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- For the Colonial prisoner of the same name, see: Thane.

Thane is a title used by command-level officers within The Comitat.
Thanes typically command frigates, and wear similar full-body armors like other members of the Comitat in order to show unity among the divergent races of the Empyrean Expanse (Battlestar Galactica Classic #1—#4). In the rare instance where a leader is unavailable, each Thane shares a voice in the Comitat leadership in lieu of having a singular figurehead, which results in decisions that eschew alacrity (Battlestar Galactica Classic #3—#4).
Known Thanes
- Following his introduction to Korbok, Captain Apollo notes that he knew of a man named Thane, describing him as a cold-blooded murder willing to do anything. Korbok then corrects Apollo regarding its status as a title, and not an individual's name (Battlestar Galactica Classic #3).