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Timeline (RDM)/Jp:年表 (新シリーズ): Difference between revisions

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*'''少なくともBCH 200年:''' 人類は[[Lymphocytic encephalitis|リンパ球性脳炎]]を引き起こすウィルスに対する免疫を開発する ([[A Measure of Salvation]])。<ref>Doctor Cottle notes the time as "a couple hundred years ago", which is an indeterminate amount of time, but likely less than four or five hundred years.</ref>
*'''少なくともBCH 200年:''' 人類は[[Lymphocytic encephalitis|リンパ球性脳炎]]を引き起こすウィルスに対する免疫を開発する ([[A Measure of Salvation]])。<ref>Doctor Cottle notes the time as "a couple hundred years ago", which is an indeterminate amount of time, but likely less than four or five hundred years.</ref>
*'''BCH 約93年:''' [[Tauron Civil War]] causes emigration of [[Joseph Adama|Joseph]] and [[Sam Adama]] to [[Caprica (RDM)|Caprica]] to live in an orphanage. Joseph later becomes a lawyer thanks to the education funded by the [[Ha'la'tha]] crime syndicate; Sam becomes an assassin for Ha'la'tha ([[Caprica pilot]]).
*'''BCH 約93年:''' [[Tauron Civil War|タウロンの内戦]]で移民として[[Caprica (RDM)|カプリカ]]に渡ってきた[[Joseph Adama|ジョセフ]][[Sam Adama|サム・アダマ]]は孤児院で育てられる。後にジョセフは[[Ha'la'tha|ハ・ラ・サー]]犯罪組織の資金で教育を受け弁護士となる。サムはハ・ラ・サーの暗殺者となる。 ([[Caprica pilot]])
*'''BCH 69年:'''  
*'''BCH 69年:'''  
**[[Saul Tigh|ソウル・タイ]]が生まれたとされる年。 (defined by deleted scene in "[[Valley of Darkness]]" concerning the ''[[Brenik]]'')。実際は[[John Cavil|ジョン・カビル]]に造られた記憶。  
**[[Saul Tigh|ソウル・タイ]]が生まれたとされる年。 (defined by deleted scene in "[[Valley of Darkness]]" concerning the ''[[Brenik]]'')。実際は[[John Cavil|ジョン・カビル]]に造られた記憶。  
**[[William Adama|ウィリアム・アダマ]]が[[Caprica (RDM)|カプリカ]]の[[Qualai|クオライ]]で生まれる ([[Caprica pilot]], [[Hero]])。
**[[William Adama|ウィリアム・アダマ]]が[[Caprica (RDM)|カプリカ]]の[[Qualai|クオライ]]で生まれる ([[Caprica pilot]], [[Hero]])。
*'''BCH 58年から52年:''' With the use of a meta-cognitive processor stolen from Tauron rival [[Tomas Vergis]], the Caprican tech CEO [[Daniel Graystone]] creates the first [[Cylons (RDM)|Cylons]] of the Twelve Colonies to aid in hard labor and warfare. A virtual copy of his dead monotheist daughter [[Zoe Graystone]]'s consciousness is downloaded into one ([[Caprica pilot]]). Humanity is unaware that they are repeating the actions of their ancestors on Kobol.
*'''BCH 58年から52年:''' タウロンのライバルから盗んだメタ認識プロセッサーでCEO兼科学者[[Daniel Graystone|ダニエル・グレイストーン]]は12コロニーで最初のサイロンを作る。重労働、戦闘用に開発されたそのサイロンの1体には、彼の死亡した一神教の娘[[Zoe Graystone|ゾーイ・グレイストーン]]の意識のヴァーチャル・コピーがダウンロードされてえいた([[Caprica pilot]])。人類はコボルの祖先と同じ行動を繰り返していることに気付いていない。
*'''BCH 52年:'''  
*'''BCH 52年:'''  
**サイロンの反乱により第1次[[Cylon War|サイロン戦争]]が勃発([[Colonial Day]])。
**サイロンの反乱により第1次[[Cylon War|サイロン戦争]]が勃発 ([[Colonial Day]])。
**[[Articles of Colonization]] signed ([[Colonial Day]]).<ref>From Ronald D. Moore's [ blog post] of April 11, 2005: "Colonial Day occurs every year and it is the anniversary of the founding of the "federal" system of government which was a relatively recent event. Before that time, the Colonies functioned more or less on their own, possibly with various attempts at alliances or even complete Colonial government over the centuries since the exodus from Kobol, none of which were successful. When the first Cylons were created, individual Colonies still warred against one another and it wasn't until the Cylon rebellion that the 12 Colonies finally came together in a permanent way. Presumably, the Articles of Colonization were not made up out of whole cloth, however, and there may well be principles and ideas of justice that date back to the original colonists."</ref>
**[[Articles of Colonization]] signed ([[Colonial Day]]).<ref>From Ronald D. Moore's [ blog post] of April 11, 2005: "Colonial Day occurs every year and it is the anniversary of the founding of the "federal" system of government which was a relatively recent event. Before that time, the Colonies functioned more or less on their own, possibly with various attempts at alliances or even complete Colonial government over the centuries since the exodus from Kobol, none of which were successful. When the first Cylons were created, individual Colonies still warred against one another and it wasn't until the Cylon rebellion that the 12 Colonies finally came together in a permanent way. Presumably, the Articles of Colonization were not made up out of whole cloth, however, and there may well be principles and ideas of justice that date back to the original colonists."</ref>
*'''BCH 51年:''' Colonial ship ''[[Brenik]]'' is lost after a boarding action by [[Cylon Centurion Model 0005|Cylon Centurions]] ([[Valley of Darkness]], deleted scene).
*'''BCH 51年:''' コロニアル船''[[Brenik|ブレニック]]''[[Cylon Centurion Model 0005|サイロン・センチュリオン]]に侵入された後、行方不明となる。
*'''ca. 50 years BCH:''' Battlestar ''[[Galactica (RDM)|Galactica]]'' enters service.
*'''ca. 50 years BCH:''' Battlestar ''[[Galactica (RDM)|Galactica]]'' enters service.
*'''BCH 42年:''' William Adama begins his service in the Colonial Fleet as a Viper pilot, near the end of the Cylon War ("Hero", [[Razor Flashbacks]]).
*'''BCH 42年:''' サイロン戦争終結間近、ウィリアム・アダマがバイパー・パイロットとしてコロニアル艦隊に従軍する("Hero", [[Razor Flashbacks]])
*'''BCH 40年:'''  
*'''BCH 40年:'''  
**機械のサイロンがヒューマノイド・サイロンを造り出す実験を始める。They succeed in creating the [[First Hybrid]] and subsequent [[Hybrid]]s, but no fully humanoid forms.
**機械のサイロンがヒューマノイド・サイロンを造り出す実験を始める。They succeed in creating the [[First Hybrid]] and subsequent [[Hybrid]]s, but no fully humanoid forms.

