- This article discusses the Twelve Colonies of the Re-imagined Series. See The Twelve Colonies of Man for information on the Colonies of the Original Series.

The Twelve Colonies of Kobol are twelve distinct worlds, located in a remote part of their home galaxy. For 2,000 years they were home to the human survivors of the Exodus of Kobol.[1]
After the settlement, the colonies slowly began to prosper and eventually gave birth to a race of cybernetic lifeforms, known as Cylons. Soon after their creation the Cylons raged a devastating war on their creators' home planets which ultimately led to the Fall of the Twelve Colonies.
Wasted and in ruins, the once prosperous home worlds of humanity are finally left to themselves. What becomes of them is unknown to their inhabitants' descendants.
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Star System[edit]
The Twelve Colonies of Kobol are located in the star system Cyrannus.[2]
During the Cylon attack one Hybrid indicates that the Colonies orbit three stars (TRS: "The Plan"). It is also known that at least some of the Colonies share their orbits (CAP: Pilot, TV version).
While Elosha states that the Tribes settled onto "twelve worlds", the exact definition of "world" remains ambiguous. Although the Colonies are defined as independent, habitable celestial bodies, it is not known, whether they only include major planets or other astronomical objects such as moons, minor planets or even asteroids.
Prior to their destruction, the Twelve Colonies have approximately 50 billion inhabitants (TRS: "A Disquiet Follows My Soul").
- The fact, that the Colonies are located within one system originates from a blog entry by Ronald D. Moore.
- Jane Espenson revealed on Twitter that the Colonies are within a star cluster and share some orbits. The latter fact was finally shown to be true in the TV version of the series premiere of Caprica.
- According to Serge's Twitter Account, the Colonies orbit four stars in a star cluster, one of which is described as an "outlier". Also, some of the worlds (such as Aquaria) are barely inhabitable. Aquaria and Aerilon also share an orbit with Ragnar and are located in the gas giant's Lagrangian points.
- Before the canonical figure, mentioned above, the original Miniseries script stated a pre-Fall population of about 12 billion.The webisodes "The Resistance" stated the death of 20 billion people caused by the Cylons.
- Main article: History of the Twelve Colonies

About 2,000 years prior to the Fall of the Twelve Colonies, the last twelve tribes of Kobol left their planet[3] over conflicts with their gods, as well as some sort of calamity (TRS: "Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part I").
The tribes settled on twelve worlds some distance away (TRS: "Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part I"). The tribes' namesakes and icons originally corresponded to the twelve signs of the ancient tribes, although these names drifted over time (TRS: "Home, Part II").[4]
The early Colonies lived (and fought) more as sovereign nations. Some (particularly Caprica) prospered, while others (such as Sagittaron and Aerilon) were often considered lessers. For peacetime labor forces as well as for wars between each other, humanity created the Cylons. When these early models rebelled, the Colonies unified their governments under the Articles of Colonization sometime before or during the Cylon War as a federal republic known as the Twelve Colonies of Kobol.
The official symbol of the Twelve Colonies was the Colonial seal. The nation also had a distinctive anthem.
- Main article: Fall of the Twelve Colonies

40 years after the end of the devastating war, the Cylons return and cause havoc among the twelve worlds of their creators (TRS: Miniseries, "The Plan"). For some time the Colonies remain occupied by Cylon forces and a small group of human survivors. After nine months, humanity and the Cylons leave the twelve worlds for good (TRS: "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II").
Of the original 50 billion inhabitants, only about 55,000 survive the first days of the holocaust. Most of them leave the Colonies behind in two small fugitive fleets. The fleet of the battlestar Galactica eventually encounters both Kobol, as well as the original Thirteenth Colony Earth. Some time after that, and after the destruction of the the Cylon home world, they settle on a beautiful, rich world, leaving behind the baggage of their Colonial heritage. (TRS: Miniseries, "Razor", "Daybreak, Part II")
The ultimate fate of the Twelve Colonies 150,000 years after The Fall is unknown. Presumably, after several hundred years, their climates and surfaces would degrade until they resemble the original Earth.
It can be presumed that by the present-day radiation levels would have lowered past the point in which life would be allowed to flourish once again. However, little, if any traces would remain of the human civilizations that once thrived upon them, excluding remains in space, such as the remnants of Scorpion Fleet Shipyards or Ragnar Anchorage.
- Main article: Aerilon

