltar's involvement in this problem makes the scientist edgy enough to retort, "I'm sorry. Do you want to survive this one or not, Colonel?" (TRS: "Flight of the Phoenix")
Baltar with Gina, the Cylon prisoner from Pegasus.
  • Admiral Helena Cain requests that Baltar examine Pegasus' own Cylon prisoner to see what information he could glean from it. Baltar is horrified to discover the Cylon was a terribly abused and tortured copy of Number Six named "Gina Inviere". Baltar vows to help her and begins by having her restraints removed and bringing food to her (TRS: "Pegasus").
  • Over the course of his examination of Gina, he uncovers both her wish to die and the secret of the Cylon Resurrection Ship. He passes this information to Adama and Admiral Cain, who develop an operation to destroy it (TRS: "Resurrection Ship, Part I").
  • Baltar continues to spend time with Gina, eventually helping her escape from the brig. He tells Gina that he can hide her, and also that he loves her. Gina goes on to kill Cain and escapes from Pegasus through unexplained means (TRS: "Resurrection Ship, Part II").
  • Torn between the "flesh and blood" copy of the Number Six copy, Gina, the demands of his internal Number Six, and his continuing attempt to cover his own multiple duplicities, Baltar becomes more aggressive and confrontational. With President Roslin's advice to abort the Cylon-hybrid fetus of the incarcerated Sharon Valerii, Baltar reacts to defend it as if it were his own child. Admiral Adama admonishes Baltar, telling him that, on Roslin's death, he will become President and that he needs to behave like one.
  • Desperate to save Valerii's fetus, Baltar reviews Dr. Cottle's medical tests and performs experiments of his own, learning a striking revelation: the blood of the fetus can destroy cancer and repair its damage to human tissue.[3] With Admiral Adama's permission, he injects the dying President Roslin with some of the fetal blood, which works miraculously, saving both Roslin and Valerii's child by circumstance (TRS: "Epiphanies").
  • Baltar keeps his fumarella supply fresh by trading in the black market through new Pegasus Commander Jack Fisk. Not realizing that Fisk had been murdered, the scientist visits Fisk's quarters, only to meet Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama, who has started an investigation on the black market and Fisk's murder. Baltar truthfully tells Adama that he knows nothing of Fisk's murder, but Adama correctly deduces Baltar's association with Fisk and the black market since the "Caprican Imperial" fumarellos are a known favorite of Baltar's (TRS: "Black Market").

Increasing political ambitions[edit]

  • After saving Roslin's life, Baltar reads the letter given to him in the event of her death, in which she says he lacks compassion and asks him to open his heart if he becomes president. Furious, and goaded on by Six who tells him that Roslin doesn't trust him, Baltar delivers the nuclear warhead used for the Cylon detector to Gina and her militant "Demand Peace" movement.
  • Baltar is also unaware that his involvement in the destruction of the Colonies is partially revealed. In Galactica's sickbay, Laura Roslin recalled those final days on Caprica, and remembered Baltar in the company of a woman on Caprica who she knows now is a Cylon (TRS: "Epiphanies").
  • Baltar is summoned to Colonial One, where Roslin offers him, without explanation, the chance to resign from the Vice Presidency to return to his studies. Baltar becomes immediately suspicious (and frightened) in Roslin's succinct and direct vote of no-confidence in her vice president. Realizing that the Vice Presidency now has greater importance (if nothing other than to save his own hide), Baltar turns down what Roslin calls a "one-time offer" to save himself as he saved Roslin on her deathbed (TRS: "Black Market").
Gaius Baltar as President, from "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II".

New Caprica[edit]

  • Roslin is declared the winner of the elections, but is caught by Adama for manipulating the tally. Baltar is declared president. While Baltar demands an investigation initially, he backs down under Adama's glare.
  • President Baltar orders the Fleet to return to the marginally habitable planet New Caprica seconds after his inauguration. Baltar shows incompetency as president a few days later, when he orders the colonization of the planet. In an attempt to cover up his role in giving Gina the nuclear warhead used to detonate Cloud 9, Baltar orders Adama to stop any further investigation into the destruction of Cloud 9 and two other ships (he correctly guesses that the conflagration was started by Gina Inviere).
  • During his first year in office, Baltar indulges in women, wallows in the incompetence of his administration, and is callously unsympathetic to the supply and resource problems plaguing the new colony, whose inhabitants continue to live in tents. The public, including the labor union led by Galen Tyrol, is notably displeased with his administration.
  • 380 days after Baltar's ascension to the presidency, a Cylon armada finds the planet after detecting the radiation signature caused by the destruction of Cloud 9, which took that long to reach them. This event heralds the return of the dormant Messenger Number Six noting to him that "judgment day" has come at last. Copies of a Five, Caprica-Six and Boomer meet with Baltar and his cabinet, recommending surrender; it is here that he is reunited with the Six he fell in love with on Caprica (TRS: "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II)".
  • After four months of Cylon occupation, the citizens of New Caprica despise their president. Baltar fears for his life and turns down public appearances, such as the New Caprica Police Academy graduation, to avoid assassination attempts (TRS: "Occupation"). It is even commented by the Cylon occupiers while discussing the notion of public executions to discourage uprising that publicly executing Baltar would be counterproductive, since the populace would cheer his death.
  • Baltar is deposed after Admiral Adama organizes and executes a daring rescue mission of New Caprica's occupied inhabitants. During the exodus of those willing to leave New Caprica, Baltar happens across the dead body of Maya and the Cylon hybrid Hera, and stays behind with the Cylons (TRS: "Exodus, Part II").

