Capricans to Govt: Stop Being Soft on Terrorism is a The Caprican Politics article written by Sharon Edmonson. It was printed in Februarius 23, YR42.
n case you haven't heard, the residents of Caprica City are mad. Really mad. Citizens have been fuming for weeks that the government has not taken more severe measures to bring the MAGLEV bomber (or bombers) to justice. Many Capricans think Amanda Graystone's proclamation of her daughter's involvement in the MAGLEV attacks is reason enough to bring a wrongful death suit against the Graystones. However, frustrated citizens have been told repeatedly by government officials that, without GDD evidence, there is little that can be done to bring justice to the families of the victims and peace of mind to scared Capricans. We've also received word that, even with the implication of Zoe Graystone, approval for a search of the Graystone home has been repeatedly tied up in administrative red tape.
MATT and other concerned citizen groups have been meeting to plan protest actions for the coming weeks.
When asked to comment on the upcoming protests, a MATT spokesperson told us, "The government is being soft on terrorism and we're not going to take it anymore."
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Suspicious Activity on Graystone Property is a The Caprican News article written by Sharon Edmonson. It was printed in Martius 28, YR42.
Avid bird watcher Jane Contos was looking through the telescope set up on her back porch. She was tracking the path of a raptor as it flew over the lake behind her house when something caught her eye: Flames. Ms. Contos quickly called the police to report a fire on the Daniel [sic] and Amanda Graystone's property across the lake. The fire dissipated before Contos could get the Caprica City Fire Department on the phone so she hung up. But what she saw next we even [sic] more bizarre. "It looked like some kind of statue at first" said Contos, "like a gray or silver...thing. It looked kind of like that monster from that movie that terrorized Oranu." As there is no law against lawn statues, Contos didn't think much of it. But a few hours later, it was gone. "If I had a stronger telescope I could probably tell you more...but I know what I saw," she said.
Though the incident has not been confirmed (calls to the Graystones were not returned), strange things seem to be afoot with Caprica's first family these days. We at The Caprican will continue to keep you apprised of the situation as it unfolds.
- This article ties into the events of Caprica's "Ghosts in the Machine", when Daniel Graystone attempts to confirm the presence of Zoe Graystone's avatar inside the U-87 Cyber Combat Unit prototype by surrounding it with a ring of fire in the Graystone Estate's backyard.
- Contos' reaction to the U-87 is a callback to Amanda Graystone's reaction in Caprica's "Rebirth" after seeing it in Daniel's basement lab.
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'Graystone Foundation' Established is a The Caprican News article written by Sharon Edmonson. It was printed in Martius 6, YR42.
Dr. Daniel and Dr. Amanda Graystone have just announced that, from now on, all profits from the Holobands and v-world licensing will go directly to a charity. The Graystones appeared on Backtalk last week to talk try and set the record straight about their daughter Zoe and her alleged hand in the MAGLEV attack.
During the show, Daniel Graystone speculated that the V-World might, in fact, be to blame. "We thought we could control the content in V-World, especially for kids, but we've failed. Clearly, I think the temptation to hack the code is too great."
The Graystones announced the establishment of their foundation during their appearance on Backtalk. Though they seemed to come up with this idea on the spot as they talked with Sarno, this could also be a well-calculated PR move. But with Holoband sales and V-World licensing making up 60% of their net, the business strategy behind this bold move remains unclear. Graystone Industries declined to comment for this article.
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Vergis to Appear on Backtalk is a The Caprican Entertainment article written by Sharon Edmonson. It was printed in Martius 8, YR42.
You heard it here first, dear readers. Tomas Vergis, the mastermind behind The Vergis Corporation, is scheduled to appear on Backtalk with Baxter Sarno this week! This will be Vergis' first public appearance since two members of his staff were brutally murdered last month in a break-in in his military testing laboratory.
As you may know, Tomas Vergis and Daniel Graystone have been in technology race since many of us here at The Caprican were in diapers. Every year Vergis and Graystone engage in a race to build the next best thing in electronics - a race that plays out in consumer pocketbooks and on the stock market floor. We can't say were complaining - it's this very rivalry that pushed these companies to develop the Holoband and the e-sheet. We don't know about you, but we'll be on the edge of our seats watching as this Tauron-born technologist chats with Sarno this week. Come on, admit it, so will you.
