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"Occupation" An episode of the Re-imagined Series | |||
Episode No. | Season 3, Episode 1 | ||
Writer(s) | Ronald D. Moore | ||
Story by | |||
Director | Sergio Mimica-Gezzan | ||
Assistant Director | |||
Special guest(s) | Lucy Lawless as Number Three | ||
Production No. | 301 | ||
Nielsen Rating | 1.8 | ||
US airdate | ![]() | ||
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DVD release | {{{dvd}}} | ||
Population | survivors | ||
Additional Info | Season 3.0 Premiere | ||
Episode Chronology | |||
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Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance | Occupation | Precipice | |
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- It has been four months since the Cylons occupied the human settlement of New Caprica, and Galactica, Pegasus, and a handful of ships jumped to safety. On New Caprica, a resistance has begun to challenge the Cylons. Aboard Galactica, Admiral Adama struggles with plans for a rescue, having only a handful of untested pilots at his command, understaffed ships, and facing a nearly impossible task.
- Please note: This page is undergoing a revision for act-by-act summaries. It is by no means complete and is in progress. Please feel free to contribute to this effort, thank you!
- The episode begins with a series of cut scenes. Light flashes over Saul Tigh's face. He is in a prison cell, his missing eye patched over with a gauze bandage, and has scratched notches into a calendar on the wall. His wife, Ellen Tigh, is having sex with one of the Cavils. Laura Roslin lights a candle and prays to the gods. Galen Tyrol and Samuel Anders are planting a bomb using G-4 and a detonator within a building space.
- Kara Thrace is inside a neatly decorated room, setting a table.
- Admiral William Adama tries to strategize a rescue plan with a series of various models of fighters, support vehicles and other civilian ships in the Situation Room's plot table, but becomes frustrated and hurls a model across the table.
- Another Cavil walks into Tigh's cell. He walks sits down, wears sunglasses to see in the bright light, and then taunts Tigh about the hash marks that Tigh attempts to hide. Sunglasses-Cavil laughs and comments that every time Tigh is taken out of the cell, the Cylons come in and they change the calendar.
- A copy of Leoben Conoy walks into the room where Thrace sits at table, carrying her dinner. He sits and prays to "The Heavenly Father" for their bounty.
- Meanwhile, Ellen Tigh is straddling another Cavil. Cavil climaxes and, after the deed is done, Ellen begins to walk away from the couch while Cavil laughs in the background.
- Tyrol arms the explosive. As the Cylon Heavy Raider begins to land, Tyrol and Anders move off to a safe distance from the explosive.
- Thrace coyly asks the Conoy copy for a knife for her steak, but Conoy takes his knife and cuts her steak himself. Thrace thanks him.
- After Ellen Tigh's liaison with her Cavil copy, she asks when will she gets what she asked for, suggesting a previous deal. The Cylon informs her that it should be happening right at that moment. At same time, the Cavil in the cell with Colonel Tigh releases him from prison in a very taunting way; Cavil notes that his case was reviewed by the review committee and "I must say there was great disappointment on the review committee", then leaves with the cell door open. At Cavil's urging, Tigh exits his cell for "bureaucracy must be served" before his release in the form of paperwork.
- Tigh leaves the New Caprica Detention Center, he prison and his wife meets him at the gate. She notes the eye-patch of medical gauze and asks what they did to him during his imprisonment, however he just wants to leave.

- A group of 'skinjobs' including at least 3 Eights, 3 Sixes, and 2 Fives approach the Heavy Raider as several 'chromejobs' exit it. Tyrol repeatedly hits the remote control until the bomb goes off. The explosion is witnessed by both the Tighs, and by the Conoy copy with Thrace from their apartment. He returns to the table, pushes his knife away from Thrace.
- As he comments on how beautiful she is, Thrace stabs him in the neck with metal chopsticks. As he dies (while Thrace repeatedly stabs his chest for good measure), he tells Thrace that he will see her soon. She tells him to take his time. Then, after wiping her hand on the carpet, she returns to the table and calmly resumes eating dinner.
