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From Battlestar Wiki, the free, open content Battlestar Galactica encyclopedia and episode guide

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Colony {{{colony}}}
Birth place {{{birthplace}}}
Birth Name {{{birthname}}}
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Callsign {{{callsign}}}
Nickname {{{nickname}}}
Introduced Spaceball
Last Known Appearance [[{{{lastseen}}}]]
Death {{{death}}}
Parents {{{parents}}}
Siblings {{{siblings}}}
Children {{{children}}}
Marital Status {{{marital status}}}
Family Tree View
Rank {{{rank}}}
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by William Molloy (uncredited)
Red is a Cylon
Red is a Final Five Cylon
Red is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
Red is an Original Series Cylon
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@ BW Media
Additional Information

Red is an irate United Broadcasting Company employee who comes across the Super Scouts as Wellington is explaining the components of an $80,000 camera in a state of disassembly. He runs to Mr. Brooks office to confront Jamie Hamilton, who later drags Brooks, Hal Fredricks and Hamilton down to the stage. After insisting that the camera was "ruined," it comes to him as a complete surprise that Camera 4 was in working order and he concedes that his people may have well had the camera taken apart for maintenance. The alternative, as Hamilton notes, is that a bunch of children put it back together in perfect working order (1980: "Spaceball").


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Birth place {{{birthplace}}}
Birth Name
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Introduced The Lost Warrior
Last Known Appearance [[{{{lastseen}}}]]
Marital Status
Family Tree View
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by Rex Cutter
"Red-Eye" is a Cylon
"Red-Eye" is a Final Five Cylon
"Red-Eye" is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
"Red-Eye" is an Original Series Cylon
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Red-Eye in the separate continuity

"Red-Eye" is the name given to the only surviving Centurion that crash-landed on Equellus in a Raider.

Lacerta discovers the damaged Cylon in the wreckage of its ship and uses the Centurion to terrorize the local towns people for nine yahren. Apparently having suffered some scrambled circuits during the crash, Red-Eye follows Lacerta due to its belief that Lacerta is the Imperious Leader.

Red-Eye obtained a Colonial laser pistol by murdering a marooned Colonial Warrior known as Martin, who had arrived some time previously and who attacked the Cylon on sight. Martin was the father of Puppis and husband of Vella, a local.

Red-Eye's armored exterior was proof against any Numo, the only weapon available to the natives of Equellus. When Apollo encounters it, the Centurion has numerous dents from previous attempts to destroy it, none of which had seriously damaged it. Red-Eye's sensor eye makes a sound distinctly different from that of most Cylon Centurions, perhaps again due to damage it suffered in the original crash.

Under Lacerta, Red-Eye appropriates "tribute" (i.e., livestock, food, valuables) from the townspeople in exchange for their lives. Lacerta's reign of terror ends after Apollo is forced to land on the planet. At first, Apollo refuses to act against Red-Eye, believing that more Cylons might be present on the planet. He eventually destroys the Cylon after he hears the story of Red-Eye's origin and realizes it is alone.

In total, 10 people die at Red-Eye's hand, including Bootes, Puppis' uncle (TOS: "The Lost Warrior").


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This article is in the Dynamite Comics separate continuity, which is related to the Original Series. Be sure that your contributions to this article reflect the characters and events specific to this continuity only.
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Age {{{age}}}
Colony {{{colony}}}
Birth place {{{birthplace}}}
Birth Name {{{birthname}}}
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Callsign {{{callsign}}}
Nickname {{{nickname}}}
Introduced Classic Battlestar Galactica Vol. 2 #4
Last Known Appearance [[{{{lastseen}}}]]
Death {{{death}}}
Parents {{{parents}}}
Siblings {{{siblings}}}
Children {{{children}}}
Marital Status {{{marital status}}}
Family Tree View
Rank {{{rank}}}
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by {{{actor}}}
Red-Eye is a Cylon
Red-Eye is a Final Five Cylon
Red-Eye is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
Red-Eye is an Original Series Cylon
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@ BW Media
Additional Information
Red-Eye in the primary continuity

Red-Eye is the name given to a Cylons Centurion by the people of Equellus.

