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"Precipice" An episode of the Re-imagined Series | |||
Episode No. | Season 3, Episode 2 | ||
Writer(s) | Ronald D. Moore | ||
Story by | |||
Director | Sergio Mimica-Gezzan | ||
Assistant Director | |||
Special guest(s) | Lucy Lawless as Number Three | ||
Production No. | 302 | ||
Nielsen Rating | 1.8 | ||
US airdate | ![]() | ||
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DVD release | |||
Population | survivors | ||
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Occupation | Precipice | Exodus, Part I | |
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- After the suicide bombing, the Cylons institute stricter controls on the human population on New Caprica. Aboard Galactica, plans for the rescue from New Caprica move forward now that communication with the resistance has been established.
- Gaius Baltar visits Laura Roslin, who has been detained by the Cylons. In order to appear friendly, he hands her back her glasses, but then expresses his outrage and disbelief at the suicide bombings carried out by the resistance. He demands that he and Roslin publicly condemn these actions. Although Roslin initially expresses understanding for the resistance, when Baltar presses her to condone their attacks, she remains silent. Baltar tries to make her understand that order and policing is necessary and denies Roslin's allegations of random searches, arrests and torture. When he leaves, he again emphasizes that the situation has deteriorated to a dangerous level and orders the guard to release Roslin.
- At night the New Caprica Police prepares for an operation. Cavil arrives and asks Captain James Lyman is he understands is orders and assures him that the Centurions will support them if necessary.
- In the resistance's underground hideout, Galen Tyrol questions Saul Tigh about another planned suicide bombing, disagreeing with attacking innocent civilians in market and unsure which side they're fighting on. At his computer, he established contact with another Raptor sent by Galactica and delivers a status report.
- The New Caprica police dons night vision goggles and arrests people on a list given to them, including Cally Tyrol. Galen Tyrol later finds his son alone in the tent.
Act 1[edit]
- On Galactica Admiral Adama, Lee Adama, Karl Agathon, Louanne Katraine, Anastasia Dualla and other offers discuss their rescue plan. Agathon notes that the resistance is lacking in strength. When Katraine mentions that they need to determine which pilots will fly the ships off the planet, the admiral points out that the Cylons have removed the ships' launch keys and the resistance needs to retrieve them first. Katraine suggests to supply the resistance with weapons, but Lee Adama thinks that would just tip off the Cylons to an impending rescue effort and that Galactica has been in contact with the resistance.
- On New Caprica, Galen Tyrol talks to Felix Gaeta. Both are unaware of their roles as resistance leader and informant respectively. Tyrol asks Gaeta if he can find out what happened to Cally, but he is unsure if he can do anything. Tyrol can't understand how Gaeta can work for the Cylons and Gaeta tells him that he will try to help him.
- In a street, Jammer is picking through some belongings scattered around by his raid, thinking about what he has done. Tyrol notices his troubled state and asks if he is OK. Jammer replies that everything is fine and mentions that he heard about Cally, saying that he is sorry. Jammer, discreetly talking about himself, says that some of the policemen probably thought they'd do something good, but are in over their heads now. Tyrol tells him that the police force - and Gaeta - are collaborators and that one day they will be strung up, while people like him and Jammer will cheer on.
- The Leoben copy that has imprisoned Kara Thrace introduces her to Kacey Brynn, supposedly another Cylon-human hybrid fertilized using Thrace's egg from her stolen ovary. Thrace immediately treats Kacey as an "it."
Act 2[edit]
- On Pegasus, Dualla reads a communique and can't believe that Admiral Adama wants to send, the until now incarcerated, Sharon Agathon to New Caprica to establish contact with the resistance. Her husband is furious too and orders a Raptor prepared to meet with his father. However, the admiral thinks that he can trust Agathon and refuses to hear any advise from his son. Lee thinks that the plan is too risky and they they should focus protecting the two thousand civilians who escaped with them, instead of risking the future of mankind on a gamble. His father listens to a certain extend, and tells Lee to stay with the Fleet, while he goes back to New Caprica alone.
- In the apartment on New Caprica, Conoy tells Thrace more about Kacey and eventually leaves them alone. Thrace is as distant as ever, wanting to have nothing to do with the child.
- In a tent, Laura Roslin talks to Colonel Tigh, demanding that he stop with the suicide bombings. When Tigh asks if she works for the Cylons, she slaps him, but apologizes quickly. Tigh says that none if it matters anymore, and argues that the attacks aren't any different from sending soldiers on suicide missions. He tells Roslin to stop being naive and moralizing until she is back on Colonial One again, and leaves.