Revision as of 14:20, 21 October 2010

Part of the series on
Timelines of the Battlestar Galactica series

This article plots the events which were shown or mentioned in the history of the Twelve Colonies from the Re-imagined Series and Caprica.

By convention, all dates are relative to the Fall of the Twelve Colonies. Events before the Fall are marked as "BCH", or "Before Cylon holocaust". Given the few and somewhat contradictory dates about the Colonials' ancient history and the exodus from Kobol, that part of the timeline is speculative.

The Cylon holocaust occurs more than 150,000 years ago.

Ancient History

See also: History of the Twelve Colonies, Sacred Scrolls
  • 年代不明: 惑星コボルの住民は12の部族を築いて生活していた (ミニシリーズ)。少なくとも1つの聖典によると彼らは”神々と共に楽園に住んでいた”。人間はやがて宇宙旅行の実現や人工知能を備えたロボットを造り出すまでに至った。そして人間によって、サイロンと同様の人工生命体が造られた。機械に対する戦争が勃発。戦前、戦時中、戦後かに機械は進化して人間の姿をした機械が造られた。このヒューマノイド・サイロンの一団は聖なる巻物には"13番目の部族"と記されているが、サイロンの部族と明確には記されていなかった (Sometimes a Great Notion)。
  • BCH 17,000年以上: 超新星でイオニア星雲が誕生する。
  • BCH 約4,000年: 伝えによると13番目の部族はコボルを去り別の惑星希望の寺院を建てた。[1]彼らは導きと移住先の地球への進路を求めて祈った。
  • BCH 約3,600年: ピシア予言を書き記す。Aside from reports of the landing on Earth and drawings of temples there, this book describes "the exile and rebirth of the human race" and a "dying leader" not making it to a "promised land," though how long before her writings that such events took place is not revealed.
  • BCH 約3,000年: ライオンズ・ヘッド星雲ビーコンを残し、後の地球への道標となる。年代は不明だが、何者かが地球からコボルへ旅し、地球やその星図を残していった。[2]
  • BCH 約3,000から2,000年: 13番目の部族のヒューマノイド・サイロンは生殖行為で繁栄するようになる。"生体記憶転送"技術、あるいはダウンロードは捨て去られる。
    • 13番目の部族は文明化の労働者として使用するため独自の機械のセンチュリオンを造り出した。
  • BCH 約2,000年: (コボルと地球での出来事の順番は不確か。)
    • 後に"ファイナル・ファイブ"と呼ばれるサミュエル・アンダーストリー・フォスターエレン・タイソウル・タイゲイレン・チロルが地球で誕生する。
    • ファイナル・ファイブは研究所でダウンロード技術の再開発に取り組む。ゲイレン・チロルとエレン・タイが先鋒を務める。
    • 5人のサイロン全員が他の者には見えないヴィジョンを見る。それは地球のセンチュリオンの反乱が迫っているという警告だった。ファイナル・ファイブは再生船を建造し軌道上に乗せる。
    • 残された12の部族はコボルを去り12コロニーに移住する。[1].
    • コボルの神"アテナ"はこれに絶望し自殺する。彼女のために、地球とその周囲の天体の3D映像を収めたが作られた。映像は12の部族が持って行ったアポロの矢によって起動される。
    • センチュリオンが反乱をおこし、13番目の種族は大規模な核攻撃でそれを阻止する。ファイナル・ファイブもその攻撃で一度は死亡したが、軌道上の船で再生する。
    • ファイナル・ファイブは他の12部族に地球の惨劇を伝えるためコボルへ旅立つ。彼らは歴史の周期性に気付いており12部族もサイロンを造り出すと信じていた。彼らは12部族を同じ過ちを犯さぬよう警告するつもりだった。しかし、彼らの船には通常のFTLドライブは装備されておらず相対性の亜光速の旅となる。
  • BCH 2,000年から52年: 12コロニーは繁栄していった。各コロニーが独立国として行動し、コロニー間の戦争へと発展していった。
    • ファイナル・ファイブは部族の進路をたどって希望の寺院にたどり着く。
    • ファイナル・ファイブは廃墟となったコボルにたどり着く。12部族を追ってコロニーに向かう。