Among the Cylons[edit]

  • Once on board the basestar, Baltar must prove his worth to the Cylons or be killed. He seeks help from the basestar's Hybrid, and gleans information which leads the Cylon fleet to the Lion's Head Nebula, where they recover an ancient beacon. The beacon is also a plague carrier. To further prove his worth, Baltar takes on a mission to the dying basestar (TRS: "Torn").
  • Baltar is tortured by a Number Three for information on the viral plague. Misinterpreting his screams of love for the Internal Six as feeling for her, Number Three enters into a sexual relationship with Baltar and possibly Caprica-Six as well and starts to share a bed with both of them (TRS: "A Measure of Salvation").
  • Learning more about Cylon culture among them, he develops doubts about his identity, starting to believe that he might be one of the final five Cylons.

Return to the Fleet[edit]

Baltar being placed in detention.
  • Seeking answers to his questions about his identity, Baltar travels with Number Three and Cavil to the surface of the algae planet in order to visit the Temple of Five. After killing Cavil and watching the death of Number Three, he is unsuccessful in finding answers, and is captured and returned to Galactica (TRS: "Rapture").
  • He attempts to commit suicide and is tortured by President Roslin and Admiral Adama under the influence of an interrogation drug. While offering no substantial information, Roslin's belief that he played a role in the attack on the Twelve Colonies is strengthened. She and Adama decide to give Baltar a public trial instead of quietly executing him (TRS: "Taking a Break From All Your Worries").
  • Baltar, in an attempt to curry favor with the fleet concerning his trial, secretly publishes a book called "My Triumphs, My Mistakes". This book causes a labor strike, led by Galen Tyrol, but instead of bringing the Fleet to a screeching halt, it actually helps Tyrol and President Roslin stop a problem that was beginning to form in the Fleet (TRS: "Dirty Hands").
  • Before his trial begins, Baltar's lawyer, Alan Hughes, is killed by sabotage, and is replaced by Romo Lampkin. Security for both Lampkin and Baltar is high, as many people believe fervently that Baltar should not be given a trial at all. Major Lee "Apollo" Adama is placed in command of this security detail, and eventually becomes Lampkin's aide for the trial (TRS: "The Son Also Rises").
  • Baltar's trial becomes a frenzied media circus. Lampkin manages to keep mob rule from overwhelming the proceedings, but it is Lee Adama's testimony that ultimately acquits Baltar. The son of William Adama notes many, many abuses of justice, crimes and mistakes committed by himself and other leadership in the Fleet that were ignored or punished lightly. Baltar's only distinction, in comparison, was that he was unlikeable and thus more useful as a scapegoat for the problems of the Fleet that stemmed from colonizing New Caprica.
  • With the end of the trial, Baltar finds his acquittal bitter-sweet, with no home, no work, and no allies.
  • When the Fleet jumps into the Ionian nebula, the confusion caused by a power outage allows the homeless Baltar to be secretly carried off by several women who claim they are leading him to his new life (TRS: "Crossroads, Part II").

Cult Leader[edit]

