The Caprica Buccaneers, also called the Caprica City Buccaneers[1], are a pyramid team from Caprica, captained by Samuel T. Anders at the time of the Fall of the Twelve Colonies. The team has existed for roughly a century before the Fall of the Twelve Colonies. Atlas Arena, located in Caprica City, is the team's home field.
In 58 BCH (42YR), the Buccaneers are owned by Daniel Graystone, inventor of the holoband technology and, later, the Cybernetic Life-Form Node. Owning the Buccaneers had been a childhood fantasy of Graystone's. Graystone invited Joseph Adama and his son, William "Willie" Adama, to court-side seats weeks after Maglev 23 bombing claimed the lives of members from both families. After the game, Willie was sharply critical of the Buccaneers, noting that Rod Jenkins was responsible for losing the game he watched (CAP: "Caprica pilot").
After discovering that Graystone's role in the death of two of his workers over the meta-cognitive processor, Tomas Vergis sets out to destroy everything that Graystone loves in retribution. Discovering that Graystone Industries is hemorrhaging financially due to their attempts to replicate the processor, Vergis offers a lucrative deal of 300 million cubits to acquire the Buccaneers. Despite numerous refusals, the chagrined Graystone capitulates in order to stave off Graystone Industries' insolvency (CAP: "Know Thy Enemy", "The Imperfections of Memory" and "End of Line").
With Vergis later deceased by ritual suicide at Graystone's hand, the chain of custody regarding the Buccaneers ownership is undefined, and may involve the Ha'la'tha. Regardless, Graystone's ties to the Buccaneers remain unique during the Battle of Atlas Arena, wherein the debut and efficacy of the U-87 Cyber Combat Units became solidified into the public consciousness of the Twelve Worlds (TRS: "Apotheosis").
In 0 BCH (2000BYR), the Buccaneers undertake high-altitude training in the mountains at the time of the Cylon nuclear bombardment of Caprica (TRS: "The Plan"). Shielded from the shockwaves and a bulk of the nuclear fallout, they manage to round up hikers and other survivors camping in the mountains into a sizable resistance force. From there, they siege supply depots, hospitals for anti-radiation meds and destroy Cylon convoys (TRS: "Resistance", "The Plan").
The Buccaneers' team roster consisted of Anders, "Jo-Man," "Rally," "Ten Point," Sue-Shaun, "Crip-key," Morris Fink (TRS: "Resistance", "The Plan"), Jean Barolay, "Coach," Kai, Wheeler and "Doc Simon" (TRS: "The Plan").
With her comments, Kara Thrace—who mentions to Anders later on that a "bum knee" robbed her of a professional pyramid career—either was not a fan of the team, or was a sharp critic. While questioning Anders' legitimacy at gunpoint, she demands that he tell her how many "foul breaks" the Buccaneers had in the playoff against Aerilon. Anders tells Thrace that one foul break was called back, after instant replay, suggesting a parallel to the National Football League, cricket, and other major sporting leagues, in which officials may review replays after a play before making a final decision (TRS: "Resistance"). Despite Anders' popularity and skill, the Buccaneers never won a championship under his lead (TRS: "Daybreak, Part I").
Team Logos[edit]
Post-First Cylon War team emblem of the Caprica Buccaneers depicted in the Re-imagined Series.
Post-First Cylon War team emblem of the Caprica Buccaneers as depicted in Caprica.
- The team's nickname may be a reference to the 2003 Super Bowl champion, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the National Football League.
- The team is often referred to as the "C-Bucs" for short.
- In the Caprica pilot, the team's colors are blue, white, and green, the same colors as the Vancouver Canucks. Incidentally, the post-First Cylon War Buccaneer's colors—black, red, and yellow—are the earlier iteration of the Canucks' color scheme.