(Redirected from Battlestar (RDM))
A battlestar is a Colonial capital warship that combines the roles of a space fighter carrier and battleship. Battlestars are the adversarial counterpart to the Cylon basestar.
Battlestars have differing appearances and abilities in both the the Original Series and Re-imagined Series.
- See Battlestar (TOS) for information on the unnamed Original Series battlestar class.
- See Galactica type battlestar for information on this unnamed original battlestar class of the Re-imagined Series.
- See Mercury class battlestar for information on an advanced battlestar class that succeeds Galactica type battlestar.
- See Valkyrie type battlestar for information on another, smaller class of battlestar that was prevalent at the time of the Fall of the Twelve Colonies.
- See Orion class battlestar for information on the "pocket battlestar" utilized during the First Cylon War.
For information on the battlestar Galactica itself:
- See Galactica (TRS) for information on the Re-imagined Series version.
- See Galactica (TOS) for information on the Original Series and Galactica 1980 version.
- See Galactica (2003 Video Game) for information on the Original Series variant seen in the 2003 Video Game.
Original Series

Comic books
Note: There may be duplication from the preceding list. However, the links below are to alternate articles to reflect the Separate Continuity nature of these craft, e.g. Galactica.
Re-imagined Series

- Named:
- Unnamed:
Comic books
- Battlestar Wiki maintains official information on the Battlestar Galactica officially-licensed episodes, movies, and publications only. Fan fiction sources that discuss other ships (particularly fan-based clubs that use ship "names") are not permitted in this wiki.
- A common fan fiction belief is that the Original Series battlestar Columbia was also the class name for these battlestars. No official sources confirm this point.
- For more on what constitutes an official source, see Battlestar Wiki:Citation Jihad.
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