  • The women lead Baltar to an used storage compartment, where he learns that a cult has arisen around him, likely starting with the publication of his book condemning the perceived suppression of the Fleet's poor. The cult is composed of many young, athletic women and some men. Headed by Jeanne, they view Baltar as a messianic figure and have been building a shrine for him. Baltar initially thinks of them as crazy and wants to have nothing to do with them. When one of the women watches him interact with his Messenger Six, she thinks that he is praying and draws him into a religious discussion. Baltar tells her that Colonial Religion is empty and false, and that there is only one true God. Captivated by Baltar, she kisses him. His standing among his followers is further increased when he prays for a sick child, who miraculously recovers soon after (TRS: "He That Believeth in Me").
  • To his amazement, Baltar begins to see a Messenger version of himself. At the same time he begins a relationship with Tory Foster, who is drawn to him due her awakened Cylon nature and Baltar's apparent understanding of it (TRS: "Six of One"). The situation with his cult escalates when a militant religious group vandalizes the commune. In retaliation, Baltar and some of his followers disrupt a temple service and denounce the Colonial gods. President Roslin takes this as an excuse to curtail the cult's religion freedom by forbidding large assemblies. When encountering a Marine trying to enforce this order, Baltar makes a defiant stand, allowing himself to be beaten up in front of his followers. The display ends when Lee "Apollo" Adama shows up to announce that the Quorum has decided to rescind Roslin's proclamation and restore their freedoms. Following this, Baltar holds a speech telling everyone that he thinks that someone in the universe loves him and that people have to love themselves in order to love others (TRS: "Escape Velocity"). Over the next weeks, his sermons are broadcast per wireless throughout the ship and likely the whole Fleet (TRS: "The Road Less Travelled", "Faith").
  • When a baseship with rebel Cylons joins the Fleet, Roslin summons him. She tells Baltar that he has been in her visions and wants him to accompany her to the Hybrid to find out what they mean. However, when the rebel leader is unexpectedly killed, the Hybrid panics and jumps away. Drawing on his previous experience with the Hybrid, Baltar manages to calm it down somewhat. In the following battle to destroy a critical Cylon facility, Baltar is critically wounded when missiles hit the ship while he tries to evangelize to a Centurion. While his wounds are dressed by Roslin Baltar confesses his role in downfall of humanity. Roslin initially removes the bandages she applied, letting him bleed out, but decides to save him after all (TRS: "Guess What's Coming to Dinner?," "The Hub").
  • After Number Three's unboxing, the Final Four are revealed and Tory Foster willingly joins the Cylons. Upon learning this, Baltar claims that he "always subconsciously knew" that she is a Cylon. Later, he is part of the first landing party to set foot on Earth, being as dismayed at its state as everyone else (TRS: "Revelations").
  • When Gaeta and Zarek start a coup against Adama and Roslin, Baltar and his cult support Adama and Roslin, working with Galen Tyrol in efforts to retake the ship and protect the two. Baltar is convinced by Roslin to let her use his wireless radio to communicate with the fleet about the mutiny and she is able to make a short broadcast before being jammed. Roslin convinces him to leave with her sure that he is going to be a target of the mutineers and they make their way to the Secondary Storage Airlock where while waiting, Baltar tries to convince Gaeta to stop to no avail. Baltar escapes Galactica with Roslin to the Cylon baseship and supports Roslin there. He also sleeps with another Six and chats with her about his cult saying that while he doesn't like them, he feels responsible for them and decides he has to go back to Galactica and them after having a nightmare where a firing squad executes Adama. He returns to Galactica with Roslin once the coup is ended by Adama and his men who retake Galactica with help from military support from Roslin and the Cylon baseship. Afterwards he and Gaeta have a civil chat about what happened indicating that they have forgiven each other for what they did and when Gaeta makes a statement that he hopes someday people understand who he was, Baltar says he understands who Gaeta was. (TRS: "The Oath", "Blood on the Scales")
  • When Caprica-Six apparently has a falling out with Tigh after her failed pregnancy, Baltar runs into her and offers her a home with him again, but she refuses saying that while she's changed he hasn't.
  • At the suggestion of Paulla, Baltar tries to get his cult, now numbering in the thousands, representation in the government, but Lee Adama refuses asking him to name one time he acted selflessly. Baltar admits he can't but is disappointed Adama is holding that against his movement before leaving.
  • Baltar is among those that attend Adama's speech and call for volunteers to crew Galactica to rescue Hera Agathon. While many other people including Caprica-Six volunteer, he doesn't although he does seem to almost volunteer but decides not to.
  • When his cult evacuates on the last Raptor, Baltar hesitates then decides to stay to help telling Paulla that the cult merely appropriated him and he was never one of them. Baltar is clearly nervous about this decision, but sticks to it. Lee Adama tosses him a gun, clearly happy with his choice.
  • During the battle, Baltar is assigned to the reserve team that protects Galactica alongside Caprica-Six. Caprica-Six is finally proud of him and the two kiss, only to be interrupted by Messenger Six and Baltar who say that they will hold the fate of both races in their hands. Both are shocked that the other can see them.
  • During the battle, Baltar fights alongside Caprica-Six and the other marines against several Centurions. Baltar takes out one by himself but gets over-enthusiastic and nearly takes out the returning rescue team too but is stopped by Caprica-Six. Adama tells him he did good, but they are forced to retreat when more Centurions show up.
  • Baltar and Caprica-Six end up in a room together with him down to a sidearm and her down to two bullets left in her machine gun. The two are shocked to find Hera there with him and leave carrying her in a fulfillment of the Opera House Prophecy. As they leave, they close the door on Roslin and Athena, never realizing they're there. The two ultimately reach a door and Caprica-Six from her shared vision and Baltar from his vision on Kobol realize they have to go in. The two find themselves in CIC with the Final Five on the balcony just like in the vision. Cavil takes Hera hostage, but Baltar manages to defuses the situation revealing that Messenger Baltar and Six are angels of God who Baltar describes as a force of nature neither good nor evil. Baltar and Tigh convince Cavil to end the war right there with peace with the Five giving resurrection back to Cavil so he and his forces can survive while he lets them take Hera and agrees to stop pursuing them. Cavil accepts the deal and orders his forces to stand down. Baltar later witnesses Tory's death at Tyrol's hands and the breaking of the truce that results in the destruction of Cavil and his forces.
  • Later, on the new Earth, Baltar and Caprica-Six watch Hera, and are visited one last time by the Messengers, who reveal that their destiny was always to protect Hera. While God's plan is never over, Messenger Baltar promises that their lives will be a lot less interesting from that point on, and the two disappear for the last time. Baltar and Caprica-Six set off to start a new life together as farmers, using Baltar's knowledge from growing up on a farm on Aerilon.


  • There was speculation that Gaius Baltar could be a Cylon himself. However, his presence in the now-infamous "The Last Supper" picture discounts this, as confirmed by Ron D. Moore. As of "Sometimes a Great Notion," all known humanoid Cylons have been accounted for (although "No Exit" references still another humanoid Cylon, there is no indication given that this is Baltar).
  • Ron Moore has stated in several episode commentaries that when the role of "Gaius Baltar" was originally written in the script, the writing team never intended Baltar to have a "funny" aspect, but James Callis himself decided to play up that aspect of the frantic predicaments Baltar finds himself in during the Miniseries (which although the writers never anticipated, they enjoyed, and started writing him with that in mind). In series 4, however, Baltar's demeanor becomes noticably more serious, though still with occasional moments of dry wit.
  • While Edward James Olmos and Mary McDonnell were hand-picked for their roles, the rest of the characters were cast by audition: among the actors in the running for the role of "Gaius Baltar" was Two and a Half Men's Jon Cryer, though the role ultimately went to James Callis. Callis was suggested by Angela Mancuso, who ran the studio at the time, knew him from the Helen of Troy miniseries where he portrayed Menelaus.[4]
  • Baltar currently holds the record for most number of Cylons romantically involved with in the series: six. Four of these are Number Sixes, beginning (and, eventually, ending) with Caprica-Six, Gina Inviere, Messenger Six and lastly, Lida. The fifth is Number Three. The sixth is Tory Foster.
  • Baltar's first name, Gaius, is taken from Gaius Julius Caesar. Likewise, his father's name is Julius. The character of Baltar derives many characteristics from the Roman emperor which he is named after, most notably, his hubris.


  1. The idea that Six is an actual chip in Baltar's head was dismissed by Dr. Cottle's image scan of Baltar's head. See the section on alternate reasons for Six's existence for more.
  2. The act of killing Crashdown appears to have led to a dramatic change in Baltar's attitude toward hurting anyone directly. When Cally tries to blackmail him after they return from Kobol, Baltar is somewhat rough with her. When he visits Tyrol and Boomer in the brig, he does not hesitate to inject Tyrol with fatal drugs to blackmail Boomer into giving Cylon secrets. Baltar's humanitarian acts to the Six copy known as Gina also suggests Baltar's attitude in the care of Cylons is further changing. More and more, Baltar appears to prefer direct intervention and is less cowardly in his attitude.
  3. According to the writer's original planning, this was due to the presence of Cylon stem cells in the fetus's blood. This explanation was absent in the final shooting script.
  4. Bassom, David (2005). ed. Adam "Adama" Newell Battlestar Galactica: The Official Companion. Titan Books. ISBN 1-84576-0972, p. 23.