In an alternate reality, Red-Eye uses Lacerta and his various goons to secure the Cylons' foothold on the planet, then promptly dispenses of these mislead collaborators.

A temporally displaced Apollo repeats history after a fashion by destroying the Cylon and saving the Equellusians from varied Cylon fates (Classic Battlestar Galactica Vol. 2 #4).

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Age {{{age}}}
Colony {{{colony}}}
Birth place {{{birthplace}}}
Birth Name {{{birthname}}}
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Callsign {{{callsign}}}
Nickname {{{nickname}}}
Introduced Dirty Hands
Last Known Appearance [[{{{lastseen}}}]]
Death {{{death}}}
Parents {{{parents}}}
Siblings {{{siblings}}}
Children {{{children}}}
Marital Status {{{marital status}}}
Family Tree View
Rank {{{rank}}}
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by Wesley Salter
Red is a Cylon
Red is a Final Five Cylon
Red is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
Red is an Original Series Cylon
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Additional Information

Redford is a deckhand aboard Galactica circa 3 ACH (2002BYR).

He participates in the brief worker's strike aboard Galactica in support of Chief Galen Tyrol, and later is present when Diana "Hardball" Seelix is inducted into the pilot training program (TRS: "Dirty Hands").

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Age {{{age}}}
Colony {{{colony}}}
Birth place {{{birthplace}}}
Birth Name {{{birthname}}}
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Callsign Redwing
Nickname {{{nickname}}}
Introduced Exodus, Part II
Last Known Appearance [[{{{lastseen}}}]]
Death {{{death}}}
Parents {{{parents}}}
Siblings {{{siblings}}}
Children {{{children}}}
Marital Status {{{marital status}}}
Family Tree View
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by Lee Jefferies
Red is a Cylon
Red is a Final Five Cylon
Red is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
Red is an Original Series Cylon
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@ BW Media
Additional Information

Paolo "Redwing" McKay[1] is a Viper pilot aboard Galactica.

McKay participates in the Battle of New Caprica, flying as Brendan "Hot Dog" Costanza's wingman (TRS: "Exodus, Part II").

Later, McKay leads a CAP with Margaret "Racetrack" Edmonson and Hamish "Skulls" McCall, before the Raptor loses control and violently crash-lands in Galactica's port landing bay (TRS: "Escape Velocity").

McKay is part of the pilots stationed on the rebel Cylons' baseship for a joint attack mission on the Resurrection Hub. When the plan requires the human pilots to entrust their lives to the Cylons, he confronts a Number Six about her piloting skills, but is told to back off by Karl "Helo" Agathon (TRS: "The Hub").

He participates in Gaeta's Mutiny, and is reported as leading a marine fire team to secure Galactica's engine room (TRS: "The Oath").

As with other mutineers, he was paroled; McKay is later seen in the gathering in the hangar bay where Admiral William Adama announces his intent to rescue Hera Agathon. He can be seen near Louis Hoshi and Sharon "Athena" Agathon as Adama explains the purpose of the red line running down the center of the deck (TRS: "Daybreak, Part I").



  1. The name is shown in a shot when Margaret Edmonson's Raptor rendezvous with his flight (TRS: "Escape Velocity").

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Birth place {{{birthplace}}}
Birth Name Steve Fleer
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Callsign Red Devil
Nickname {{{nickname}}}
Introduced The Captain's Hand
Last Known Appearance [[{{{lastseen}}}]]
Marital Status
Family Tree View
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by James Bell
Red is a Cylon
Red is a Final Five Cylon
Red is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
Red is an Original Series Cylon
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Additional Information

Lt. Steve "Red Devil" Fleer is a Raptor pilot assigned to the battlestar Pegasus.