- At the Detention Center many humans are brought in with bags over their head. Sharon Valerii tells Number Six that their actions are just causing more resentment and violence. Outside, Jammer is overseeing the prisoners and asks to speak to Valerii. He tells her if she can find out what happened to Cally Tyrol.
- In the apartment, Thrace watches Kacey play with disinterest and rebuffs the child's attempts to interact with her. She goes to the bathroom to calm down. When she comes back, she finds that Kacey has fallen down on the stairs and is bleeding. Worrying, she calls her name.
Act 3[edit]
- In a hospital, Thrace and Conoy watch over Kacey's bed. Conoy is apparently glad, that she has finally connected to the child.
- Valerii visits Cally Tyrol in her cell. Not really knowing what to tell her, she says that she is happy for Cally and her husband, despite her previous relationship with Galen. However, when Tyrol learns that Valerii can't release her, she tells her to frak herself and asks how many times she has to kill her.
- Another suicide attack destroys a power station, killing many Cylons and humans. On Colonial One, the Cylons agree that harder measures against the humans are necessary. Number Three tells Baltar to sign a document ordering the summary execution of the detainees. Baltar is reluctant to sign it, and Six vigorously defends him in front of the other Cylons. Baltar still refuses and Number Five holds a gun to his head, forcing Baltar to sign the order. When Six shouts "This is crazy", Five shoots her in the head, to Baltar's shock. Five then puts more pressure on Baltar who signs the order.
- On Galactica, Sharon Agathon is sworn in an officer in the Colonial Fleet. Afterwards, her husband tells her that he is glad for her and that it means a lot to him. She says that she won't betray the uniform. On the hangar deck, she asks Admiral Adama how he knows that he can really trust her, who says that he doesn't, but that's what trust is.
- On New Caprica, Cavil and Ellen Tigh finish having sex. Cavil tells her that they know her husband is the resistance's leader. He demands a place and time for a high-level meeting for the resistance, or they will place Tigh in detention again and possibly kill him.
Act 4[edit]
- When Tyrol tells Tigh about the rendezvous with the Colonial Raptor, he can't believe who their liaison officer is either. They go over a map of the meeting place, when Ellen Tigh comes in. After Samuel Anders memorizes the location, Tigh want to burn the map. His wife takes it for him, pretending to burn it, but secretly pockets the map.
- On Colonial One, Gaeta angrily confronts Baltar about the death warrant he signed. Baltar is equally disturbed, but sits quietly on a couch. He replies that he knows what he has done and that he read the names, but the he didn't have a choice.
- The New Caprica Police storms through the city and arrests more people, including Laura Roslin. The prisoners are put on trucks, where Roslin meets Tom Zarek, who has spent the last four months in detention.
- The resistance makes its way to Breeders Canyon where two Raptors jump into the atmosphere.
- In the hospital, Kara Trace prays to the Lords of Kobol to spare Kacey's life, admitting that it was her mistake. Conoy tells her not to worry and that it was just an accident. Both are happy when Kacey wakes up.
- Cavil has the convoy of trucks stopped, telling the guards to let the prisoners "stretch their legs". Zarek tells Roslin that he would prefer if her election fraud had been successful.
- Agathon meets with Anders and his resistance fighters, but they are ambushed by Centurions.
- A masked Jammer cuts Cally Tyrol loose and tells her to run. She scurries away. At the same time, Centurions come into sight, preparing to open fire on the prisoners. Gunshots are heard.
- Felix Gaeta's given name, first revealed in "Final Cut", is spoken out loud for the first time.
- Caprica-Valerii has married Karl Agathon and taken his last name. She continues to be confined to her cell, but it has been decorated and furnished. Ironically enough, she still calls him "Helo."
- Sharon Agathon and William Adama have continued to develop the rapport which they established in "Resurrection Ship, Part II".
- Baltar's internal Six appears only after Caprica-Six is shot in the head.
- Lee Adama states that there are about 2000 civilians on the ships that escaped New Caprica, which would mean that after accounting for an unspecified number of military personnel (and an unspecified number of said personnel that were left on New Caprica), at least 5500 people were killed in the destruction of Cloud 9 as well as the other ships destroyed by the nuclear warhead in "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II".
