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Earth (RDM)

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For information on the Earth of the Original Series, see Earth (TOS).
For information on the Earth of Galactica 1980, see Earth (1980).
File:Earth RDM.png
Earth seen from space in Crossroads, Part II

In the Re-imagined Series Earth is the believed destination of the Thirteenth Tribe of Kobol, as attested in the Sacred Scrolls. The Thirteenth Tribe left for Earth nearly 4,000 years prior to the Fall of the Twelve Colonies. The remaining Twelve Tribes leave Kobol to form the Colonies approximately 2,000 years after the Thirteenth Tribe's departure.

A Cause for Hope

Earth is first mentioned by Commander Adama during a speech after the battlestar's funeral services after escaping from Ragnar Anchorage. Adama claims that Earth was a top military secret that can now be revealed (see Miniseries).

In a private conversation with new President Laura Roslin immediately afterward, Adama admits that he has not the slightest idea where Earth may be, if it exists. His true motivation was inspirational; he intended to bolster the morale of the population (especially his beleaguered crew) in the aftermath of the near-annihilation of humanity.

Tangible Faith

While she is initially skeptical, going so far as to rebuke Adama for his dishonesty, Laura Roslin's faith grows perceptibly throughout the events of the first season. This transition is at least partly due to her use of chamalla as an alternative treatment to her terminal breast cancer. These hallucinations are increasingly interpreted as prophetic vision by Roslin, which continue as the Fleet accidentally discovers the legendary homeworld of Kobol (Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part I).

Eventually, a religious artifact is recovered which later aids in revealing the general location of Earth (Home, Part II).

In the activated Tomb of Athena, the stars of the Twelve Colonies are represented in the twelve Zodiacal constellations, as viewed from Earth, recognized by Roslin as the shapes of the original flags of the Twelve Colonies. The chamber itself was intended by its builders to be a stylized replica of the night sky of the Earth, from which all twelve constellations could be seen. This is corroborated by Kara Thrace, who quotes scripture, saying that Earth was the place where the people of the Thirteenth Tribe could look up into the sky and see their twelve brothers.[1]

Morerover, Lee Adama recognizes the Lagoon Nebula, also represented in the night sky of the mystery chamber. This astronomical object is known to Fleet personnel, since Commander Adama remarks that this celestial body would take some time to reach.

More Clues to Earth

Over a year later, the Fleet discovers a derelict Cylon baseship near the Lion's Head Nebula, a celestial marker revealed by Felix Gaeta to Admiral Adama and President Roslin (Torn). The information is derived from Gaius Baltar's research on the path to Earth. The derelict basestar finds an ancient beacon left by the Thirteenth Tribe. While a Colonial boarding party finds the probe, it also learns that the Humanoid Cylons aboard the basestar are dead or dying, suggesting a deadly pathogen was released by the beacon. In their haste to leave and for the safety of the Fleet, the beacon is abandoned on the basestar, where it is destroyed when the basestar self-destructs (A Measure of Salvation).

After the Fleet must gather needed foodstuffs from the algae planet, believed previously uninhabited by humans, Galen Tyrol senses and finds the Temple of Five, an ancient temple built by the Thirteenth Tribe, as told in the Sacred Scrolls, apparently built during a stopover on this world. Believed to be hidden inside the Temple of Five is the Eye of Jupiter, an artifact that may provide more clues to the location of Earth. However, a Cylon force arrives with the same intentions on the Eye, leading to a standoff between Adama and the basestar command (The Eye of Jupiter). The Eye is later revealed to be the algae planet's own star as it began to nova, taking the form of the circular starburst patterns throughout the Temple of Five. While the Colonials are not privy to the special holograph feature of the Temple that the Cylons witness in the early moments of the nova, the Colonials are later are able to discern the information of the new nova as a waypoint to the next marker, a nebula in the Ionian system (Rapture).

When the Fleet arrives at the nebula, it is intercepted by four basestars. Unable to escape due to a mysterious, crippling Fleet-wide power outage, Galactica is forced to prepare for attack and launches Vipers and Raptors. Apollo breaks off from the attack to track an "Unknown" contact on DRADIS. The contact is Captain Kara "Starbuck" Thrace, miraculously returned from the dead with news that she has been to Earth, knows its location and how to take the Fleet there.

The episode "Crossroads, Part II" concludes with a sweeping zoom from the Fleet, the Cylons, the Ionian nebula and to an arm of the Milky Way and to a zoom in to Earth itself, confirming that Earth is an actual location (from the perspective of the viewers), showing Earth's North American continent.[2]


  • In one of the extras included on the five-disc DVD release of the first season of Battlestar Galactica, Edward James Olmos (William Adama) remarks in a very jocular fashion that they will never reach Earth. Mary McDonnell (Laura Roslin) covers his mouth and tries to hush him while laughing. Although loyal fans may question the trustworthiness of this statement, it is known that the creators keep a "Bible" to the show, to which the actors presumably have access.
  • Several clues point to Earth as the true homeworld of humanity. As the Fleet approaches Earth, the artifacts they encounter are more recent. The ruins on Kobol were 2,000 years old, the Horsehead Nebula Beacon was 3,000 years old, and the Temple of Five was dated to 4,000 years old.

Official Statements

I personally — this is not [from] any of the writers, but my thing — I wanted to come into [the present day], find Earth, cruise on top of it, see it for what it is, and as we're coming down to it, we're blown up, we're nuked. And then [someone says to] the President of the United States, which is [George W.] Bush, "They've been taken care of. Thank God you saved the world again." And you turn, and you see who told him that, and it's one of the Cylons. [Laughs][3]

See also


  1. Some viewers may question how information on Earth's location could be recorded in the Tomb before the Thirteenth Tribe left for Earth. Had the tribes already visited Earth? Did the tribes originate from Earth? For more information on the circular origins of humanity as it pertains to the Re-imagined Series, see the article on the Sacred Scrolls.
  2. The depiction of Earth includes a geographically accurate landmark: the Balize lobe of the Mississippi river delta, a feature formed between the 16th and 20th Centuries of the real-world Earth. However, no further conclusions should be inferred as the series creators deliberately avoid confirming whether Battlestar Galactica occurs in the real-world Earth's past, present, or future.
  3. Vary, Adam B. (23 March 2007). Four-ward, Cylons: Edward James Olmos (backup available on (in ). Retrieved on 22 June 2007.