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For terms used in separate continuity and unproduced script sources, see: List of terms (TOS alternate).
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Part of the series on Battlestar Galactica Terminology
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The Colonials and Cylons employ a distinct nomenclature of military jargon, colloquialisms, sayings, and technical terms to create a culture distinctly "alien" to the audience. This article serves to organize and summarize this terminology, leading to different articles if the term needs to be further expanded upon.
The formatting of this article allows for its use in conjunction with the Lingo extension used throughout Battlestar Wiki. This includes multiple spellings, each listed on its own line, preceding the definition of the definidendum.
Acronyms[edit source]
- C.O.R.A.
- Original Series definition: Computer, Oral Response Activated; an artificial intelligence capable of operating a Viper (TOS: "The Long Patrol")
Honorifics[edit source]
- Count
- Original Series definition: a title of nobility (e.g. Count Iblis)
- Lord
- Original Series definition: a title of nobility (e.g. Lord Baltar)
- Sire
- Original Series definition: a title of nobility akin to "Sir," typically ascribed to a civilian of the male gender (e.g. Sire Uri, Sire Solon)
- Siress
- Original Series definition: a title of nobility, typically ascribed to a civilian of the female gender (e.g. Siress Tinia, Siress Blassie)
Colloquialisms[edit source]
- astrum
- Original Series definition: buttocks (TOS: "The Living Legend, Part I")
- Barge Lice
- barge lice
- Original Series definition: disparaging term for prisoners on the Prison Barge
- crasoney
- Original Series definition: disparagement, perhaps akin to "cretin"; Boomer refers to Sire Bogan's men thusly, after said men burgle Siress Belloby's energizer from Boomer and Starbuck's sled (see: felgercarb)
- equinus' atrum
- Original Series definition: disparagement, akin to "horse's ass"; Apollo reveals feeling thusly for disbelieving Chameleon's suggestion that he might be Starbuck's father (TOS: "The Man with Nine Lives")
- felgercarb
- Original Series definition: expletive, similar to "crap" (see: felgercarb)
- frack
- Original Series definition: expletive, similar to "shit" (see: frack)
- galmonging
- Original Series definition: an expletive, possibly similar to "asshole" or "God damned" (see: galmonging)
- Hades hole
- Original Series definition: hell hole; used to describe the Red planet (TOS: "War of the Gods, Part I")
- mong-raking
- Original Series definition: an expletive; after thwarting their attack on Galactica, Cain comments that "those mong-raking Cylons are in a state of shock right now" due to the appearance of Pegasus (TOS: "The Living Legend, Part II")
- plant vapors
- Original Series definition: a psychoactive drug familiar to the Colonials; Boomer comments that the Blonde Taurus woman on Carillon was probably "smoking plant vapors" (TOS: "Saga of a Star World")
- pogees
- Original Series definition: expletive, similar to "shit" (TOS: "The Living Legend, Part II")
- socialator
- Original Series definition: a sex worker, escort, prostitute (TOS: "Saga of a Star World")
General Jargon[edit source]
- Agro
- agro
- Original Series definition: agriculture (TOS: "The Magnificent Warriors")
- ambrosa
- Original Series definition: an expensive alcoholic intoxicant (see: ambrosa)
- auto-control
- Original Series definition: auto-pilot; Brie is instructed by Starbuck to activate this after having problems on her first launch from Galactica (TOS: "Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I")
- bio-pulse line
- Original Series definition: an unspecified body function, possibly an emotional state; Starbuck attempts to use this as an excuse to not join Apollo's mission to clear the Cylon minefield (TOS: "Saga of a Star World")
- boraton
- Original Series definition: a liquid that extinguishes fires (TOS: "Fire in Space")
- breather
- Original Series definition: a breathing mask, or a life support system supplying air (TOS: "Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I")
- bureautician
- Original Series definition: bureaucrat, politician (TOS: "Saga of a Star World")
- carbide
- Original Series definition: a likely term for carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide (TOS: "Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I")
- centura
- Original Series definition: possibly an expression related to percentages; "If we just let him lie in that life pod he doesn't have a chance in a centura" (TOS: "Fire in Space").
