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Portrays: V-Club Patron
Date of Birth:
Date of Death: Missing required parameter 1=month! ,

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Cara Long is the actress who portrayed a V-Club patron in the Caprica pilot.

The Long Patrol
"The Long Patrol"
An episode of the Original Series
Episode No. Season 1, Episode 5
Writer(s) Donald Bellisario
Story by
Director Christian I. Nyby II
Assistant Director
Special guest(s)
Production No. 50902
Nielsen Rating
US airdate USA 1978-10-15
CAN airdate CAN {{{CAN airdate}}}
UK airdate UK
DVD release 2004-12-28
Population survivors
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After losing an experimental Viper to a smuggler, Starbuck is imprisoned in a "unique" environment.


  • Athena is surprised that Starbuck volunteered, until Apollo explains that whoever volunteered to test the new Recon Viper would move to the head of the yahren-long waiting list to the dining room of the Rising Star.
  • Athena tells Adama that she had been invited to dinner with Starbuck, but her duty assignment conflicts. Adama agrees to cover her shift along with Colonel Tigh.
  • Starbuck and Cassiopeia arrive on Rising Star. Starbuck bribes the maitre d' for a private room (a luxury that usually is reserved 60 to 70 centares in advance).
  • Arriving in their private room, Starbuck bribes the maitre d' for some Ambrosa, comparing its rarity to that of tylinium.
  • Cassiopeia leaves the room, promising to return quickly. Starbuck lights up his signature fumarello.
  • Galactica's scanners detect possible life. Concentrating their scans confirms the presence of life. Adama orders Recon Viper One prepared.
Starbuck romances Cassiopeia...
  • Athena arrives in Starbuck's private dining room. Starbuck quickly bribes the waiter for yet another private room, citing a (fictional) sanitation ship spoiling the view.
  • Athena raves about the mushies, but complains about the lack of fresh protein. Starbuck leaps at a chance to remedy the situation, using it as an excuse to visit his other room.
  • Back in Cassiopeia's room, Starbuck claims that they are all out of mushies. Cassiopeia claims that she doesn't mind, as the protein is just fine.
  • Starbuck is summoned back to Galactica over the intercom. He gives Cassiopeia one of his collar insignia as he leaves. He gives Athena is other one for her goodbye.
  • Starbuck settles up with the maitre d' for his dinner for three, costing him all his remaining cubits. The maitre d' admires Starbuck's daring, not in going on the mission, but in juggling the two young ladies. He claims that it is very "pre-war".
...and then Athena!
  • Cassiopeia and Athena encounter each other as they exit, both holding Starbuck's insignia. They quickly realize what has happened.
  • Starbuck reports to Recon Viper One wearing civilian clothes. The disguise is designed to hide his status as a Colonial Warrior should he be forced to land.
  • Apollo informs Starbuck that the Recon Viper has double the range and speed of a normal Viper, and has also had a voice activated computer installed.
  • Starbuck is instructed to turn on his short-range marker beacon, but to otherwise avoid transmissions to prevent the Cylons from tracking him. Should he make Cylon contact, he is not to return to Galactica as that would give away the position of the Fleet.
  • Apollo explains that all the engine upgrades were made possible on the Recon Viper at the expense of the laser generators. The vessel is unarmed.
  • Starbuck takes the new craft through some high speed maneuvers and is impressed with the results.
  • Starbuck activates CORA, commenting sarcastically that he'd like to see a computer do that. The computer puts the Recon Viper through a series of turns that forces Starbuck to ask to return to level flight.
  • CORA introduces "herself," then begins to set up a scan.