Act 1[edit]
- Laura Roslin, still a school teacher, is writing an entry on the 134th day of the Cylon occupation of New Caprica. Coincidentally, that day falls on Mars Day, named after the Colonial God of War. She notes that the New Capricans have not had contact with Galactica for four months, noting that she refuses to believe that Admiral William Adama would abandon them. She then notes about the insurgency, saying that they are striking whenever and wherever possible, believing them critical to morale despite the futility of the gestures at times.
- She notes that for the insurgency to have a "more meaningful impact", they need to strike a high profile target, since killing the Cylons is nearly impossible.
- Roslin then speaks of the Cylon Occupation Authority's continued exertion of complete control over New Caprica City and are at their complete mercy. She notes that the government under President Gaius Baltar functions in name only.
- The members of the Occupation Authority discuss their current situation, with Cavil leading the session, recapping why the Cylons are on New Caprica in the first place. A Cavil mentions that they need to tighten their control on the human population, suggesting that they execute Baltar. Caprica Six is disgusted at this and mentions that those who want to kill Baltar will have to deal with her. A Number Five diffuses the issue, saying that it would have no effect, since the Colonials would only relish his death in light of Baltar's cooperation with the occupation. The Cavils suggest rounding up insurgents and executing them publicly, which seems to be a course of action that most of the models agree to, except Caprica and Boomer.

- After the group leaves, Number Three asks Caprica if her love of Baltar is worth the loss they may incur over their experiment. Caprica replies that, "If you ever experienced love, you wouldn't have to ask."
- Roslin writes of the New Caprica Police in her journal, finding the prospect of humans misguided into believing that they're taking the role of policing New Caprica out Cylon hands nauseating. She notes that the names of the police officers are deeply hidden, but are likely people that "we least expect". Roslin notes that hundreds of people have been rounded up by the Cylons, held in detention, tortured, and even killed or disappeared.
- Roslin notes the help of a source within Baltar's administration that has been helping them in recent weeks. They do not know who this person is, but the person is responsible for dropping important documents. The source communicates through the use of a signal, tipping over a yellow food bowl belonging to a dog named Jake. In the most recent drop, Tyrol retrieves security plans for the New Caprica Police graduation ceremony.
- Tyrol tells Cally, his wife, who is taking care of their baby, Nicholas Tyrol, that he will be back in a few hours. She voices her concern about there being a day when he doesn't come back, inferring that he may be killed, captured, or disappeared, and that Nick will never know his father. In an attempt to assuage her fears, he promises to be back in a couple hours, then leaves.
- Tigh meets up with Tyrol and Anders in an underground bunker, which serves as the headquarters for the resistance. Using a shovel as a cane, he sits down as they share a brief drink of alcohol. Tigh explains about how the Cylons ripped out his eye and showed it to him, recalling that it looked like a "hardboiled egg". Tigh asks after the explosion earlier, congratulating them on their successful attack.
- Tyrol reveals that their next target will be the New Caprica Police Academy during the graduating ceremony. Noting their new source within the Baltar administration, Tyrol comments on the security plans and the fact that Baltar will also be present. Tigh relishes the opportunity to kill Baltar. Tyrol notes that it will be difficult avoiding human casualties, a point that Tigh does not care about, since he believes it's time to send a message that if any human works for the Cylons, they're a target as well.
- Tigh then asks about the wireless. Tyrol ruefully notes that the Cylons have jammed every signal, making it impossible to contact anyone in orbit, but they still attempt to contact the Raptor in orbit. Tyrol notes that he's asked their source what the weakest jamming frequencies are, but they have yet to receive anything. Anders doesn't believe there is a Raptor, which gets a rise out of Tigh, who believes that Adama will never leave them to the Cylons, and the Raptor sitting out there and waiting for their wireless transmission was part of the plan in the event anything happened.
- Anders replies that Adama left him to the Cylons, noting that were it not for his wife, he'd be dead a long time ago.
