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Revision as of 04:00, 11 December 2006 by Sloan (talk | contribs) (Nielsen Rating)
An episode of the Re-imagined Series
Episode No. Season 3, Episode 5
Writer(s) Mark Verheiden
Story by
Director Michael Rymer
Assistant Director
Special guest(s)
Production No. 305
Nielsen Rating 1.4
US airdate USA 2006-10-27
CAN airdate CAN {{{CAN airdate}}}
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DVD release
Population 41,435 survivors
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Exodus, Part II Collaborators Torn
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The Circle, a secret tribunal on Galactica, decides the fate of Jammer and other Colonials who aided the Cylons during the occupation of New Caprica.


On Galactica

  • James Lyman (Jammer) is brought before The Circle. He is found guilty of treason, the punishment for which is death. Despite his pleas and an attempt to convince Galen Tyrol to spare him, for Lyman freed Cally Tyrol from the Cylon death squad (Precipice), The Circle carries out Lyman's punishment and ejects him from Galactica by depressurizing the launch tube where he is held.
  • After Lyman's execution, Tyrol talks to his wife about how she escaped. While she claims to not have thought about the incident since, Cally Tyrol tells him that she thinks one "of those goons" set her free.
  • On Colonial One, Laura Roslin asks Tom Zarek of his plans as the new President. Zarek plans to reconvene the Quorum of Twelve, put Roslin's name in for nomination to vice president and then step down, returning the presidency to her. Roslin assumes that this act requires something in return for Zarek, who he asks not be left on the outside of government affairs. For his actions in standing up to Gaius Baltar on New Caprica, she promises him the Vice Presidency.
  • Felix Gaeta enters the still-damaged CIC to help with repairs to communication. Colonel Tigh sees him and vocally demands for him to leave, accusing him of being a collaborator. Helo tells Tigh that Gaeta is there on the Admiral's orders, but Tigh continues to protest loudly until Admiral Adama appears. The admiral takes him out of the room to talk to him about resting so he will be ready, something that Tigh thinks he doesn't need.
  • The Circle reconvenes, now under a three-day time limit to dole out justice. As they run through the cases, they eventually they come to the file on Gaeta, with four of the members voting guilty. Anders refuses to vote and leaves the Circle, tired of the continuous killing he has done. Chief Tyrol refuses to vote if they do not have a sixth member as required for the Circle.
  • In the mess hall, Gaeta is treated as persona non grata, eating alone until Kara Thrace sits at his table. She talks, kindly at first, then insults him for his supposed cowardice. Gaeta counters by bringing up his status as the informant, mentioning the dog dish being flipped over as his signal to the resistance.
  • Lee and Bill Adama talking about the status of the fleet. Lee Adama brings up the fact that over the past few days, 13 people have mysteriously disappeared, after being confirmed as survivors of the Exodus. As he leaves he reveals that he has lost "half a stone" in weight. Bill tells him to keep jumping rope.
  • The Circle brings in Kara Thrace as the replacement vote of the jury. All vote guilty on Gaeta, except for Tyrol once more. When Kara asks if this is legal, they show her a Presidential Executive Order. Anders comes in and requests time to talk with his wife. The scene splits, with the other members of the Circle trying to convince Tyrol of Gaeta's guilt, and Anders trying to explain that what the Circle does isn't justice. Thrace rebuffs him, her pain from incarceration lashing at anyone, even her husband. Thrace tells Anders that they must separate. The Chief eventually folds and votes guilty.
  • Gaeta is captured and brought to a launch tube, told that this is an official trial under authority from the President of the Colonies, and that if he has anything to say to explain himself he should say it now. Gaeta replies that he has already told his story and refuses to beg. Kara Thrace's anger lashes out at Gaeta, telling him to beg, while taunting him with the idea that he was an informant for the insurgency, and mentioning the dog bowl. When the Chief hears this, he reveals that Gaeta could not know about the signal unless he was the one leaving the dead drops, then he releases Gaeta from his bonds. The other members of the Circle realize Gaeta's innocence, that he was in fact the secret source inside the Baltar Adminstration. Colonel Tigh stands speechless in the revelation, confused between his own certainty and the facts before him.
  • Laura Roslin is re-inaugurated as the President of the Twelve Colonies, and issues a decree of amnesty against all alleged collaborators, after it is privately revealed that Zarek authorized the trials and sentences conducted by the Circle in an attempt to protect Roslin from having to deal with months of public trials which could destroy the unity of the Fleet through highly publicized "witch hunts." In place of the trials, Roslin announces a commission on "truth and reconciliation", to record the history of the occupation for posterity.
  • Still outcast, Gaeta is reinstated in the Colonial Fleet as an officer. In the mess hall, Chief Tyrol sits with Gaeta. Both eat in silence as the other crew members are taken aback by the act.