He appears to be in command of the search and rescue party looking for Raptor 718 and Raptor 314.

When the SAR Raptors find them, he reports the deaths of all four pilots just before three Cylon basestars ambush Pegasus and the rescue team (TRS: "The Captain's Hand").

His callsign later appears on a pilot duty roster (TRS: "Six of One").


  • A nameplate was made for a "Gwen Fleer" with the same callsign and last name. Given the multiple similarities of that name, it is plausible that the nameplate was made for this character before production changes changed the character's name, gender and type of craft Fleer pilots.
  • James Bell previously played an unnamed ECO of the ill-fated Raptor 3 in "Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part I," and as such that character and Fleer are not the same.
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This article is in a separate continuity, which is related to the Original Series. Be sure that your contributions to this article reflect the characters and events specific to this continuity only.
Red Three
Red Three
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Age {{{age}}}
Colony {{{colony}}}
Birth place {{{birthplace}}}
Birth Name {{{birthname}}}
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Callsign {{{callsign}}}
Nickname {{{nickname}}}
Introduced Fear of Flying
Last Known Appearance [[{{{lastseen}}}]]
Death {{{death}}}
Parents {{{parents}}}
Siblings {{{siblings}}}
Children {{{children}}}
Marital Status {{{marital status}}}
Family Tree View
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by {{{actor}}}
Red Three is a Cylon
Red Three is a Final Five Cylon
Red Three is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
Red Three is an Original Series Cylon
Related Media
@ BW Media
Additional Information
[[File:|200px|Red Three]]

Red Three is the callsign of a Viper pilot cadet aboard Galactica, following the destruction of the Colonies and the subsequent exodus.

She is one of the many women who fall for Starbuck's charms, after she finds herself embroiled in a phalanx of Cylon Raiders during a solo patrol. Starbuck flirts with her after coming to her rescue, noting that she has nice legs, and later sets up a date after they successfully confuse the remaining Cylons into disengaging and returning to Galactica (Fear of Flying).


  • Red Three's name remains unstated in the story.


Starbuck's Viper plummets onto the Red Moon.

The red moon is a rocky and mountainous world with no discernible life or water. It orbits a gas giant located a considerable amount of jumps away from the Twelve Colonies. The moon's thick, frigid atmosphere is composed mostly of carbon dioxide and methane with a small amount of argon. Dangerous high velocity winds dominate the upper atmosphere, and hydrocarbon clouds form an opaque screen around the moon.

Weeks after the Fall of the Twelve Colonies, the moon is the site of a small skirmish between several Cylon Raiders and a handful of Colonial pilots in training. After engaging the Raiders, pilot Kara "Starbuck" Thrace finds her fighter falling out of control into the moon's atmosphere and ejects, parachuting to relative safety on the surface (TRS: "Act of Contrition"). As she struggles to maintain a limited oxygen supply and await rescue, she encounters the last Raider that she shot down during the battle. Thrace removes the dead biological material from the Raider's interior and manages to fly the Raider off the moon's surface and back into space (TRS: "You Can't Go Home Again").


  • One of Bear McCreary's music tracks for "You Can't Go Home Again" is titled "Starbuck on the Red Moon."

The red planet as seen from space (TOS: "War of the Gods, Part I").

The red planet[1] is the name for the planet where Count Iblis is discovered by the Fleet. It is thus named due to its oddity of having an intermittent visual shift in the red spectrum.

The visual shift in the red spectrum (TOS: "War of the Gods, Part I").

Upon landing on the red planet, Galactica Warriors Apollo, Starbuck and Sheba discover ruins of a large spacefaring vessel, which their instruments tell them that is highly radioactive. As they attempt to investigate, they are warned off by Iblis, who claims to have been a survivor yet has no recollection of what transpired.

