Zoe Graystone

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Zoe Graystone
Zoe Graystone


Age 16
Colony Caprica
Birth place {{{birthplace}}}
Birth Name {{{birthname}}}
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Nickname {{{nickname}}}
Introduced Caprica
Death Caprica
Parents Daniel Graystone (father)
Amanda Graystone (mother)
Siblings none
Children none
Marital Status unmarried; girlfriend of Ben Stark
Family Tree View
Role Creator of first Cylon consciousness in the Twelve Colonies.
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by Alessandra Toressani[1]
Zoe Graystone is a Cylon
Zoe Graystone is a Final Five Cylon
Zoe Graystone is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
Zoe Graystone is an Original Series Cylon
Related Media
@ BW Media
Additional Information
[[Image:|200px|Zoe Graystone]]

Zoe Graystone is the daughter of Daniel Graystone, a brilliant and wealthy Caprican computer engineer (a trait which she inherited) and his wife Amanda Graystone. [2]. Her talents with computer programing is greatly admired by her friends and after her death and his learning the full extent of her talents, like encryption coding, by her father as well. Zoe's friends believed that her talents were God given for the purpose of revealing God to the worlds.

She became a closet monotheist in the polytheistic society of the Twelve Colonies after being introduced to the worship of one God by the headmistress of the Athena Academy, Sister Clarice Willow. She created in Virtual Reality on the Holo-band network her father created 10 years before, an exact duplicate of herself that is supposed to be a symbol or instrument to change the worlds; presumably to their monotheistic beliefs and morality system. To that end Zoe tries to leave Caprica, running away from home with her boyfriend Ben Stark, a fanatical monotheist, and her best friend Lacy Rand to live on Gemenon with new families. As they board the high speed Magnetic Levitation subway train (Mag Lev, known colloquially as "The 'Lev") Lacy has second thoughts and stays behind as Zoe and Ben ostensibly heads for the port to take a ship to Gemenon. However, Ben has other intentions. After Zoe sends a goodbye E-mail to her parents from her computer sheet, Ben revels a bomb strapped around his torso to her horror. He and Zoe dies when Ben sets of a bomb on the subway train killing Shannon and Tamara Adams as well. (Caprica pilot)

After her death, in an obsessive desire to have his daughter back, Daniel Graystone downloads his daughter's Virtual Reality avatar into a prototype military soldier robot creating the first Cybernetic Life-form Node, a Cylon.


Before her death, Zoe found a way to upload her memories and DNA into a Virtual Reality hologram, thus creating an online avatar of herself on the Holo-band network which her father invented, Zoe-A. She is intended to somehow "change the worlds" and Zoe has been teaching her about the alleged defects of their society that she will somehow bring society to the truth of the "One true God". Zoe-A resides in Virtual Reality in a room of an adolescent but decadent "V-Club" that only she occupies away from the others participating in the Virtual world. It is bare and dark with with a large for person sette. Votive candles are along around the walls. High up along those side walls and the wall behind the sette are stain glass windows (much like a Christian church in real life). It is essentially a temple to her. It could only be entered by Zoe, Lacy and presumably Ben by touching a virtual sensor shaped in the form of the Infinity symbol. After the suicide bombing, the avatar is left behind suffering from sympathy burns from the rudimentary bio feedback subroutine that Zoe had set up so that Zoe-A can feel Zoe's experiences in the world, even though she could not do so directly. Lacy came to her to reconnect with her dead friend. At first she is horrified and confused over Zoe-A's apparent wounds and then rejects her momentarily as a friend saying she was merely a "thing" but changed her minds seeing Zoe-A's physical and emotional suffering. Later Daniel Graystone discovers Lacy's visitations of Zoe-A and after at first rejecting the notion of Zoe-A being her daughter, he steals her by downloading her data to a memory stick with the intention of downloading her into one of his prototype robots.

Zoe's online avatar.


When Daniel Graystone discovers his daughter's online twin, he decides to recreate Zoe as a robot, using Zoe's avatar and technology stolen from his business competitor, Tomas Vergis. With the help of Joseph Adams's (later Adama) organized crime contacts, whose wife and daughter also died in the same explosion, to steal an advance technology from the Vergis Company, the Meta-Cognitive Processor (MCP) which is an artificial brain. The crime syndicate has Adams do a standing favor for it in return for stealing the processor. Adams is to persuade the Caprican Defense Minister to do a favor for the mob. Adams attempts this but fails to persuade the Defense Minister. However, the Mob is satisfied over Adams's efforts and obtains the technology for Graystone (the Defense Minister is later murdered in his bed possibly with Adams's knowledge). Graystone installs the MCP into a U-87 Cyber Combat Unit. Zoe-A is downloaded into the memory of the U-87 by her "father" Daniel, and thus becomes Zoe-R, the first version of the Cylons in the Twelve Colonies. (Caprica pilot)


  • The name "Zoe" originally comes from the ancient Greek word for "life"[3], and is used in the New Testament of the Bible 134 times to indicate the "eternal life" or the "life after death" in heaven rewarded to the children of God[4]. This could be a reference to Zoe's own resurrection as Zoe-R, or it could be a religious reference to the Cylons' status as the children of God, or both.


  1. "Stoltz Joins Caprica Cast", SciFi Wire, 12 May 2008. Retrieved on 14 May 2008.
  2. Caprica casting info (backup available on Archive.org) (in English). (Apr 3, 2008).
  3. Behind the Name:Zoe (backup available on Archive.org) (in ). Retrieved on 7 April 2008.
  4. Biblical-Baby Names:Zoe (backup available on Archive.org) (in ). Retrieved on 7 April 2008.