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Lacy Rand

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Revision as of 09:53, 17 October 2010 by Pst001 (talk | contribs) (expanded)
Lacy Rand
Lacy Rand


Age 16
Colony Caprica
Birth place {{{birthplace}}}
Birth Name {{{birthname}}}
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Callsign {{{callsign}}}
Nickname Lace
Introduced Caprica
Marital Status
Family Tree View
Role Best friend to Zoe Graystone and Zoe-A/R
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by Magda Apanowicz
Lacy Rand is a Cylon
Lacy Rand is a Final Five Cylon
Lacy Rand is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
Lacy Rand is an Original Series Cylon
Related Media
@ BW Media
Additional Information
[[Image:|200px|Lacy Rand]]

Lacy Rand was a student at the Athena Academy on Caprica and best friend of Zoe Graystone. Following Graystone's death, Lacy became one of the Zoe avatar's only links to the outside world, helping orchestrate her escape to Gemenon by joining the Soldiers of the One.

Early History

Lacy grew up as normal Caprican teenagers did, living in a small home in suburban Caprica City. Lacy frequently visited the Virtual World's "V-Club" with her best friend Zoe Graystone, where she took part in simulated group sex rooms. Despite the closeness of their relationship, however, Zoe and Lacy began to drift apart (CAP: "Pilot", "Rebirth", "The Reins of a Waterfall").

Attending the Athena Academy, whose curriculum was based on the teachings of the Goddess Athena, required Lacy to join prayer groups. Still, she was convinced by Graystone and her boyfriend, Ben Stark, to attend a different kind of prayer group - one devoted to the worship of the monotheist God. According to Stark, "You pray, Lace, but your Gods don't answer, you hurt but your Gods don't heal. You go to the V-Club for sex and sin, but it doesn't fill the void in your soul." (CAP: "Pilot")

Convinced by the exhortations of the Monotheist Church, Lacy once again grew closer to Zoe and came to see the decadence of the V-Club as moral corruption (CAP: "Pilot").

Flight to Gemenon

Despite their close friendship, Lacy was left much in the dark about many of Zoe Graystone's activities relating to the monotheist movement. Lacy was aware, however vaguely, of Zoe's work in the creation of a duplicate avatar, one that acted a permanent manifestation of Zoe inside V-World (CAP: "Pilot").

Lacy was also told that she, Zoe, Ben Stark and the avatar were to move to Gemenon, where they would find a new family. Despite her reluctance, Lacy agreed to go. However, as the three friends made their way to the Caprica City [Lev|MagLev]] station that would begin their journey to Gemenon, Lacy backed out, leaving Zoe and Ben on their own (CAP: "Pilot").

As the Lev pulled out of the station, however, Ben Stark denoted a homemade explosive, killing everybody aboard the train and Zoe Graystone as well (CAP: "Pilot").

Finding the Avatar

Devastated by the loss of her best friends, Zoe sought the counsel of Sister Clarice Willow, Headmistress of Athena Academy. Secretly a cell leader in the monotheist terror group the Soldiers of the One, Clarice was aware of Zoe's avatar program, though unable to access it. Clarice urged Lacy to seek out any work Zoe had been conducting as a way of feeling closer to her deceased friend (CAP: "Pilot").

To that end, Lacy visited the home of the Graystone family where she accessed Zoe's computer sheet and located the avatar in V-World. Shocked to find the avatar reeling from the death of the real Zoe, the Zoe avatar pleaded with Lacy to acknowledge it as a living being, not a computer-generated simulacrum. Accessing the avatar from Zoe's home computer system once more, Lacy was caught by Zoe's father, Daniel Graystone, who insisted Lacy show him the avatar. Taking Daniel into the hacked underbelly of the Virtual World, Lacy introduced Daniel to the virtual copy of his dead daughter and unknowingly allowed him to capture her code (CAP: "Pilot").

With Lacy out of communication with Zoe and unaware of Daniel Graystone's plans for the avatar, Lacy was shocked to receive a phone call from a familiar voice - that of Zoe Graystone within the body of a U-87 soldier robot (CAP: "Pilot").

Once again sneaking into the Graystone home, Lacy returned to find Zoe living in secret within a 7-foot robot body. Overcoming her reluctance at seeing her best friend in such a horrific form, Lacy accepted Zoe and agreed to help her (CAP: "Rebirth").

Introduction to the STO

As Caprican authorities squared in on Ben Stark and the Soldiers of the One as the perpetrators of the bombing of the Lev, Lacy was questioned by GDD Agent Jordan Duram. Forced to lie about her knowledge of Stark and Graystone's religious beliefs, Lacy became riddled with guilt. Once again seeking solace from Sister Clarice, Lacy confessed her association with the monotheist movement only to learn that Clarice herself was STO (CAP: "Pilot").

Not fully trusting Sister Clarice, Lacy agreed to visit Willow's home where she met the various members of the headmistress' group marriage. Despite the glimpse into Clarice's life outside the Athena Academy, Lacy only distrusted her more, from then on avoiding as much contact with her as possible. Meeting with Zoe in the Virtual World, Lacy was tasked with finding a way to transport the U-87 body to Gemenon, to complete the original Zoe's admittedly vague mission (CAP: "The Reins of a Waterfall").

Lacy was instructed by Zoe to locate Keon Gatwick, a member of Ben Stark's STO cell. Having been taunted by him at school, Lacy aggressively approached Keon, demanding information about his involvement in the Soldiers of the One. Meeting with Gatwick at the motorcyle repair shop he worked at, Lacy proved that she was more than just a pretty face by showing her skill with machines - having been taught by her mother. However reluctantly, Keon finally agreed to set up a meeting with Barnabas Greeley, the leader of his cell (CAP: "The Reins of a Waterfall", "Gravedancing").

Meeting Barnabas in his lair at the Caprica City ports, Lacy was unable to explain precisely what she needed transported to Gemenon. Still, with persistence, Lacy was granted a position within Barnabas' cell due to her proximity to Greeley's rival, Clarice Willow. Arranging a package that would easily clear customs, Barnabas finally asked Lacy to return the favor - plant a tracking device on Sister Clarice. Sneaking into Clarice's office, Lacy was able to plant the device on the headmistress' keyring. Later, however, Lacy learned that she had in fact planted a bomb on Clarice. Barnabas then forced Lacy to remotely detonate the device, threatening to kill Keon if she refused. Pressing the button, Lacy succeeded in destroying Clarice's car, but Willow herself managed to escape unharmed (CAP: "Know Thy Enemy", "End of Line").

Unfortunately, Lacy was too late. With Zoe at risk of being deleted by the scientists at Graystone Industries, Zoe escaped confinement and fled into the outskirts of Caprica City. Ramming her escape vehicle into a barricade, destroying the robotic body she inhabited and sending the avatar program back to the Virtual World (CAP: "End of Line", "Unvanquished").


Without the mission of transporting Zoe to Gemenon, Lacy became fully immersed in Barnabas' STO terror cell, training in the use of firearms and participating in blood-letting rituals (CAP: "Unvanquished")

As part of her initiation into Barnbas' circle, Lacy joined cell members Pann and Hippolyta as they planted explosives at the Caprica Interplanetary Spaceport. Confronted by spaceport security, Lacy was unable to plant her bomb, managing to elude capture but botching the entire attempt. Meeting Barnbas at a construction site in downtown Caprica City, Lacy pleaded for a second chance. Barnbas, however, accused her of having intentionally sabotaged the effort and secretly working for Sister Clarice. In that moment, Clarice arrived to take retribution for the attempt on her life, killing Barnbas and Keon and kidnapping Lacy (CAP: "Retribution").