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Lacy Rand: Difference between revisions

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Joe Beaudoin Jr. (talk | contribs)
m really too much in the "role" section... just trimmed it down to Monad Church and STO recruit
Line 11: Line 11:
|marital status=  
|marital status=  
|role= Head of the [[Monad Church]]<br>[[STO]] recruit<br>Best friend to [[Zoe Graystone]] and [[Zoe_Graystone#Zoe-A|Zoe-A/R]]
|role= Head of the [[Monad Church]]<br>[[STO]] recruit
|actor= [[Magda Apanowicz]]
|actor= [[Magda Apanowicz]]

Revision as of 19:26, 5 January 2011

Lacy Rand
Lacy Rand


Age 16
Colony Caprica
Birth place {{{birthplace}}}
Birth Name {{{birthname}}}
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Callsign {{{callsign}}}
Nickname Lace
Introduced Caprica
Marital Status
Family Tree View
Role Head of the Monad Church
STO recruit
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by Magda Apanowicz
Lacy Rand is a Cylon
Lacy Rand is a Final Five Cylon
Lacy Rand is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
Lacy Rand is an Original Series Cylon
Related Media
@ BW Media
Additional Information
[[Image:|200px|Lacy Rand]]

Lacy Rand was a student at the Athena Academy on Caprica and best friend of Zoe Graystone. Following Graystone's death, Rand became one of the Zoe avatar's only links to the outside world, helping orchestrate her escape to Gemenon by joining the Soldiers of the One.

Early Life

Lacy Rand grew up in the suburbs of Caprica City. Though her mother was a blue collar worker (repairing motorcycles for a living), she raised Lacy in an environment Rand described as "formal" (CAP: "Rebirth", "The Reins of a Waterfall", "Gravedancing").

Lacy Rand in front of her childhood home.

As a teenager, Rand attended high school at Athena Academy, learning the teachings of the Goddess Athena, under polytheist cleric and headmistress Clarice Willow. Rand also attended school with her best friend, Zoe Graystone - with whom Lacy would frequently visit the virtual world's "V-Club" to take part in the simulated group sex rooms. Despite the closeness of their relationship, Rand and Graystone began to drift apart (CAP: "Pilot", "Rebirth", "Reins of a Waterfall").

Though Athena Academy's curriculum required Rand to take part in several prayer groups, Lacy was convinced by Zoe Graystone and her boyfriend Ben Stark to join a different kind of prayer group - one devoted to the worship of the monotheist God. According to Stark, "You pray, Lace, but your Gods don't answer, you hurt but your Gods don't heal. You go to the V-Club for sex and sin, but it doesn't fill the void in your soul." (CAP: "Pilot")

Convinced by the teachings of the Monotheist Church, Rand became devout in her worship of the "One True God", forming a close bond with Zoe Graystone and coming to see the decadence of the V-Club as moral corruption (CAP: "Pilot").

Death of Zoe Graystone

Lacy watches the Lev carrying Zoe Graystone depart.

Though they shared a close bond, Lacy Rand was left much in the dark about Zoe Graystone's activities relating to the monotheist movement. Rand was aware, however vaguely, of Zoe's work in the creation of a living avatar, one that acted as a permanent manifestation of Zoe inside V-world. She also agreed to join Zoe and Ben Stark in their move to Gemenon, told only that there would be a "new family" waiting for them. (CAP: "Pilot", "Rebirth).

When the time came to leave Caprica, however, Rand backed out, watching her friends depart on the MagLev train bound for the Caprica City Spaceport. The train, though, never reached its destination. As the Lev departed, Ben Stark detonated an explosive, killing everybody aboard the train, including Zoe Graystone (CAP: "Pilot").

Finding the Avatar

Devastated by the loss of her best friend, Rand sought the counsel of Clarice Willow. Secretly a cell leader in the monotheist terror group the Soldiers of the One, Clarice was aware of Zoe's avatar program, though unable to access it. Clarice urged Rand to seek out any work Zoe had been conducting as a way of feeling closer to her deceased friend - and hoping she would lead Clarice to the avatar program (CAP: "Pilot").

Lacy reunites with Zoe as the U-87.

To that end, Rand visited the home of the Graystone family where she accessed Zoe's computer sheet and located the avatar in V-world. Shocked to find the avatar reeling from the death of the real Zoe, the Zoe avatar pleaded with Rand to acknowledge it as a the real Zoe Graystone - not just a computer-generated simulacrum. Rand conceded, embracing her friend for the first time in her virtual "skin" (CAP: "Pilot").

Accessing the avatar from Zoe's home computer system some time later, Rand was caught by Zoe's father, Daniel Graystone, who insisted Rand show him the avatar. Taking Daniel into the hacked underbelly of the virtual world, Rand introduced Daniel to the virtual copy of his dead daughter and unknowingly allowed him to capture her code (CAP: "Pilot").