Iblis is "rescued" from this planet by the Warriors, only to have Iblis undermine Commander Adama's control of the Fleet (TOS: "War of the Gods, Part I"). Adama's son, Apollo, returns to this planet with Starbuck to investigate the wreckage, in the hopes of finding out Iblis' true intentions and origins. Sheba, having freely given herself to Iblis, pursues and attempts to stop them from discovering that the ship once contained followers of Iblis who were lead to a bad ending.

Apollo is killed here by Iblis, after taking an energy blast meant for Sheba; this action leads to Iblis' removal from the planet by the Beings of Light, the survivors' first meeting with these entities, as well as Apollo's resurrection (TOS: "War of the Gods, Part II").



  1. This is a Battlestar Wiki descriptive term.

Unrelated to this particular subject, Admiral William Adama and Kara "Starbuck" Thrace lay down a red line of tape prior to soliciting volunteers for a risky mission (TRS: "Daybreak, Part I").

The Red Line is an imaginary sphere enclosing a vessel which denotes the maximum safe limit for an FTL jump.[1] It is described in an early draft of the script for the Miniseries as follows:

"There are computational errors in every jump. The further out you jump, the greater the error. Jump past the Red Line and it may be almost impossible to find your way back."

And in the series bible[2] as follows:

"Practically speaking the further one attempts to Jump, the more difficult the calculations and the more variables are introduces into the equations. For example, consider the difficulties inherent in Jumping to a relatively nearby star system "only" five light years away: any information Galactica can gather by looking through a telescope is, by definition, five years old. The star and all the planets surrounding it have been in motion for five years since the light we can see left that system. This means that Galactica must calculate the motion of all the celestial bodies in that system based on information that is five years old. The further away the Jump point, the greater the problem - try to jump 100 light years, and you have a century's worth of calculations to do.
Because of the limitations inherent in colonial technology, their ability to calculate all the variables involved in a Jump are also limited. Their margin of error increases exponentially the further out they go and as a result, there is a theoretical "Red Line" beyond which it is not considered safe to attempt to Jump."

This is the issue faced by Raptor 718 after it jumps away from its position near Earth, as they discover that they have jumped beyond the Red Line and are unable to jump back to their previous coordinates (TRS: "The Face of the Enemy").

Jump Limitations[edit]

Jump limits are most likely the result of a combination of factors including:

  • The computational power available for jump calculations.
  • Local gravitational forces (such as nearby planets, stars etc.) which must be compensated for at either end of the jump.
  • The accuracy and detail of data concerning the emergence zone at the far end of the jump.

It is possible to exceed this limit, but there is no guarantee as to the accuracy of jump plots beyond that point. A ship could easily materialize within a stellar body or end up far off course.

When attempting to escape the Cylons after their devastating attack on the Twelve Colonies, and with the future of 50,000 survivors on his hands, Commander Adama orders a jump "beyond the Red Line" to the Prolmar Sector. Given the nature of Colonial technology and vessels, it is probable this particular limit reflects the overall capabilities of the Fleet as a whole, and not just Galactica itself.

Cylon FTL jump technology is more advanced than Colonial technology. As such, an equivalent distance to the Colonial Red Line plotted with a Cylon navigational computer (from the small Raider to the gargantuan basestar) has a much smaller margin of error, enabling the Cylons to accurately plot jumps for much longer distances. While the actual distance between Kobol and Caprica is not specified, Kara Thrace is able to take a captured Raider from the vicinity of Kobol to Caprica in a single jump (TRS: "Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part I").

The range advantage of the Cylon FTL systems however, does not lie within the drive units themselves, but the navigational computers used to calculate the jump plots. When installed aboard a Colonial Raptor, the computer from a captured Heavy Raider enables the vessel to increase its jump distance by a factor greater than ten (TRS: "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part I").