  • CORA indicates that two sublight craft have been detected. The Recon Viper slows to sublight to investigate, and finds a Sixth-millennium starfighter and shuttle. The shuttle is being chased by the fighter.
  • Starbuck assumes manual control and blows by the fighter with his turbo engaged, sending the fighter into a spin and allowing the shuttle to escape. Starbuck then pursues the shuttle, while the fighter returns to Proteus.
  • When Starbuck investigates the shuttle, the pilot attempts to sneak up and club him. Caught in the act, the pilot claims he was afraid that Starbuck was the pirate that had been shooting at him. The pilot claims to be a shuttle pilot transporting a load of agro parts.
  • Stabuck inspects the cargo, and finds Ambrosa. The pilot claims that it is 500-yahren old.
  • Starbuck starts asking questions about the capabilities of the pirates, when the shuttle pilot gets the drop on him and knocks him out using the Ambrosa bottle.
  • The shuttle pilot steals the Recon Viper. CORA asks him to identify himself, but the pilot has her fly him to another asteroid to make a transmission.
  • Galactica detects the transmission, but finds that it is encoded in an unknown format. The crew is concerned about the unauthorized, as well as the use of an unknown code.
  • Aboard his basestar, Baltar is informed of the detection of a signal in an unknown code. Baltar orders the launch of Raiders to investigate.
  • Apollo and Boomer are ordered to seek out and destroy Recon Viper One, in order to stop the transmissions. They are not allowed to attempt to contact the Recon Viper, as it would quickly outmaneuver them if it is hostile.
  • Starbuck awakens to discover his Viper gone. He launches the shuttle, only to be shot at by the sixth millennium fighter. Starbuck claims that there is a case of mistaken identity. The fighter pilot orders Starbuck to follow him.
  • Starbuck is greeted on the ground by armed guards led by Croad. His attempts at talking himself out of the situation fail miserably.
  • Apollo and Boomer continue to track the Recon Viper. It has stopped its long range broadcasts, but they are tracking it by its short range marker beacon.
  • Starbuck awakens, after his second blow to the head of the day, in a cell. There are strange drawings on the wall.
  • The other prisoners all seem to have bottles of Ambrosa. They welcome Starbuck to the prison.
  • Adulteress 58 asks what kind of offense Starbuckin' is, anyway. When Starbuck claims that it isn't an offense, that it is just a name, Forger 7 tells him that they are one in the same. Adulteress 58 wonders if their Original Sinners were as ignorant as Starbuck is.
  • Assault 9 explains that the Original Sinners are their ancestors, the ones who were first sentenced to Proteus.
  • The prisoners are curious for news about the war between the Colonies and the Alliance. The prisoners believe that the ambrosa they make is supplied to the Colonial Warriors.
  • Athena summons Cassiopeia to the bridge to inform her that Starbuck is no longer in control of the Recon Viper, and may be lost or dead.
  • The long range transmission is detected again, and Cassiopeia recognizes it as an Aerian merchant code.
  • They decipher the code, and recognize it as a request for the coordinates to Aeries. Adama countermands the attack orders to the Vipers. Adama reasons that the pilot of the Recon Viper must be a human that doesn't realize that Aeries is in Cylon hands. He orders Apollo and Boomer to investigate further.
  • Apollo and Boomer find the Recon Viper unmanned. A lot of equipment appears to have been stripped out of it, likely to make room for cargo.
  • Apollo and Boomer come under laser fire. They return fire, and pursue their assailant.
  • Boomer sees a crouched figure hiding in the darkness, and just as he fires a woman yells for him to stop and tackles him. The shot goes wide, and the crouched figure is revealed to be a little girl.
  • The Viper thief is able to get the drop on Apollo, but when Boomer reports that he has found a woman and a girl, he surrenders to Apollo asking that they not hurt his wife and child.
