Serenity is a human agro settlement on the planet Sectar. It is often raided by Borays, who live in the nearby wilderness, during the onset of a full moon for its food and, if the opportunity arises, its women. Their latest constable, Farnes, dies in a vain attempt to fend off one such attack.
The settlement is led by Sire Bogan, who orchestrates the theft of Siress Belloby's energizer in order to swindle Starbuck into accepting the constable badge.
The Borays raid Serenity one final time, absconding with Belloby, forcing Adama, Apollo, Boomer and Starbuck to pursue the Borays to their wilderness encampment. Starbuck trades the constable badge of the town to their Boray's leader, Nogow, thus establishing a peace between the two parties,
Belloby remains behind to pursue her relationship with Nogow, as the Fleet continues onward in its quest, having acquired the agro seedlings to replenish those lost during a Cylon attack (TOS: "The Magnificent Warriors").