- Another four humans are killed in the suicide bombing at the power substation this episode. It is unknown whether or not this figure includes the bomber. Additionally, 23 Cylons are critically wounded; 14 of them are euthanized. Almost half the city is left without power, with repair estimates standing at a minimum of two weeks.
- Tom Zarek's role in the Baltar administration is finally revealed: he was indeed Baltar's running mate, and was elected Vice President in "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II". (This was implied in the last three episodes of season two, but not stated explicitly). He refused to be party to the Cylon occupation and was detained shortly thereafter, until his execution was ordered in this episode.
- This is the first episode in which all of the "Significant Seven" Cylons appear together. However, Leoben does not appear with his fellow Cylons and only appears in scenes with Starbuck.
- This is also the first episode in which all twelve humanoid Cylons appear together in one way or another.
- "Occupation/Precipice" was awarded the IGN.com Editor's choice award, following a review in which it received a rating of 10/10.
- This episode was nominated for "Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series" in the 2007 Emmy Awards.
- "Occupation" and "Precipice" were edited as one 2-hr episode with only one introduction. However, in the podcast, Ronald D. Moore indicates the "beginning" of "Precipice" as the scene with Baltar and Roslin in the detention cell. On the Region 1 DVD set for Season 3, the episodes are presented as two distinct episodes.
- However, the episode is slightly cut for the DVD release (and possibly the syndication airings as well). Likely in order to make more room for a second intro, the conversation between Sharon and Karl Agathon after her taking her oath is shortened. Missing is one of Helo's lines: "One of the first things they taught us at the academy was that symbols matter. Uniforms, flags, banners, even mascots. They're like pieces of your heart you can look at."
- This episode has the second highest number of guest stars. Only the Miniseries has more credited stars.
- In the podcast, Ronald D. Moore states that references to "The Twist" and "The Swirl" are a homage to Seinfeld. The episode in question is "The Fusilli Jerry."
- The apparent shooting of the captives at the end of the episode is a homage to The Great Escape and Battle of the Bulge; especially the latter as it features a survivor's escaping in a similar manner to Cally Tyrol's.
- Apparently a single humanoid Cylon copy can speak for his or her particular model. The phrase "We agree" is said by several models. A Six adds "most of us do, anyway", indicating that disagreement in the ranks of one model is unusual. Interestingly, Caprica-Six fails to dissuade her "sisters" from voting to execute the dissidents.
- This consensus within the copies is done invisibly. Similar communication between Cylons of a single model has been witnessed in several prior episodes:
- In "The Farm", the copy of Simon which Kara Thrace encounters outside the facility shares the memories of the one she has recently killed, although insufficient time has passed for a resurrection of the type witnessed in "Downloaded".
- In "Home, Part II", Caprica-Valerii reveals to Galen Tyrol that she has some of the Boomer copy's memories.
- At the start of "Occupation", the Cavil model interrogating with Saul Tigh knows of his wife's work to free him.
- This contact is apparently strictly voluntary. According to Caprica-Sharon in "Home, Part I", "I'm not wired in. It doesn't work like that," and her presence on New Caprica is not considered a security hazard.
- This consensus within the copies is done invisibly. Similar communication between Cylons of a single model has been witnessed in several prior episodes:
- As one of the Cavils notes, adherence to the Cylon creed has become increasingly perfunctory. The Cylons seek the president's signature as a mere formality.
- Number Three's claim that Caprica-Six's assault on her was the first case of Cylon-on-Cylon violence in their history is false. While Boomer's actions as a sleeper agent can't be considered to apply here, Caprica-Valerii shoots another Eight in "Colonial Day". However, strictly from Three's point of view, her statement may be true, since she either may not know about these events or who exactly shot that Eight.
- Ironically, a Five shoots Caprica-Six in the head shortly after Three's statement. Cavil indicates, however, that she won't be "boxed," as Caprica feared in "Downloaded".
- The same Number Three that is killed in "Downloaded" by Caprica-Six is present on Colonial One, referencing the incident; it is this same Three who questions Six regarding her love of Baltar.
- If Leoben Conoy's story is true, Kacey Brynn can't be older than 16 months [1].
- As Ellen Tigh's actions seem as reprehensible as ever, her motivations this time around are rather more laudable. These two episodes show that she truly does care for her husband.
- Cavil informs Ellen Tigh that they released Saul Tigh so that he may continue leading the resistance, thereby ensuring attacks against the Cylons, such as the two bombings that followed his release. These bombings and their results reinforce Cavil's argument that instilling fear and exerting total control over the population is the only viable solution.