  • Robber reveals that his Original Sinner was an Aerian robber, and the Aerian merchant code has been passed down the descendants. The Proteus enforcers are likewise descendants of the original enforcers, and are as trapped as the prisoners.
  • Robber and his wife reveal that he stole Starbuck's Viper because he needed a craft capable of reaching Aeries, for the sake of his daughter Tanya.
  • Galactica picks up three Cylon Raiders on its sensors. The Cylons appear to be homing in on the location of the Recon Viper, and have not detected the fleet. Adama orders the fleet to change course in order to avoid the Cylons, even though that may strand the patrol.
  • Adama comforts Boxey, who misses his father, by telling him stories of Earth.
  • Starbuck is given the prison designation of Bootlegger 137. An enforcer tries to make Starbuck follow orders, causing Starbuck to break a bottle and dive at his cell bars.
  • Starbuck is surprised when he discovers that his cell is unlocked. The prisoners and the enforcers tell him to close the door, but when pressed, the enforcer retreats.
  • Assault 9 reveals that the locks haven't worked in generations. The prisoners choose to stay in their cells because they are prisoners, like all their ancestors before them. They are content to contribute their part of the war effort by making Ambrosa for the Colonial Warriors.
  • Starbuck reveals that all the Ambrosa is just aging out on the loading docks.
  • Croad returns with a group of enforcers to restore order. Croad claims that Starbuck is lying, but Starbuck reveals that he is actually a Colonial Warrior.
  • The prisoners leave their cells and overpower the enforcers, demanding to see the loading docks.
  • Starbuck asks how much Ambrosa is on the loading docks. Adulteress 58 estimates that it is the product of a thousand lifetimes.
  • Three Vipers fly in towards Proteus. Croad claims that they are Cylons, and that Starbuck is a Cylon spy. Starbuck retorts that they are actually Colonial Vipers.
  • Boomer and Apollo are appalled that all Starbuck can talk about when they arrive is the Ambrosa. They reveal that Galactica has altered course, and they cannot locate her.
  • The Cylon raiders were picked up by on the scanners of the Vipers. Croad leads a cheer of "Death to the Cylons" as the prisoners head back into the safety of the prison to wait out the fight. Starbuck, Apollo, and Boomer take off in their Vipers to face the raiders.
  • Starbuck uses CORA to help act as a diversion to distract the Cylons. The Cylons chase him, allowing the other two Vipers to get in position.
  • After the Cylons split up, Starbuck instructs CORA to get ready to execute a maximum-G climb. CORA protests that he'll black out, but Starbuck points out that she will not.
  • Starbuck initiates the maneuver, leaving the Cylon that followed to crash into the ground. Boomer and Apollo dispatch the other two raiders, and Starbuck recovers from the blackout.
  • CORA reveals that the Raider that had chased them crashed into a building containing highly volatile fluids. Starbuck is distraught, as that is his fortune in Ambrosa burning up.
  • Galactica picks up incoming craft on the sensors. The marker beacon reveals that it is the patrol (as well as a shuttle).
  • Adama hosts a dinner on Rising Star welcoming back the patrol and the new members of the Fleet: Robber, and his wife and daughter.
  • Boxey gives his father a map he drew. Starbuck corrects the map, saying that the blue planet is out of orbit. When questioned on where he had seen it before, Starbuck recalls that he saw the same map on the wall in his cell.
  • Robber tells them about the Silent One, who drew the pictures. The enforcers found him drifting in space. He never said a word.
  • Adama reveals that the solar system Boxey drew was based on ancient legends he had learned about the solar system that contains Earth.





