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Saga of a Star World

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After a sneak attack destroys human civilization as the Colonials know it; under Commander Adama the survivors set out to find a mythical planet called Earth.


The Human-Cylon peace accords turn out to be a ruse by the genocidal Cylons, determined to exterminate all humanity. Only the Galactica and a ragtag fleet survive, journeying across the galaxy in search of long-lost sister civilization Earth. Lured to the planet Carillon for fuel and relaxation, the fleet barely survives a trap by the Ovions, an underground, insectoid species in league with the Cylons.

Episode Breakdown

  • On board the Battlestar Galactica Lieutenant Zac, Apollo's younger brother convinces Starbuck to let him take his patrol with Apollo so he can prove to Apollo that he is a worthy warrior. Apollo, aware of the deception, agrees and Apollo and Starbuck reminice of their younger days and Apollo teases Starbuck about his stomach.
  • Back on board the Atlantia Adar congradulates Baltar on his work on the armistice. Adar then meets with Adama and Adama gives his mis-givings about this peace treaty and Adar assures him that the Cylons have sued for peace.
  • Zac notices two targets above the old moon Cimtar and Apollo flies ahead and sees the one of the targets and scans it and reports that it is an empty Cylon Tanker. When Apollo reaches the the second tanker it jams Apollo's scanning and Apollo suspicious she is hiding something continues through the mist and comes into contact with a huge armada of Cylon fighters. Apollo and Zac engage the first four pursuing fighters but Zac's top engine is damaged in the attack. Apollo assures him that they can easily handle four to one odds. Zac then asks Apollo to look at his scanner and the odds are now a thousand to one. Zac asks what it means and Apollo informs him that there won't be any peace or much of anything else if the fleet isn't warned. Zac tells Apollo to go on ahead and warn the fleet of the impending Cylon ambush and that he'll make it make ahead of the Cylons. Apollo reluctantly leaves his younger brother behind.
  • As Adama and Athena return to the Galactica Athena informs Adama that the whole ship is on alert. On reporting to the bridge Colonel Tigh informs Adama that the patrol ran into some trouble but the reports are being jammed. Adama reports this to the President and asks to launch a patrol to intercept. Baltar convinces Adar not to launch fighters due to the delicate nature of the peace treaty. Adama then asks that the fleet be brought to a state of alert. Adar says he will consider it.
  • Tigh informs Adama that the patrol is under Apollo's command and that Zac is with him. Adama now realizes the gravity of the situation.
  • Zac continues his journey home ahead of the Cylons.
  • Tigh urges Adama to launch, but Adam can't launch because of orders, but does agree to Battle Station's drill.
  • In the warrior lounge Starbuck enjoys a game of Pyramid with some Geminese warriors, he plays his hand, a full Pyaramid and is about to collect his pot when the red alert klaxon sounds.
  • Zac almost reaches the fleet and is fired upon by the Cylons as Adama and the others watch in horror. Zac calls out for help but is destroyed by the Cylons. When the jamming clears Adar asks "what was that" and Adam answers "that was my son Mr. President."
  • The Cylons commence their attack and the Galactica lauches her fighters and orders the fire control stations to commence firing. It is reported that none of the other Battlestars could launch their fighters.
  • Apollo returns to the bridge and reports on the Cylon ambush and asks to go back to escort Zac back in. He is informed of Zac's death.
  • The attack on the fleet continues and Apollo informs Tigh and Adama of no basestars and guesses that the fighters used the tankers to re-fuel from coming from whereever the base ships are. Adama now knows that the basestars are gathering to attack the Colonies. During this transmission the Cylons bear down on the battlestar Atlantia and she is destroyed to the shock of those watching during the battle and on the bridge of The Galactica.
  • Not far from the twelve colonies three basestars gather and a Cylon Patrol returns from its mission. A lone centurion reports to the Imperious Leader that all basestars are in range to attack the colonies. The Imperious Leader orders the attack on the lifeform known as man.
  • Adama orders the Galactica to head for home. Meanwhile out in the battle Greenbean notices the Galactica pulling out and asks Boomer where she is going and Boomer just comments that the Commander is calling the shots.
  • As the Galactica gets closer to the Colonies all jamming is cleared and they pick up a news report from the surface of Caprica from Serena. Serena reports on the people gathering to celebrate peace and that reports from The Star Colbolt (a satellite ship of some kind) on the peace conference are not coming in as planned. As her report continues the attack begins and Serena ends her report abruptly and goes to find her son Boxey. She finds him and hides his face from seeing the death of his daggit Muffit. Meanwhile The crew on board the Galactica watch in helpless horror as the destruction of the colonies continues. Even the outer planets like Sagitara are not spared.
  • Apollo tries to assure Adama that there wasn't anything he could do and Adama elects to go down to the surface of Caprica in his shuttle. Apollo fearing for his father's safety tells him he will take Adama in his fighter.
  • The remaining warriors return from battle and Rigel informs Tigh that there were 67 fighters returning and out of those 25 are from the Galactica. Omega informs Tigh that they are also the only surviving Battlestar.
