Daniel Graystone

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Daniel Graystone
Daniel Graystone


Colony Caprica
Birth place {{{birthplace}}}
Birth Name {{{birthname}}}
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Nickname {{{nickname}}}
Introduced Caprica
Children Zoe Graystone
Marital Status Married to Amanda
Family Tree View
Role Computer engineer, Corporate CEO, creator of both the Holo-band and the first Colonial Cylon.
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by Eric Stoltz[1]
Daniel Graystone is a Cylon
Daniel Graystone is a Final Five Cylon
Daniel Graystone is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
Daniel Graystone is an Original Series Cylon
Related Media
@ BW Media
Additional Information
[[Image:|200px|Daniel Graystone]]

Dr. Daniel Graystone is a brilliant and wealthy Caprican computer engineer who creates the Colonial Cylons. He also is the CEO of a major Robotics firm and the inventor of the Holoband, an internet like network that uses Virtual Reality holographic avatars to replicate the real world to an astonishing fidelity and were people, especially teenagers, could live out fantasies with no harm coming to them.

Daniel is married to Amanda and is the father of Zoe, who is killed in a suicide bombing of a subway train by her boyfriend Ben Stark. As he grieves for his daughter's death, he discovers his daughter's best friend Lacy Rand in his daughter's room using Zoe's VR "glasses" After hat confrontation he cracks his daughter's password and enters the holoband in a Virtual reality club in which teenagers presumably all across Caprica and probably the other 11 Colonies gather through their avatars to engage in universal teenage fantasies of sex music violence all without adult supervision but with no personal danger to themselves. In the V-Club Daniel spots his daughter. But it cannot be since his daughter is dead. She spots him and she bolts. He persued Zoe's twin until she runs into a room and shuts the door. Her "father" tries to enter by pushing on the 'infinity" shaped handle but is violently thrown back. It is a security device that keeps all unauthorized people out.

Later in the real world, knowing that Lacy would want to visit her friend again, Daniel lies in wait in Zoe's room as Lacy enters. She rummages through Zoe's papers looking for Zoe's computer sheet to enter the chamber in the V-Club. Daniel surprises her demanding an explanation. He cannot enter that chamber because despite spending all night trying to crack it, he cannot get past Zoe's encryption. He speak in near awe of his daughter, never realizing until know how brilliant she was, having a talent for computer technology that exceeded his own at such a young age. He pleads with Lacy to show him what she was working on. How could he see his own daughter online despite her being dead? Lacy acquiesced and both put on VR glasses to enter the V-Club. As they make their way to the inner sanctum Lacy explains it is a place for kids like her to let off steam, including engaging in forbidden actions like sex and violence. Daniel says such things were meant for adults and he didn't invent the Holo-band for those things. Lacy is both amused and impatient with his naiveté. They reach the chamber and Lacy touches the infinity permitting both herself and Daniel to enter. Daniel is shocked by he sight of the entity that is a perfect replica of his daughter. Bewildered, he learns that his daughter uploaded her personality, memories and DNA into an online holographic avatar that exist separately from the standard avatar that Zoe used to enter the Holo-band before her death. He at first rejects her as her daughter; that she is just a thing, a copy; a very good copy but just a copy. Zoe-A protest that whatever she is she is just like his daughter, feeling what she felt, believing what she believed. Daniel eventually comes to a realization. He request a hug from his "daughter". As Zoe-A and her "father" embrace in virtual reality, in the real world Daniel inserts a flash drive into a port on Zoe's computer sheet and downloads Zoe-A into it, also removing her from the Holo band. Lacy is appalled and Daniel request her to leave his house.

He has becomes obsessed with recreating his daughter in the real world using the Zoe-Avatar. Daniel enlist the help of another grieving father, Joseph Adams (later Adama) to obtain a technology that would be better able to handle the Zoe Avatar consciousness. He does this in exchange for recreating Adams's dead daughter Tamara using the same method Zoe used to recreate herself online. Tamara, along with her mother, had died in the same terrorist explosion that claimed Graystone's daughter. Graystone's own company cannot as yet match the Vergis Corporation, Graystone's competitor, technolgical level in that area. He must steal it. Initially resistant, Adams succumbs to his own need to see his daughter and seeks the help of a criminal organization to obtain the technology, a Meta-Cognitive Processor (MCP). It is, in part, an advanced type of Central Processing Unit (CPU) chip; but it much more than that. It is essentially an artificial brain. Adams, a corrupt a civil rights lawyer, in order to have his underworld connections steal the technology, Adama must acquiesce to a favor asked of him by a crime boss to put pressure on the Caprican Minister of Defense Val Chambers. He does so to strike a deal, but Chambers is unmoved. Adams even attempts blackmail but he adamant in his refusal to bend to the will of the Organization and resorts to using racial slurs against Adams and Taurons in general. Apparently despite his failure, the Mob was satisfied with Adams's good faith effort to persuade the defense minister to cooperate and follows through on its end of the bargain and uses it's resources and gains possession of the chip and gives it to Daniel (meanwhile Chambers is murdered in his bed, possibly with Adams's knowledge). Daniel in turn fulfills his promise to Adams to "reunite" him with his own daughter which Daniel has stored in his own database. However, the meeting in Virtual Reality between Adams and "Tamara" doesn't go well with "Tamara" in a state of near shock and is frantic. She becomes even more so when she can't feel her own heart beat.

Appalled by his daughter's and his own horror, Adams renounces Daniel's efforts and leaves. Undaunted, Daniel tries to recreate Zoe as a robot, using one of his pre-existing prototype U-87 Cyber Combat Units he is trying to win a military contract with Caprica's government with as a platform. This is what the technology was for, to install a newer more advanced MCP design that was superior to what Graystone's own company was making. The download is successful and Zoe-R takes a few haulting steps and manage to call Daniel "Daddy" with her synthesised voice. However, there is a mishap and Zoe-A collapses. The datastream failed after the avatar program is corrupted in the robot's MCP. The data is apparently unrecoverable. Desperate, Graystone goes into and searches for Zoe-A in his database but to his renewed grief she is gone, the effort to have his daughter back in someway, a total failure.

Daniel then moves on to finish creation of the soldier robots to win the Caprican military contract using the stolen MCP technology. It has improved his product immensely. Previously the U-87 was a slow sluggish robot that couldn't hit a single fast moving object. Now it could engage multiple rapid targets which are running in all directions simultneously with deadly acurracy. After a spectacular contract winning demonstration of a prototype, He changes the name of the robot model from Cyber Combat Unit to Cybernetic Lifeform Node: Cylon. Albeit he is still downcast and not enthusiastic about his success in wining the contract, he seems to have comes to terms with his daughter permanent death and puts aside his attempt of quasi resurrection of her. However, unknown to him (as of the Pilot episode), Daniel actually succeeds when Zoe-R, its data recovered somehow in its memory and MCP, it "awakens" in a laboratory. Daniel Graystone has thus created the first Cylon with a human consciousness. (Caprica pilot)


  1. "Stoltz Joins Caprica Cast", SciFi Wire, 12 May 2008. Retrieved on 14 May 2008.