  • Natives of Aeries appear to speak with an Irish accent, a cultural affectation replicated in the Re-imagined Series depiction of Aerilon's natives.
  • This episode presents "Starchaser," the only Viper ever given a proper name across the various installments in the franchise.


Slayer's well-manicured, painted nails in evidence.
  • Where the previous episode, "The Lost Warrior" was a story about Apollo being stranded far from the fleet, this episode was a story about Starbuck in the role of the lost warrior. It has been suggested that the two episodes were filmed at the same time, with one part of the production focusing on Richard Hatch's character, while the other crew was busy with Dirk Benedict.
  • During the course of the series, Starbuck would go missing or end up stranded a number of times. In this instance, his Viper is preserved, so this is not an instance of Starbuck crashing his ship―rather this time it was stolen.
  • Despite Slayer's tattered appearance, her nails are well manicured and painted, as seen in close-up shots as she holds onto Tanya.


  • How many other "lost" colonies and settlements originating from the Twelve Colonies exist?
  • What happened to the recon Viper?
  • Why aren't more voice interfaces like CORA used (other than the database search in "Murder on the Rising Star")?
  • For that matter, why didn't CORA appear in subsequent episodes?
  • Is the map that the mysterious prisoner drew of Earth? (If Galactica 1980 is to be believed, it is unlikely as Earth lacks the technology for a ship to get out that far.)
  • Who exactly was the mysterious prisoner? And why was he locked up?
  • What happens to Robber and his family after they join the Fleet?
  • How many prisoners and/or enforcers survived the Cylon raid, and how many chose either to join the Fleet or remain behind?
  • Who would have been the purchaser of the ambrosa smuggled by Robber?

Noteworthy Dialogue[edit]

Starbuck: A hot pilot doesn't need all that electronic felgercarb.

Guest Stars[edit]

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This article has a separate continuity.
This article is in the Berkley books separate continuity, which is related to the Original Series. Be sure that your contributions to this article reflect the characters and events specific to this continuity only.
The Long Patrol
The Long Patrol
A book of the Berkley Books line
Book No. 10
Author(s) Ron Goulart
Adaptation of The Long Patrol
No. of Pages {{{pages}}}
Published November 1984
ISBN 0425071057
Previous Next
Experiment in Terra The Long Patrol The Nightmare Machine
Paperback Version
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I usually enjoy novelizations more when the author takes liberties with the story and does not do a straightforward adaptation of the episode. This book is the one case where I wish the original story had been left alone. Ron Goulart makes a lot of changes to what was one of the better one-hour episodes of Battlestar Galactica, and virtually all of his changes are for the worse.

To Goulart's credit, he does write Starbuck better here than in the previous two novels. But his constant need to pair Starbuck up with a woman gets tiresome. Robber is now a gorgeous black-haired woman instead of a man. There are numerous extra scenes thrown in which aren't all that interesting. What is strange is that Starbuck drops his anger at Robber for stealing his ship pretty quickly. He believes her to be in danger even though he never is given a good reason, and so he goes off to rescue her (like the true hero he is!). There is a rather large plot hole in the fact that C.O.R.A. just happens to force Robber to land on a planet in the exact area where she has enemies. Of course, this is not the most believable of coincidences. A couple of other new characters are introduced, but none of them are interesting.

What comes across as a rip-off is when Goulart decides to rehash the "Fire In Space" episode by having kamikaze Cylon raiders attack Galactica at the end and people trapped inside a lounge (How original!). Three Cylon fighters ram Galactica, but the damage they do is pretty minimal compared to what happened in the episode when only one Cylon raider rams the ship.

We are given more space battles with the Cylons in the book than we did in the actual episode, but they are pretty dull as Goulart isn't very good at writing them. The Cylon kamikaze attack at the end is also fairly dull (and it shouldn't be). The Colonials beat the Cylons fairly easily each time they attack, so there is little suspense.

Perhaps the best thing about his book is the cover art, although there is a mistake as Starbuck is in a colonial uniform and Apollo is wearing a disguise. Of course, it should be vice-versa. Bottom line, if you miss this book, you're not missing much.


