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The prompt, fateful response from the Case Orange mechanism.

The Case Orange[1] automated beacon is a civil service emergency system of the Government of the Twelve Colonies, designed to ensure a working government in the wake of a catastrophic event.

In the latter part of the Cylons' surprise attack on the Twelve Colonies of 0 BCH (2000BYR), Secretary of Education Laura Roslin speaks with a fellow official on Caprica known only as "Jack," who says that he is unsure of President Richard Adar's whereabouts during the attack, but notes that the president offered a complete unconditional surrender to the Cylons after the colony of Picon and the Colonial Fleet installations and ships located there were bombarded with nuclear bombs. The Cylons did not respond to the surrender offer. Roslin does not hear from any other government officials after her conversation with Jack is interrupted when the starliner is attacked with a Cylon missile.

Later, the transport's captain picks up an automated wireless message in the cockpit of his stranded Caprican transport, Colonial Heavy 798:

"This is an official Colonial Government broadcast. All ministers and officials should now go to Case Orange. Repeat: This is an official Colonial Government broadcast. All ministers and officials should now go to Case Orange."listen [2]

Laura Roslin sits in the cockpit with the transport's pilots and Lee "Apollo" Adama, their startled faces looking to her for an explanation. She tells the group that this automated message is designed to be broadcast should the President of the Twelve Colonies, the Vice President and most of the Colonial Cabinet be killed or incapacitated.

She instructs the captain of the ship to acknowledge the message by sending her government ID code (D-456-345-A) on the same frequency as the message. Roslin leaves the cockpit and awaits the return response. Presumably, the Case Orange system gathers the IDs of all government officials, then determines who becomes the new President by level of succession and where to contact him/her and any remaining officials.

Adama sits with Roslin in the passenger area and asks how far down she ranks in the government presidential succession. She replies she is 43rd in succession,[3] commenting with sadness that she personally knew all 42 individuals above her from the President on down, most having served with President Richard Adar in his past administration and when he was a mayor.

The ship's captain returns to Roslin with the printed response from the automated beacon. Out of the 42 other government officials above her, apparently only she has responded to the automated message since its activation.[4]

After the ship's captain retrieves a priest on board, Elosha, Roslin is sworn in as the new President of the Twelve Colonies[5], surrounded by reporters who accompanied her to Galactica for the tour of the education facilities of the new museum there and for the battlestar's decommissioning ceremonies, mere hours before the Cylon attack began.
The eerie swearing-in of President Laura Roslin (TRS: "Miniseries, Night 1").

As Roslin's first act as President of the Twelve Colonies, she begins the task of locating other stranded civilian and military ships in the space surrounding Caprica. The ship's captain changes the ship's call sign to Colonial One in recognition of the presence of the new President on board (TRS: "Miniseries, Night 1").

This term finds later use as Admiral Helena Cain's codeword for Colonel Jack Fisk and his Marine detachment to initiate the removal of Commander William Adama's leadership of Galactica, and is the last known use of this term after the Fall of the Twelve Colonies (TRS: "Resurrection Ship, Part I").


U.S. President Johnson's swearing-in aboard Air Force One in 1963.


  1. In "Resurrection Ship, Part I," Admiral Cain's codeword for Colonel Fisk to assassinate Commander Adama is "Execute case orange." It is likely that both Cain and Fisk are aware of the phrase's significance. However, in the commentary for this episode, RDM says he used the name as reference to a strategic plan against Japan during World War II.
  2. In an early draft of the final script, the Case Orange message is shown as: "This is an official notification broadcast as per section 35, article 17 of the Emergency Continuity of Government Act. All ministers, department secretaries, and division heads now go to Case Orange." While this information is not quite canonical, it reinforces the measures that the Colonial Government would do to ensure its survival--which suggests that the first Cylon War may have nearly brought the earlier government to its knees in a similar crisis.
  3. Roslin's stated position in the line of succession - 43rd - is many places below that of the US Secretary of Education - 16th. There is almost no information provided by the regular series to explain the number of officials between the President and the office of Secretary of Education. It is probable, based on the information from the episode, "Colonial Day," that members of the Quorum of Twelve are part of this succession.
  4. It is not stated whether there were other officials lower in the succession order than Roslin, but it can be presumed from the Case Orange result that they are unable to respond as well, effectively removing them from consideration. It may be presumed that the Case Orange beacon had been running for some time after the attacks began, yet no others had responded to its message, since Roslin receives a response from the beacon fairly quickly. The Case Orange system may determine that assignment of a President is conditional to the length of time since its activation. The longer the beacon is seeking out officials without response, the quicker it responds and assigns a President to ensure a working government.
  5. Based on information given in the episodes "Bastille Day" and "Colonial Day," the Case Orange process assigned Roslin the remainder of President Adar's term. Roslin is eventually succeeded in a Fleet-wide election by Gaius Baltar (TRS: "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II"). She is re-appointed to the presidency after President Tom Zarek resigns from his short tenure (TRS: "Collaborators"), making Roslin a two-term Colonial president who has been twice appointed but never elected to the office.

