(Redirected from Rowell Figueroa)
This is a list of persons mentioned in The Caprican, a tie-in pseudo-news source used during Syfy's online marketing of Caprica.
Person | Details | Article | Related Episodes |
Jane Contos | Resident bird watcher residing across the bay from the Graystone Estate on Caprica. | Suspicious Activity on Graystone Property | (CAP: "Ghosts in the Machine") |
Susie Danvers | A photo intern who Carl Kipp professed his love for, according to a blurb in his article. | The Top Five Overheard Eros Day Arguments | (CAP: "End of Line") |
Mark Bailey | A screenwriter whom Carl Kipp noted as one of the many great writers of Aerilon. Bailey attended the University of Aerilon and caused an altercation on Backtalk with Baxter Sarno after bashing Promethea A&M before a live-audience of 150 students from the aggrieved university. | The Bottom Five Backtalk Guests | (CAP: "Gravedancing") |
Jack Mendes | Owner of Leonis' Grand Casino of Hedon, who appears on Backtalk with Baxter Sarno to plug the Hedon Film Festival. The segment went awry when Baxter elicits Mendes' confession that the nearby luxury apartments were tax dodges for off-colony investors of dubious means. | The Bottom Five Backtalk Guests | (CAP: "Gravedancing") |
Jonas Malkas | City of Caprica Department of Public Works laborer who spoke of the roadwork on Colonial Highway 5. | Road Work on Colonial 5 Nears Completion | (CAP: "End of Line") |
Althea Erasmus | City of Caprica Department of Public Works representative who spoke of the roadwork on Colonial Highway 5. | Road Work on Colonial 5 Nears Completion | (CAP: "End of Line") |