On a basestar

  • Gaius Baltar seems to be on Colonial One, sitting in a chair in front of Tigh, Roslin, and Admiral Adama as they talk about how there was little he could do with the situation he had on New Caprica.
  • As the group forgives him, the virtual Six appears and claims the group is too lenient. Admiral Adama actually seems to hear her. Laura Roslin begins to tell Baltar how much she wants him in a provocative manner when Baltar realizes he is dreaming, waking up as Roslin kisses him.
  • Baltar finds himself naked on a red chaise longue inside an unrecognizable room. When a Cylon Centurion guard appears at the doorway, Baltar realizes that he is imprisoned in the room with only a robe to wear. The scene turns to outer space where we see several Cylon basestars surrounding a Resurrection Ship.
  • A Number Three visits Baltar. She tells him that 3 days have elapsed since his arrival, and offers him a bottle of pills. She tells him that his presence on the basestar has caused a conflict between seven of the models. With three voting for him to be allowed to remain, while three vote for him to be removed. The only model that hasn't come to a consensus are the Sixes.
  • Caprica Six visits Baltar and explains how wrong she was to let her feelings get in the way of her duties as a Cylon. Baltar tries to convince Six that she is more then just a Cylon and that she loves him. As she walks out he belatedly tells her that he needs her as well.
  • Later, Baltar awakens to find Caprica-Six setting his clothes in his room.


  • Will there be an illegal organization in the Fleet that will continue where The Circle left off?
  • Since Tigh has been reinstated into the Colonial Fleet, where does this leave Galactica's chain of command? Specifically, what are the roles of Tigh, Helo, and Kelly now? (Answer)
    • Helo remains XO and Tigh has no official role on Galactica as of yet.
  • What of Lee Adama, Anastasia Dualla and other officers of Pegasus? How will these redundancies be dealt with? (Answer)
  • Given that there are civilians aboard Galactica from the Second Exodus, and previous sabotage events that plagued Galactica prior to colonization of New Caprica, are they restricted to certain areas?
  • Has Samuel Anders become a member of Galactica's crew, or is he only allowed on board because of his relationship with Thrace?
  • Will any of The Circle's members or Zarek face charges, or will they be pardoned by Roslin's government for what they had done?
  • Now that the Cylons seem to have accepted Gaius Baltar, at least begrudgingly, what will happen to him? (Answer)
  • What happened to those who were left behind on New Caprica?
  • Which Cylon models are in favor of allowing Baltar to stay with them (besides Three, who proposed it in the first place) and which are not in favor?
  • Does Caprica-Six setting Baltar's clothes on his bed indicate that the Cylons have chosen to allow him to remain?
  • What became of Zarek's deal with Roslin to become Vice-President after his order authorizing the Circle came to light? Did he become Vice-President, or is he back on the outside?
  • How could The Circle operate in Galactica's launch tubes without William Adama's notice or, for that matter, the notice of anyone on the usually-busy hangar decks?
  • Did the General Amnesty apply to Baltar?
  • Are there going to be new laws outlining rules of contact with the enemy for the future?
  • Isn't it becoming obvious that the survivors now need a new constitution since the current system doesn't seem to work in the environment it is in?
  • With the revelation that Gaeta was the inside source, why hasn't he been recognized and welcomed as a hero of the resistance?


  • The flight from New Caprica is referred to as "The Second Exodus", implying that the "First Exodus" was from the Colonies to New Caprica.
  • Three states that three models are in favor of keeping Baltar around and three are against it, with Six's vote needed to break the stalemate. This indicates that the remaining five models are, for whatever reason, not participating in the vote.
  • This is the first time viewers have seen a living interior of a Cylon basestar. The only time an interior shot of a basestar was ever seen was in "Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part II" when Boomer encounters her sisters.
  • Lee Adama mentions that he lost "half a stone" refering to his weight. A stone is a unit of weight used mostly in the United Kingdom and Ireland that is equivalent to 14 pounds or 6.34 kg.
  • Galactica's living spaces and hallways appear much more crowded than in the first two seasons, reflecting the expanded size of her crew. There also appear to be civilians mixed in with Galactica's crew complment, which is likely the result of overcrowding and the loss of some of the ships during the colonization and occupation of New Caprica.
  • The exterior of Galactica is visibly damaged from the Battle of New Caprica.
  • The only two Cylon agents to appear are Number Three and Number Six.
  • On the disposition of the Pegasus crew and separated military personnel:
    • Saul Tigh has resumed service as Galactica's XO. However, his experiences on New Caprica are hindering his ability to perform his duties.
    • Lee Adama is performing bookkeeping work. He still wears his Pegasus uniform and Commander insignia, but his position on Galactica is unclear.
    • Kara Thrace has retreived her uniform from storage, but it is not clear whether she has been recomissioned.
    • Louanne Katraine is not seen. Presumably she continues to serve as Galactica's CAG.
    • Karl Agathon is still working in Galactica's CIC.
    • Anastasia Dualla is not seen.
    • Felix Gaeta has been asked to help repair communication systems damaged during Galactica's atmospheric insertion in "Exodus, Part II." He is later seen in uniform in the mess hall.
    • Galen Tyrol is back in uniform, and has presumably re-enlisted.
    • Cally Tyrol is briefly seen caring for her son. It is not clear whether she has re-enlisted.
      • Her comment, "Am I on watch?" could imply that she has re-enlisted, or could mean that it is her turn to watch hers and Galen Tyrol' possessions, since they are living in a bay crowded with many civilians.
    • Seelix is on Galactica and serves as a member of the Circle, but is not seen in uniform.
      • Ronald D. Moore indicates in his podcast for this episode that Seelix is indeed once again a member of the Galactica's crew.
    • Jammer has been executed by The Circle for his actions as a member of the New Caprica Police.
  • The glowing red strip on the wall in Baltar's room resembles the eye of a Cylon Centurion or Raider. While it could be decoration, there's a good chance that it's a surveillance system.
  • The white dress worn by the Three when she visits Baltar is very similar in appearance to the red one periodically worn by Baltar's internal Six.
  • "Baltar" Voting Analysis:
    • Going by their personalities and previously observed attitudes towards Baltar and/or other humans, the ones in favor are probably the Sharon and Leoben models; the Threes have probably voted in favor as well, in recognition of his finding of Hera. The Cavils, Simons and Fives have contempt and disregard for humanity and seemed to agree with the idea of killing Baltar during the occupation.
  • Perhaps Jammer was spaced from a launch tube in the unused flightpod.


