Caprica Prepares for Upcoming Census is a The Caprican News article written by Sharon Edmonson. It was printed in Maius 3, YR42.
You've seen the ads on the MAGLEV. You've watched the PSAs on CAP TV. Yes, that's right, the Caprica Census is coming! In just a few short months, you'll be asked by the Office of Statistics to complete a short questionnaire that will help the colony determine how to allocate future budgetary funds to better support the colony's infrastructure based on population. As you may recall, the last census of Caprica was taken 10 years ago and a lot has changed since then. Among the standard questions on the upcoming census (e.g. number of members in household, ages, colony of origin, etc.) expect to see some new questions that reflect a more modern Caprican society:
- Vehicles per household? - Members of household in group marriage? - Computers per household?
Also available for the first time is the ability to fill out a census form electronically. If you've registered your laptop ISP address with the Office of Records in the last year, you may be eligible for an e-census form. This method of electronic data collection will yield a more streamlined process and allow information to be aggregated more quickly. Though some worry about the e-census system being hacked, the Office of Records has taken great measures to prevent such an attack. They have teamed up with the Vergis Corporation's Systems Security Division to ensure a safe and reliable system. Despite such conveniences, most Capricans we interviewed for this story said they'd be sticking with the paper census again this year.
So expect to see census workers out in force this summer. Now, get ready to be counted!
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