Recent Colonial History

  • 少なくともBCH 200年: 人類はリンパ球性脳炎を引き起こすウィルスに対する免疫を開発する (A Measure of Salvation)。[3]
  • BCH 約93年: タウロンの内戦で移民としてカプリカに渡ってきたジョセフサム・アダマは孤児院で育てられる。後にジョセフはハ・ラ・サー犯罪組織の資金で教育を受け弁護士となる。サムはハ・ラ・サーの暗殺者となる。 (Caprica pilot)
  • BCH 69年:
  • BCH 58年から52年: タウロンのライバルから盗んだメタ認識プロセッサーでCEO兼科学者ダニエル・グレイストーンは12コロニーで最初のサイロンを作る。重労働、戦闘用に開発されたそのサイロンの1体には、彼の死亡した一神教の娘ゾーイ・グレイストーンの意識のヴァーチャル・コピーがダウンロードされてえいた(Caprica pilot)。人類はコボルの祖先と同じ行動を繰り返していることに気付いていない。
  • BCH 52年:
  • BCH 51年: コロニアル船ブレニックサイロン・センチュリオンに侵入された後、行方不明となる。
  • ca. 50 years BCH: Battlestar Galactica enters service.
  • BCH 42年: サイロン戦争終結間近、ウィリアム・アダマがバイパー・パイロットとしてコロニアル艦隊に従軍する("Hero", Razor Flashbacks)。
  • BCH 40年:
    • 機械のサイロンがヒューマノイド・サイロンを造り出す実験を始める。They succeed in creating the First Hybrid and subsequent Hybrids, but no fully humanoid forms.
    • ファイナル・ファイブは戦時中のコロニアル太陽系に到着する。
    • ファイナル・ファイブはサイロンと戦争を終わらすよう交渉する。サイロンが終戦に応じれば生体の身体と再生技術を与えると交渉する・
    • コロニアル艦隊によりラプター・タロン作戦が実行される。バトルスター・コロンビアが撃沈される (Razor Flashbacks)。
    • 休戦協定が結ばれサイロン戦争終結。サイロンが12コロニーから撤退 (Miniseries)。The First Hybrid and his Guardians part company with the other Cylons.
    • ウィリアム・アダマがコロニアル艦隊を除隊 ("Scattered", Adama's dossier)。
  • BCH 37年: William Adama enlists as merchant marine and serves aboard inter-colony freighters ("Scattered", Adama's dossier).
  • BCH 37年から約30年:
    • サイロンはファイナル・ファイブの船をベースにコロニーと呼ばれる秘密基地を建設。ファイナル・ファイブの研究資材も保管されている。
    • The Final Five create John Cavil, the first of the new humanoid Cylons that are their "children," and designate him model Number One. They raise him for some time.
    • John matures and assists the Final Five in the creation of seven other humanoid Cylon models. A resurrection system is built for the new models based on technology left over from the Thirteenth Tribe.
  • ca. 30 BCH:
    • Cavil murders model Number Seven, Daniel, out of jealousy by poisoning the amniotic fluid in which the Seven copies were maturing.
    • The Final Five are murdered by Cavil and their consciousnesses are boxed.
    • Cavil erases all knowledge of the Final Five and the missing model Number Seven from his fellow humanoid Cylon models and specifically programs them not to think about either.
    • ソウル・タイが戦時中の偽の記憶を持った状態で士官として再生し社会に潜伏する。
    • その後まもなく、エレン・タイが再生し社会に潜伏する。
  • BCH 約28年:
  • ca. 27 BCH: ウィリアムとキャロラン・アダマが出会い結婚。[7]
  • ca. 26 BCH: リー・アダマが誕生。[7]
  • ca. 24 BCH: ザック・アダマが誕生。[7]
  • BCH 23年: William Adama reinstated in the Colonial Fleet at the rank of Captain and is assigned to the battlestar Universal [8] ("Scattered" deleted scene, Adama's dossier).
  • BCH '21年:' Saul Tigh reinstated in the Colonial Fleet at the rank of Captain by now-Major Adama (Scattered). [9] [10]
  • BCH 20年:
  • BCH 17年: William Adama assigned to the battlestar Atlantia, where he makes his 1000th Viper landing (Adama's dossier, "Act of Contrition").
  • BCH 13年: William Adama assigned as executive officer to the new battlestar Columbia (Adama's dossier).
  • BCH 11年: ローラ・ロズリンが政界入り(Litmus)。
  • BCH 約10年: Galen Tyrol enlists in the Colonial Fleet as a non-commissioned officer.[11]
  • BCH 9年: William Adama promoted to commander and assigned as commander of the battlestar Valkyrie (Adama's dossier, "Hero").