- Tigh asks after Thrace, but Anders hasn't heard anything in the four months since she was taken.
- In the apartment prison, a newly-resurrected Conoy enters, announcing: "Hi, honey, I'm home." He notes that she's killed him five times, indicating that her efforts are futile. He tries to convince her that he wants to help her see "the truth of your life, the reason why you suffered and you struggled for so long". She replies that he's right and thanks him for putting up with her, however Conoy sees through the ruse and asks her to put down her knife, which she was prepared to stab him with. She drops the knife. He replies that he's a patient man and he needs more time. She scoffs at this, saying that there will never be a relationship between them.
- Conoy is convinced that they will have a relationship. He describes it to her, saying that she'll hold him in her arms, embrace him, and tell him that she loves him. He claims to have seen it. She believes him to be insane. Conoy replies that "to know the face of God is to know madness".
- He tells her he's going to bed and asks her to go to bed with him. He attempts to kiss her, but she turns away.
- Ruefully, Conoy adds that she'll spend the night with him either way, referring to the corpse his previous body that she killed earlier.
- After he bids her good night, Thrace runs out of the apartment and into a hallway. The end of the hallways is gated like a prison cell. She runs up to it and begins to rattle the bars, scream that she wants to be let out and doesn't belong there.
Act 2 and beyond[edit]
- In the remaining spaceborne Fleet, a training operation lead by Galactica's CAG, Captain Louanne "Kat" Katraine, is underway. Members of the Raptor squadron, the Snowbirds, lead by Lieutenant Margaret "Racetrack" Edmondson have a hard time keeping formation.
- Meanwhile, Admiral William Adama hears the wireless chatter from the exercise, which is pumped in through the ship's speakers. He makes his rounds on Galactica, first in the hangar bay picking up parts, and walking through Galactica's pitch-black hallways with a flashlight as he's reading papers.
- Captain Karl Agathon, Galactica's executive officer, orders the Raptors to commence with the training exercise. During the exercise, the Snowbirds's deployed drones fly every which way. Katraine aborts the mission. Agathon acknowledges this and orders the ships to return because they are low on fuel.
- Adama, having just entered the CIC, belays the order and tells Agathon to send out a tanker bird for them to practice in-flight fueling. Then he wants them to continue the mission. Agathon tells Adama that they've done the exercise sixteen times; Adama then replies that the next will make seventeen. Agathon agrees, knowing the point Adama was making with the reply.
- On Pegasus, a topless, hanging-bellied Lee Adama overhears Agathon's order that they recover the drones and the dispatch of a tanker bird. He waddles to the phone. He orders them to get the admiral on the line.
- In Pegasus's CIC, Lee engages in a heated discussion with Adama over the training efforts, however the conversation is cut off when Katraine reports a collision of two Viper piloted by Bingo and Wally. She requests, and is granted, immediate landing for the two Vipers. Admiral Adama throws the phone across the table.
- Every day a Raptor jumps in and listens for a wireless broadcast. With the list of jamming frequencies provided by Gaeta, Tyrol manages to contact the Colonial Fleet.

- Now having made contact with the Galatica and feeling that rescue may be near Tyrol has second thoughts that a suicide bombing may not be the best course of action, but Tigh disagrees and says to only call off the attack if Baltar will not be attending.
- Baltar decides not to attend the graduation ceremony. Gaeta is unable to signal Tyrol in time of this last-minute change.
- With little left to lose, Duck prays to the gods. He has placed several packs of explosives around his waist, wiring himself as a living bomb. He dons his NCP uniform to attend their graduation ceremony, intending to kill Gaius Baltar and as many traitors and Cylons as he can.
- As a Number Three presents Duck with his graduation certificate he detonates the explosives attached to his body, his last words being "I'll see you soon Nora."
Alternate story lines and ideas[edit]
- According to the podcast for "Collaborators", James Lyman was going to be the suicide bomber, and not Tucker "Duck" Clellan.
