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Birth place {{{birthplace}}}
Birth Name {{{birthname}}}
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Nickname {{{nickname}}}
Introduced Caprica pilot
Marital Status
Family Tree View
Role Avatar
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by Genevieve Buechner
Tamara-A is a Cylon
Tamara-A is a Final Five Cylon
Tamara-A is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
Tamara-A is an Original Series Cylon
Related Media
@ BW Media
Additional Information

Tamara-A is an avatar of the deceased Tamara Adams created by Daniel Graystone, using the program devised by Zoe Graystone for her own avatar.

As Joseph Adama's payment for obtaining the meta-cognitive processor from Vergis Corporation, Daniel generates the avatar from records in various databases in a holoband virtual world.

Upon Joseph's meeting of Tamara-A, she expresses to him that she cannot feel her heart beat, which only further deepens Joseph's loss. His outrage over this abomination causes a rift between Daniel and Joseph (Caprica pilot).

Joseph starts having hallucinations about the avatar and is shocked to learn from Daniel that she did not disappear when he removed his holoband, but is instead presumably still lost and confused inside the computer (Rebirth).

With the help of physical pressure from his brother Sam, Joseph convinces Daniel to let him see Tamara-A again. However, Zoe-A and Lacy Rand discover her within the Graystone mainframe and help her out into the larger virtual network, unwittingly preventing Joseph from meeting her (The Reins of a Waterfall).

Tamara-A manages to find someone she thinks can help her leave the V-world, a big name in the virtual reality game "New Cap City" called Vesta. Thinking she must be unconscious or comatose in the real world and seeing that being shot does not eject her, Vesta ropes Tamara into performing a task for her, helping Vesta's associate Heracles raid the vault of another major player of the game, Chiron, in exchange for waking her up. Tamara is uniquely suited to this because, unlike most V-world programs, New Cap City does not allowed "killed" players to return. Tamara-A demonstrates a resistance to damage from guns in the V-world and the ability to hack code and make guard programs disappear by force of will while completing this objective. Vesta realizes that Tamara is actually dead after reading a newspaper article about the Maglev bombing, however. Rather than continue to be used, Tamara-A eliminates Vesta and her cohorts from the game by shooting them, then tells Heracles to get a message to her father (There Is Another Sky).

Sometime afterwards, Tamara-A visits a club in New Cap City called Mysteries, which is run by Cerberus. She does not give the right answer to a question and is therefore shot, which displays her ability to survive being shot in the V-world to the crowd. She begins leaving a symbol at places she has been, a T shaped like a flower, which is how the original Tamara Adama would always sign her name. (Ghosts in the Machine). Joseph's New Cap City guide Emmanuelle (actually Evelyn) puts this symbol on the outer window of the virtual equivalent of the Adama apartment to attract Tamara-A's attention. Evelyn explains that Joseph's search for his daughter is causing him to miss out on real life, especially her brother William Adama's childhood, and that he is overusing Amp. Tamara-A regretfully agrees to Evelyn's plan. When Joseph comes to see her in the apartment, she tells him he has to put a stop to what he's doing and locks him out of the game by shooting him. (End of Line)