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This is a disambiguation page — a navigational aid which lists other pages that might otherwise share the same title. If an article link referred you here, you might want to go back and fix it to point directly to the intended page. Also, if you wanted to search for the term "Garner", click here.
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Commander Barry Garner is the third commanding officer of Pegasus, appointed by Admiral William Adama after the deaths of Admiral Helena Cain and Commander Jack Fisk. Before his promotion, he was the ship's chief engineer.
As commander, Garner does not inspire great confidence and runs the ship like a martinet. Kara Thrace considers him "paranoid and barely competent" (TRS: "The Captain's Hand"), an opinion shared by Kendra Shaw(TRS: "Razor"). Garner holds a similar contempt for both women: he orders Thrace's transfer back to Galactica (The Captain's Hand), and reassigns Shaw to mess duty (Razor).
Garner's rash judgment and lack of experience jeopardizes Pegasus when he disobeys Admiral Adama's orders and takes the battlestar into the binary stellar cloud to recover the missing crews instead of an advance recon of Raptors as instructed.
As Adama suspects, three Cylon basestars ambush Pegasus and damage her FTL. Garner momentarily freezes under the pressure, then decides that he needs to lead the repair team personally, handing the CIC over to Major Lee "Apollo" Adama. Garner enters a compartment which is venting air into space, seals the hatch behind him and finds the coolant leak disabling the FTL drive. Meanwhile, Major Adama's tactics severely damage one of the basestars and throw the others into disarry, buying Garner time to fix the leak. Garner's repair brings Pegasus'sFTL back into operation and the battlestar escapes the lop-sided battle. However, Garner succumbs to hypoxia in the compartment and dies.
After the battle, the events surrounding Garner's death are reviewed by both Adamas. Reports were also filed by both Major Adama and Thrace. Major Adama understands that Garner's failure was in treating people as he would a machine, whereas Thrace's assessment of him is considerably harsher (TRS: "The Captain's Hand").
This character was originally named "Barry Trammel," but at the last minute it had to be changed for legal reasons when the production team found that there was a real person with that name.
Unlike William Adama, Helena Cain, Saul Tigh and Jack Fisk, Garner does not wear flight wings, indicating that a pilot background may not be a necessary prerequisite for command of a battlestar. Although Garner's background appears to be primarily in engineering, the lack of high-ranking Pegasus officers, to which Admiral Adama repeatedly alludes, might have persuaded him to waive this requirement.
This list was created to keep track of Galactica's and Pegasus' current and former Viper pilots, Raptor pilots and ECOs. When mentioned-only characters are linked to a separate article, they are either repeatedly mentioned, have some significance despite not being seen or the article includes a note about their name.
Pilots are officers in the Colonial Fleet trained and qualified to operate a Viper fighter or a Raptor multipurpose vehicle.
Pilot candidates, or "nuggets," normally start training in simulators, but after the Fall of the Twelve Colonies, Galactica's nuggets went from classroom straight into live aircraft until Pegasus (with its on-board flight simulators) joined the Fleet. Once nuggets complete their basic flight and combat training, they are known as "Rooks".
A flight-qualified pilot wears basicpilot wings on the uniform's left breast. Senior-rated pilots (e.g. William Adama, Saul Tigh) wear a variation with outstretched wings.
Pilot wings are a permanently-awarded skills badge; they do not necessarily indicate active flight status, only that the wearer has successfully qualified as a pilot. Officers who have moved into non-flying positions, such as Aaron Kelly and Felix Gaeta, continue to wear them.
A flight suit, which protects a pilot during a decompression emergency, is standard apparel for all pilots.
Qualifications legend:
V - Viper pilot R - Raptor pilot E - Raptor ECO O - Other craft [1]
The following pilots' names can be seen on duty rosters in the pilots' ready room or on other documents following Gaeta's Mutiny. It may thus be presumed that they are on active duty.
The following pilots' names can be seen on duty rosters in the pilots' ready room or on other documents following the second exodus. Some of these names appear on the roster as early as the first season in episodes like "Act of Contrition" and "The Hand of God".
These characters have not been seen or mentioned since the settlement of New Caprica, during which many military personnel mustered out of the service. As such, it is not known if they are still on active duty.
The following mentioned-only characters have been identified by name. They may be identical with any of the mentioned-only characters identified by call sign, listed below.
The following mentioned-only characters have been identified by callsign. They may be identical with any of the mentioned-only characters identified by name, listed above. All the pilots listed for "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part I" are part of the rescue mission to Caprica and identify themselves during the wireless check-in prior to the first jump.
This is a listing of pilots and callsigns derived from the nameplates that were auctioned off. These nameplates were either used on the Vipers in the background or made for the production, and thus may or may never have been seen on-screen. Their status has been presently identified as "unknown."
The following pilots are homages to people working on the show or related to its production. Since they may only exist in behind-the-scenes photos and not featured on screen, they don't necessarily exist within the show's continuity.
A nameplate likely made for Steve Fleer, who shares the same callsign, last name, and rank. Nameplate was likely made before production changes rendered it obsolete.
↑Firelli appears in the episode "Pegasus," appearing to fulfill the role of tactical officer. It is possible that, after Pegasus's destruction, he switches roles from CIC to fight duty.
↑ 10.010.1Butch and Dune's callsigns can first be seen on the locker doors in "Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part I". It is likely that their names are on the lockers in all other appearances of the weight room as well (such as "Scar" and "Torn") even though they cannot be seen on screen. The last confirmed sighting is in "Crossroads, Part II".
↑As Tigh's military record was falsified by John Cavil, Tigh's "life" as a Colonial begins after the First Cylon War and approximately 20 years before the Fall of the Twelve Colonies. Therefore, Tigh's actual flight ability is unknown.
↑Note: In the Miniseries, Gaeta does not have flight wings on his uniform, but when the show went to series, the character is given flight wings from "33" and onward.
Re-imagined Series definition: technology enabling travel across distances faster than the speed of light would permit, see: FTL
Re-imagined Series definition: initial skills training; can refer to basic military indoctrination, and arms and ground training (TRS: "Fragged"); and basic flight training (TRS: "Miniseries")
crew member handling electronic countermeasures of a craft; ECOs are standard crew aboard Raptors (see: ECO)
Re-imagined Series definition: the process of using the FTL engines to make an near-instantaneous apparent faster-than-light transport of a ship from one point in space to another