  • Starbuck returns with battle damage and runs the check with Athena. Starbuck's thrusters are still wide open and Tigh says to bring him full throttle and they'll shut him down at the outer marker. Starbuck lands just barely as Athena rushes to his arms. Starbuck is angry that the Galactica left in the heat of battle and Athena informs him that the Colonies are gone.
  • Apollo and Adama land on the surface of Caprica and Adama returns to their home only to find it destroyed and his wife, Ila dead. Meanwhile Apollo is confronted by angry colonists wondering where the fleet was during the attack. Adama informs the colonists that only the Galactica is left and tells the colonists to assemble the people in every ship that will carry them. In all 220 ships representing every creed, color and race of man gather together and flee the colonies.
  • Baltar, overlooking the destruction on Caprica, meets with a Cylon centurion and the centurion tells him of reports of colinists fleeing in ships. Baltar balks at this and says they neither have fuel nor food for a prolonged journey. When the centurion says that information is offered in exchange for life, Baltar reminds him of the standing order from Imperious Leader. Extermination.
  • On board the Galactica Adama gathers a meeting for representives of each ship in the fleet to answer the question, where will they go? Adama tells them of a thirteenth tribe that went out into deep space and colonized another colony. A planet called Earth.
  • Starbuck meets with Athena to apologize for how he acted towards he in the landing bay. Starbuck realizes they may have only tomorrow to live for but Athena says she cannot commit to a relationship.
  • Boomer and Starbuck are on fleet maintenace on a Geminese freighter to check for battle damage and meet up with Apollo who is checking for solium leaks. They try to retreat from Apollo noting the danger of solium leaks, and Apollo threatens them if they don't help him. They go below decks and see the condition the colonists are living in and are informed that there has been no food or water for two days. As they attend to the wounded, Cassiopeia is found among the colonists and helps to translate for an ill Geminese Man. But she is ridiculed for being a Socilator. They also learn that some people on board the Rising Star Liner are living in luxury. When questioning core control about the food shortage all the response they get is that Core Control is aware of the problem.
  • Starbuck meets with Cassiopeia and asks her what all the disturbance on the freighter was about and she tells him that the Autorese sect among the Geminese does not condone physical contact among people until certain religious times.
  • Apollo re-routes the shuttle to the Rising Star. They go see Jolly and are informed that most of the food is contaminated with Pluton poisoning. They try to salvage some of the food but are told to keep it quiet in fear of a mutiny.
  • Flight leader Cerpentine reports to Imperious Leader on the survival of a handful of ships lead by the Battlestar Galactica. Imperious Leader intructs Cerpentine to go inform Baltar of his displeasure and orders Baltar to deliver the Battlestar Galactica or deliver his head.
  • On board the Rising Star Serena asks Apollo to help boosts her son Boxey's morale because he is distrought over losing his daggit. Apollo gives Boxey one of his Captain Clusters and promises to find him a daggit. He makes Boxey a Colonial warrior first level. Serena thanks Apollo for his help. Their intial attraction is felt.
  • On one of the upper levels Boomer tries to get into the club area but his held back by a guard hired by Tran-Stellar to protect Sire Uri. As Boomer pulls his weapon Apollo joins in and they enter the club area. Apollo his appalled by Sire Uri's gluttony and celebration. Sire Uri refuses to give up his supply of food and Apollo asks if Siress Uri shares Sire Uri's ideals. Uri tells Apollo of the fact that she did not make it in time to join the journey. Apollo then orders Boomer to instruct Jolly to come up with a crew to distribute the food. Boomer asks Apollo if he hasn't over played his hand since Sire Uri is a newly elected member of the Council of the Twelve.
  • On board the Galactica medical centre Cassiopeia's arm is healed and Starbuck agrees to help her find somewhere else to go other then the Geminese freighter.
  • Rigel reports to Tigh that long range patrols are checking in and report no signs of Cylon pursuit.
  • The Council of Twelve meets and Uri informs them that Carillon is too far to travel because of the food shortage. He offers an alternative the planet Borallus. But Adama informs them that is deadly trap as sure as they one they left. Apollo interrupts the meeting and says that another way to Carillon is available, through the Nova of Madagon. But the Nova is mined with Cylons mine and the big ships of the fleet cannot make it through the passage. Apollo says he will select two warriors to help clear a path so the fleet can move through the nova to Carillon. Starbuck and Boomer knowing they will be selected try to elude Apollo but Apollo catches them and volunteers them for the mission.
  • Later Apollo and Adama disgaree on the mission and of Apollo's volunteering himself for it. They also discuss Uri's election to the council and Adama continues to nurse wounds from the holocaust.
  • On board the Rising Star Apollo gathers Serena and Boxey and tells them of a surprise. They meet up with Doctor Wilker and he introduces Muffit Two to them and Boxey is given its care. Apollo and Serena share an embarce.
  • Athena enters Adama's quarters and has a heart to heart with her father. He tells her of the conditions on Caprica and the desperate people asking to come aboard and how he had to give out priorities like tickets to a lottery and how a woman with a child in her arms on Caprica grabbed his arm and was pushed back by a guard who didn't see the child in her arms as Adama left the surface. The weight of the responisbility taken on by Adama is apparent.