Preceded by:
(unknown, eventually Marta Shaw)
Caprican delegate to the Quorum of Twelve Succeeded by:
(unknown, eventually Cowen)
Preceded by:
(unknown, position temporarily vacant)
Vice-President of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol Succeeded by:
Tom Zarek
Preceded by:
Laura Roslin
President of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol Succeeded by:
Tom Zarek

Warning: Default sort key "Baltar, Gaius" overrides earlier default sort key "Baltar".

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Colony Aerilon (seen living on Caprica)
Birth place {{{birthplace}}}
Birth Name
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Nickname {{{nickname}}}
Introduced Daybreak, Part I
Last Known Appearance [[{{{lastseen}}}]]
Death Probably around 0 ACH (2000BYR)[1]
Children Gaius Baltar
Marital Status
Family Tree View
Role Farmer, retired
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by Antony Holland
Baltar is a Cylon
Baltar is a Final Five Cylon
Baltar is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
Baltar is an Original Series Cylon
Related Media
@ BW Media
Additional Information

Julius Baltar is the father of Gaius Baltar. Originally a farmer on Aerilon, in his later years he resides on Caprica, where he is cared for by various nurses.

Disappointed in his son for turning his back on his family, Julius acts up with at least three of the nurses to try and get Gaius' attention. Gaius, on the other hand, is incensed following the departure of Nurse Barbara and how his father treats the objects that Gaius procures for him, such as the "shirt he dribbles on." Gaius considers Julius an "obnoxious, spiteful, cantankerous old git."

Shortly after meeting both Gaius and Julius, Caprica-Six arranges for Julius to be moved to The Regency, a rest home where the residents are urged to grow their own food and thus allowing Julius to return to his roots as a farmer. Julius is happy there and Baltar seems pleased about this, showing that he truly does care about his father despite his attitude towards him (TRS: "Daybreak, Part I").


  1. It is more likely than not that Baltar dies during or after the Fall, or dead of natural causes beforehand.

The shrine in the cultists' commune.

The Cult of Baltar[1] are a growing group of Colonials within the Fleet who believe Gaius Baltar to be a messianic figure for the "one true God".

This cult, which began sometime after Gaius Baltar's capture by the Colonials and likely as a result of both Baltar's book and legal proceedings, contains a majority of nubile, well-proportioned young women, with a smattering of male supporters, also athletic (over time the cult appears to expand slightly beyond this demographic). Members of this cult use an abandoned dry stowage compartment located on deck eight, section fourteen on Galactica as their commune, where they have erected a shrine with a large, string-lighted star and a photo of Baltar taken during his position as president of the Twelve Colonies ("He That Believeth in Me," "Escape Velocity").

Baltar's initial reaction to this cult is one of fear and loathing; he initially desires to leave, finding himself willing to be despised and hated by his fellow men rather than being stuck in the commune, which he likens to a "loony bin". However, he soon finds himself convinced by Virtual Six to embrace his new role as the cult's leader, particularly when Jeanne's deathly-ill young boy, Derrick, miraculously and completely recovers from his viral encephalitis (TRS: "He That Believeth in Me").

Baltar's salvation and indoctrination[edit]

Baltar and Tracey Anne surrounded by well-proportioned, nubile cultists, including Jeanne.

The first indications of this cult are shown to Baltar himself just before his trial, as five devotees (including Jeanne) visit him in the brig, and over 30 wrote to him (TRS: "Crossroads, Part I").

Jeanne and two other women attend the trial as spectators (TRS: "Crossroads, Part I"). These women earn a stare from Laura Roslin during Lee "Apollo" Adama's testimony, which Jeanne (the then-de facto leader of the cult) returns.

After applauding Baltar's not guilty verdict, they whisk Baltar away to his "new life," when Galactica experiences power-loss after their FTL jump to the Ionian nebula (TRS: "Crossroads, Part II"), and bring him to the commune. At the commune, Baltar's needs and appetites are provided for by the cultists. At Virtual Six's urging, Baltar begins to reiterate his views on the class warfare within the Fleet, the "aristocracy," and the fact that there is only one true God. Baltar further contends that the Lords of Kobol and other religious trappings were created by the ruling elite to suppress the lower-class.

His role as the messianic idol in this cult is emboldened by his prayer, where he offers to exchange his life so that Derrick may live, and the fact that his prayer appears to result in Derrick's miraculous recovery (TRS: "He That Believeth in Me").

Religious beliefs and practices[edit]

The "bird-like" symbol of the cult, as seen on a drapery in the commune.

At the outset, the cult's belief system seems to be somewhat vague, other than a messianic view of Baltar. Over time Baltar begins to flesh out a more well defined belief system, setting his Cult in conflict with the "old gods". This is done at the behest of Virtual Six and, curiously, Baltar's own Virtual Baltar. Like with the majority of Baltar's actions, Virtual Six appears to be the one truly in control.

Baltar tells his followers that there is something in the universe that loves them, which he calls "God," and that they can also see this "singular spark that dwells in the soul of every living being" by looking deeply into themselves. He urges them to accept and embrace their faults, to love themselves, because if they don't love themselves, they couldn't love others. Influenced by Tory Foster's words, Baltar thinks that all of them are "perfect" (TRS: "Escape Velocity"). After that, Baltar's sermons are being broadcast throughout the ship, and likely the entire Fleet on the wireless (TRS: "The Road Less Traveled").

Additionally, the cult has a formal bird-like symbol (pictured right), which the cultists begin painting as Baltar attacks a mainstream temple (Escape Velocity) and later adopting it on shrouds and other draperies (The Road Less Traveled). The symbol represents a "gull," which is an acronym for "grace, unity, life, and love" (Daybreak, Part II Podcast).[2]

Reaction of the Fleet[edit]

The cult soon becomes the target of the Sons of Ares, a violent, likely religious, group that attacks and vandalizes the commune. In retaliation, Baltar disrupts a temple service.