  • BCH 7年: Saul and Ellen Tigh meet and marry again, unaware that it is the second time ("Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part I", deleted scene).
  • BCH 6年: William Adama leads an aborted covert intelligence mission aboard Valkyrie. Daniel Novacek is shot down and captured by the Cylons. Adama and Tigh are subsequently assigned to Galactica (Adama's dossier, "Hero"). [12]
  • BCH 5年:
  • BCH 4年:
  • BCH 3年: フェリックス・ゲータギャラクティカに着任 (ミニシリーズ)。
  • BCH 2年:
  • BCH 1年:
    • ウィリアムとキャロラン・アダマが最後に話した時 (ミニシリーズ)。
    • Carolanne Adama gets engaged (Miniseries).
    • Anastasia Dualla last visits her home (Final Cut).
  • Between 5 and 1 Year BCH:

Events of the Miniseries

  • 0時間:
    • The Cylon fleet gathers at a staging area close to The Colony (The Plan).
    • John Cavil makes his final preparations for the impending assault and visits a sealed-off resurrection chamber housing deactivated copies of the Final Five (The Plan).
    • The Armistice Station is destroyed by Cylon forces, appear, and show themselves, (albeit in a more advanced form, as well as a humanoid version) for the first time in 40 years.
    • Laura Roslin is diagnosed with inoperable breast cancer.
    • Galactica is decommissioned.
    • A Cavil meets with Caprica Six, who gives him the access codes to the Colonial Defence Mainframe (The Plan).
    • The Cylon strike force simultaneously jumps into orbit around all twelve colonies and commences an all-out attack (The Plan).
    • The Twelve Colonies are heavily bombarded by nuclear bombs.
    • Picon Fleet Headquarters is destroyed.
    • Ellen Tigh is placed aboard Raptor from the medical ship Rising Star by John Cavil shortly before it escapes the destruction of Picon ("Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down", "No Exit", "The Plan").
    • Galactica's last Viper Mark VII squadron is destroyed.
    • A battle near Virgon ends with the total loss of the remaining Colonial Fleet including the flagship Atlantia.
    • The battlestar Pegasus luckily escapes the destruction of the Scorpion Fleet Shipyards ("Pegasus", "Razor").
    • The Cylons begin landing ground forces on the Colonies (The Plan).
    • Galactica engages Cylon Raiders and survives with moderate damage and 85 dead.
    • Last transmission from the Colonies received by Laura Roslin aboard Colonial Heavy 798 from a fellow secretary.
    • Case Orange contingency mechanism assigns Roslin the office of the President of the Twelve Colonies.
    • Roslin gathers stranded civilian and military ships in the vicinity of Caprica.
    • Commander Adama assumes overall Fleet command and orders regroup at Ragnar Anchorage
    • Roslin's fleet survives two Cylon attacks and meets at Ragnar.
    • Galactica changes from battle stance to civilian protection, and escorts the civilian fleet from Ragnar towards the Prolmar Sector.
    • The Twelve Colonies of Kobol lie in irradiated ruins. Their military has been utterly defeated and their infrastructure has been crushed. The result of the engagement is a complete victory for the Cylon forces (The Plan).
    • The Cylon occupation of the Colonies begins (The Plan).