- Chief Opposer
- Original Series definition: a prosecuting attorney in a trial (TOS: "Murder on the Rising Star")
- chronometers
- chronometer
- Original Series definition: a time keeping device, essentially a watch (TOS: "Saga of a Star World")
- computape
- Original Series definition: a video recording; Sire Solon watched computapes of the triad match between Ortega and Starbuck (TOS: "Murder on the Rising Star")
- crawlon
- Original Series definition: a spider (TOS: "Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I")
- comline
- Original Series definition: a communication channel between ships
- cubit
- cubits
- Original Series definition: a form of coined currency (see: cubit)
- daggit
- Original Series definition: a domesticated canine, e.g. dog (see: daggit)
- death stone
- Original Series definition: tombstone (TOS: "The Long Patrol")
- drone
- Original Series definition: a term for a robot, such as Muffit II (TOS: "Saga of a Star World")
- ducat
- Original Series definition: a ticket; Cassiopeia acquires two tickets to the Spheroid concert (TOS: "Take the Celestra")
- ducket
- Original Series definition: a type of prepaid voucher used on the shuttle Canaris, typically collected at the end of the shuttle trip (TOS: "The Man with Nine Lives")
- flight slumber
- Original Series definition: unintentionally sleeping while flying a craft, like a Viper; Apollo attempts to write off John and his second visit to the Ship of Lights as being a dream from a flight slumber (TOS: "Experiment in Terra")
- fumarello
- Original Series definition: a small cigar that Starbuck typically smokes (see: fumarello)
- furlon
- Original Series definition: a furlough, or short leave of absence for Warriors in the Colonial Military service (TOS: "The Man with Nine Lives")
- geogram
- Original Series definition: a diagram; Ravashol shows Apollo a geogram of the pulsar with instructions on how to destroy it (TOS: "The Gun on Ice Planet Zero, Part II")
- glaiders
- Original Series definition: coined currency on Equellus (TOS: "The Lost Warrior")
- grog
- Original Series definition: an intoxicating beverage, likely similar to beer (see: grog)
- Homemade Buzzer
- Original Series definition: a version of "moonshine" on Equellus, see: Homemade Buzzer (TOS: "The Lost Warrior")
- hovermobile
- Original Series definition: form of ground transportation that can be hot-wired (TOS: "Fire in Space")
- ion field
- Original Series definition: a stellar phenomenon, which can cause scanner echoes (TOS: "The Living Legend, Part I")
- ion vapors
- Original Series definition: likely term referring to the trail of a turbo engine (TOS: "The Long Patrol")
- isoldin
- Original Series definition: a type of intravenous fluid given to patients, see: isoldin (TOS: "Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I")
- leisuron
- Original Series definition: a vacation or leave of absence, similar to a furlon (TOS: deleted scene, "Saga of a Star World")
- Note: An alternate spelling, "liesuron," appears in the comic book adaptation.
- lextrium
- lextrium III
- Original Series definition: a fuel used by the Eastern Alliance destroyer (TOS: "Experiment in Terra")
- life pod
- Original Series definition: a life support bed used in Galactica's life center (TOS: "Fire in Space")
- lupus
- Original Series definition: a wolf-like animal (see: lupus)
- mega star
- Original Series definition: a star; in a deleted scene, Omega reports of the "mega star" they detect as they leave the magnetic void (TOS: "Lost Planet of the Gods, Part II")
- mega sun
- Original Series definition: a star; the Nomen come from the "land of the mega sun" (TOS: "The Man with Nine Lives")
- med tech
- Original Series definition: a medical technician, such as a nurse or orderly (e.g. Cassiopeia)
- meteor fire
- Original Series definition: meteor storm; Starbuck likens the readouts on his instrument panel "lighting up like a meteor fire" upon coming across the magnetic void (TOS: "Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I")
- modocker
- Original Series definition: an unknown term, likely of endearment; Cain asks Apollo how Adama is by asking, "Well, how is he? How is that old modocker?" (TOS: "The Living Legend, Part I")
- mushies
- Original Series definition: a food (see: mushies)
- nightflyer
- Original Series definition: an owl-like creature on Equellus that hoots; Red-Eye asks Vella and Puppis about the "strange sound" heard by Lacerta in town, to which Puppis offers that he heard a "nightflyer hoot down by the woods" (TOS: "The Lost Warrior"). (TOS: "The Lost Warrior")
- officiator
- Original Series definition: someone who oversees a triad game (TOS: "Murder on the Rising Star")
- Orion hasher
- Original Series definition: something that is black and blue; Cassiopeia comments that Starbuck looks like one after his matches with Ortega (TOS: "Murder on the Rising Star")
- oviner
- Original Series definition: a rancher (TOS: "The Lost Warrior")
- pluton
- Original Series definition: a radioactive material whose radiation breaks down food (see: pluton poisoning) (TOS: "Saga of a Star World")
- pods
- Original Series definition: a Cylon outpost (TOS: "Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I")
- primaries
- Original Series definition: basic food groups (TOS: "Saga of a Star World")
- Protector
- Original Series definition: a defense attorney in a tribunal (TOS: "Murder on the Rising Star")
- protein
- Original Series definition: another type of food
- protest
- Original Series definition: the equivalent of saying "objection" in a Colonial Tribunal (TOS: "Murder on the Rising Star")
- pulse scrambled code
- Original Series definition: secure method of communication used by the Colonial Fleet (TOS: "The Lost Warrior")
- pyramid
- Original Series definition: a card game, similar to poker (see: pyramid)
- quadrant
- Original Series definition: region of space, see also Sector. Usually named after a Greek letter, or (less frequently) a star system or planet.
