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Noteworthy Dialogue: Corrected Tigh quote (evil men)
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== Noteworthy Dialogue ==
== Noteworthy Dialogue ==
*''Discussing suicide bombings:''
*''Discussing suicide bombings:''
:'''Galen Tyrol''': This is crazy. You know, we'll need to figure out whose side we're on?
:'''Galen Tyrol''': This is crazy. You know, we need to figure out whose side we're on.
:'''Saul Tigh''': Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction where ever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that.
:'''Saul Tigh''': Which side are we on. We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction where ever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that.

*''After being arrested, held without charge and carted to a remote location:''  
*''After being arrested, held without charge and carted to a remote location:''  

Revision as of 10:58, 12 October 2006

An episode of the Re-imagined Series
Episode No. Season 3, Episode 2
Writer(s) Ronald D. Moore
Story by
Director Sergio Mimica-Gezzan
Assistant Director
Special guest(s)
Production No. 302
Nielsen Rating 1.8
US airdate USA 2006-10-06
CAN airdate CAN {{{CAN airdate}}}
UK airdate UK
DVD release
Population survivors
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Occupation Precipice Exodus, Part I
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After the suicide bombing, the Cylons institute stricter controls on the human population on New Caprica. Aboard Galactica, plans for the rescue from New Caprica move forward now that communication with the resistance has been established.


  • Gaius Baltar visits Laura Roslin (gathered up in detention apparently for his need) in her detention cell to discuss the suicide bombings, after which he releases her.
  • After Duck's suicide bombing in an effort to kill Baltar, the Cylons begin a crackdown and round up random civilians.
  • The Leoben copy with Thrace introduces her to Kacey, supposedly another Cylon-human hybrid fertilized by this Cylon's consciousness and using Thrace's egg from her stolen ovary. Thrace immediately treats it as an "it."
  • Felix Gaeta continues to give information to the resistance, though Galen Tyrol is unaware that Gaeta is his source inside the presidency. Tyrol calls Gaeta a collaborator.
  • Tyrol also talks to Jammer about the situation with Cally saying how when the occupation is over people like him and Jammer will be heroes while people like Gaeta will be strung up, causing fellings of regret in Jammer for collaborating.
  • Jammer talks to Boomer to try to find a way to get Cally out of prison. This leads to a tense convesation between Boomer and Cally made worse when Boomer mentions plans she and Tyrol had for when they left the service.
  • Admiral Adama swears in Sharon Agathon as a Colonial officer and sends her down to New Caprica to help the resistance. This does not sit well with Lee who comes to try to change his fathers mind and suggests that the battlestars focus on protecting the 2000 civilians that managed to jump with them.
  • Saul Tigh, Chief Tyrol, and Samuel Anders decide to meet Agathon in a canyon outside of town after she Jumps inside the planetary atmosphere.
  • Ellen Tigh, after being threatened with more harm to Colonel Tigh, gives the Cylons information on where the meeting is to take place.
  • Another suicide bombing, attacking the power plant and causing severe damage, moves the Cylons to more drastic actions.
  • The Cylons force Baltar to sign an execution order for 200 civilians, including Cally Tyrol, Roslin and Tom Zarek. The detainees are transported outside the city.
  • Kara continues to treat the child as an "it" while the child runs around the prison/apartment. When Kara briefly escapes to another room for a few minutes, she hears a thump from the other room. When she returns the child is unconscious at the foot of the stairs in a small pool of blood.
  • Kara appears to show maternal feelings for the child while in a medical bed and holds Conoy's hand.
  • While stopping to ostensibly let the detainees stretch their legs, Jammer cuts Cally Tyrol's bonds and tells her to run from the area. As as she gets away, Cylon Centurions show up to execute the detainees with Zarek pulling Roslin away from the front of the crowd. As Cally Tyrol runs through the forest, the sound of automatic gunfire rings out.
  • As Sharon Agathon and Anders formulate their plans, they are ambushed by Centurions.