To prevent such civil unrest in the future, President Roslin authorizes an emergency measure, forbidden assemblies of groups larger than twelve. On Galactica, Marines prevent Baltar's followers from gathering in their rooms, causing a tense confrontation. However, some Quorum delegates, such as Lee "Apollo" Adama and Reza Chronides, find this religious discrimination troubling are willing to tolerate the cult as long as they stay peaceful. They open the issue to a full vote in an emergency session and the Quorum rescinds Roslin's order (TRS: "Escape Velocity").

After the disappointing discovery of Earth, Baltar expressed anger at God for breaking his promises and abandoning his people (TRS: "A Disquiet Follows My Soul"). This change of view towards God appears to have been incorporated into the cult's theology (TRS: "Deadlock").

The number of people who attend Baltar's speeches continues to grow, and includes both civilians and members of Galactica crew. It is unclear whether all are official members of the cult. Such attendees include Brendan Costanza and Galen Tyrol (TRS: "A Disquiet Follows My Soul").

The cult appeared to stay largely neutral during the attempted coup (The Oath, Blood on the Scales), but Roslin was permitted to use the group's radio to address the fleet. During his brief exile on the Cylon baseship Baltar reveals his true contempt for his cult's devotion, although he expresses guilt for abandoning them.

Shortly before the Battle of the Colony, Baltar finally decides to turn the cult over to Paulla Schaffer. Baltar stays on Galactica to take part in its defense while the rest are evacuated (TRS: "Daybreak, Part II").

Cult Members[edit]

In addition to various women with a smattering of male participants, notable members of the cult include:

See also[edit]

Soldiers of the One - an older group of human monotheists in the Twelve Colonies


  1. This is a Battlestar Wiki descriptive term.
  2. In the real world, the image itself is reminiscent of a muddled version of the Ichthys, the so-called "fish symbol" of the Catholic faith.

This article has a separate continuity.
This article is in a separate continuity, which is related to the Original Series. Be sure that your contributions to this article reflect the characters and events specific to this continuity only.

This article covers the various depictions of the Original Series' Baltar from the tie-in novelizations, comic books, and other media.

Berkley Novelizations[edit]


Baltar comes from an aristocratic heritage, as his mother is described as being "overbearing and aristocratic". Furthermore Baltar was known to have been caught by his mother in an earlier betrayal of unknown nature.[1] He also attends the Academy at the same time Adama does as cadets, often meeting one another during Academy Chorus practice, where Baltar's voice is noted to be a shaky tenor. During this time, his rivalry and envy of Adama's abilities blossom, resulting in his failed attempt to reprogram a test-computer to result in higher test scores. Baltar is caught and asked to leave the academy by both the Core Faculty and the Cadet Council.

Baltar leaves the academy, and the scandal is covered up with the official excuse for Baltar's leave attributed to health-related concerns. During this scandal, Adama attempts to intercede on his behalf, which only makes Baltar angrier.[2]

With his dismissal from the Academy, Baltar enters politics, acquiring immense wealth and a seat on the Council of Twelve in the process. However, he is considered a political failure, as every committee and key decision he wants to be a part of is denied to him. Embittered, Baltar makes various scrupulous and devious wartime deals, leading to his decision to sell out the human race to the Cylons.[3]

Association with the Cylons[edit]

After the Cylon holocaust, Baltar is spared execution by Lucifer, despite the Imperious Leader's order that he be executed. In secret from the Imperious Leader, Lucifer saves Baltar for the purposes of his plan, which is to use Baltar to analyze the human race and determine an effective means to destroy them.[4] However, given that Baltar is "overweight, out of condition, flaccid from too much indulgent living," Lucifer places Baltar on a diet, as well as physical and mental regimens for him to be an effective component in his plans.[5]

Once Lucifer's training programs are concluded, Lucifer presents Baltar to the Imperious Leader. The Leader tasks him with destroying the Fleet, with Lucifer as his liaison and a basestar under his command, in return for a full pardon. As part of his deal, he desires a throne room of his own, in addition to Lucifer's reprogramming to make the robot subservient to him, reversing the tables against his former master.[6]

Marvel Comics[edit]

Baltar at President Adar's celebratory feast prior to the deception at Cimtar (Annihilation!).

Baltar is a member of the Quorum of Twelve and is the Quorum's liaison to the Cylons during the armistice negotiations.

Baltar's achievement is celebrated in a final meeting of the Quorum en route to the location where the armistice is to be finalized. After Galactica's recon patrol happens across the staging area for the trap, Commander Adama--who does not yet have full understanding of the situation--beseeches President Adar aboard Atlantia to launch support craft, but Baltar advises Adar to prevent launching so as to not cause any issues during the armistice proceedings.

Baltar later absconds from Atlantia before it is destroyed during the Battle of Cimtar (Annihilation!).

Maximum Press[edit]

The re-imagined Baltar from the Maximum Press comic book series.

20 yahrens after the events of the original series, Galactica finally discovers Earth, but Baltar is right behind them, once again leading a Cylon force. Count Iblis teams up with Baltar and teleports him to Earth where he shoots and kills Adama. The Cylons attack Galactica only to be thwarted by the surprise return of Commander Cain and the Pegasus (War of Eden 4).

Later, Baltar has a humanoid Cylon named Ares infiltrate the fleet in an attempt at saboutage, but the scheme fails (The Enemy Within).

Dynamite Entertainment comics[edit]

There are two noteworthy depictions of Baltar in Dynamite Entertainment's comic series:

Realm Press comics[edit]

In the Eve of Destruction story, Prelude I, Baltar's name is remembered by Count Iblis during one of his lives in between mortal deaths over his 7,000 yahren sentence.


  1. Thurston, Robert (September 1979). Battlestar Galactica 3: The Tombs of Kobol. Berkley Books, p. 2.
  2. Ibid., 8-9.
  3. Ibid., 9.
  4. Ibid., 2-12
  5. Ibid., 7.
  6. Ibid., 10-12.