Ancient Name: Aries
Aerilon was primarily an agricultural world. It was considered to be the "food basket" of the Twelve Colonies and ranked among its poorest members (TRS: "Dirty Hands"). The planet shared an orbit with the gas giant Ragnar, orbiting in one of its Lagrangian points.[5] Aerilon's capital was Gaoth.[6]
The mannerisms of Aerilon's natives were considered rough and rude, at least by Caprican standards. The people of this world also spoke with a distinctive accent that was quite hard to cover up (TRS: "Dirty Hands").
One of the very last Pyramid games occurred on Aerilon, right before the Cylon attack (TRS: "Resistance"). A photograph, showcasing the destruction of Aerilon's capital, Gaoth, becomes one of the most memorable documents of the Fall of the Twelve Colonies within the Fleet (TRS: "33", deleted scene).
- On some occasions this colony's name was also spelled Aerelon. Battlestar Wiki uses the more commonly found Aerilon. There is a similar discrepancy in the pronunciation of the colony's name.

Ancient Name: Aquarius
Aquaria was widely known for its vast oceans (TRS: "The Plan"). The planet had no official capital city and shared an orbit with Ragnar in one of its Lagrangian points.[7][5]
The Aquarian government hold weekly community meetings that were open to all, citizen or non-citizen. Most issues addressed were voted on and passed by majority vote, even the election of the Prime Minister.[8]
Its first Quorum of Twelve delegate within the fugitive Fleet, Miksa Burian, votes for Tom Zarek in the vice-presidential elections (TRS: "Colonial Day").
- On many occasions this colony's name was also spelled Aquarion. However, the name Aquaria was heard on screen during the Hybid's monologue in "The Plan" and spoken by President Roslin when tallying the votes for vice- president (TRS: "Colonial Day").[9]
- In an LA Times article, Aquaria is described as a frigid ocean world, with small volcanic land masses and small communities. It is also said to be regarded as nothing more than a scientific research outpost by the other Colonies.
- According to Serge's twitter account, Aquaria doesn't have a capital city.

Ancient Name: Cancer
The planet was well known for its beaches and had at least one large coastal metropolis (TRS: "The Plan"). The capital was Hades.[6]
Prior to the First Cylon War, Canceron was a very overpopulated and poor colony. Canceron's major cities such as Hades and Mangala were known to have large slums. Its large population earned Canceron the nickname "The Largest Democracy" within the colonies.[10]
One of the passenger liners within the fleet, Pyxis, is one of the last ships that escapes this world when the Cylon attack began. Aboard is the Number Six copy Shelly Godfrey (TRS: "The Plan").
Robin Wenutu is the Canceron delegate to the first Quorum of Twelve after the Fall.
Pyramid Team[edit]
- Main article: Caprica (RDM)

