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Blue Squadron

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Blue Squadron is one of the Viper squadrons attached to Galactica. During the end of the Thousand-Yahren War and into the exodus following the Battle of Cimtar, it was lead Captain Apollo, and its members bunked on Galactica's Beta deck (TOS: "The Man with Nine Lives").


Blue Squadron sees action during the Battle of Cimtar, engaging the overwhelming numbers of Cylon Raiders. When Galactica disengages from the battle to attempt to protect the Colonies from the basestars, Blue Squadron is left to fend for itself until Galactica returns.

Elements of Blue Squadron fend of the Cylon ambush at Carillon, fighting off the Raiders, and even using deception to destroy a basestar (TOS: "Saga of a Star World").

When most of Blue Squadron's pilots are infected by a mysterious illness, female shuttle pilots are trained to fly in their place. The shuttle pilots successfully engage and destroy a Cylon outpost, escorting a shuttle with medical personnel aboard in order to try to cure the illness that had affected the Viper pilots (TOS: "Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I").

The female fighter pilots are able to hold off a Cylon attack over Kobol, and are joined by the male Viper pilots (who had just barely recovered from the illness) in driving off the Raiders (TOS: "Lost Planet of the Gods, Part II").

Adama refuses to launch Blue Squadron to intervene when Apollo is isolated by a Raider attack and draws the pursuit away from the Fleet. A small recon patrol later recovers Blue Squadron's commander (TOS: "The Lost Warrior").

Some new Viper pilots are being trained on a patrol when Blue Squadron encounters the Ravashol pulsar. The pulsar kills Shields and Bow, and Cree is forced to the surface of Arcta (TOS: "The Gun on Ice Planet Zero, Part I"). A small commando force destroys the pulsar and rescues the downed pilot (TOS: "The Gun on Ice Planet Zero, Part II").

During an attack against the Fleet, Raiders manage to destroy two of the three agricultural ships. Members of Blue Squadron figure out the Cylon tactic, and manage to save the last agro ship and drive the attackers off (TOS: "The Magnificent Warriors").

After encountering Pegasus, Blue Squadron takes part in a joint mission with silver spar squadron from the other battlestar. The mission of the raid is to capture Cylon fuel tankers to resupply the fleet, but Commander Cain destroys the tankers while both squadrons are occupied destroying the tanker escorts (TOS: "The Living Legend, Part I").

Forced to attack Gamoray in order to obtain the necessary fuel, Blue Squadron assists on the attack on the planet, as well as providing assistance to Pegasus against Raiders. Two members of Blue Squadron help Pegasus to destroy two basestars while the rest of the Vipers are assigned to escort the evacuated personnel from Pegasus back to the Fleet (TOS: "The Living Legend, Part II").

Attacked by waves of Cylon raiders, Blue Squadron attempts to hold off the attacks even though the Raiders don't appear to be fighting back. Their plan is revealed when a Raider slips through and rams Galactica, exploding and causing a fire. Blue Squadron manages to only allow only two Raiders to impact Galactica. Members of Blue Squadron later attempt to put out the fire in the landing bay by spraying boraton from their Vipers, but a megapressure pump blows and the fire reignites (TOS: "Fire in Space").

Blue Squadron is recalled back to Galactica after elements of Red Squadron are abducted by the Beings of Light (TOS: "War of the Gods, Part I").

A Blue Squadron patrol discovers the "Terran" shuttle, and escorts it to Galactica. Elements of Blue Squadron later accompany the shuttle to Paradeen, where the Vipers are sabotaged (TOS: "Greetings From Earth").

Captain Apollo's Viper is abducted by the Beings of Light while on patrol with Blue Squadron. He is taken to Terra to try to accomplish a mission for the mysterious entities. Starbuck pursues Apollo to Terra, and helps coordinate with Galactica to prevent a nuclear holocaust (TOS: "Experiment in Terra").

