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- For on depictions relating to this race across multiple separate continuities, see: Ovions (disambiguation).

Ovions are insectoid creatures that the Colonial Empire warred against during a period known as the Ovion Wars.
A matriarchal race, the Ovions are lead by queens, the last of them being Lotay.
Due to Professor Baltar's Cylonic Knights, the Ovions were defeated and believed destroyed with their homeworld Carillion (Steampunk Battlestar Galactica 1880 1).
This belief is false for the Ovions, being the underground-dwelling species that they are, survive on the larger chunks of the former planet of Carillion. Following a pursuit from the Rising Star's dual Queens, Starbuck and Muffit discover a group of Ovions following repairs to Starchaser, having unsuspectingly set down on the remains of Carillion (Steampunk Battlestar Galactica 1880 2 & 3).
They and their passengers, including Athena and her manservant Boxey, are lead to Lotay for judgment. In the discussion, Athena pledges herself to be subject to a future war crimes tribunal and offers her willingness to accept any judgment against her, while in return Lotay pledges the Ovions support in attacking Baltar and his Cylonics at Gamoray (Steampunk Battlestar Galactica 1880 3). In this action, Lotay is killed following a lull in battle when Iblis assumes control of the Cylonics and destroys the Ovion Queen's flagship.
Following the successful assault on Gamoray, Athena finds absolution of her crimes against the Ovion people, assuming honorary leadership of their civilization (Steampunk Battlestar Galactica 1880 4)