  • If Sharon Agathon is killed during her mission on New Caprica, will she be able to download into a new body?
    • Download is a probability, but she would be immediately captured as an intelligence source.
  • Where will Cally Tyrol be able to run to? She was ordered to face execution by the Colonial Government.
    • Back to the colony, though she would need to keep out of sight. She will only have trouble if the Cylons check the dead bodies and find her missing or she advertises her presence at the colony.
  • Why did the Cylons abandon their plan for a public execution?
    • It could very well be that they realize a public execution might make matters worse, while "disappearances" would allow for both an effective threat and plausible deniability.
  • If viewers are to assume that the gunfire at the end of the episode is not from the Centurions, then who is firing?
    • There is the possibility, however remote, that it was the New Caprica Police who opened fire on the Centurions. However, story-wise that might be a cop-out, and it is unlikely that the NCP would take such action, Jammer's release of Cally not withstanding.
    • Another possibility is that the gunfire we heard is somehow coming from Sharon/Anders and their rescue team. Of course they would've had to escape/defeat the ambush and somehow come upon the execution scene, and these events appear to be happening concurrently.
    • The gunfire does not sound like Centurion weapons, but it is not possible to determine its source.
  • Is Gaeta showing rather unusual behavior? If so, how much will his role as "inside man" be affected?
    • Gaeta is witnessing the oppression of humanity at the highest level, from a man he once admired. It is probable Gaeta's stress level is affecting his behavior.
  • What is the role of the five unseen Cylon models in the occupation? Are they present and simply remaining off-camera for the benefit of the audience? Have they attempted to hide themselves from the Colonials?
  • Why did no Leoben Conoy copies take part in the deliberation on Colonial One over whether or not to issue the execution order?
    • Conoy's motives on New Caprica appear to be entirely selfish—he is there for Kara Thrace only.
      • Even so, that is true of only one Conoy. Why have no others been seen participating in the decision making process so far?
  • Cally Tyrol and Sharon Agathon both took their husbands' names upon marriage, as did Ellen Tigh, Caroline Adama and Sesha Abinell. Are Anastasia Dualla and Kara Thrace now Anastasia Adama, and Kara Anders, respectively?
  • What is the relationship between Caprica-Six's shooting and the reappearance of Baltar's Internal Six?
    • It is possible that two events are not directly related. The reappearance was not immediate, but happened after Number Five and Cavil continued to threaten Baltar with death. Since Caprica-Six's support was gone, Baltar was under severe stress and thought that he might likely die. Internal-Six has shown a tendency to appear at those times, especially if Baltar's survival is at stake.
  • Now that the Lt. Sharon Agathon has landed on the surface of New Caprica, how can she be distinguished from other Number Eights there?
    • Other than her flight suit, it remains unclear how Sharon Agathon will be distinguished from other Number Eights. Admiral Adama confirmed that Cylon Centurions are not sentient, and may take instruction from Agathon because of her true nature.
      • How will humans identify Sharon Agathon should she ever leave their sight? How, for example, can she ever be safely returned to Galactica?
    • On a related note, how did Jammer identify the particular Eight he talked to as Boomer?
    • As indicated by Adama earlier in the episode, Centurions are incapable of distinguishing each individual Cylon copy of a model (in this case, Number Eight), as they have limited sentience.
  • If the Centurions are incapable of distinguishing between individual copies of a model, why would they fire on Sharon Agathon, who should be just another Eight to them?
    • Agathon's back was turned to the Centurions at the time before the shooting began. They may not have registered her presence in the group.
    • As referenced above, her Colonial-issue flight suit may have given her away. No "legitimate" Eight on New Caprica would need to wear one.
    • Also, since models like Sharon have previously (and perhaps currently) hidden among humans, Centurions may have standing orders to treat Sharon and other models as humans unless more specific instructions are given, so that their cover isn't blown.
  • What will happen if Sharon Agathon discovers that Hera's death was faked? Will she renege on her oath to Adama -- and how will this affect her sympathies to Adama, who would clearly be "in the know" regarding this hoax?
  • Why didn't Duck tell Tyrol that Jammer had joined the New Caprica Police?
    • He may not have known until the graduation ceremony, since the members of the police force are secretive about their identities.
  • Did Kacey fall down the stairs or was she pushed?
  • Given that Zarek wanted nothing to do with Baltar's puppet administration, who replaced him as Vice President?
    • Given the potential for further dissidence and/or rebellion beneath him, did Baltar do away with the office of the Vice Presidency altogether?
  • Given Zarek's imprisonment for four months, what of Zarek's various supporters? Do they still exist on New Caprica or on Astral Queen? If so, what of them?
  • Is Kacey all that Leoben Conoy claims her to be?
    • There is reason to believe that Conoy's claims are not true. As evidenced in the Miniseries and "Flesh and Bone", Conoy is a master manipulator specializing in lies, half-truths, misdirection, ommission and any other method he can think of to coerce people to do as he wants.
    • Given what is known about such attempts to create such a hybrid, it is unlikely that this attempt would have succeeded when all others of a similar nature have failed. Even if such a hybrid was successful, it is unlikely that such a human/Cylon hybrid would be placed in such an unstable environment as they are highly valuable to the Cylons due to the astonishingly low success rate.