Blue Squadron joins all of the other Vipers aboard Galactica in engaging a basestar's Raider complement near the edge of the Galaxy. Despite facing ten to one odds the Vipers are able to hold their own, allowing Galactica to flank the basestar (TOS: "The Hand of God").

A personnel status for Blue Squadron displayed in Core command (TOS: "The Long Patrol").

Blue Squadron Roster[edit]

Core Command Officers[edit]

Rank Name Role Last Seen
Sergeant Omega Controller The Hand of God
Sergeant Rigel Controller Baltar's Escape


Rank Name Qualifications Last Seen
Captain Apollo VS The Hand of God
Lieutenant Athena VS Greetings From Earth
Lieutenant Boomer VS The Hand of God
Lieutenant Brie VS War of the Gods, Part I
Lieutenant Deitra VS The Hand of God
Lieutenant Sorrell VS Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I
Lieutenant Starbuck VS The Hand of God
Flight Sergeant Greenbean V Take the Celestra (mentioned only)
Cadet Cree V The Gun on Ice Planet Zero, Part I
Cadet Shields V The Gun on Ice Planet Zero, Part I
Giles V The Gun on Ice Planet Zero, Part I


Pilots transferring either to or from Blue Squadron.

Rank Name Qualifications Last Seen Notes
Lieutenant Sheba VS The Hand of God Transferred from Pegasus' Silver Spar Squadron to Blue Squadron following the Battle of Gamoray.
Lieutenant Bojay V War of the Gods, Part I Originally transferred from Blue Squadron to Pegasus' Silver Spar Squadron prior to the Battle of Molecay, then transferred to Red Squadron following the Battle of Gamoray.
Flight Sergeant Jolly V Greetings From Earth Transferred to Red Squadron under Bojay's command prior to their disappearance by the Beings of Light (TOS: "War of the Gods, Part I").


Rank Name Qualifications Last Seen Notes
Lieutenant Zac V Saga of a Star World First known KIA during the Battle of Cimtar.
Cadet Bow V The Gun on Ice Planet Zero, Part I KIA by the Ravashol pulsar.
Cadet Shields V The Gun on Ice Planet Zero, Part I KIA by the Ravashol pulsar.
Monk V Saga of a Star World KIA during the Battle of Cimtar.
Serina VS Lost Planet of the Gods, Part II KIA after escaping the Tomb of the Ninth Lord during the Battle of Kobol.


Name Pilot Craft Introduced Notes
Blue Flight 2 Zac Viper Saga of a Star World Zac identifies himself as such before being destroyed just short of the fleet, during the Battle of Cimtar.
Ground Expedition 2 Unknown Landram Saga of a Star World Boomer and Starbuck's landram on Carillon, leading to the discovery of the unusual chancery.
Vector 63038 Unknown Viper Saga of a Star World The unintroduced pilot of this Viper guides Boomer and Starbuck to an unknown energy source on Carillon, leading to the discovery of Ovions' chancery-resort operation.

In the separate continuity[edit]

[[Category:Separate continuity ({{{universe}}})]]

Blue Squadron is depicted across the panoply of separate continuity materials, from comics to books.

Marvel Comics[edit]

Starbuck and Apollo pursue unknown people wearing uniforms from Blue Squadron through the chancery of Carillon, leading them to discover the truth about the Ovions in the catacombs (Deathtrap!).

This article has a separate continuity.
This article is in the Richard Hatch continuation separate continuity, which is related to the Original Series. Be sure that your contributions to this article reflect the characters and events specific to this continuity only.
Part of the series on
Battlestar Galactica Terminology

This is a listing of terms that appear in the glossary in "Armageddon," from page 310—312, in addition to terms not defined in that glossary, but appear in the Richard Hatch novels. Terms appearing in List of terms (TOS) do not appear here, unless to note a discrepancy.