  • This is the last of the Berkely novelizations. The remaining Berkely books would have original stories.
  • When Athena walks in on Starbuck, she sees a second glass on the table. Starbuck tells her he took out a second glass because he had a feeling that someone would soon be joining him.
  • In the midst of switching rooms, Starbuck trips on the carpet while looking around to see if Cassiopea is coming.
  • When Adama says to keep tracking Starbuck because he may be on to something, Athena says to herself, "Probably a blonde."
  • Croad lands his fighter next to the shuttle. Starbuck drops a crate on Croad's foot and then knocks him out and steals his fighter. He tracks down C.O.R.A., and the viper is empty. C.O.R.A forced Robber to land on a planet in the middle of territory where she has enemies. Starbuck goes after her and falls into a large pit. A woman named Candy approaches and pulls a gun on him. Then a man with a metal arm named Scrapper zaps her, knocking her into the pit with Starbuck. He helps Starbuck out and agrees to help him find Robber. They soon rescue Robber from a gang of thugs and then head back. Apollo and Boomer land and learn from C.O.R.A. what is going on. They head off to look for Starbuck. Not long after, Starbuck returns alone to scout the place out and Croad arrests him and takes him to Proteus.
  • The Galactica does not alter its course.
  • Imperious Leader, not Baltar, launches three Cylon raiders to investigate the signal.
  • In the battle above Proteus, none of the Cylon raiders crash into the ambrosia, although Starbuck does black out.
  • Two dozen people stay behind on Proteus.
  • Imperious Leader launches three more Cylon raiders who attack the vipers and the shuttle on their way back to Galactica. The Cylons are easily destroyed, although Starbuck pushes his luck and almost rams into one.
  • Athena and Cassiopea declare a truce and hang out with each other, wondering who Starbuck has hooked up with.
  • Robber changes her name to Roberta.
  • Starbuck, Roberta, and the other people from Croad go to Galactica's rec lounge when fifty Cylon raiders attack.
  • Three Cylons raiders ram Galactica. The rec lounge loses air. Roberta passes out, but she managed to help several people and is declared a hero.
  • Starbuck takes Roberta out to the Rising Star and meets the same waiter again. Athena and Cassiopea are in a booth next to where their reserved table is, so Starbuck has the waiter take them to another area.

Cover views[edit]

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Encyclopedia Galactica
Encyclopedia Galactica
A book of the Original Series reference line
Book No. 1
Author(s) Bruce Kraus[1]
Adaptation of
No. of Pages {{{pages}}}
Published September 1979
ISBN 0525610391
Previous Next
The Official Battlestar Galactica Scrapbook Encyclopedia Galactica none
Paperback Version
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Audiobook Version
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Encyclopedia Galactica: From the Fleet Library aboard the Battlestar Galactica (Windmill Books and E.P. Dutton 1979, ISBN 0525610391), edited by Bruce Kraus, is an encyclopedia of the Original Series.

Encyclopedia Galactica is presently out of print, although copies of it, at times, are available either through or eBay.

Due to its various inaccuracies, misspellings, and contradictory information, it is not considered a fully canonical source text for the Original Series. Battlestar Wiki does aim to note the difference between this text and aired information however, though makes no guarantees on its status in Battlestar canon.


A listing of errata in the book that deviates from already established canonical material, ordered by appearance.

  • In general, the timeline given in the book does not correspond to the date Starbuck gives in "The Man with Nine Lives" (yahren 7322).[2]
  • The book mentions that after serving with distinction in a dozen major engagements during the "Great War," he "returned to Carillon a hero," instead of Caprica.[3]
  • The book mentions that Zac is short for "Zaccariah," although there is nothing to support this.[4]
  • The book mentions that Adar was born in 6368, but contradicts this date by saying he became a staff assistant to the Quorum of Twelve in 5997, almost 400 years before he was even born.[5]
  • The picture of the alleged Agro Ship is actually a picture of the Mining Ship seen in both the Original and Re-imagined Series.[6]
  • The picture of the launch bay is referred to as a "ready-room" in the caption for the picture.[7]
  • The picture of the landram from Saga of a Star World is referred to as a shuttlecraft.[7]
  • The caption for a picture of a battlestar repeats the error of there only being twelve battlestars before the Battle of Cimtar.[7]
  • The Borellian Nomen are referred to as "Borallians".[8]
  • The laser bola are referred to as the "Laser-Bolt".[9]
  • The top picture of a Boray is, in fact, the appearance of Count Iblis without special effects.[10]
  • The Borays are said to be inhabitants of Equellus; they are inhabitants of Sectar. Equellus is the planet that Apollo crash-lands on in "The Lost Warrior".[10]
  • According to Commander Cain's entry, he had Pegasus on "ready alert" which prevented his ship from being destroyed during the Battle of Cimtar. However, Cain was at Gamoray in an attempt to circumnavigate Cylon forces between Molecay and the Colonies at the time, and did not hear about the attack until well after it happened.[11]
  • Carillon is said to have been discovered by human settlers nearly 200 yahren before the fall of the Colonies, but this is inaccurate as the planet was discovered by Baltar's agents; they later reported that the planet held nothing of value, and no humans went there to mine tylium (as claimed in the book).[12]
  • The word Geminon is misspelled "Geinon".[13]
  • The "dreadnought" depicted in the book is, in fact, a Cylon basestar over Carillon when Apollo and Starbuck ignite the tylium during the Battle of Carillon.[14]
  • The term "drone" is defined as "compact, pilotless spacecraft" developed by humans. The term "drone" as defined in the series refers to robots, like Muffit II. Additionally, the small gallery of pictures depicting a drone are the Cylon Mines in the Straits of Madagon.[14]
  • Count Iblis is called "Ibley".[15]