[show/hide spoilers]
Spoilers hidden in infobox by default only.
Race: Colonial
Type: Civilian
FTL: Yes
Capacity: Approx. 600
CO: Jules Tarney
XO: {{{xo}}}
Role: Passenger Liner
Weapons: {{{weapons}}}
Armaments: {{{arm}}}
Defenses: {{{def}}}
Aircraft: {{{aircraft}}}
Aviation facilities: {{{facilities}}}
Emblem: Ship's patch
Other Images: Gallery
Length: {{{length}}}
Width: {{{width}}}
Height: {{{height}}}
Weight: {{{weight}}}
Wingspan: {{{wingspan}}}
Other: {{{otherdi}}}
Game Information
Cost: {{{construction}}}
Construction Time: {{{construction}}}
Hull Size: {{{hull size}}}
Hull: {{{hull}}}
FTL Cooldown: {{{ftl cooldown}}} turns
Speed: {{{speed}}} m/s
Turn Rate: {{{turn rate}}}°/turn
Armor Sum
Armor Total: {{{armor total}}}
Armor Left: {{{armor left}}}
Armor Right: {{{armor right}}}
Armor Front: {{{armor front}}}
Armor Rear: {{{armor rear}}}
Armor Top: {{{armor top}}}
Armor Bottom: {{{armor bottom}}}
DRADIS Range: {{{dradis range}}} m
Processing Power: {{{processing power}}}
Munition Slots: {{{munitions}}}
Munition Cooldown Period: {{{munition cooldown}}} turns
Squadron Slots: {{{squadrons}}}
Squadron Size: {{{squadron size}}}
Special Abilities: {{{special abilities}}}
Additional Information

Pyxis is an orange-colored passenger liner in the Fleet that survives both exoduses. Its last captain is Jules Tarney.

During the attack on the Colonies, Pyxis was in orbit of Canceron, before eventually joining up with the rest of the surviving ships near Caprica (TRS: "The Plan," Miniseries)

Pyxis is one of the many ships that are escorted by raptors through a very dense star cluster to the Algae Planet (TRS: "The Passage").

The ship is lost in the Battle of the Ionian Nebula when a spiraling Cylon Raider, damaged by Viper fire, impacts near the engines, resulting in catastrophic damage. The resulting explosion destroys the ship with 600 people aboard (TRS: "He That Believeth in Me").


  • The ship can first be seen joining Laura Roslin's convoy in the Miniseries. However, the name Pyxis is first introduced on the voting tally board in "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II," and the ship is not identified as such until "He That Believeth in Me."
  • It appears to be of very similar design to the ill-fated Olympic Carrier, and could possibly be another ship of the same class.
  • The interior of Pyxis is shown in "The Plan" and in two deleted scenes from the two-part series finale. The inside of this ship has orange walls with seats identical to those inside Colonial One, with one set of top-facing windows and one set facing the side, also similar to Colonial One. However, the exterior of the ship features only one set of windows, creating a design goof, likely created through the redressing and reuse of Colonial One's interior sets.
  • Pyxis is a minor southern constellation introduced by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille under the name Pyxis Nautica. It is perhaps supposed to represent the compass of Argo Navis.

Related Images[edit]

Orange Cliff is the brand name of a type of beer. Signage for this particular beverage can be seen in Joe's Bar during the altercation between Admiral William Adama and Chief Galen Tyrol (TRS: "Escape Velocity").


  • It is unknown if this is a beverage originating from the Twelve Colonies, or sometime post-Fall.

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