  • Cassiopea and Starbuck spend some intimate time on the flight deck before his mission. Athena checking on the flight deck for Starbuck catches him in the arms of Cassiopea and she pushes a steam purge button and gives Starbuck a steam burn.
  • Apollo confers with Boomer and Starbuck on the mission and Apollo notices Starbuck's uncomfort and Boomer politelty tells Apollo that Starbuck got a steam burn the night before. They launch their vipers with specially shielded cockpits to shield from the brightness of the starfield that is the Nova and proceed with the help of the Galactica's scanners to destroy the mines and clear a path for the fleet. They are successful and they reach Carillon.
  • Adama makes his report on Carillon and orders Landing Operations to begin at once with Mineral Ships and Land Ram parties. Blue Squadron is ordered to vector in the landing parties.
  • Aboard the main basestar, Baltar appears before Imperious Leader. The Imperious Leader alters his bargain to spare Baltar's colony. The Imperious Leader orders Baltar's immediate execution but stops short and orders him removed for public execution.
  • On the surface of Carillon it is reported that there are lifeforms on the surface in great numbers. Starbuck and Boomer are in one landram and when Starbuck asks what the planet must look like in the daytime Boomer replies that it is the daytime even though it's dark out. Boomer and Starbuck come upon strange bright lights and startle a female Tauren coming out of what is apparently a casino. She tells Boomer and Starbuck that she booked her trip on a sky bus and that she has won over a 1,000 cubits. Starbuck and Boomer enter the casino to investigate.
  • Meanwhile Apollo and Jolly with Serena, Boxey and Muffit along continue on to the old mine. Apollo instructs Boxey how to find Tylium. He also explains to Boxey about the Cylons and how they were once a race of reptiles who built machines. The machines took over and exterminated the reptiles thousands of yahrens ago, but they still call them Cylons. The Cylons only have one purpose, to exterminate the human race.
  • In the casino Boomer and Starbuck talk and Boomer questions the fact that they are in Gambling Chancelory where you can't lose. Starbuck watches the singers on stage and sees an opportunity to make money with them on The Star Circuit. Boomer can't beleive that all Starbuck wants to do is make money while the Cylons are chasing them and they are running for their lives.
  • Apollo and his team finally find a rich Tylium deposit and when Jolly opens the door to the Land Ram Muffit runs out and Boxey chases after him with Jolly not far behind. Serena and Apollo share a tender moment alone. Muffit and Boxey are "kidnapped" by the Ovions.
  • Jolly, Apollo and Serina begin searching for Boxey and are taken captive by the Ovions and brought below the surface to the Ovion's domain. They are re-united with Boxey, Muffit, Starbuck and Boomer. Apparently the Ovions have extended their hand in friendship and extend to the colonists an open invitation to enjoy all that Carillon has to offer.
  • Sire Uri extends this message and Tigh reports this to Adama. Adama makes his report and questions the Ovions hospitality and notices that only small amounts of fuel are coming up from the surface.
  • As the colonists enjoy Carillon, Cassiopeia goes to meet Starbuck and they agree to get a room together. Cassiopeia leaves to find a room and Athena shows up wanting Starbuck's affections. Cassiopeia returns and the rivalry between her and Athena begins over Starbuck.
  • Some guests of the hotel and a Colonial Warrior enter an elevator to go their rooms and the elevator takes them below levels, instead of their suite levels, and they are captured by the Ovions.
  • Tigh reports to Adama and Adama explains to Tigh that Baltar's people generated the intelligence report on Carillon and they are surprised to find that there is a large Tylium deposit on the planet instead of the small amount reported. Adama can't explain the connecton between the Ovions and the surface above. Tigh asks Adama if he suspects the Cylons being involved and Adama says he does.
  • On Carillon Sire Uri mentions a dismantling of arms. Apollo overhears this and mentions to Uri that he hopes it is the Grog.
  • Back on board the Galactica the council meets with Adama to discuss the dismantling of arms. During this meeting it is learned that the war began when the Colonists helped liberate the Hasari from the Cylons. Adama balks at the discussion of laying down their arms and leaves the meeting. The council decides to let the colonists decide their fate at a function to award Apollo, Starbuck and Boomer for the heroism through the Nova Amadagon.
  • Cassiopea enters an elevator with a warrior and he tries to make a pass at her and they both begin heading below Carillon. They are captured by the Ovions and witness the three previous colonists being cocooned by The Ovions.
  • Starbuck tries to convince the singers to work with him and they decline. Boomer informs Starbuck of the two of them being awarded the Gold Cluster and they head back to the Galactica.
  • On the Galactica flight deck Tigh meets with Adama and they talk in two vipers so their conversation can't be heard by the council. Adama devises a plan to keep their warriors battle ready while filling the party with colonists wearing warrior uniforms, to give Sire Uri and the Ovions who are watching the impression that the warriors are in attendance, when they really are waiting to engage the Cylons when needed. Adama decides to launch regular patrols to give the impression to the council that they are routine when they are really being sent to the surface of Carillon to await the Cylon trap. Tigh is put in charge of gathering uniforms and people to fill them.
  • Tigh begins to gather the uniforms and is startled by Boomer and Starbuck. Tigh reprimands them for first startling him and then for the condition of the uniforms. After he leaves the two comment on the stresses of being a Colonel and a Bridge Officer.
