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The Kiernu fighter[1] is a starfighter employed by the Kiernu, a species encountered by The Fleet during their initial entrance into the Empyrean Expanse (Battlestar Galactica Classic #0).
Appearing to have similar silhouettes to the Cylon Raider, this fighter possesses a minimum of forward-mounted energy weapons and two rear-mounted engines. Beyond these similarities, the Kiernu fighter lacks the speed of the Colonial Viper, as exemplified during Blue Squadron's ability to run interference for the Fleet as they pass through a narrow corridor of Kiernu space for the duration of one centar (Battlestar Galactica Classic #0).

The armament of this craft is inferior to the Viper, according to the Kiernu Chancellor's remarks to Lucifer before their death (Battlestar Galactica Classic #1).
- ↑ This is a Battlestar Wiki descriptive term.