- scorpius
- Original Series definition: scorpion; Maga comments that Borellian Nomen have the patience of such a creature, he also comments that the name "Borellian Nomen" strike fear at the hearts of those who hear it like the scorpius (TOS: "The Man with Nine Lives")
- sector
- Original Series definition: region of space or planet, see also Quadrant. Usually named after a Greek letter (space sectors), or a geographic formation on the surface of a planet (geographic sector, e.g. Sector Hekla on the planet Arcta")
- sleep period
- Original Series definition: bedtime
- seal
- Original Series definition: marriage
- sickbed
- Original Series definition: term for bed rest when one is recovering from an illness (TOS: "The Young Lords")
- skybus
- Original Series definition: a type of starship (TOS: "Saga of a Star World")
- solium
- Original Series definition: a type of fuel (see: solium)
- solonite
- Original Series definition: an explosive used in demolitions (see: solonite) (TOS: "The Gun on Ice Planet Zero, Part II")
- spacedrome
- Original Series definition: a planet-based space port (see: spacedrome) (TOS: "Saga of a Star World")
- star speed
- Original Series definition: a speed which is used by Eastern Alliance (TOS: "Greetings From Earth")
- telecom
- Original Series definition: internal communications phone aboard Galactica (TOS: "Fire in Space")
- tinhead
- Original Series definition: epithet used to describe Cylons (TOS: "The Living Legend, Part I")
- tribunal
- Original Series definition: a Colonial court hearing (see: Law of the Twelve Colonies)
- turbo
- Original Series definition: Warrior slang for their Viper's high-velocity booster engines, e.g. "hit your turbos"
- turboflush
- Original Series definition: a toilet (TOS: "Baltar's Escape")
- turboram thruster
- Original Series definition: a type of engine or thruster; in a deleted scene where Serina completes her first landing, Serina turns off this part of the Colonial shuttle as a part of her landing sequence (TOS: "Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I")
- turboshower
- Original Series definition: a shower (TOS: "Murder on the Rising Star")
- travelator
- Original Series definition: a travel agent (TOS: "Saga of a Star World")
- triad
- Original Series definition: a contact sport, similar to football or basketball (see: triad)
- tylium
- Original Series definition: a highly combustible fuel (see: tylium) (TOS: "Fire in Space")
- vertical supporter
- Original Series definition: a pillar or support beam structure; Boomer instructs Taba to discharge his laser bola against one in Rising Star's Astral Lounge(TOS: "Fire in Space")
- wardaggit
- Original Series definition: "war dog" (TOS: "The Living Legend, Part I")
Technology[edit source]
- gyro capacitors
- transmit tek
- zonar modules
- Original Series definition: component of a Viper's stabilizer system (TOS: "The Living Legend, Part I")[1]
- laser controller
- otron extension
- point diverters
- proton activator
- Original Series definition: component of a Viper's weapon system (TOS: "The Living Legend, Part I")[1]
- proton energizer
- Original Series definition: a type of weapon on an Eastern Alliance destroyer (TOS: "Experiment in Terra")
- scanner
- Original Series definition: interchangeable term for a computer monitor and television set (see: scanner)
- tape coder
- Original Series definition: a voice recording device; Thane successfully passes off a hand mine as a device (TOS: "The Gun on Ice Planet Zero, Part II")
Military Jargon[edit source]
- flash inspection
- Original Series definition: an inspection of military assets that is performed without prior notice by a superior officer (TOS: "Saga of a Star World")
- four-point peel off
- Original Series definition: a maneuver performed with a group of four Vipers (TOS: "War of the Gods, Part I")
- free flight jump
- Original Series definition: an infantry parachute landing, having jumped out of a shuttle (TOS: "The Living Legend, Part II")
- life station relief
- Original Series definition: sick call (TOS: "Lost Planet of the Gods, Part II")
- maximum G-climb
- Original Series definition: a maneuver done near a celestial body, which may cause the pilot to blackout; Starbuck orders C.O.R.A. to perform this maneuver, which causes the pursuing Raider to crash into the loading docks on Proteus (TOS: "The Lost Warrior")
- stand alert
- Original Series definition: Colonial term for "attention" (TOS: "Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I")
- stripped and moduled
- Original Series definition: a consequence of severe infractions in military law, likely similar to being stripped of one's rank and thrown in hack; Greenbean expresses a fear of this happening as Giles asks where he got the alcohol from (TOS: "Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I")
- Warrior
- Original Series definition: an all-purpose term for Colonial soldier and Viper pilot (see: Warrior)
Sayings[edit source]
- By your command
- Original Series definition: a typical Cylon response to an order (see: By your command) (TOS: "Saga of a Star World," et al.)