  • "divide and conquer": a maneuver involving two Vipers, wherein both head in opposite directions, but later head towards each other in a near collision course after their enemy splits its forces to follow both craft; the enemy craft are later disposed of as they blindly pursue their opposite number, with the partner Viper attacking the other's pursuers[1]



  • altered: intoxicated or under the influence of drugs
  • anchor spikes: nails
  • berth: bed
  • brain crystals: outlawed chemical weapon causing portions of the brain to wither and harden, as if frozen
  • buritician: a member of the hereditary nobility of the Colonies[2]
  • cogitator: a Cylon diplomat, like Lucifer
  • commander's court: military court[3]
  • cycle: work details and duties are divided into two eight-hour periods and one nine-hour period, or cycle, per ship's day; three consecutive cycles comprise a full day[4]
  • drag-field: a type of gravity well generated by "the collective mass and inertia" of various larger craft, thus allowing smaller vessels (shuttles, Vipers) traveling at the same velocities; the Fleet's mass of vessels generated such a field, allowing intra-fleet travel via computed routes[5]
  • fiberline: a thin, strong rope
  • forge ship: designation of a craft tasked with the manufacture of support crafts and other equipment (c.f. Hephaestus, Adena)[6][7]
  • frizzort: a mishap, error, or malfunction
  • fundamental code: a language of sounds, gestures and images believed to be significant to most sentient lifeforms
  • instruction period: term for time dedicated to education[8]
  • mealprep: a kitchen
  • mucoid: slimy, sticky; likely an adjective
  • novayahren: birthday
  • slagger: slothful person
  • tarpit: a form of quicksand on Caprica, appearing as a black abyss; Borellian Nomen are taught to avoid it, for one step would spell doom[9]
  • temblor: a ground tremor or seismic planetary phenomenon


  • avion: a bird[10]
  • bova: a large livestock animal kept in herds
  • flanchette: a stinging insect known for its nests, similar to that of the Earth hornet; Major Boomer notes that Puck is "stirring up a flanchette's nest all over the fleet," suggesting that the act is deleterious to one's well-being[11]
  • mugjape: maggot-like creatures; the larval stage of skreeters
  • skreeter: described in the book as a "bothersome but essentially harmless insect"; perhaps similar to flies or, at worst, mosquitoes


  • beschkurd: green, leafy vegetable common to most Colonies
  • coneth stew: a spicy vegetable dish made with bova meat
  • fallaga: a plant found on Qorax
  • heffala berries: fruit native to Caprica, grown on the Agro Ships
  • kirasolis: a sticky, caramel-like candy
  • mange grass: an editable item used in stews, fields of which are grown aboard Agro-3[12]; this grass grew tall enough to cover a then-unidentified body of a murder victim[13]
  • ogliv: a fruit described as prickly skinned and sweet; perhaps similar to pineapple
  • tulipian buds: exotic appetizer or side dish made from vegetables


  • agro-worker: an individual tasked with agricultural work, e.g. farmer or farmhand[12]
  • servitor: waiter


  • flexi-weave: a type of fabric
  • kyluminum: a lightweight, plasteen/saligium alloy
  • oregg: a precious metal, equivalent to gold
  • plasteen: an indestructible plastic
  • saligium: heavy metal alloy used in construction
  • sylvanus: metal used in jewelry, similar to brass