  • Later on the bridge of the Galactica Apollo and Adama meet to talk and Adama cannot bring himself to tell Apollo of his plan or go to the surface to witness Apollo's decoration because he knows it's a political ploy by Uri. Apollo tells Adama of his adoration and respect for his father. Apollo leaves and Tigh comes to Adama's side and knows that it wasn't easy for Adama not telling Apollo of the plan to spring the Cylon trap.
  • On board the shuttle Apollo mentions to Serena of one of the people dressed in Blue Squadron's insignia and how he didn't recognize him. Serena just shurgs it off and says that the person in question probably hasn't worn the uniform in years. They share another tender moment.
  • Starbuck, Boomer, and Apollo gather on the surface. Uri counts the uniforms and mentions to Starbuck that he figures most of the warriors are in attendance. Boomer motions to Starbuck that there are three unknown men wearing the insignia from Blue Squadron. Starbuck goes to investigate and runs into Apollo. Starbuck reports the imposters to Apollo and he agrees that something is not right on the planet. They enter an elevator and head below the surface.
  • Uri impatienly informs Boomer to find Starbuck and Apollo.
  • Starbuck and Apollo continue their search for the imposters while a Cylon Centurion receives a report from the Ovions of the warrior count at the party.
  • Apollo and Starbuck jury rig the elevator to go lower below Carillon and come across the Ovion domain.
  • Meanwhile Sire Uri continue his speech of peace.
  • Starbuck and Apollo come across the Cylons meeting with the Ovions and Starbuck wishes to find out the connection between the surface and the Ovions below. Starbuck suggests that Apollo go back up and gather the colonists while he stays below to set fire to the Tylium. Apollo won't leave Starbuck like he left Zac. Boxey comes out of an elevator chasing Muffit, and just as a Cylon is about to shoot Boxey, Apollo and Starbuck intervene and in the battle come across the cocoons of the humans that the Ovions are feeding on. They find Cassiopeia and rescue her in the nick of time.
  • Meanwhile the Cylon trap is sprung and Imperious Leader orders the attack.
  • Starbuck and Apollo with Cassiopeia, Boxey and Muffit in tow begin their escape, while in space the Cylons begin to head towards the Galactica and the fleet.
  • Boomer joins in with Starbuck and Apollo and they escape back to the surface to warn everyone of the danger. Meanwhile the attack force closes in on the Galactica. Apollo and the others reach the surface and warn the others to leave; Uri balks at this until a Cylon appears and he agrees with Apollo for everyone to leave.
  • The Cylons continue to approach, 50 microns and closing.
  • The exodus from the casino continues. Muffit helps in destroying a Cylon Centurion. Jolly and a series of landrams appear to help in the escape and Apollo and Starbuck find out that the landrams were ordered by Adama.
  • The Cylons are now 35 microns and closing.
  • Jolly informs Apollo and Starbuck of Adama's plan.
  • The Cylons are 30 microns and closing and Adama orders all warriors to return from the surface.
  • Apollo orders the women aboard the shuttle and the warriors are elated to be heading back into battle.
  • The Cylons are 15 microns and closing.
  • Boxey tells Serena that he wishes Apollo could be his dad. Starbuck kisses Cassiopeia goodbye.
  • The Cylons close in and begin attacking the Galactica.
  • The warriors ready themselves for launch as the attack on the Galactica continues. The warriors launch from the surface and engage the Cylons as the Galactica takes heavy hits. As the squadrons continue their attack Starbuck makes a kill for the Atlantia and Apollo makes one for Zac. Athena is surprised at the appearance of all the vipers and Adama tells Tigh to make it a point of disussing discipline in the ranks.
  • Apollo, along with Starbuck, go after the lone base star with Imperious Leader hidden behind Carillon. Adama declines the order to chase the base ship but Apollo and Starbuck continue their pursuit using the Cylon frequency to give the impression of four squadrons (Blue and Green, Red and Yellow). A Cylon reports to Imperious Leader of the pursuit of four squadrons and Imperious Leader orders the ship behind Carillon. Starbuck reports that Purple and Orange squadrons are ready to join in the fight as well, but Apollo tells him not to get carried away. This is reported back to the Galactica and Adama cannot believe what the two are planning. Imperious Leader is given a report of the six squadrons approaching them and of the raiders being all destroyed. He orders the base ship lower to the surface but is warned of the temperature reaching critical points. The Imperious Leader continues his order. Starbuck and Apollo reach the baseship. Tigh reports the planet reaching vapor point. The Cylons now realize that the plan is a deception and open fire on Apollo and Starbuck. Starbuck and Apollo escape just as the planet and base ship are destroyed and they head for home aboard the Galactica. Starbuck metions "some home, a piece of metal in the middle of nowhere."
  • Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny the last battlestar, Galactica, leads a rag-tag fugitive fleet on a lonely quest. A shining planet known as Earth.
  • Epilogue: Baltar is brought before another Imperious Leader. And Baltar finds out the Leader's predecessor was destroyed by Baltar's peers. Baltar explains he tried to warn him. The Imperious Leader explains he has examined Baltar's epistle to find the humans logical and spares Baltar's life; not to serve the Cylon Empire but to serve his people and he is given the task of extending the hand of truce to the humans. Baltar explains that the humans are not likely to be receptive. The Imperious Leader gives Baltar command of a basestar with IL-Series Drone Lucifer to serve at his aide to accomplish this task.