Ancient Name: Capricorn
Caprica was a lush blue-green planet, covered by large oceans and continents. It shared its orbit with another arid and desertic world (CAP: Pilot, TV version - see notes). Metropolitan areas on the planet included the capital Caprica City, as well as Delphi.
Caprica was regarded as the center of Colonial civilization, even long before the First Cylon War. Graystone Industries was one of the Colonies most influential technology developers and had a hand in creating the very first Cylons. Some 60 years before the Fall, Caprica was also plagued by religious motivated terrorism (CAP: Pilot).
After the war, the planet was once again the seat of politics, culture, art, science, learning and even the Colonial government. It was also one of the wealthiest colonies (TRS: "Epiphanies", "Dirty Hands").
During the Cylon attack Caprica comes under heavy bombardment by Cylon forces. At least four battlestars are destroyed in its orbit and Caprica City is annihilated in a nuclear explosion (TRS: Miniseries, "The Plan").
After the Fall of Mankind, Caprica is occupied by Cylon forces. Some of the few remaining human survivors within the Colonies fight on this world for several weeks. The occupation and resistance both end roughly nine months after the attack and the planet is left for good (TRS: "33", "Resistance", "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II", "The Plan").
6,250 people from Caprica join the Laura Roslin faction over Kobol (TRS: "Home, Part I"). The overall Caprican survivor population, possibly significantly greater, is unknown (see analysis here). An attempted settlement by the survivors of the holocaust is named New Caprica in honor of the original colony (TRS: "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II").
The first Quorum of Twelve delegate after the Fall is Gaius Baltar. Years later this spot is taken by Lee Adama.
- William, Tamara, Zak and Lee Adama
- Richard Adar, presumed as he was also the mayor of Caprica City at one point
- Daniel, Amanda and Zoe Graystone
- Lacy Rand and her family
- Laura, Cheryl and Sandra Roslin, as well as their parents
- Ben Stark and his mother, Natalie
- Kara, Socrata and (presumably) Dreilide Thrace
- Caprica was and continues to be the world most prominently depicted in the re-imagined series' continuity. It wasn't until Razor that another of the Twelve Colonies was actually seen on screen.
- According to Sege's Twitter Account, Caprica shares its orbit with Gemenon.

Ancient Name: Gemini
Gemenon was an arid and xeric red world that shared its orbit with Caprica (CAP: Pilot, TV version - see notes). The capital of the planet was Oranu.[6]
It was one of the poorer colonies and its people, the Gemenese, were known for their religious fundamentalism (TRS: "Scattered", "Dirty Hands").[11]
Before the First Cylon War, Gemenon was home to the Kobol Colleges and a monotheistic cult called "The Soldiers of the One" (TRS: Miniseries, Night 2; CAP: Pilot). Gemenon's second-largest city, Illumini, was built around a large Pantheon complex, composed of buildings intended to worship and celebrate every deity in the Sacred Scrolls.[8]
The Gemenese were known for their literal interpretations of the Scrolls (TRS: "Fragged"). Most of the population of Gemenon was apparently very strongly opposed to the federal laws legalizing abortion (TRS: "The Captain's Hand").
The planet also had either an old or disused language, known as Old Gemenese (TRS: "Razor").
Three months after the Fall, approximately 9,500 Gemenese join the Laura Roslin faction over Kobol (TRS: "Home, Part I"). The large and devoted Gemenese population continues to be an important political factor within the fugitive fleet (TRS: "The Captain's Hand").

- Adrien Bauer
- Jurgen Belzen and his family
- Rya Kibby
- Romo Lampkin
- Sarah Porter, former delegate to the Quorum of Twelve
- Corporal Venner
- If the word "Inviere" (meaning "Resurrection") is any indication, Old Gemenese was probably similar to the Romanian language of our Earth.
- According to Serge's Twitter account, Gemenon is the planet that shares its orbit with Caprica. This planet is seen at the beginning of the aired Caprica pilot, but not identified in said episode.
- As an Easter Egg in The Plan, the building on the lower left of the screen is the same one where the Romulan Senate assembles in Star Trek Nemesis. A detailed picture of this building is available here.

Ancient Name: Leo
Leonis was geographically known for its open plains (TRS: "The Plan"). Its capital was Luminere.[6]
In the era prior to the First Cylon War, Leonis produced and exported a popular energy drink named "Leonis Red".[8] Leonis Estates Sparkling Wine was a type of alcohol produced on this colony (TRS: "Flight of the Phoenix").
Safiya Sanne is the Leonan representative on the first Quorum of Twelve after the Fall.

Ancient Name: Libra
Libran was known for its courthouses and lawyers (TRS: "The Plan"), and was the home of the Inter-Colonial Court (CAP: "Gravedancing"). The planet had no official capital.[7]
A major city on Libran was called Themis which had a large, modern pyramid arena built sometime before the First Cylon War. Yet at this time Libran had no official pyramid team.[12]
After the Fall of the Twelve Colonies, Oswin Eriku is chosen to be this colony's representative to the Quorum of Twelve.
Zephyr, a passenger liner in the Fleet, is of Libran registry.[13]
- The Colony's actual name, Libran, was not heard on screen until "The Plan" but could already be seen on a name plate in "The Ties That Bind" and "A Disquiet Follows My Soul". Before that it was often called Libris in secondary publications.
- The city that is seen when Libran is mentioned in the "Caprica is burning" monologue in "The Plan", bears a striking resemblance to Tauron City, as seen in "Know Thy Enemy".