  • apex pulsar: the top, center engine on a Viper
  • ascensior: an elevator[16]
  • flatscreen: computer screen
  • fuel buoy: a fuel storage container, typically deployed for fighter patrols to refuel on long range recons if beyond the range of a mothership[17]
  • gyro-capacitor: the energy transference system used in starships
  • helm: the helmet worn by Viper pilots
  • hyperdrive: a fast drive, typically those on spacecraft, like Vipers[18]
  • hyperspeed: term for high speed[19]
  • imager: a high-tech mirror
  • info-scroll: a heads-up display projected against the energy shield of a helm[20]
  • info-sphere: data storage capsule
  • launch aperture: energy-shielded opening in a starship bay through which smaller ships take off and land
  • magnalift: hi-tech crane
  • micronoscope: powerful electronic microscope
  • musiclink: radio; primarily for music and entertainment
  • navi-hilt: the pilot's stick in a Viper
  • Quantum Shift Effect/QSE: a Cylon invisibility technology developed to shift a ship out of reality, thus allowing un-phased matter and energy to travel through it; believed by Apollo and Starbuck to be a primitive version of the technology employed by lightships[21]
  • S-cube: simulcast sight-and-sound unit; a video camera
  • sensorline: physical connection between two technology systems
  • skyeye: a multiple-lensed, spherical camera capable of hovering
  • stellar projector: panels absorbing, storing, and projecting light for use aboard Agro Ships[22]
  • support vapors: life support aboard ships
  • techno center: technology center; the Cylon base on Ochoa broadcasted jamming signals from this point[23]
  • TransVid: television
  • turbolaser: the laser guns on a Viper[24]


  • centimetron: 1/100th of a metron; about 1/2 inch
  • metron: term similar to meter, comprising of 100 centimetrons; about 50 inches (4 feet 2 inches)



  • centari: equivalent to nearly one minute; one hundred microns
  • centon: equivalent to nearly one hour; one hundred centari
  • cubit: the cubit is said to be made from oregg, although this is never mentioned in the series
  • micron: equivalent to a fraction of a second; 1/100th of a centari
  • week: defined as "ten days"; which would make 25 weeks in a yahren
  • yahren: while still equivalent to a year, a yahren is 250 days


  • With the numbers given, there is a noted disconnect between Earth time and Colonial time. For instance, someone living 100 yahren (2,500 weeks) in Colonial time would be only be 48 Earth years old. This explains why the Colonials appear to have a longer lifespan, as Adama noted that the Colonial lifespan was 200 yahren (96 Earth years).


  1. Hatch, Richard; Christopher Golden (1997). Armaggedon. Byron Preiss, p. 9-10.
  2. In the Original Series, the term is spelled "bureautician".
  3. This term originated from Galactica 1980's "The Return of Starbuck". See: Commander's Court
  4. Hatch, Richard; Christopher Golden (1997). Armageddon. Byron Preiss, p. 50.
  5. Hatch, Richard; Christopher Golden (1997). Armageddon. Byron Preiss, p. 131.
  6. Hatch, Richard; Christopher Golden (1997). Armageddon. Byron Preiss, p. 43.
  7. Hatch, Richard; Christopher Golden (1997). Armageddon. Byron Preiss, p. 113.
  8. Hatch, Richard; Christopher Golden (1997). Armageddon. Byron Preiss, p. 33.
  9. Hatch, Richard; Christopher Golden (1997). Armageddon. Byron Preiss, p. 45.
  10. The term is introduced in the Original Series, although it is not mentioned to be Colonial in origin on screen. The word "avion" is part of the Lunar Avion, the spacecraft bound for Paradeen in "Greetings From Earth".
  11. Hatch, Richard; Christopher Golden (1997). Armageddon. Byron Preiss, p. 132.
  12. Jump up to: 12.0 12.1 Hatch, Richard; Christopher Golden (1997). Armageddon. Byron Preiss, p. 69.
  13. Hatch, Richard; Christopher Golden (1997). Armageddon. Byron Preiss, p. 70.
  14. Hatch, Richard; Christopher Golden (1997). Armageddon. Byron Preiss, p. 192.
  15. Hatch, Richard; Christopher Golden (1997). Armageddon. Byron Preiss, p. 27.
  16. The term "ascension tube" is used in Galactica 1980 for an elevator.
  17. Hatch, Richard; Christopher Golden (1997). Armageddon. Byron Preiss, p. 215.
  18. Hatch, Richard; Christopher Golden (1997). Armageddon. Byron Preiss, p. 214.
  19. Hatch, Richard; Christopher Golden (1997). Armageddon. Byron Preiss, p. 224.
  20. Hatch, Richard; Christopher Golden (1997). Armageddon. Byron Preiss, p. 3.
  21. Hatch, Richard; Christopher Golden (1997). Armageddon. Byron Preiss, p. 176.
  22. Hatch, Richard; Christopher Golden (1997). Armageddon. Byron Preiss, p. 29.
  23. Hatch, Richard; Christopher Golden (1997). Armageddon. Byron Preiss, p. 6.
  24. Hatch, Richard; Christopher Golden (1997). Armageddon. Byron Preiss, p. 7.
  25. Hatch, Richard; Christopher Golden (1997). Armageddon. Byron Preiss, p. 74.
  26. Hatch, Richard; Christopher Golden (1997). Armageddon. Byron Preiss, p. 75.
This article has a separate continuity.
This article is in a separate continuity, which is related to the Original Series and Galactica 1980. Be sure that your contributions to this article reflect the characters and events specific to this continuity only.
Part of the series on
Battlestar Galactica Terminology

