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The Ship of Lights is the Seraphs immensely large, highly advanced space craft.
This craft appeared only once to the Colonials in recent history, summoned in order to protect Colonials from Iblis without direct interference.
Viper pilots hear a strange piercing sound as it approaches, and that sound renders people unconscious after prolonged periods of time (Classic Battlestar Galactica Vol. 3 #4).
The craft is destroyed by phalanxes of Meclon Raiders employing suicide runs. The craft implodes, punching a hole back into the known universe, through which The Fleet and Lucifer's baseship escape (Classic Battlestar Galactica Vol. 3 #5).
- It is unknown if the Seraphs only have the one craft. However, Iblis' plan inherently posited that they only had one such craft, and that all Seraphs were aboard it.