Other items[edit]

These are items that cannot fit in any other location, due to the lack of canonicy.

  • Age of the Philosophers: an era of the Second Millennium, likely similar to the Renaissance period of Earth's history, when the Books of the Lords of Kobol were written.[16]
  • antiscientific period: the period where the Colonials rejected technology after the exodus from Kobol.[17]
  • Astralon: high-velocity particles, similar to meteoroids and micro-meteoroids, that are grouped together like a cloud. Armored battle craft are shielded from astralons, but they can cause damage to unshielded civilian vehicles, compromising the hull and ship's atmosphere. Smaller astralons are said to be undetectable by low-power scanners.[18]
  • Books of the Lords of Kobol: semi-mystical books complimenting the Book of the Word, chronicling the events of the exodus from Kobol. They were composed during the Second Milennium's "Age of the Philosophers". The written style is described as "uneven and various," with "beautiful poems telling the loss and separation of the final days [... interspersed] with stark lists of individuals and their possessions". In comparison to the Book of the Word, the later Books contain "proverbs and parables" that have nebulous and varied meanings depending on the person reading the text. This so-called ambiguity "cannot be held to be a flaw," for it "reflects the greater uncertainty about the universe and the fate of humankind felt during the last days of Kobol".
    After the establishment of the Colonies, the books became influential in creating the many religious sects, mainly because of Kobol's destruction due to science and technology. These sects created "elaborate mathematical interpretations of particular words, even particular sequences of symbols," believing that the fate of the entire universe was coded into the Books, and that it was the "mission of humankind" to decipher them. A majority of these sects died out by the Seventh Millennium.[19]
  • Buzzer: While we know canonically that homemade buzzer can and has been made locally on one planet, the book says that "buzzer" is the general term for a variety of alcoholic beverages native to the "outer Colonial provinces," essentially a form of moonshine made of local plant life and "usually aged less than one yahren". Additionally, "excessive consumption" of this substance is a "serious medical and social problem in these lonely outposts, though no cure has been found".[11]
  • Caprica City: a city on Caprica where Boomer was raised.[20]
  • Cygnus: an asteroid containing an outpost of the Picon colony, in addition to a tylium mine owned by Baltar's family. It was captured by the Cylons a century before the Battle of Cimtar and held for five yahren until the Colonials retook it. Baltar later turned Cygnus' tylium mine operation into the "largest intercolonial Tylium trading firm in the Galaxy".[21]
  • Eagle Squadron: a legendary Viper squadron assigned to battlestar Prometheus. Prior to assuming command of Pegasus, Cain led this squadron, gaining "intercolonial fame" by doing so.[12]
  • Era of Darkness: the time period that followed the settlement of the Twelve Colonies after the humans' exodus from Kobol. During this period, technology pertaining to interstellar travel and other higher-end electronic science were forgotten, for these were blamed for the fall of Kobol. As a result, each colony was cut off from the others, and the humans reverted to a "simpler, agricultural way of life". This is stated to have lasted for as long as two millennia.[13]
  • Fifth Millennium: the time period when the Capricans led the colonies into the scientific renaissance, well after the Era of Darkness.[13]
  • Final Destruction: a name of the final, decisive Cylon strike against the Twelve Colonies of Man.[22] The canonical name for it is the Battle of Cimtar.
  • Intercolonial Strategic Council: the body governing the Colonial war effort against the Cylons during the Thousand-Yahren War. Commander Cain dominated this council for years before his debacle at Molecay.[11]
  • Interstellar Age: presumably the age that humanity rediscovered interstellar travel.[20]
  • Long Peace: a 500-yahren period of "unparalleled prosperity" after the rediscovery of interstellar travel amongst the colonies; this occurred prior to the onset of the Thousand Yahren War.[23]
  • nutron cased laser torpedo: a Cylon weapon included in the basestar's armament; upon detonating, it not only inflicts physical damage, but also emits rays that break down the cellular structure of both food and human tissue, likely similar to pluton poisoning.[7]
  • Pan-Colonial Unification Party: a social and political movement that sought to unify the Colonies under one government politically, economically, and militarily; it was prominent on the colonies on Picon and Virgon. Adar worked to develop this party on Virgon, which ushered him into a role of president of this organization and later the presidency of the Quorum of Twelve.[24] Baltar also generously contributed to this party and was influencial in bringing the party to power on his own colony of Picon.[21]
  • Prometheus: battlestar that Cain served on as leader of Eagle Squadron.[12]
  • Scientific Renaissance: period in Colonial history dealing with the rediscovery and advancement of science.[23]
  • Second Millennium: the second millennium of time, insinuated to be 2,000 years (or more) after the exodus from Kobol; a period during this time saw the creation of the Books of the Lords of Kobol.[16]
  • University of Picon: an educational institution on Picon where Baltar studied "political economy".[21]