This article has a separate continuity.
This article is in the Dynamite Comics separate continuity, which is related to the Original Series. Be sure that your contributions to this article reflect the characters and events specific to this continuity only.
Baltar post-Battle at Galaxy's Edge as depicted in Classic Battlestar Galactica Vol. 3 #2.
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Age {{{age}}}
Colony {{{colony}}}
Birth place Cygnus
Birth Name {{{birthname}}}
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Callsign {{{callsign}}}
Nickname {{{nickname}}}
Introduced Battlestar Galactica Annual 2014
Last Known Appearance [[{{{lastseen}}}]]
Parents Sela† (father)
Unnamed woman† (mother)
Siblings {{{siblings}}}
Children {{{children}}}
Marital Status
Family Tree View
Role Traitor to the Human Race, Cylon Advisor
Rank {{{rank}}}
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by {{{actor}}}
Baltar is a Cylon
Baltar is a Final Five Cylon
Baltar is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
Baltar is an Original Series Cylon
Related Media
@ BW Media
Additional Information
Baltar oversees the development of Carillon in Battlestar Galactica Annual 2014.

For the canonical depiction of this character, see: Baltar (TOS).

Baltar is the sole child of Sela and an unnamed woman residing on the planetoid Cygnus, the base of Sela's tylium mining operation. In his quest for power over tens of yahrens, he becomes a pawn of the Cylon Empire, leading to the destruction of the life-form known as Man.

Early Life and Cygnus[edit]

Baltar gets his first taste of wealth... and learns lessons that shape his approach to dealing with the human race (Battlestar Galactica Annual 2014).

Following the death of his mother, Baltar loses the shield that prevented his corruption by both vice and avarice as he follows the path of his father Sela. Taunted by riches in the form of a tylium nugget during his first visit to the mine, he soon learns of his value in his father's eyes, for Baltar is whipped for attempting to steal it. Those scars are not only psychological but also physical, lasting throughout his life.

In the yahrens to follow, Cygnus' importance as a brimming tylium mine becomes known to the Cylon Empire, and they invade Cygnus with little resistance. Sela, Baltar, and others are kept alive as laborers to mine tylium; Sela and various cohorts elect to undermine the Cylons by planting radiation charges secreted throughout the mine. Sectons away from detonating the charges, Baltar betrays his father to the Cylon Commandant in exchange for escape from Cygnus.

The Cylons keep their word. Baltar's revenge against his father meted by robotic hands, while he is given a shuttle and manages to pilot it to Picon. After voicing his views that the Cylons were better than the Capricans, Baltar becomes an outcast child who survives on his wits. As he grew older, he acquired a scholarship to University of Picon. By graduation, the Colonials reclaim Cygnus from the Cylons, and Baltar returns to rebuild his father's business. In this task, he befriends Abel, who becomes the closest person Baltar has ever had to a sibling.

From Cygnus, Baltar and Abel build Baltar's fortune over ten yahrens, finding other sought after tylium sources. His influence propels him into politics, advocating for Cygnus to be formally recognized by the Colonies as an official territory of Picon (Battlestar Galactica Annual 2014).

Playing Both Sides Against the Middle[edit]

Baltar enjoying the company of various ladies on Carillon (Battlestar Galactica Annual 2014).

Baltar enters into politics by advocating for Cygnus' official recognition as a protectorate of Picon, which is quickly ratified by the Quorum of Twelve. A member of the Quorum, Sire Damaris, recognizes the skill of Baltar's firm at acquiring fuel sources, and thus contracts it to locate new sources in return for lucrative terms.

This culminates to Abel's secret discovery a half-yahren later: the planet Carillon, on the other side of the Nova of Madagon. Baltar reveals to Abel that he intends to keep the planet for themselves, and sell off the excess tylium to the "other party": the Cylons. Abel's ethics do not permit this and Baltar kills Abel, making it look like an accident. In doing so, he enters a period of mourning, which he uses to nullify Damaris' contract and recruits the Ovions to mine the tylium.

To feed the Ovions, Baltar oversees the Ovions' creation of a resort and chancery, luring the outcast degenerates, such as socialators and gamblers, there. He also prevents the Cylons from invading the operation by planting radiation charges throughout Carillon, much like his father had tried to do on Cygnus before Baltar's betrayal.

Over the course of fifteen yahren, Baltar regales himself with the greatest riches and bevy of women in his own resort on Carillon. It is there that he is reunited with Commandant, from whom the Cylons extend this offer: deliver the Cylons' false peace offering to the Colonials, so as to lower their guard and be destroyed, and in return the Cylons would grant Baltar dominion over Cygnus and Picon (Battlestar Galactica Annual 2014).

The Traitor Becomes Betrayed[edit]

Baltar undergoes a transformation without his knowledge (Battlestar Galactica Annual 2014).

Baltar successfully orchestrates the false peace accord, resulting in the unilateral destruction of the Colonies and seizure of various assets across the galaxy, including Cygnus and Carillon.

Baltar is brought before the Imperious Leader, and he is summarily beheaded. His head is preserved for grafting upon a cybernetic endoskeleton, and his memories of the execution are altered; lead by Lucifer, Baltar's new form is grafted with synthetic skin and he is programmed to believe that he remains human, having successfully petitioned the Imperious Leader that he would be the best person to hunt down Galactica and its rag-tag, fugitive fleet (Battlestar Galactica Annual 2014).


Baltar is humanely exiled on a habitable world (Battlestar Galactica Annual 2014 & Classic Battlestar Galactica Vol. 3 #2) per the arrangement Adama made with Baltar for his assistance in the Battle at Galaxy's Edge (TOS: "The Hand of God").