Ancient Name: Pisces
Picon was a turquoise planet, mainly covered by water and famous for its harbors (The Plan). The capital city was Queenstown, a relatively small fishing village.[14][15]
During the planet's off-season, most of the landscape became cold and rugged.[14] The planet was often used as a substitute for Caprica City in Caprican films and TV series.[8]
After the Unification of the Twelve Colonies this world was the location of the Colonial Fleet Headquarters (TRS: Miniseries). Picon was also the home of Picon Laboratories, located in Pailyn, Muritolan (TRS: "Faith").
The colony came under heavy attack during the early stages of the Cylon attack. One of the last ships to leave the planet was the Rising Star, carrying many wounded people including an unconscious Ellen Tigh (TRS: "The Plan").
The destruction of Picon's Fleet Headquarters caused President Richard Adar to offer a complete and unconditional surrender to the Cylons. This offer was ignored by the invading forces (TRS: Miniseries).
Pyramid Team[edit]
- Picon's destination as a substitute for Caprica in films and series is likely a reference to Canada, and particularly Vancouver, where both the Re-Imagined Series and Caprica were filmed.
- Main article: Sagittaron

Ancient Name: Sagittarius
Sagittaron was one of the poorest worlds of the Twelve Colonies (TRS: "Bastille Day"). The capital of this planet was Tawa.[6]
The Sagittarons were traditionalists who practiced a different form of religion from the other Colonials. They distrusted modern medicine and were generally unsupportive of the military (TRS: "The Woman King").
The Planet endured centuries of exploitation at the hands of the other Colonies. Eventually, Tom Zarek led an organized series of terrorist acts against the established government there, many years before the Fall of the Colonies (TRS: "Bastille Day").
A few days after the Cylon attack, 5,251 people from this world reside within the Fleet (TRS: "33").
Pyramid Team[edit]
- The colony's name was originally spelled as "Sagittarion" in the Miniseries, but this changed to Sagittaron when the regular series began.

Ancient Name: Scorpio
Scorpia was known for its lush jungles and hot temperatures (TRS: "The Plan"). Scorpia's capital was Celeste.[6]
Before the First Cylon War one of the major leisure spots of the world was Argentum Bay, despite the colony's trashy reputation.[16]. The Planet was also apparently well-known for its Paragliding (TRS: "Razor").
After the Unification, Scorpia was home to the Scorpion Fleet Shipyards. This structure comes under heavy fire during the initial Cylon attack, destroying five ships and causing another one to risk a blind jump in order to escape (TRS: "Razor").
Eladio Puasha serves as the planet's delegate to the first Quorum of Twelve assembled after the Fall.
- In an LA Times article, Scorpia is described as having a "scorpion tail-like half-ring". This fits Tauron's twin world that was shortly seen in "Know Thy Enemy".
- Main article: Tauron (RDM)

Ancient Name: Taurus
Tauron was a barren, arid planet that lacked any kind of flowers. However, it was well-known for its agriculture (CAP: Pilot). Its capital was Hypatia[15], another large city was Tauron City. The planet shared its orbit with another ringed world (CAP: "Know Thy Enemy" - see notes).
Taurons were known to be very traditional people, even speaking a very old and distinctive language (CAP: Pilot).
Some 800 years before the Fall Tauron was colonized by Virgon and Leonis. The people of Tauron liberated themselves and ever since this world has been known for its troubled and violent history.[17]
Nearly a century before its Fall, Tauron was one of the poorer colonial worlds and the center of a civil war. A few years before the First Cylon War, the crime syndicate Ha'la'tha had enormous influence over the planet, which even extended to other colonies, such as Caprica (CAP: Pilot).
During the War, Hypatia was was the location of a fierce and lossy battle against Cylon forces (TRS: "Razor", extended Edition).
After the War, Tauron was known to be a somewhat troublesome colony within the federal system of the Colonies, often disobeying directives decided by the colonies and pushing their luck with the admiralty (TRS: "Hero"). Yet this world was counted among the wealthier of the twelve worlds (TRS: "Dirty Hands").
- Joseph and Sam Adama
- Shannon Adama and her mother, Ruth
- Helena Cain and her murdered family
- Tomas Vergis
- The language of Tauron is remarkably similar to Ancient Greek that, thousands of years later, was spoken on a planet on the other side of the galaxy.
- According to Serge's Twitter Account Tauron only has a moon. However, the object's appearance in "Know Thy Enemy" is relatively large and resembles an LA Times decription of Scorpia.
- Serge's Twitter account also stated Tauron's capital to be Hypatia.