  • This episode marks the resumption of the Survivor count. The count is revealed to be 41,435, meaning that there has been a net loss of 8,115 people since the beginning of "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II."
  • Laura Roslin resumes the Presidency in this episode.
  • Kara Thrace (along with Anastasia Dualla) has kept her surname, unlike most other married women shown or referenced thus far (including Caroline Adama, Ellen Tigh, Sesha Abinell, Cally Tyrol and Sharon Agathon).
  • The Circle is the name used by the Bajoran Alliance for Global Unity in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ("The Homecoming", "The Circle", and "The Siege").
  • This is the second time the "Don't make me angry, Gaius. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry" threat against Baltar has been used (the first time by Six, the second by Six and Admiral Adama). The quote "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry" is also a nod to The Incredible Hulk.
  • Chadwick, the woman convicted in between Jammer's execution and Gaeta's aborted sentencing, was executed - a scene discussing her death was filmed, but later cut. [1] Chadwick's name is spoken by Barolay. She says Chadwick is aboard the Monarch and that they have people on that ship who can take care of Chadwick.
  • The Truth and Reconciliation Commission that Laura Roslin announces at the end of the episode has a number of real historical precursors, formed to bring past wrongdoing by past governments to light and thereby resolve conflicts. Those in South Africa, Peru, Chile, and Sierra Leone are actually named "truth and reconciliation commissions". Historically, such organizations tend to emerge from civil war, dictatorships, or other internal strife. In the case of this episode, the purpose of the commission is evidently to mediate grievances against Colonial collaborators during the Cylon occupation of New Caprica, while preventing more incidents of vigilante justice.

Noteworthy Dialogue

  • After discussing the thirteen missing persons:
Commander Lee Adama: I've got a date with a jump rope. Hey, I've lost half a stone.
Admiral William Adama: Keep jumpin'.
  • In Gaius Baltar's dream:
Number Six: Don't make me angry, Gaius.
Admiral William Adama: You wouldn't like her when she's angry.

Official Statements

  • Lucy Lawless discusses a humorous incident during James Callis' nude scene:
    iF: "I interviewed James Callis awhile back and he said you had an interesting reaction to his public nudity?"
    Lucy Lawless: "He was standing there, and I walked in. He was standing there holding his genitalia and the camera was on us, so it might’ve been on his back, I don’t recall. It was over the shoulder on us, and at some point he took his hand away and fluttered his hands in the air. I just about had a heart attack! [Laughs] I’ve never seen a naked man on a set ever, or a woman for that matter. It didn’t used to happen in syndication. I do have to say, “well done there, man! Congratulations! Masel Tov James!” [Laughs] For somebody who considers themselves pretty fast on their feet generally I was gobsmacked, I couldn’t continue the scene. I think it was the only time ever that I have had to walk away from a scene because I was just flummoxed."
    iF: "Well it didn’t sound like you were alone, he said one of the techies walked into a wall?"
    Lawless: "It was envy. [Laughs] It was complete envy."[2]

Guest Stars


  1. Podcast: Collaborators , Act 4. Seek to: 00:38:28. Total running time: 00:45:18. .
  2. Elliot, Sean (28 November 2006). iF MAGAZINE Gets Probed by Friedly Cylon & Former Warrior Princess - Part 1 (backup available on . (html) Retrieved on 28 November 2006.