  • We learn a little bit more about the nature of the various humanoid Cylons here. Apparently a single copy is usually qualified to speak for its entire model. Interestingly, Caprica-Six was unable to dissuade her "sisters" from voting to execute the dissidents.
  • As one of the Cavils notes, adherence to the Cylon creed has become increasingly perfunctory. The Cylons sought the President's signature as a mere formality.
  • If Leoben Conoy's story is true, Kacey can't be older than 16 months. As of this episode, it has been about 27 months since the fall of the Colonies. Kara Thrace's incarceration at the Farm on Caprica took place about two months after the fall of the Colonies.
  • Even if Ellen Tigh's actions are as reprehensible as ever, her motivations this time around are rather more laudable. These two episodes seem to indicate that she truly does care for her husband.
  • Cavil informs Ellen Tigh that they released Saul Tigh so that he may continue leading the resistance, thereby ensuring attacks against the Cylons, such as the two bombings that followed his release. These bombings and their results reinforce Cavil's argument that instilling fear and exerting total control over the population is the only viable solution.
  • The Cylons' condemnation to suicide bombings is strikingly hypocritical, in light of the fact that a Number Five used the same tactic after boarding Galactica in "Litmus."
    • However that copy of Number Five no doubt knew he would be reborn on the Resurrection Ship, and as such the Cylons may not see his action in the same way as that of the humans.
  • Following the bombing of the power substation, the Cylon leadership conducts a meeting with Gaius Baltar on Colonial one. The camera makes a full clockwise sweep, revealing in order:
    • An Eight
    • Boomer
    • A Cavil
    • A Five
    • A Three (identifies herself as the one killed by Caprica-Six in "Downloaded")
    • Caprica-Six
    • Another Cavil
    • Another Three
    • A Simon
    • Another Five
    • Two more Sixes
  • Cavil introduces the idea of "stronger measures". Assenting, in order, are Three, Simon, Five, and the last two Sixes. Caprica-Six dissents. Neither Boomer nor the other Eight are consulted. Not present are any copies of Leoben Conoy nor any of the unrevealed five models.


