Pyramid[1] is a popular professional-league sport watched throughout the Twelve Colonies of Kobol (TRS: Miniseries) and is also popular aboard Colonial warships (TRS: "Litmus"). Teams include the Caprica Buccaneers, Picon Panthers and Tauron Bulls; its players, such as the Buccaneers's Sue-Shaun and Samuel Anders, are considered sports heroes.
Rules and Regulations[edit]
Playing Regulations[edit]
Pyramid is a close quarters ball game played on a pyramid-shaped court, hence the name of the game. The objective is apparently to score points by getting the ball into a goal at the top of the pyramid. Pyramid can be played one-on-one or in teams.
Players can take no more than "three paces" without passing, shooting, or rebounding the ball off of one of the walls. The outlined areas in the corners and the center of the arena are "neutral zones". When a player places the ball in these zones, other players must back off and may not make contact[2].
Full contact is allowed (when the ball is not in a neutral zone), and once a player has been tackled, they must pass the ball. How this is handled in one-on-one games is left unspecified. The game is won by the team with the most points at the end. However, under what circumstances the games ends is also left unspecified[3].
There are versions of pyramid for one, three or five players from each team on the court at once[4]. The play area is consistently referred to as an "arena" and the corner with the goal as the "head". Apparently each team starts out in one of the corners besides the head and then vie for control of the ball. The initial ball placement is not defined, but a face-off is mentioned tangentially later in the article with no details.
Court and Team Sizes[edit]
While teams can consist of upwards of eight people, it is probable that the sport is played with players rotating on and off the court between plays.
The pyramid court where Kara Thrace and Samuel Anders first play (regulation-size in spite of its makeshift layout) is not much large than a tether-ball circle. While unlikely to support up to 16 players at once, three players per side are a probable arrangement. Non-professional play (high school and collegiate, for instance) may have fewer players than the professional teams, indicating a skill factor needed to play with a large number of athletes.
The ball is cantaloupe-sized, probably the same size as a Soccer mini ball. The ball's size, combined with the cupped structure of the goal mean that outside (towards the side-lines) shots are quite a bit more difficult than inside (towards the center of the arena) shots. However, the more inside a player gets, the more likely the defensive play. This defensiveness is why pyramid is so physical: battling over the good shooting space directly in front of the goal.
- For purposes of clarity, this section is split up into pre-Cylon War and post-Armistice. This is due to the fact that there are teams that may not have survived beyond the end of the Armistice, given the scope and depth of the Cylon War and its affect on all aspects of Colonial civilization.
Pre-Cylon War[edit]
The following teams are professional pyramid teams from the Twelve Colonies of Kobol, existing 58 years prior to the Fall of the Twelve Colonies and played for the CPL KOBOL CUP and It is not known whether these teams existed after the end of the first Cylon War.
Boskirk All Reds[edit]
Boskirk All Reds hail from Virgon.
Canceron Hydras[edit]
Canceron Hydras hail from Canceron.
Gemenon Twins[edit]
Gemenon Twins hail from Gemenon (CAP: "Unvanquished").
Hades Vice[edit]
Hades Vice hail from Canceron.
Leonis Wildcats[edit]
Leonis Wildcats hail from Leonis.
Mangala Krill[edit]
Mangala Krill hail from Canceron.
Olympia Stallions[edit]
The Olympian Stallions hail from Tauron.
A month after the Lev bombing, they face off against the Caprica Buccaneers in a long awaited game at Caprica City's Atlas Arena. It is the first game after a "controversial victory" involving the teams that transpired over one year prior, as well as the first game that Daniel and Amanda Graystone spectate after the bombing (CAP: "Rebirth").
Sagittaron Archers[edit]
Sagittaron Archers hail from an Sagittaron.
Tauron Bulls[edit]
Tauron Bulls hail from Tauron.
Baxter Sarno mentions a game between the Caprica Buccaneers and the Bulls on his show, Backtalk with Baxter Sarno (CAP: "Know Thy Enemy"). The Caprican later clarified this as "Bucs and the [Tauron] Bulls".
Post-Armistice to Pre-Fall[edit]
Caprica Buccaneers[edit]
- Main article: Caprica Buccaneers
The Caprica City Bucaneers are the first pyramid team to be introduced into the Re-imagined Series proper. Existing for nearly a century before the Fall, this pyramid team played in the CPL Inner Conference Alpha Division and was purchased by Daniel Graystone and, later, Tomas Vergis, both creators of the Cybernetic Life-Form Node. In an interesting twist of fate, or as a crude juvenile joke by John Cavil, it would later be captained by one of the Final Five prior to the Fall.
Picon Panthers[edit]
Hailing from Picon, the Picon Panthers were the rivals of the Caprica Buccaneers. Moments after C-Bucs player Samuel Anders disembarks from the Raptors that rescues he and his resistance group from occupied Caprica, Admiral William Adama playfully tells him that the Panthers were his favorite (TRS: "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II").
Sharon "Athena" Agathon yells "Go Panthers!" while in Breeders Canyon on New Caprica to ascertain that the people approaching her position are Samuel Anders and the rendezvous party. Anders replies by yelling "C-Bucs rule!" (TRS: "Exodus, Part I").
A professional Pyramid team from Aerilon played against the Caprica Buccaneers in one of the last games before the Cylon attack.
Tie Ins[edit]
Pyramid X[edit]
A game called "Pyramid X"[5] which looks like the pyramid goal is set up in Joe's bar. Samuel Anders comments that it is nothing like the real thing.
- In the Original Series, pyramid referred to the poker-like card game often played by the Viper pilots. This became "triad" in the Re-imagined Series, and the Original Series game known as triad was renamed "pyramid". This was the result of a mix-up by Ronald D. Moore, as he explains in his podcast for the episode "Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part I":
...somewhere along the line I transposed the names. I misremembered what they called it and I- the sort of racquet-ball slash basketball game that they played in the original and that we referred to in this series, I now call Pyramid, and the name of that game in the original which was Triad is now what we sort of call our poker game. So it's one of those "Oh, it's one of the charming differences between the old and the new.", it's either that or it's just a stupid error that the writer made.
- ↑ The game was derived by the Re-imagined Series writers from the triad games played in the Original Series, viewed as a cross between basketball, rugby and lacrosse.
- ↑ This may be a rule somewhat like the NCAA's old "halo" rule on the declaration of a fair catch of a kick off in American football.
- ↑ Perhaps, like basketball, a pick-up game could be played to a certain number of points, while professional (or otherwise more official) games have a clock or other timer.
- ↑ Battlestar Galactica: The Official Magazine, issue 1, pp. 28-29
- ↑ David Eick's video blog, "Taking a Break From All Your Worries" (backup available on Archive.org) (in ).
- See Also
- Triad (TOS)|Triad, TOS's counterpart
- Pyramid (TOS)|Pyramid, TOS's card game
- Triad (RDM)|Triad, RDM's card game