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Red Team is a group of Viper Mk. VIIs scrambled from Pegasus to intercept Galactica's Vipers in the standoff between the two vessels (TRS: "Pegasus"). The strike team that boards the Guardian basestar is also called Red Team. It is compromised of Kendra Shaw, Kara Thrace, Erin Mathias, Dasilva, Hudson and several other Marines (TRS: "Razor"). Furthermore, Red Team is the designation of group of Vipers taking part in a training exercise. Its pilots, such as Lee "Apollo" Adama and Kara Thrace, have been inactive for over a year due to the colonization and occupation of New Caprica and measure their skills against Louanne "Kat" Katraine's Blue Team (TRS: "Torn").

See Also[edit]

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This article has been derived from or is related to Fandom. As such it is not considered canon. However, it is still necessary to properly cite sources and provide proper attribution.

Beyond the Red Line is a stand-alone total conversion for the award-winning Freespace 2 released by Volition and Interplay for the PC. It is based on the Re-imagined Series.

On March 31, 2007, a demo was released that allowed players to play a tutorial, one mission and multiplayer.

Game features[edit]

  • Powered by the revamped Freespace 2 engine
  • Entirely stand-alone, Freespace 2 not required
  • Accurately detailed high-resolution ship models
  • High quality, originally engineered audio
  • Authentic, original in-game soundtrack, in addition to pieces by Bear McCreary and Richard Gibbs
  • Original characters and voice acting
  • A three mission single player campaign depicting never-before-seen events, interwoven with and true to the series’ storyline
  • Head online and go head-to-head with your friends—and foes—in intense multiplayer missions including Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, and others
  • Exciting Viper combat with authentic weaponry and flight controls

Available Ships[edit]

Several ships from the Battlestar Galactica Re-Imagined Series are flyable in this game, including at this point the Viper Mark II, Viper Mark VII and Cylon Raider, although several non-playable ships are also included, such as the Cylotron trainer and the mining ship seen in the television series. Coming in future releases of this game will be non-playable models of Galactica and Pegasus, as well as several more ships.


System Requirements[edit]

Minimum Recommended Specifications[edit]


Computer: 100% DirectX 8.1 compatible computer
Operating System: Windows® 98SE/ME/2000/XP
CPU: Pentium® 1 GHz or AMD Athlon 800 MHz processor
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Graphics Card: 64 MB NVIDIA® GeForce 3, ATI Radeon Hardware T&L card or other OpenGL compatible video card
Sound Card: Windows® 98/2000/XP-compatible sound card
Input Device: Windows® compatible mouse and keyboard
DirectX®: DirectX® version 8.1 or higher
OpenAL: OpenAL is a cross-platform 3D audio API appropriate for use with gaming applications and many other types of audio applications.
Installation: 800 MB free HD space

Recommended System Specs[edit]


Computer: 100% DirectX 8.1 compatible computer
Operating System: Windows® 98SE/ME/2000/XP
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3200+ or equivalent Pentium 4 ® processor
Memory: 1024mb RAM
Graphics Card: 256 MB nVidia® GeForce 6 or equivalent ATI card
Sound Card: Windows® 98/2000/XP-compatible sound card
Input Device: Windows® compatible joystick
DirectX®: DirectX® version 8.1 or higher
OpenAL: OpenAL is a cross-platform 3D audio API appropriate for use with gaming applications and many other types of audio applications.
Installation: 800 MB free HD space


Operating System: Mac OS 10.4
CPU: 933MHz minimum CPU, 1.2Ghz recommended, PPC or Intel
Memory: 512 MB RAM minimum, 1 GB recommended
Graphics Card: GeForce 3 or better, Radeon 9200 or better
Input Device: Mouse and keyboard
Installation: 750 MB free HD space


Operating System: Linux x86 compatible
CPU: Pentium® 1 GHz or AMD Athlon 800 MHz processor
Memory: 512 MB RAM, 1 GB recommended
Graphics Card: 64 MB NVIDIA® GeForce 3 or ATI Radeon with closed source drivers, Mesa 6 or better with S3TC extension available for open source drivers
Input Device: Mouse and keyboard
Installation: 750 MB free HD space

See also[edit]

  • Fleet Commander

External Links[edit]

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