See Timeline - Season 1 (RDM)


See Timeline - Season 2 (RDM)


See Timeline - Season 3 (RDM)


See Timeline - Season 4 (RDM)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Tyrol says that "Our initial radiocarbon dating suggests that the temple's at least 4,000 years old, which lines up with the exodus of the Thirteenth Tribe." (The Eye of Jupiter). This is the oldest date noted in the series's timeline, but also conflicts with the prior date of Pythia and her works as described by Elosha in "Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part I", where she states that the exodus of all 13 tribes occurred approximately 2,000 years ago.これはエレン・タイの寺院は3,000年前に建てられたと言う発言と矛盾している (No Exit)。
  2. Adama says that "According to Cottle, the virus was an exact match to one reported over 3000 years ago, right around the time that the 13th colony left Kobol" (A Measure of Salvation). This contradicts the two other dates of 2,000 and 4,000 years. While the dating is uncertain, it is the only clue to the beacon's age. That someone traveled back to Kobol is speculation, but an explanation for how Earth's sky could be displayed there. If true, it is still unknown on which of these two voyages the beacon was left behind.
  3. Doctor Cottle notes the time as "a couple hundred years ago", which is an indeterminate amount of time, but likely less than four or five hundred years.
  4. From Ronald D. Moore's blog post of April 11, 2005: "Colonial Day occurs every year and it is the anniversary of the founding of the "federal" system of government which was a relatively recent event. Before that time, the Colonies functioned more or less on their own, possibly with various attempts at alliances or even complete Colonial government over the centuries since the exodus from Kobol, none of which were successful. When the first Cylons were created, individual Colonies still warred against one another and it wasn't until the Cylon rebellion that the 12 Colonies finally came together in a permanent way. Presumably, the Articles of Colonization were not made up out of whole cloth, however, and there may well be principles and ideas of justice that date back to the original colonists."
  5. At the time of the Cylon attack, Tyrol has "ten years experience" (Miniseries), and has "served on battlestars since I was 18" (Resistance). This puts his birth in approximately 28 BCH, allowing for a few years leeway with the first comment.
  6. The podcast for "Scattered" places their meeting "twenty years ago". In "Torn", Adama states that he has known Tigh for 30 years. Furthermore, Adama's dossier places his reinstatement into the Colonial Fleet at 23 BCH. Battlestar Wiki choses to use the more consistent dates.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 This date is assumed as follows: Zak died 2 BCH. Since he graduated from some kind of military academy, he would be at least 22 years old, following real world models. On a photograph of William Adama with his sons, Lee seems to be about two years older than Zak. Adama and his wife probably met not long before Lee's birth.
  8. This information comes from a prop used in the episode "Scattered".
  9. The time between Adama's and Tigh's reinstatement is not specified on screen. The February/March issue of Battlestar Galactica: The Official Magazine gives it as two years: "Adama reenlisted with the service and Tigh spent two years drinking before Adama pulled strings to get him back into service."
  10. In actually, this is Saul Tigh's entrance into the Colonial Fleet, not his return, as he did not serve in the Cylon War and all documents of his service and retirement were forged by John Cavil.
  11. At the time of the Cylon attack, Tyrol has "ten years experience" (Miniseries). It is likely that Tyrol (and the two other remaining members of the Final Five, Samuel Anders and Tory Foster), was introduced into Colonial society at or around this point by John Cavil as part of his plan for revenge on his creators, human and Cylon alike (No Exit).
  12. While dialogue from "Hero" places these events at 1 BCH, this contradicts previously established dates about the time Adama and others served on Galactica. See Hero#Analysis for a detailed explanation why Battlestar Wiki chooses to treat this as a continuity error and change the date.
  13. アダマがチロルは"5年以上"、彼の指揮下で働いてきたと述べている。この年より1年早い可能性もある。