- By your leave
- Original Series definition: a Colonial response to an order (see: By your leave) (TOS: "Saga of a Star World," et al.)
- clear as the Nubian sun
- Original Series definition: a saying, similar to "as clear as day"; Cain uses this saying when referencing to the non-existent Raiders he allegedly pursued when he made his attack on the Cylon fuel tankers (see: Nubian sun) (TOS: "The Living Legend, Part I")
- daggit drivel
- Original Series definition: a term used to describe someone's lies, similar to "garbage" or "bullshit"; Lucifer uses this term when asking if Baltar believes Specter's false reports (TOS: "The Young Lords")
- For the glory of Caprica
- Original Series definition: saying used by the Colonials, particularly those from Caprica (TOS: "The Gun on Ice Planet Zero, Part II")
- Go rust yourself
- Original Series definition: Colonial equivalent to "go fuck yourself," typically used towards Cylons; Cadet Cree says this to Vulpa while the Cylons interrogate him (TOS: "The Gun on Ice Planet Zero, Part I")
- laser in their side
- Original Series definition: analogue to "thorn in their side," Starbuck uses this term to describe how the actions of Megan's surviving children have kept their father alive at Cylon hands (TOS: "The Young Lords")
- like a daggit on a sunspot
- Template:Te`rmfidgety; Apollo points out that Starbuck acts this way during his pre-flight meeting on destroying the mines in the Straits of Madagon (TOS: "Saga of a Star World")
Units of Measure[edit source]
Time[edit source]
- yahren
- Original Series definition: unit of time akin to a "year" (see: Yahren)
- quatron
- Original Series definition: unit of time akin to a "month"
- secton
- Original Series definition: unit of time akin to a "week"
- time cycle
- Original Series definition: unit of time akin to a "day"
- centar
- Original Series definition: unit of time akin to an "hour"
- millicenton
- Original Series definition: unit of time; approx. 10 minutes
- centon
- Original Series definition: a unit of time akin to a "minute"; in earlier episodes (e.g. "Saga of a Star World," "Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I"), centon is used as the Colonial equivalent of a week before being retconned in later episodes
- microcenton
- micron
- Original Series definition: unit of time akin to a "second"; Microcenton is likely another term for "micron"; Starbuck uses this term when he says "switching off of you for a microcenton to scan ahead" (TOS: "Lost Planet of the Gods, Part II")
Distance[edit source]
- parsec
- Original Series definition: a unit of distance, the Earth measurement being equivalent to 90 million miles
- hectar
- Original Series definition: a unit of distance, the Earth measurement being equivalent to 9 million miles (i.e. 1/10th of a parsec)
- sectar
- sectares
- Original Series definition: an unspecified measure of distance, interchangeably used as an unspecified measure of time (see: sectar (unit))
- metric
- Original Series definition: a unit of distance, the Earth measurement being equivalent to a kilometer
- maxim
- Original Series definition: a unit of distance, the Earth measurement being equivalent to 10 meters (see: maxim)
- metron
- Original Series definition: unit of distance of smaller denomination than maxim, the Earth measurement being equivalent to meter; used in a deleted scene as Serina approaches the starboard landing bay (TOS: "Lost Planet of the Gods, Part II")
Scientific measurements[edit source]
- ergon
- ergons
- Original Series definition: unspecified unit of radiation (laser) energy, used to measure output of energizers and laser weapons (TOS: "Murder on the Rising Star")
- megon
- Original Series definition: unit of weight, akin to a megaton
- radion
- Original Series definition: unit of energy, akin to a rad
- volton
- Original Series definition: unit of energy, akin to a volt
- wavelon
- Original Series definition: unit of energy, akin to wavelength
Notes[edit source]
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 As noted from Sheba's scanner readout in "The Living Legend, Part I". Refer to this image.
See also[edit source]
- Battlestar Galactica - Writers Guide, transcribed by Chris Pappas