- Ronald D. Moore says in the podcast that alternate scripts included members of the resistance kidnapping humanoid Cylons and keeping them alive in a dungeon. The remaining Cylons would become more apprehensive with each mysterious disappearance.
- Moreover, Clellan's and Lyman's roles were reversed during the planning of the arc. However, Aaron Douglas pointed out that Lyman has previously been portrayed as a weak person (Valley of Darkness) and that it would thus make more sense to make him the collaborator (Battlestar Galactica: The Official Companion Season Three)
- A scene showing how Tigh loses his eye was shot, with a Number Five poking the camera's lens in a point-of-view shot. However, it was felt that it would be too weird and stylized for the show, and that Tigh only telling about it would be more effective (Season 3 Companion).
Story and Events[edit]
- Unlike episodes of Season 2, the intro to this episode does not give the survivor count. The population whiteboard present in Season 1 & 2 has been replaced by Baltar's presidential portrait, which is later hung over the bathroom at the suggestion of Tory Foster in "Hero".
- The episode opens on the 134th day since the Cylon occupation.
- In her journal, Roslin notes that it is "Mars Day", which is the Roman name for Ares. This is at least the second time that the Roman names for the Greek pantheon have been used.
- Crew changes in the year after settlement glimpsed in "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II" are confirmed here: Captain Karl Agathon is serving as Galactica's executive officer (XO), with Louanne Katraine as Galactica's CAG. Anastasia Dualla, shown for the first time with lieutenant rank insignia, is serving as XO on Pegasus.
- Lee Adama has gained roughly 40 pounds since the the Fleet found New Caprica. His father claims that he is soft, both physically and mentally.
- Caprica-Six seems to keep Gaius Baltar company on Colonial One in an unofficial capacity.
- Eight Cylons are visible at the graduation ceremony:
- To the right of the podium: an Eight, a Five, a Six, and a Cavil.
- To the left of the podium: A Six, an Eight, and another Six.
- Speaking: a Three.
- Duck's rank in the New Caprica Police is captain. After the bombing, Jammer appears to fill this role.
Initial American broadcast[edit]
- The episode started off with a warning indicating "Mature Subject Matter" during its initial Sci-Fi Channel United States debut. The following episode, "Precipice", also reiterated this warning.
- "Occupation" and "Precipice" was edited as one 2-hr episode with only one intro. However, in the podcast, Ronald D. Moore indicates the "beginning" of "Precipice". On the Region 1 DVD set for Season 3, the episodes are presented as two distinct episodes.
- Kandyse McClure's first name is spelled in the opening credits as "Candice". Though she has been credited under this name in other projects, this is the first and, so far, only time it has been used for the show. As she explains later on, "Candice" is the true spelling of her first name, and the Kandyse spelling is "kind of a joke". However, she had it reversed, seeing as she did not want to confuse people. The results of this reversal can be seen on the Region 1 DVD set for Season 3 in the opening credits to this episode, where the spelling is corrected to "Kandyse McClure".
- The apartment room that Leoben holds Kara Thrace captive in from this episode through "Exodus, Part II" is a redress of the set used for Starbuck's old apartment in Delphi seen in "Valley of Darkness".
- "Occupation/Precipice" was awarded the IGN.com Editor's choice award, following a review in which it received a rating of 10/10.
- This episode was nominated for "Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series" in the 2007 Emmys.
- During the episode, Conoy mentions that Kara Thrace has succeeded in killing Conoy five times (including the killing that was shown).
- Conoy is obsessed with a future he has "seen" in which Thrace falls in love with him. He repeatedly tells Thrace that she only needs more time.
- Number Three allows herself to be seen openly among the Colonials. Presumably the cover of infiltrator D'anna Biers was compromised with the return of Samuel Anders the previous year.
- Although it was widely speculated that James "Jammer" Lyman may be a humanoid Cylon, due to his pessimistic attitude ("Litmus", "Flight of the Phoenix") and unlikely survival during the events of "Valley of Darkness", the events of this episode and comments by Ronald D. Moore seem to preclude the possibility.