After a half-yahren in exile, he destroys the short-range transmitter Adama provisioned him and has a period of deep introspection, revealing a hidden memory regarding his execution that leads to the question of his nature. Through means unknown, a Raider commanded by the Commandant lands near his shipping container encampment, and from there Baltar is shocked and dragged into the ship (Battlestar Galactica Annual 2014).

Later[1], Baltar finds himself transported from that isolated world and set upon another world in a separate realm outside of the known universe, the de facto leader of a congregation of other survivors who arrived there via a black hole. Unbeknownst to him, this was Iblis doing, merely as more bait for the trap he laid for the Seraphs (Classic Battlestar Galactica Vol. 3 #2, #4).

Following a battle that destroyed a Ship of Lights—tearing a hole back into the regular universe—Baltar and Lucifer find themselves side-by-side again, representatives of the Cylon Empire in a new peace brokered by the Seraphs between the remaining humans and the Cylons (Classic Battlestar Galactica Vol. 3 #5).


  1. It is logical to presume that Baltar is "reprogrammed" and then re-deposited upon the world in question, to later be "saved" by Iblis in Classic Battlestar Galactica Vol. 3.

This article has a separate continuity.
This article is in the Dynamite Comics separate continuity, which is related to the Original Series. Be sure that your contributions to this article reflect the characters and events specific to this continuity only.
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Age {{{age}}}
Colony {{{colony}}}
Birth place {{{birthplace}}}
Birth Name {{{birthname}}}
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Callsign {{{callsign}}}
Nickname {{{nickname}}}
Introduced Steampunk Battlestar Galactica 1880 1
Last Known Appearance [[{{{lastseen}}}]]
Parents {{{parents}}}
Siblings {{{siblings}}}
Marital Status
Family Tree View
Role Creator and Leader of the Cylonics
Rank Imperious Leader
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by {{{actor}}}
Baltar is a Cylon
Baltar is a Final Five Cylon
Baltar is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
Baltar is an Original Series Cylon
Related Media
@ BW Media
Additional Information

For the canonical character from whom this depiction is based, see: Baltar (TOS).
For other separate continuities from other comics and novelization sources, see: Baltar (TOS alternate).

Professor Baltar is the subject of the Colonial Empire who, with the assistance of Lady Athena and Count Iblis, create the Cylonics and the babbage computer that operates them, Lu-c-fer.


Father of the Cylonics, his Cylonic Knights turn the tide of the Ovion Wars, and his prosthetics save countless Warriors. However, his thirst for power is unquenchable and Baltar attempts to take command of the Twelve Colonial Empires. When that fails, he and his Cylonic creations exile themselves to Gamoray, and the Colonial Warriors saved by his prosthetics work are forced to a life of exile by the Quorum as they fear Baltar's ability to control the recipients of these prostheses.

Baltar retrieves these lost souls—such as Boomer and Jolly—and forces them into servitude, such as mining ore for Baltar's weapons of mass destruction (Steampunk Battlestar Galactica 1880 1).

Imperious Leader[edit]

Furnishing himself the title of Imperious Leader, Baltar marshals an attack force that wages another war on the Colonial Empire. He targets Caprica first and his Cylonics destroy that part of the Empire with ease.

During this attack, his Cylonic Knights board Crown Prince Apollo's Viper, and extricate him from that craft with designs of turning Apollo, son of his enemy Archduke Adama, into the next generation of his Cylonic Knights—"a Colonial and Cylonic marriage of wires and nerve endings" (Steampunk Battlestar Galactica 1880 1).

Vengeance and Gamoray[edit]

Following his belief that they had destroyed Galactica at Gemini, Baltar acts upon Lu-c-fer's advise and the Cylonics retreat to Gamoray (Steampunk Battlestar Galactica 1880 3).

This action leads to Adama, who had deftly survived Baltar's attack at Gamoray, to follow the Cylonics to Gamoray—linking up with rag-tag groups surrounding his son and daughter, along with another enemy Baltar thought he had decimated.

On Gamoray, Baltar fights with Apollo, where Apollo breaks Baltar's helmet—and Baltar uses a shard from the helmet to stab Apollo, wounding him enough so that Baltar can affect his escape to another secret base, where Baltar works on rebuilding his Cylonic army following the defeat at Gamoray (Steampunk Battlestar Galactica 1880 4).


Baltar is a germaphobe, which is why he wears a suit and helmet with its own life support system (Steampunk Battlestar Galactica 1880 4).

This article has a separate continuity.
This article is in the Dynamite Comics separate continuity, which is related to the Re-imagined Series. Be sure that your contributions to this article reflect the characters and events specific to this continuity only.
For the canonical version of this character, see: Gaius Baltar.
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Gaius Baltar
Age {{{age}}}
Colony Aerilon
Birth place {{{birthplace}}}
Birth Name {{{birthname}}}
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Callsign {{{callsign}}}
Nickname {{{nickname}}}
Introduced Battlestar Galactica 0
Last Known Appearance [[{{{lastseen}}}]]
Death {{{death}}}
Parents Mother
Siblings 1; Bernard Baltar (brother)
Children {{{children}}}
Marital Status {{{marital status}}}
Family Tree View
Role {{{role}}}
Rank {{{rank}}}
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by {{{actor}}}
Baltar is a Cylon
Baltar is a Final Five Cylon
Baltar is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
Baltar is an Original Series Cylon
Related Media
@ BW Media
Additional Information

Gaius Baltar is a computer programmer and scientist from Aerilon.

Originally growing up on a farm with his mother and brother, Bernard Baltar, he becomes known for tinkering and repairing electronics and machines. Some of the workers view him negatively, particularly after he attempts to make improvements to the farm's harvesting processes, which ultimately end up failing.

In his teens, he applies to Caprica University and is accepted, later settling on Caprica permanently.

Later, he becomes a scientist at the Ministry of Defense. Two years prior to the Fall of the Twelve Colonies, he and Dr. Amorak vied for the position of director of the Command Navigation Program project. Amorak succeeded in obtaining this position, but is later abducted by the Cylons, thereby permitting Baltar to get the position.