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BREAKING: Dr. Amanda Graystone Apparently Jumps from Pantheon Bridge is a The Caprican News article written by Sharon Edmonson. It was printed in Martius 30, YR42.
Police and rescue workers are still searching for Dr. Amanda Graystone after she was seen to fall (or jump?) from the Pantheon Bridge into the deep waters below - a drop of nearly 100 meters. Police say no note was found at the scene and would not confirm this as a suicide attempt. Sources say her wedding ring was discovered on the rail where she jumped and a pair of women's shoes was found nearby as well. It seems Graystone jumped from a balcony of one of the imposing concrete towers embellished with the busts of the 12 deities.
If this does turn out to be a suicide, Dr. Graystone would be far from the first to jump from the Pantheon, Caprica City's widest bridge. The bridge has always attracted its share of jumpers, yet only a few have survived the drop to the deep, turbulent waters below. This incident is especially troubling for Bridge and Tunnel Commissioner Timothy Caldwell, whose team was about to being installing safety rails on the bridge later this month. "This was the kind of incident we were trying to prevent," said Caldwell who was clearly shaken by the news. "Sadly, it looks like we were too late for Dr. Graystone."
This is not the first time in recent months that Amanda Graystone has made headlines. First, Daniel and Amanda Graystone lost their daughter Zoe in the MAGLEV bombing. Soon after, Amanda Graystone revealed her daughter's supposed link to the STO and involvement in the bombing. And Dr. Graystone made a surprise appearance during her husband Daniel's Backtalk interview, saving him from what might have otherwise been a disastrous episode. As the Global Defense Department investigation into the MAGLEV attack remains ongoing, many still blame the Graystones. Perhaps the last few months of intense scrutiny and pressure by the people of Caprica were just too much for Amanda Graystone.
Daniel Graystone could not be reached for comment. We will continue to keep you updated as this story develops.
- The article says "being installing safety rails," where it should be "begin installing safety rails".
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Sister Clarice Willow, Target of Bomb Plot is a The Caprican News article written by Sharon Edmonson. It was printed in Aprilis 5, YR42.
The Caprica City Police Department has called on the Global Defense Department (GDD) for assistance in the investigation of the attempted murder of Sister Clarice Willow, the headmaster of Athena Academy. A car bomb was set off in Willow's car earlier this evening, setting fire to several cars around it and damaging the roadway in that area. Fortunately, Sister Willow was not in her car at the time of the attack.
"I was on my way to the Spaceport with one of my husbands. Suddenly I saw someone standing on the rail of the Pantheon Bridge and we pulled over to see if we could help." As Clarice and Nestor Willow stood on the edge of Caprican Bay looking up, in fear that the woman would jump, they heard a huge explosion behind them. "I'm still in shock," said Willow, "we could have been killed." There were no fatalities and no injuries were reported. The bomb, which was hidden in the trunk of Willow's car, seems to have been detonated remotely.
There is no word yet from the GDD on what might have caused someone to make Sister Willow the target of such an attack. Residents were stunned to hear of the plot to kill Sister Willow, a beloved figure in Caprica City.
"My Gods," said Olson Owens, a MAGLEV driver.
"That's despicable and appalling," said boutique owner Ellison Grace, clutching her chest, "I'm so relieved to hear she's okay,"
"I just don't get it. Who would want to kill a nun?" wondered Jorge Diaz, a retired computer engineer.
Citizens of Caprica City all well aware of the care and compassion with which Sister Willow runs the Athena Academy. She was instrumental in helping her students recover after the MAGLEV attacks and subsequent GDD raids on the school. Counselors will be made available to students who would like someone to talk to when school reopens on Monday.
Sources say this incident may be STO-related, or perhaps connected to recent Holo Cafe bombing. The investigation is ongoing.
- Clarice Willow's name was originally misspelled "Clarisse Willow" in the title and text, but the Syfy site people corrected it.
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