- In Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance, a copy of Number Five refers to Lyman as a human.
- In this episode, it is seen that Lyman has joined the New Caprica Police, an exclusively human organization.
- While Lyman's survival of the suicide bombing may seem suspect to some viewers, Moore states that an unfilmed scene would show him waking up under the bodies, and having to move body parts out of the way as he extricated himself from the carnage ("Precipice", podcast).
- Anastasia Dualla's commission as a lieutenant is peculiar. While battlefield commissions for outstanding NCOs are not uncommon, Dualla is more of a "desk jockey". Moreover, her commission came at a time of a massive demobilization of the colonial military. In real-world militaries, reductions in force typically result in many officers being forced to accept enlisted ranks as a condition of staying in service, rather than enlisted personnel being commissioned. There are at least two explanations. Admiral Adama could have commissioned her in order to ensure her silence about the details of the rigged election, which, despite his lack of involvement in, he wished to leave forgotten and unexamined. Alternatively, Adama knew of the seriousness of Dualla's relationship with Lee and made her an officer before they became public (Unfinished Business). A commissioned officer - particularly a commanding officer and the son of the supreme commander - openly and notoriously bedding a junior enlisted soldier would have been severely detrimental to discipline and morale, and not something to which Adama could have turned a blind eye as he had the the Tyrol-Valerii coupling.
- Prior to the Cylon occupation, the population of New Caprica City was 39,192. Since that time, there have been at least 44 deaths and 1 birth:
- Nicholas Tyrol was born sometime between "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II" and Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance.
- Charles Longo was killed by the Cylons for hiding weapons in his tent (The Resistance: Episode 1).
- There were 10 deaths in Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance due to the temple raid, including Nora Farmer.
- There were at least 33 deaths in this episode due to the suicide bombing at the NCP graduation ceremony. The figure was supplied by the Cylon leadership, and it is unknown whether they included attacker Tucker Clellan among the casualties.
- It is later noted by Cassidy in Gaius Baltar's trial during "Crossroads, Part I" that 5,197 were killed during the Cylon occupation, her inference being that the figure of the number of deaths occurred on New Caprica. Thus the total number of people on New Caprica before the Battle of New Caprica and the succeeding exodus was 33,995.
- Several New Capricans appear to have sores or lesions on their faces.
- Near the end of the episode, as Felix Gaeta races to inform the resistance that Baltar won't be attending the graduation, a P.A. system can be heard advertising the New Caprica Medical Center, staffed by "a crack team of human and Cylon physicians". Among the crack team is Doctor Cottle, as later seen in "Exodus, Part I".
- This may explain Anders's recovery from his pneumonia, seen in "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II".
- As noted above, the apartment Leoben keeps Thrace captive in is identical to the one she used to live in on Caprica. It is quite possible that the New Caprica complex was designed to resemble her old residence possibly to further Conoy's mind games with her by placing her in a familiar environment.
- There doesn't seem to be any civilian government supervising the spacebound ships. There appears to be a state of martial law throughout the space-bound Fleet, as Admiral William Adama is de facto leader of this fleet.
- The Cylons have either built a resurrection facility on New Caprica or positioned a Resurrection Ship near enough to the planet for downloads to take place. However, no Resurrection Ship is seen in orbit when the basestars are shown.
- Only two basestars are seen on screen, yet five are reported back to the Flee. It is likely that they are behind the planet or in another part of the nebula.
Answered Questions[edit]
- Does anyone know of Felix Gaeta's feeding of information to the resistance? (Answer)
- How did Anders manage to recover from his pneumonia without the medical supplies Thrace was seeking in "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II"? (Possible Answer)
- Have Helo and Kat been given the promotions in rank that their new posts would warrant? (Answer: Kat, Answer: Helo)
- Where is Doctor Cottle? (Answer)
- Where is Tom Zarek? (Answer)
- What of "Isis" and Maya? (Answer)
- Why isn't Leoben Conoy involved in the decisions of the Cylon Occupation Authority? (Possible reason, broached in "Faith".)