Like the show, the comics or novels based on the Original Series, and its spinoff, Galactica 1980, use different terminology in order to make the universe visceral to the reader. This array of terminology, used by both the Colonials and Cylons, consists of military jargon, colloquialisms, sayings, and technical terms.

This page does not serve to regurgitate or repeat terminologies used in both series, but terms that only appear in both the comics and novels. Each section is separated by publisher (Berkley, Marvel, Realm Press, et al.), in order to make the continuities clear.

Berkley novelizations[edit]

  • germicide: part of a Warrior's medkit. Given the use of the suffix "-cide," this substance kills germs.[1]
  • viruscide: part of a Warrior's medkit. Given the use of the suffix "-cide," this substance kills viruses.[1]

Dynamite Entertainment comics[edit]






Squadrons and Forces[edit]



Temporal Mechanics[edit]

Units of Measure[edit]


Marvel Comics[edit]

Maximum Press comics[edit]

Realm Press comics[edit]

Unproduced Scripts[edit]


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Resnick, Michael (1981). Battlestar Galactica 5: Galactica Discovers Earth. Berkley Books, p. 116.
  2. This term is a nod to both Battlestar Galactica creator Glen A. Larson and the company formed by John Dykstra.
  3. This term is also used in Encyclopedia Galactica.

Blue Squadron on Pegasus's DRADIS (TRS: "Razor").

Blue Squadron is the wireless callsign of several fighter squadrons.

It is the designation of the initial Viper squadron sortied from Pegasus during its attack on a Cylon communications relay under Admiral Cain (TRS: "Razor").

During the Battle of the Binary Star System, Blue Squadron is shown on the DRADIS screen participating in the battle. It is presumably led by Kara "Starbuck" Thrace (TRS: "The Captain's Hand").

During the Battle of New Caprica, Blue Squadron departs Galactica during planetfall. They lead hit and run attacks on surface installations during the battle. It is possibly led by Brendan "Hot Dog" Costanza (TRS: "Exodus, Part II").

Later, the name is used for a Raptor picket led by Karl "Helo" Agathon (TRS: "The Son Also Rises"). Blue Squadron appears on Galactica's DRADIS during the Battle of the Ionian Nebula (TRS: "He That Believeth in Me").

Similar terms[edit]

  • A group of Vipers is called "Blue Team" during a training exercise. Led by Louanne "Kat" Katraine, it measures its skills against Red Team (TRS: "Torn")
  • In a "A Day in the Life," Lee Adama orders his pilots to do flying and landing exercises, dividing them into red, blue, yellow and green "sections".


  • Originally it seemed that Blue Squadron could be a standing squadron on Pegasus (similar to the naming scheme of the Original Series). However, later the term is used for widely different units, which are led by different people. This suggests that it is merely a callsign to identify the squadrons on the wireless and DRADIS.

See Also[edit]

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