  • Is each Colony on a planet or are some of them on moons orbiting another Colony's planet?
  • Why didn't the Cylons drop nuclear weapons on Colonial cities? Dialouge makes it clear the goal was complete anihilation of the race known as man.
  • Why did the survivors so quickly abandon their homeworlds? Although defending the Twelve Colonies with a single battlestar would have been impossible it is unlikely all survivors would be eager to leave quickly.
  • How many civilians were left alive on the Colonies because there were not enough ships to carry them to safety?
  • Are the civilan conditions on the Gemini freighter typical of those on the other ships?
  • If the Ovions got their food supply from harvesting the Colonials what were they feeding them at the casino and what were they sending up to the fleet in supplies?
  • Were all the civilians and Colonial Warriors able to evacuate Carillon before the the planet was destroyed?
  • Which Colony was Baltar from? His colony was to have been spared but it was left unnamed.


  • It's difficult to imagine that only five Battlestars would be the only means of defence for a race made of twelve planets or colonies. Especially when there is mention of a Fifth Fleet in The Living Legend Part One. Would there not be other ships or vipers around the colonies doing routine patrols at such a sensitive time?
  • Adama asked if any of the other ships could launch their vipers and it was reported they didn't. But yet Rigel reports that out of the 67 vipers returning to The Galactica 25 were actually those belonging to The Galactica. So obviously the other ships launched some of their vipers.
  • If only 67 vipers remained after the intial ambush, where did all the vipers come from that made up the Squadrons during the Battle of Carillon? There must have been a storage area in the colonies during the Exodus that Cylons had overlooked during the holocaust.
  • How did the Exodus happen? If the Cylons were instructed to exterminate all of mankind would they not make sure the job was finished and not leave anything behind or any means of escape? Maybe their sloppiness is the reason why the Colonists overcame them time and time again during the series intial run.