External links[edit]


Please note that page numbers reflect the numbering in the PDF file that is linked above, and not in the actual encyclopedia itself, as the pages are not individually numbered in the actual book.
  1. Due to the nature of Kraus' entry on page 7, it is unknown whether or not the name is a pseudonym.
  2. Kraus, Bruce (1979). Encyclopedia Galactica, p. 59.
  3. Ibid. 11.
  4. Ibid. 12, 57.
  5. Ibid., 12.
  6. Ibid. 13.
  7. Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Ibid. 19.
  8. Ibid. 22-23.
  9. Ibid. 23.
  10. Jump up to: 10.0 10.1 Ibid., 23.
  11. Jump up to: 11.0 11.1 11.2 Ibid., 25.
  12. Jump up to: 12.0 12.1 12.2 Ibid., 26.
  13. Jump up to: 13.0 13.1 13.2 Ibid., 27.
  14. Jump up to: 14.0 14.1 Ibid. 34.
  15. Ibid. 39.
  16. Jump up to: 16.0 16.1 Ibid., 20.
  17. Ibid., 24.
  18. Ibid., 14.
  19. Ibid., 20-21.
  20. Jump up to: 20.0 20.1 Ibid., 20-21.
  21. Jump up to: 21.0 21.1 21.2 Ibid., 16.
  22. 'Ibid., 35.
  23. Jump up to: 23.0 23.1 Ibid., 28.
  24. Ibid., 12.

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Birth place {{{birthplace}}}
Birth Name Charlie Longo
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Nickname {{{nickname}}}
Introduced Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance
Last Known Appearance [[{{{lastseen}}}]]
Death Shot by a Centurion
Marital Status
Family Tree View
Role Viper pilot, battlestar Galactica
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by
Long is a Cylon
Long is a Final Five Cylon
Long is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
Long is an Original Series Cylon
Related Media
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Charlie Longo was a member of the New Caprica Resistance who is shot by Cylon Centurions after he is discovered hiding weapons for the resistance. By hiding them under a latrine, he is able to save some of the weapons for the resistance (TRS: "Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance").

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