After obtaining the position, he begins a relationship with Caprica-Six after meeting at a Caprica City nightclub. This is the Number Six model whom he believes to be a defense contractor vying for secrets, and not the humans' mortal enemy (Battlestar Galactica: Origins 1).

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This article has a separate continuity.
This article is in the Dynamite Comics separate continuity, which is related to the Re-imagined Series. Be sure that your contributions to this article reflect the characters and events specific to this continuity only.
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Age {{{age}}}
Colony Aerilon
Birth place {{{birthplace}}}
Birth Name {{{birthname}}}
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Callsign {{{callsign}}}
Nickname {{{nickname}}}
Introduced Battlestar Galactica: Origins 1
Last Known Appearance [[{{{lastseen}}}]]
Death {{{death}}}
Parents Vanessa Baltar, mother
Siblings 1; Gaius Baltar (brother)
Children {{{children}}}
Marital Status {{{marital status}}}
Family Tree View
Role {{{role}}}
Rank {{{rank}}}
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by {{{actor}}}
Baltar is a Cylon
Baltar is a Final Five Cylon
Baltar is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
Baltar is an Original Series Cylon
Related Media
@ BW Media
Additional Information

Bernard Baltar is the older brother of Gaius Baltar and works on their family farm.

Baltar has authority over aspects of the business, including finances, which he refuses to give Gaius because he feels that he will blow them on gambling or on "the Miller's daughter".

Baltar helps Gaius in his attempts to increase output from the farm, but these endeavors backfire, which in turn helps spur Gaius' desires to leave Aerilon for a better life (Battlestar Galactica: Origins 1).

More than a decade later, Baltar visits Gaius after his being injured in a car accident. Baltar beseeches his brother to help them, telling him that their mother, Vanessa, has become ill and their farm is in dire straits. Baltar is taken away from his brother by President Richard Adar's security force, which is the last time he apparently sees his brother before the Fall of the Twelve Colonies, despite attempts to telephone him (Battlestar Galactica: Origins 3).

Warning: Default sort key "Baltar, Bernard" overrides earlier default sort key "Baltar, Gaius (alternate)".

This article has a separate continuity.
This article is in the Dynamite Comics separate continuity, which is related to the Re-imagined Series. Be sure that your contributions to this article reflect the characters and events specific to this continuity only.
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Vanessa Baltar
Age {{{age}}}
Colony Aerilon
Birth place {{{birthplace}}}
Birth Name {{{birthname}}}
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Callsign {{{callsign}}}
Nickname {{{nickname}}}
Introduced Battlestar Galactica: Origins 1
Last Known Appearance [[{{{lastseen}}}]]
Death Natural illness, Battlestar Galactica: Origins 4
Parents {{{parents}}}
Siblings 2 sons; Bernard and Gaius
Children {{{children}}}
Marital Status {{{marital status}}}
Family Tree View
Role {{{role}}}
Rank {{{rank}}}
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by {{{actor}}}
Baltar is a Cylon
Baltar is a Final Five Cylon
Baltar is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
Baltar is an Original Series Cylon
Related Media
@ BW Media
Additional Information

Vanessa Baltar[1] is a religious woman who had a close relationship with her son, Gaius, before his teenage years. As he grew more resentful of his state in life, he pushes Baltar away, not letting her know about his attempts to attend Caprica University.

Baltar later finds out and believes it to be the will of the Gods, considering his intellect to be otherwise wasted on Aerilon as a mere farmer (Battlestar Galactica: Origins 1).

Baltar's older brother, Bernard Baltar, approaches him on Caprica some years later, informing him that she has become ill and asks him for help, which Gaius does not give (Battlestar Galactica: Origins 3).

Prior to the Fall of the Twelve Colonies, Gaius returns to Aerilon to discover that his mother has died and that the family farm has been foreclosed upon (Battlestar Galactica: Origins 4).


  1. Her name is not revealed until Battlestar Galactica: Origins 4.

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This article has a separate continuity.
This article is in the Dynamite Comics separate continuity, which is related to the Re-imagined Series. Be sure that your contributions to this article reflect the characters and events specific to this continuity only.
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Age {{{age}}}
Colony {{{colony}}}
Birth place Kobol
Birth Name {{{birthname}}}
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Callsign {{{callsign}}}
Nickname {{{nickname}}}
Introduced Battlestar Galactica: The Final Five 1
Last Known Appearance [[{{{lastseen}}}]]
Death {{{death}}}
Parents {{{parents}}}
Siblings {{{siblings}}}
Children {{{children}}}
Marital Status {{{marital status}}}
Family Tree View
Role {{{role}}}
Rank {{{rank}}}
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by {{{actor}}}
Baltar is a Cylon
Baltar is a Final Five Cylon
Baltar is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
Baltar is an Original Series Cylon
Related Media
@ BW Media
Additional Information

Magnus Baltar is an agent of an unnamed female Quorum of Twelve member on Kobol whose aim is to remove the Thirteenth Tribe from Kobol, circa 4000 BCH.

Baltar kills Delegate Michael Tigh after the Quorum's decision to immolate Pythia for her crimes of herecy, which prompts a conflict between members of the polytheistic Twelve Tribes and the atheistic Thirteenth. After Tigh is resurrected, Baltar continues plotting his attacks on the Thirteenth by destroying the local resurrection facility and attempts to kill Tigh a second time. Tigh, however, escapes death by wounding Baltar instead—but Baltar kills Pythia, who is human and so cannot be resurrected (Battlestar Galactica: The Final Five 1).

Baltar stows away aboard the Resurrection Ship in the Thirteenth Tribe fleet that leaves Kobol, and sets off an explosion which causes the ship to crash on the Algae planet. He is overcome with remorse when he sees the resultant devastation and the grieving Cylons, however. Baltar and Tigh have another confrontation, which is broken up by the return of Pythia from the dead. Pythia sends Baltar back to the twelve tribes of Kobol with the Book of Pythia (Battlestar Galactica: The Final Five 2).

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