  1. Adama represents Caprica and commands Galactica.
  2. Adar is president and commands the Atlantia.
  • The Cylons have an hierarchal imperical society, lead by an emperor (Imperious Leader).
  • The Cylons wish to exterminate human life as Colonials have interfered with Cylon efforts. (see: Hasari)
  • There are three different versions of this episode. A theatrical release, a three part pilot and video release. The episode contained on the DVD box set is the complete episode with all the parts that were deleted or shortened or altered to some degree restored.

Noteworthy Dialogue[edit]

Imperious Leader: The final anhilation of the life form known as Man, let the attack begin.

Cylon Centurion: By your command.

Zac: Patrol to fleet, patrol to fleet! I need help!

President Adar: What was that?

Adama: That was my son Mr. President...

Official Statements[edit]


  • Novelized as Battlestar Galactica (ISBN 0-425-03958-7), by Glen A. Larson and Robert Thurston, released by Berkeley Publishing in September 1978.

  • In the novel it is mentioned that the Battlestar Pacifica was Galactica's sister ship and that she was destroyed some years ago during a battle with The Cylons.
  • The Battlestar Solaria was mentioned as one of the five Battlestars and one of the ones destroyed during the Peace Conference.


Guest Stars[edit]

  • Rick Springfield as Lieutenant Zac
  • Lew Ayers as President Adar
  • Ray Miland as Sire Uri

Writing & Direction[edit]

Production Notes[edit]

  • Series 1 (1978 / 1979)
  • Production Number: 1.01
  • Airdate Order: 1 (of 21)

First Run Air Dates & Releases[edit]

  • UK Airdate: Date
  • US Airdate: September 17, 1978
  • DVD Release: December 28, 2004