Ancient Name: Virgo
Virgon was well-known for its forests (TRS: "The Plan") and considered to be one of the wealthier colonies (TRS: "Dirty Hands"). The capital of Virgon was Boskirk.[6]
Virgon had a declining monarchy and a strong national parliament, at least 58 years before the Fall of the Colonies.[18]
Virgon Brew was a beer produced on the planet and exported to other Colonies (TRS: "Maelstrom").
Soon after the beginning of the Cylon attack, the Colonials launche a counter-attack over Virgon. The battle ends with the destruction of the flagship battlestar Atlantia and the resulting death of Fleet Admiral Nagala (TRS: Miniseries).
Marshall Bagot is the Virgon delegate to the first Quorum of Twelve. He nominates Tom Zarek for the vice-presidency (TRS: "Colonial Day"). In public ceremonies, the Virgon delegate wears a light blue sash.
See Also[edit]
- ↑ Mentioned by Serge's twitter account, given that Serge's account corresponds to 58 years before The Fall.
- ↑ Battlestar Galactica: The Official Magazine; "Encyclopedia Galactica"; issue #3; page 51
- ↑ According to dialogue from "Torn", "A Measure of Salvation" and "The Eye of Jupiter", the Thirteenth Tribe left Kobol some 2,000 years before the twelve tribes. The Scroll of Pythia is dated as written 3,600 years before the last exodus of Kobol, and chronicles the Thirteenth Tribe's exodus.
- ↑ Flag matches with Colonies from "Encyclopedia Galactica." Battlestar Galactica: The Official Magazine. Feb./Mar. 2006: 50-55.
- ↑ Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 Serge's twitter account stated that fact.
- ↑ Jump up to: 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Serge's twitter account mentioned the capitals of Gemenon, Virgon, Leonis, Sagittaron, Scorpia, Canceron and Aerilon in this tweet.
- ↑ Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 Serge's twitter account stated inthis tweet that Aquaria and Libran "don't have official capitals".
- ↑ Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 The Caprican article: "Top 5 Off-Beat Vacation Destinations".
- ↑ Serge's Twitter account states that both names are viable, with Aquarion being the official name and Aquaria a regional variation.
- ↑ The Caprican article: "Canceron Wants a Fourth Pyramid Team".
- ↑ Despite this fundamentalist approach to the polytheistic Colonial religion, the Gemenese were known to be tolerant of all forms of worship, including monotheism. In fact, the monotheist movement is said to have begun on Gemenon. The people of Gemenon are consistently referred to as "Gemenese" in both the Re-imagined Series and Caprica.
- ↑ The Caprican article: "Libran Needs a Pyramid Team Statim".
- ↑ This was stated in a Fleet overview on scifi.com. This section of the site has long been shut down.
- ↑ Jump up to: 14.0 14.1 The Caprican article: "'P' Is for 'Paradise, 'P' Is for Picon".
- ↑ Jump up to: 15.0 15.1 Serge's twitter account mentioned the capitals of Caprica, Tauron and Picon this tweet.
- ↑ The Caprican article: "Argentum Bay: The Ultimate Vernal Break".
- ↑ The Caprican article: "An Unacceptable Aspect of Caprican Life".
- ↑ Mentioned by Serge's twitter account.