With Rand out of communication with Zoe and unaware of Daniel Graystone's plans for the avatar, Rand was shocked to receive a phone call from a familiar voice - that of Zoe Graystone, now living within the body of a U-87 robot soldier (CAP: "Pilot").

Once again sneaking into the Graystone home, Rand returned to find Zoe living in secret as the seven-foot Cylon prototype. Overcoming her reluctance at seeing her best friend in such a horrific form, Rand accepted Zoe in her unusual form and agreed to help her (CAP: "Rebirth").

Introduction to the STO

Sister Clarice attempts to "mentor" Lacy.

As Caprican authorities squared in on Ben Stark and the Soldiers of the One as the perpetrators of the bombing, Rand was questioned by GDD Agent Jordan Duram. Forced to lie about her knowledge of Stark and Graystone's religious beliefs, Rand became riddled with guilt. Once again seeking solace from Sister Clarice, she confessed her association with the monotheist movement only to learn that Clarice herself was STO (CAP: "Pilot").

Not fully trusting Sister Clarice, Rand agreed to visit Willow's home where she met the various members of the headmistress' group marriage. Despite the glimpse into Clarice's life outside the Athena Academy, Rand only distrusted her more, from then on avoiding contact with her. Meeting regularly with Zoe in the Virtual World, Rand was tasked with finding a way to transport the U-87 to Gemenon, to complete the original Zoe's mission (CAP: "Reins of a Waterfall").

Zoe asked Rand to track down Keon Gatwick, a member of Ben Stark's STO cell. Having been taunted by him at school, Rand approached Keon aggressively, tackling him and demanding information about the Soldiers of the One. Reluctant to help her, Rand was forced to win Keon's trust by helping him repair motorcycles - a skill she learned from her mother - at the auto shop he worked at. Finally, Keon agreed to set up a meeting with Barnabas Greeley, the leader of his cell (CAP: "Reins of a Waterfall", "Gravedancing").

Barnabas' Cell

Meeting Barnabas in his lair at the Caprica City ports, Rand was unable to explain precisely what she needed transported to Gemenon. Still, with persistence, Rand was allowed to join Barnabas' prayer groups. Quickly showing her metal and earning Barnabas' trust, Rand continued to work toward freeing Zoe. Providing her with a container that would clear Gemenese customs, Barnabas asked Rand to return the favor - plant a "tracking" device on Sister Clarice. At first hesitant, Rand did what she was asked, planting the device on Clarice's keyring (CAP: "Know Thy Enemy", "End of Line").

Barnabas, Lacy and the crate to Gemenon.

Back in Barnabas' lair, however, Rand learned the true purpose of the device: a detonator. With Keon working the controls, Rand felt betrayed. At first refusing to go along with murdering Clarice, Rand relented when Barnabas held a gun to her head, then Keon's, threatening to kill him if she did not comply. Activating the remote detonator, Rand watched as the bomb in Clarice's trunk ignited. Though Clarice was able to escape unharmed, Rand was by then well in over her head (CAP: "End of Line").

Unfortunately, Rand was too late. With Zoe at risk of being deleted by the scientists at Graystone Industries, Zoe escaped confinement and fled into the outskirts of Caprica City. Ramming her escape vehicle into a barricade, destroying the robotic body she inhabited and sending the avatar program back to the Virtual World (CAP: "End of Line", "Unvanquished").


Lacy training to become STO.

With a means of finally securing Zoe passage to Gemenon, Rand's task was nearly complete. However, she was too late and Zoe - at risk of having her program deleted - fled Graystone Industries. Angry and betrayed, Zoe accused Rand of failing her, just like she let down the original Zoe Graystone on the MagLev some months ago (CAP: "End of Line").


Without the mission of helping Zoe, Rand became fully immersed in Barnabas' STO terror cell, training in the use of firearms and participating in blood-letting rituals (CAP: "Unvanquished")

As part of her initiation into Barnbas' circle, Rand joined cell members Pann and Hippolyta as they planted explosives at the Caprica Interplanetary Spaceport. Confronted by spaceport security, Rand was unable to plant her bomb, managing to elude capture but botching the entire attempt. With the cell's activities capturing the attention of the press and the Caprican Government, Sister Clarice took the opportunity to seek revenge for the attempt on her life, killing Pann and Hyppolyta (CAP: "Retribution").

Finding Barnbas at a construction site in downtown Caprica City, Rand begged for forgiveness for the botched bombing. However, Barnabas no longer trusted her, accusing Rand of working for Clarice. As the situation deteriorated, Keon Gatwick attempted to quit the cell, forcing Barnabas to shoot him. Charging in on the scene, Sister Clarice handcuffed Barnabas to an explosive and kidnapped Rand, watching from the street as the bomb detonated (CAP: "Retribution").

