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Talk:Maelstrom/Archive 1

Discussion page of Maelstrom/Archive 1

Official Source required

Working episode titles are always shaky, even from official sources. The Official Communiques articles lists those confirmed by an official source, but even these are subject to change. Gateworld is not an official source and can be more wrong than the official preliminary title. Best to wait on this or verify the source. --Spencerian 11:39, 24 October 2006 (CDT)

So far they've been correct for Season 3, and usually ahead of most other sources by several days. Waiting won't hurt Seattle Cylon 14:15, 24 October 2006 (CDT)

  • I posed this title to Bradley Thompson and he chose not to confirm the title as a "working title" where he usually confirms "working titles". There may be a reason, may not be, but for our purposes, this should be considered rumor and innuendo and should be deleted.--Straycat0 11:02, 25 October 2006 (CDT)
Delete as well. --Shane (T - C - E) 11:06, 25 October 2006 (CDT)

Promo Pics

Are up here. --FrankieG 16:28, 1 February 2007 (CST)

I'd use the one with her mother as preview pic here. Aside from the ones with Leoben, the others are pretty generic. --Serenity 16:35, 1 February 2007 (CST)
I posted the one with leoben before I read this. I liked the starbuck's destiny angle, but will change if the consensus dictates it. This gives me another ideas. Promo pic gallery in the article until it airs. I am really looking at ways to use more images since we are discussing a TV show. --FrankieG 17:14, 1 February 2007 (CST)
That one's fine too. As for the gallery, sure. However, you should probably resize the pictures a bit before uploading them as they are very large --Serenity 17:23, 1 February 2007 (CST)
If you think so, I will move this discussion to the Quorum? where discussion can start before writing up a Think tank proposal. --FrankieG 17:34, 1 February 2007 (CST)

Bonus Scene

Maybe I missed something last week (I didn't go watch the ENTIRE bonus scene online), but when I went tonight to check out the Dirty Hands bonus scene, there was a bonus scene up from Maelstrom. Did anyone else see this? This shouldn't have been up yet, right? At any rate I got a sneak peak...even if it was a deleted scene :) --RUSnooky 00:42, 26 February 2007 (CST)

Kara and Cylon

I had a brilliant thought the other night. Kara gets killed in this episode and wakes up in a ress chamber on Caprica. First words out of her mouth, "Oh sh!t". That could explain the pic of her back on Caprica with Leoben. I bet she is a Cylon. Bstone 14:53, 26 February 2007 (CST)

You read my mind --Moo 20:09, 5 March 2007 (CST)

Maelstrom Predictions!

Strap into your Vipers, Galactica fans! It's time for another round of predictions! Sure, the All-Seeing, All-Knowing Slander struck out big time last week, but I got in some high-quality chamalla the other day and BOY is it potent! Anybody got any candy?

  • Recon Delta, which consists of a two-man Viper crewed by Captain Kanon and Lieutenant Britton, is on patrol when it picks up readings of an advanced Cylon fighter.
  • Suddenly, a previously unseen Cylon Raider appears and fires at them.
  • The warbook brings back a readout of the occupants: the Raider crew appear to be human.
  • Kanon decides on a desperate strategy and rams the ship, damaging both craft.
  • The huge Cylon fighter tumbles towards Earth, and Britton is injured.

Wait. Frak. I'm sorry. That's The Night the Cylons Landed, Part I. Wolfman Jack was so awesome, though. Let's try this again.

  • Starbuck goes nuts, even though she's seemed perfectly fine during the last few times we've seen her.
  • Starbuck goes to see a psychiatrist.
  • Like everyone with a deep interest in human nature on this show, said psychiatrist turns out to be a Cylon, but she doesn't know it until Starbuck's discussions about Leoben awaken her buried Cylon memories. She's just as surprised as the rest of us! (Moreso, actually, since we're not surprised at all.)
  • Leoben is gonna be all over this episode, but mostly in hallucinations and flashbacks. Also, he gets it on with a SuicideGirl. ("Like, being a creepy, religious machine is, like, totally a turn-on!")
  • I'm sensing an Anders appearance, but that could just be my unsexual man-love for Anders talking.
  • Speaking of unsexual man-love, Zarek also puts in a brief appearance because, during filming, Richard Hatch was in town for a convention and the writers felt the need to inject even more awesomeness into this episode. Shame they can't resurrect Wolfman Jack for an episode or two, isn't it?
  • Kara crashes her Viper, injuring herself so badly that we won't see her for the rest of the season.
  • For the first time all season, Galvatron fails to make an appearance. This is because he's busy filming an episode of Ghost Whisperer. Jennifer Love Hewitt's so damn hot.

