List of terms (RDM)

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Revision as of 17:33, 21 September 2006 by Serenity (talk | contribs) (added "chrome job")


  • AAU: Anti-aircraft Unit, a weapon emplacement used to destroy aerial units (Fragged)
  • BSG: Battlestar Group (Water)
  • CAG: Commander Air Group, i.e. the senior pilot
  • CAP: Combat Air Patrol
  • CBDR: Constant Bearing, Decreasing Range, i.e. a collision course (Final Cut, Pegasus)
  • CF: Colonial Fleet (Final Cut)
  • CFR: Colonial Fleet Reserve (Final Cut)
  • CIC: Combat Information Center
  • CMC: Colonial Marine Corps (Final Cut)
  • CMCR: Colonial Marine Corps Reserve (Final Cut)
  • CMO: Chief Medical Officer
  • CNP: Command Navigation Program. Central computer program used on Colonial Fleet vessels (Miniseries)
  • CO: Commanding Officer
  • DC: Damage Control
  • ECO: Electronic Countermeasures Officer
  • EMP: Electro-Magnetic Pulse; typically accompanies a nuclear explosion
  • FTL: Faster Than Light
  • IFF: Identification Friend Foe (Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part II)
  • LSO: Landing Signal Officer
  • OOD: Officer of the Deck (Scattered)
  • RFN: Right Frakking Now (Valley of Darkness)
  • SAR: Search and Rescue (Fragged)
  • XO: Executive Officer

Military Jargon

Other Colloquialisms

Battlestar Galactica Specific Terms