Unanswered Questions[edit]
- When did Number Three reveal her Cylon nature?
- Who is Pegasus's CAG?
- Are the Cylons continuing to pursue the Fleet? If not, why not?
- What events lead to Sharon Agathon's change in behavior over time? How have she and William Adama been able to develop a friendly relationship?
- How did the New Capricans obtain steak?
Official Statements[edit]
Noteworthy Dialogue[edit]
- First Cavil: Let's review why we're here, shall we? We're supposed to bring the word of "God" to the people, right?
- Second Cavil: To save humanity from damnation by bringing the love of "God" to these poor benighted people.
- Caprica-Six: We're here because the majority of the Cylon felt the slaughter of mankind had been a mistake.
- Boomer: We're here to find a new way to live in peace, as God wants us to live!
- Second Cavil: And it's been a fun ride, so far. But I want to clarify our objectives. If we're bringing the word of "God," then it follows we should employ any means necessary to so, any means.
- First Cavil: Yes. Fear is a key article of faith, as I understand it. So, perhaps it's time to instill a little more fear into the people's hearts and minds. Let's, uh, let's execute Baltar.
- Gaius Baltar: What, what?
- Caprica-Six: That's not gonna happen.
- Cavil: Just because he's your favorite toy shouldn't be allowed to interfere with the larger issues here.
- Gaius Baltar: I think I have cooperated—
- Caprica-Six: Gaius is with me. Anyone who wants to challenge that will have to deal with me.
- First Number Five: No, it doesn't matter. If we'd killed him in the beginning, it might have worked.
- Second Five: But now most humans think of him as a traitor and would actually cheer his death.
- First Cavil: Fine, fine. We don't kill Baltar. We round up the leaders of the insurgency and we execute them, publicly. We round up, at random, groups off the street and we execute them, publicly.
- Second Cavil: Send a message that the gloves are coming off. The insurgency stops now, or else we'll start reducing the human population to a... more manageable size, I don't know, say... less than a thousand.
- Boomer: We need to stop being butchers!
- Caprica-Six: The entire point of coming here was to start a new way of life, to push past the conflict that separated us from humans for so long.
- Cavil: And what has it gotten us? It's not like they welcomed us with, with... Oh, frak it, never mind. You're all living in a fantasy world. Consider the irony in that! (laughing) Delusional machines! What's the universe gonna come up with next?
- After hearing that contact had been established with New Caprica:
- William Adama: It's gonna be okay. It's really gonna be okay.
Guest Stars[edit]
- Michael Hogan as Saul Tigh
- Aaron Douglas as Galen Tyrol
- Tahmoh Penikett as Cpt. Karl "Helo" Agathon
- Nicki Clyne as Cally Tyrol
- Alessandro Juliani as Felix Gaeta
- Kandyse McClure as Anastasia Dualla
- Michael Trucco as Samuel Anders
- Richard Hatch as Tom Zarek
- Rick Worthy as Simon
- Callum Keith Rennie as Leoben Conoy
- Kate Vernon as Ellen Tigh
- Donnelly Rhodes as Dr. Cottle
- Matthew Bennett as Number Five
- Rekha Sharma as Tory Foster
- Dean Stockwell as Cavil
- Erica Cerra as Maya
- Luciana Carro as Lt. Louanne "Kat" Katraine
- Christian Tessier as Tucker "Duck" Clellan
- Brad Dryborough as Lt. Louis Hoshi
- Leah Cairns as Lt. Margaret "Racetrack" Edmondson
- Madeline Parker as Kacey Brynn
- Dominic Zamprogna as James "Jammer" Lyman
- Mylène Dinh-Robic as Officer #1
- Ryan McDonell as Eammon "Gonzo" Pike (credited as Pilot #3)
- Byron Lawson as Pilot #4
- Colin Lawrence as Hamish "Skulls" McCall
- Larissa Stadnichuk as Suicide bomber