Lacy held captive in Sister Clarice's attic.

Clarice's Hostage

Locked in the attic of Willow's family home, Rand was given water that kept in her in a perpetually drugged state. She was occasionally visited by Willow's husband, Nestor Willow who would sometimes berate her and other times comfort her. Finally, after a failed escape attempt and refusing to eat, Rand was visited by Clarice Willow who pressed her for information about Zoe's avatar program. With the robot destroyed and the real Zoe long dead, Rand gave into Willow's questioning, telling her that a backup copy might exist in a piece of costume jewelry once owned by the real Zoe Graystone (CAP: "Things We Lock Away").


Satisfied with the information she provided, Clarice Willow sent Rand with her other husband, Olaf Willow, who drove Lacy to the Caprican Spaceport and gave her a one-way ticket to Gemenon. Despite Clarice's insistence that Rand be sent to train with the STO, Olaf Willow told Rand that he knew she'd be back, and that he looked forward to it (CAP: "Things We Lock Away").

Attempted Hijacking

Lacy and Odin Sinclair aboard the hijacked ship.

At the spaceport on Gemenon, Lacy Rand encountered a fellow traveler, Odin Sinclair, before being collected by STO training camp leader Diego. Aboard a sub-orbital vessel headed for the Monotheist Church retreat, Rand and Sinclair were caught in the middle of a hijacking attempt by polytheist rebels. As their fellow passengers were given the choice of either denouncing the singular god or being shot and flushed out an airlock, Rand and Sinclair determined to take action. Displacing a metal bar from beneath the deck plates, Rand attacked the rebel leader, Kevin Reikle, beating him severely. Rather than risk Rand killing Reikle, Diego intervened, revealing the hijacking to be a staged test as part of the new recruits initiation into the STO (CAP: "Blowback").

During the welcoming reception at the Monotheist retreat, Rand and Sinclair saw the shooting of recruits who were aboard the "hijacked" flight - those who had failed the test. Sinclair looked up the shooting as a sign of the horrible things the STO was capable of and left, leaving Rand alone to see the shooter: a U-87 Cyber Combat Unit, smuggled to Gemenon by the Ha'la'tha (CAP: "Blowback").


Beginning her training in the mountains of Gemenon, Rand witnessed an argument between two STO members, the higher ranking of the two ordering a U-87 guard to kill the other. As the robot soldier drew its weapon and prepared to fire, Rand stepped in, ordering the U-87 to stand down. Despite repeated orders from STO leaders, the robot would only comply with orders issued by Lacy.

Lacy Rand among the STO Cylons.

In his living quarters, Diego attempted to question Rand about the incident, telling her that the U-87s would only respond to authorized controllers. Unable to explain the incident, Rand secretly suspected that the U-87 was in fact the Zoe avatar. Sneaking out of the bunks at night, Rand brought Odin Sinclair to the disused temple where dozens of U-87s were stored. Commanding the robots to power up, Rand approached the U-87 she had interacted with earlier, distinguished by red paint applied to its chest. Though the robot responded to her commands, it did not acknowledge itself as Zoe.

Highly confused what he had just seen, Sinclair pressed Rand for information. Rather than divulge her secret, however, Rand kissed Sinclair, providing a distraction (CAP: "The Heavens Will Rise").

Rise to Power

Lacy Rand, Her Holy Mother of the Monad Church.

Following the revelation of Rand's ability to control the U-87s, STO leaders came to view her as a threat, and ordered Sinclair to kill her. Sinclair subsequently brought Rand back to the disused temple, where he put a pistol to her head and forced her to the ground, but hesitated to kill her. Diego and Kevin Reikle then emerged, telling Sinclair to go through with killing Rand, and telling Rand that it was because of the robots. Sinclair then pretended to prepare to shoot Rand, but instead attempted to shoot Diego and Riekle, only to find that the gun was empty. Diego began to mock Sinclair for his failure, but before he could execute Rand himself, he and Reikle were ambushed by the other new recruits and killed in the ensuing firefight. Sinclair then proposed that he and the other recruits flee in a transport, but Rand refused to run and instead brought the others to the chamber where the robots were stored, commanding them to power up and saying, "We have work to do"(CAP: "Here Be Dragons").

Sometime shortly after, Rand successfully staged a coup over the leadership of the monotheist church and eventually took on the position of Mother, with Sinclair serving as her lieutenant. During her time as the blessed Mother, she received Clarice Willow, who had traveled to Gemenon to ask for divine recognition of the "differently sentient" - the Cylon race. Rand greeted her with a smile, but commanded her to kneel (CAP: "Apotheosis").