  • "Occupation/Precipice" was awarded the Editor's choice award, following a review in which it recieved a rating of 10/10.
  • "Occupation" and "Precipice" were edited as one 2-hr episode with only one introduction. However, in the podcast, Ronald D. Moore indicates the "beginning" of "Precipice" as the scene with Baltar and Roslin in the detention cell.
  • In the podcast, Ronald D. Moore states that references to "The Twist" and "The Swirl" are a homage to Seinfeld. The episode in question is "The Fusilli Jerry."
  • Felix Gaeta's given name, first revealed in "Final Cut," is spoken out loud for the first time.
  • Caprica-Valerii has married Karl Agathon and taken his last name. She continues to be confined to her cell, but it has been decorated and furnished. Ironically enough, she still calls him "Helo."
  • Sharon Agathon and William Adama have continued to develop the rapport which they established in "Resurrection Ship, Part II." In this episode, he comissions her as a lieutenant and releases her from her cell.
  • Number Three's claim that Caprica-Six's assault on her was the first case of Cylon-on-Cylon violence in their history is not really true. Sharon Agathon shot and "killed" another Eight outside the Delphi spaceport on Caprica (Colonial Day). The Cylons may not look on this in the same light because it was within one model. Alternatively, Number Eight may have been unable to identify her shooter. This is plausible because that copy was looking at Helo when she was shot, and afterwards could only stare up into the sky for a few seconds before dying and presumably downloading.
    • Actually, Sharon Agathon also shot a Six previous to that in "33" but we may presume that the Six consented as part of the Cylons' plan for Helo.
  • Ironically, a Five shoots Caprica-Six in the head shortly after Three's statement. Cavil indicates, however, that she won't be "boxed," as Caprica feared in "Downloaded."
  • The same Number Three killed in "Downloaded" by Caprica-Six is present as well, referencing the incident; it is this same Three who questions Six regarding her love of Baltar.
  • The apparent shooting of the captives and Cally Tyrol's escape at the end of the episode are an homage to The Great Escape.
  • Baltar's Internal-Six appears only after Caprica-Six is shot in the head.
  • This episode has the second highest number of guest stars. Only the Miniseries had more credited stars.
  • Lee Adama stated that there were about 2000 civilians that were on board Fleet ships when they escaped New Caprica, which would mean that after accounting for an unspecified number of military personnel (and an unspecified number of said personnel that were left on New Caprica), at least 5500 people were killed in the destruction of Cloud 9 as well as the other ships destroyed by the nuclear warhead in "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II".
  • Another four humans are killed in the suicide bombing at the power substation this episode. It is unknown whether or not this figure includes the bomber. Additionally, 23 cylons are critically wounded, with 14 having to be euthanized. Almost half the city is left without power, with repair estimates standing at a minimum of two weeks.

Noteworthy Dialogue[edit]

  • Discussing suicide bombings:
Galen Tyrol: This is crazy. You know, we need to figure out whose side we're on.
Saul Tigh: Which side are we on. We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction where ever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that.
  • After being arrested, held without charge and carted to a remote location:
Tom Zarek: Laura.. That election last year. You tried to steal it, didn't you?
Laura Roslin: Yes, Tom. I did.
Tom Zarek: (laughs) Ah... I wish you'd gone through with it.
Laura Roslin: So do I.
  • Talking in a cell:
Cally: "...frak you Sharon, you stupid frakked-up toaster. How many times do I have to shoot you anyway?"
  • After being slapped by Roslin for accussing her of working for the Cylons:
Saul Tigh: You see, little things like that they don't matter anymore. Fact, not too frakking much really matter anymore. I got one job here lady, and one job only. To disrupt the Cylons, make them worry about the ant hill they stirred up down here so they're distracted and out of position when the old man show up in orbit. The bombings, they got the Cylons' attention, they really got their attention. And I am not giving that up.
Laura Roslin: We are talking about people blowing themselves up.
Tigh: You know, sometimes I think that you've got ice water in those veins. And other times, I just think that you're just a naive little school teacher. I've sent men on suicide missions in two wars now, and let me tell you something. It don't make a godsdamn bit of difference whether they're riding in a Viper or walking out onto a parade ground. In the end they're just as dead. (pauses) So, take your piety, and your moralizing, and your high-minded principles, and stick 'em somewhere safe until you're off the rock and sitting in your nice, cushy chair on Colonial One again. (stands) I've got a war to fight (leaves).
  • As the Cylons try to force Baltar to sign the execution order, following Number Five's shooting of Capirca-Six in the head:
Baltar: "Oh, God."
Cavil: "She'll be back..."
Cavil: "... but if he pulls that trigger now, you won't."

Official Statements[edit]

Guest Stars[edit]