- It also might be possible that the release of Tigh might play into the faction of Cylons who continue to hold a strong prejudice towards humans. Caprica-Six and Boomer are clearly shown to be a diminishing voice amongst the Cylon leadership as evidenced when Number Five shot Caprica-Six in the head. This faction of Cylons may very well be attempting to destroy the experiment that Caprica-Six and Boomer convinced the Cylon population to undergo.
- The Cylons' condemnation to suicide bombings is strikingly hypocritical, in light of the fact that a Number Five used the same tactic after boarding Galactica in "Litmus".
- Given that she was ordered to face execution by the Colonial Government, where would Cally Tyrol be able to run to? (Answer)
- Why did the Cylons abandon their plan for a public execution?
- If viewers are to assume that the gunfire at the end of the episode is not from the Centurions, then who is firing? (Answer)
- Is Gaeta showing rather unusual behavior? If so, how much will his role as "inside man" be affected?
- What is the role of the five unseen Cylon models in the occupation? Are they present and simply remaining off-camera for the benefit of the audience? Have they attempted to hide themselves from the Colonials? (Answer)
- Why do none of the Leoben Conoy copies attend the meeting on Colonial One regarding the execution order?
- Cally Tyrol and Sharon Agathon both took their husbands' names upon marriage, as did Ellen Tigh, Caroline Adama and Sesha Abinell. Are Anastasia Dualla and Kara Thrace now Anastasia Adama, and Kara Anders, respectively? (Answer regarding Kara Thrace)
- What is the relationship between Caprica-Six's shooting and the reappearance of Baltar's Internal Six?
- On the topic of internal manifestations, what happened to Caprica-Six's internal Baltar? Will he ever show himself again? Has he disappeared much like his counterpart in Baltar, now that the real-world Baltar is in Caprica-Six's midst? (Answer)
- Now that the Sharon Agathon has landed on the surface of New Caprica, how can she be distinguished from other Number Eights there? (Answer)
- How will humans identify Sharon Agathon should she ever leave their sight? How, for example, can she safely return to Galactica? (Answer)
- How does Jammer identify the particular Eight he talks to as "Boomer?"
- If the Centurions are incapable of distinguishing between individual copies of a model, why would they fire on Sharon Agathon, who should be just another Eight to them? (Answer)
- Why didn't Duck tell Tyrol that Jammer had joined the New Caprica Police?
- Did Kacey fall down the stairs or was she pushed?
- As Zarek wanted nothing to do with Baltar's puppet administration, who replaced him as Vice President? (Answer)
- Given Zarek's imprisonment for four months, what has become of Zarek's various supporters? Do they still exist on New Caprica or in the Fleet? If so, what of them?
- What has become of the Demand Peace movement?
- Is Kacey Brynn all that Leoben Conoy claims her to be? (Answer)
- Since Felix Gaeta is one of the top people in the Baltar administration (indeed, Baltar's staff seems to consist primarily of Felix Gaeta) and was once a Colonial officer, why doesn't Tyrol consider the possibility that Gaeta may be his inside source?
Noteworthy Dialogue[edit]
- William Adama sees off the newly commissioned Sharon Agathon:
- Agathon: How do you know? How do you really know that you can trust me?
- Adama: I don't. That's what trust is. Good hunting, Lieutenant.
- Discussing suicide bombings:
- Galen Tyrol: This is crazy. You know, we need to figure out whose side we're on.
- Saul Tigh: Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that.
- After having watched surveillance footage of the suicide bombing at the power plant:
- Number Five: Twenty-three Cylons critically wounded. Fourteen had to be euthanised.
- Boomer: They had casualties too. Four human dead.
- Cavil: Who gives a frak about that part?
- After being arrested, held without charge and carted to a remote location:
- Tom Zarek: Laura...That election last year. You tried to steal it, didn't you?
- Laura Roslin: Yes, Tom. I did.
- Tom Zarek: (laughs) Ah...I wish you'd gone through with it.
- Laura Roslin: Me too.
- Cally Tyrol in her cell to Sharon Valerii who visits her:
- Colonel Tigh after being slapped by Roslin for accusing her of working for the Cylons:
- Tigh: You see, little things like that, they don't matter anymore. Fact, not too frakking much really matters anymore. I got one job here, lady, and one job only. To disrupt the Cylons, make them worry about the anthill they stirred up down here so they're distracted and out of position when the old man shows up in orbit. The bombings, they got the Cylons' attention, they really got their attention. And I am not giving that up.
- Laura Roslin: We are talking about people blowing themselves up.
- Tigh: You know, sometimes I think that you've got ice water in those veins. And other times, I think you're just a naive little school teacher. I've sent men on suicide missions in two wars now, and let me tell you something. It don't make a godsdamn bit of difference whether they're riding in a Viper or walking out onto a parade ground. In the end, they're just as dead. (pauses) So, take your piety, and your moralizing, and your high-minded principles, and stick 'em some place safe until you're off this rock and you're sitting in your nice, cushy chair on Colonial One again. (stands) I've got a war to fight (leaves).
- Sharon and Karl Agathon after she is sworn in as officer:
- Karl Agathon: Looks good on you. Belongs on you.
- Sharon Agathon: You know what this means to me.
- Karl Agathon: One of the first things they taught us at the academy was that symbols matter. Uniforms, flags, banners, even mascots. They're like pieces of your heart you can look at. This uniform... it means a lot to me, Sharon.
- Sharon Agathon: I know it does, Helo. It means a lot to me, too. I won't betray it. (They kiss.)
- William and Lee Adama have a confrontation about the right course of action:
- Lee Adama: You are gambling with the lives of everyone on this ship. And everyone on my ship.
- William Adama: I don't need a lecture from you about the responsibilities of command. We're done here. (Leaves. Lee follows him into the corridor.)
- Lee Adama: I'm not finished. This entire plan is a reckless gamble. And, yes, you certainly have the right to risk the lives of the men and women under your command. But that's not the issue. The issue is that you are risking the lives of the entire human race.
- William Adama: I'm trying to save the human race.
- Lee Adama: No. No, you're not. That's what you're not seeing. Right now, the human race? Well, that's the 2,000 people huddled in those civilian ships that managed to get away when the Cylons came back. They're the safe bet. They're the ones whose survival we should guard. Just like we did after the attack on the Colonies. [...] Remember what Roslin said: "Our first responsibility is to the survival of humanity." We can't lose sight of that. Over the last year, we've lost sight of almost everything. We got...soft. But if we go back to New Caprica now, and we lose, it's over. Humanity just stops. And those admiral's stars don't give you the right to make that gamble.
- William Adama: You're right, son. You should make plans to resume the search for earth with the Pegasus and the civilian fleet.
- Lee Adama: With Pegasus? What about Galactica?
- William Adama: I know why we left those people behind. And I know it was their choice in the first place to be down there. And I realize that the survival of the human race outweighs anything else. But this time... I can't live with it. Can't face it. Maybe I'm a coward. But I'm going back.
- Lee Adama: Dad, you won't have a chance.
- William Adama: I'm going back, son.
Guest Stars[edit]
- Michael Hogan as Saul Tigh
- Aaron Douglas as Galen Tyrol
- Tahmoh Penikett as Lt. Karl "Helo" Agathon
- Nicki Clyne as Cally Tyrol
- Alessandro Juliani as Felix Gaeta
- Kandyse McClure as Anastasia Dualla
- Michael Trucco as Samuel Anders
- Richard Hatch as Tom Zarek
- Rick Worthy as Simon
- Callum Keith Rennie as Leoben Conoy
- Kate Vernon as Ellen Tigh
- Donnelly Rhodes as Dr. Cottle
- Matthew Bennett as Number Five
- Rekha Sharma as Tory Foster
- Dean Stockwell as Cavil
- Erica Cerra as Maya
- Luciana Carro as Lt. Louanne "Kat" Katraine
- Christian Tessier as Tucker "Duck" Clellan
- Brad Dryborough as Lt. Louis Hoshi
- Leah Cairns as Lt. Margaret "Racetrack" Edmondson
- Madeline Parker as Kacey Brynn
- Dominic Zamprogna as James "Jammer" Lyman
- Mylène Dinh-Robic as Officer #1
- Ryan McDonell as Eammon "Gonzo" Pike (credited as Pilot #3)
- Byron Lawson as Pilot #4
- Colin Lawrence as Hamish "Skulls" McCall
- Larissa Stadnichuk as Suicide bomber
- ↑ As of this episode, it has been about 27 months since the fall of the Colonies. Kara Thrace's incarceration at the farm on Caprica took place about two months after the Cylon attack.