This half of the season finally starts to build some momentum with this episode, leading up to what's sure to be a mind-smashing, cliff-hanging finale. After that's over, I guess I'll move over to GateWorld and start doing Stargate predictions. Do they have a good wiki? --Slander 11:23, 2 March 2007 (CST)

A reminder to all contributors

The events of this episode should be treated as canon. While speculation is allowed, please avoid fanwanking into the possibilities created by the event within this article. Episode summaries and its question and analysis are for relevant unanswered questions generated by this episode only. Some people may take a Beings of Light parallelism to it; because there is no connection officially established between the Original Series and Re-imagined Series on this, it is better to leave that trail alone. Also remember that talk pages aren't chat boards, so discuss the episode elsewhere (email, Sci Fi Forums, etc.) to keep wiki performance at its best. Thanks! --Spencerian 07:08, 5 March 2007 (CST)

Who will take Kara's place as Galactica's Viper ace?

I would SO like that to be Seelix. It wouldn't be the first time the show sets up replacements ahead of time. Racetrack was intended to replace Crashdown after he died, but introduced when Crashdown was still alive and well on Kobol. --Catrope 09:23, 6 March 2007 (CST)

They already did the "nugget becomes ace pilot" thing with Kat. While more screentime for Seelix would be nice, they could also increase Hot Dog's role, who has been a pilot for some time now. --Serenity 09:27, 6 March 2007 (CST)
True. Hot Dog has been around for some time, and he's the only good Viper pilot we know who's still not a Captain and has never been CAG (Starbuck, Apollo and Kat all have). Now I'm not suggesting Hot Dog be CAG, but he could replace Starbuck as a squadron leader. --Catrope 09:39, 6 March 2007 (CST)
I agree, I want to see Hotdog move into more prominence in the show. He's the last of the original 3 nuggets we came to know. I would hate it if they killed him before we actually have a Hotdog centered story.--LifeStar 10:15, 6 March 2007 (CST)
Yeah, he's the best of what's left. Who recognizes where that paraphrased quote is from? --Talos 10:36, 6 March 2007 (CST)
While I agree that Hot Dog is probably the best of the remaining Viper pilots, they could also transfer Athena, Racetrack, Helo, or possibly even Skulls. Don't know if Skulls has ever been pilot rather than ECO, though. --Psilon 17:01, 6 March 2007 (CST)
Ehm, these are Raptor pilots, not Viper pilots. Piloting a Viper is different than piloting a Raptor. With that said, the only two people I can think of that would step up to the plate are Hotdog and Seelix. Hell, even Narcho, since we see a lot of him now. I do hope that we see more of the ex-Pegasus Viper jockeys as well, and would welcome them back into the fold. (Were the Great Powers able to pull it off, I think re-introducing Cole Taylor would prove awesome, and a great foil for Lee given their past history. -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate 18:40, 6 March 2007 (CST)
Hmm, maybe the tatooed pilot? --Talos 21:31, 6 March 2007 (CST)
Stinger's still scraping hull paint off civilian ships right now, if Lee has anything to say about it. That guy was a frakwit from the first words out of his mouth. I'm cool on Hot Dog, since being squadron leader will cool his jets just a little while we see his cool competency. From his first rookie flight, he's quite a natural, and had a great line in "Exodus Part II" as he launches intra-atmosphere from the falling battlestar: "This should be interesting..." --Spencerian 08:25, 7 March 2007 (CST)
I'd like to see Marcia "Showboat" Case again, but that will probably never happen :( --Serenity 08:35, 7 March 2007 (CST)
"He's the best of what's left." --> Do you mean "You're the best non-commissioned officer I have left.?" -- Adama, Litmus? If it's from another sci-fi series, I must confess that I don't know shit about them :P --Catrope 09:12, 7 March 2007 (CST)
Actually, it was a reference to the movie Hot Shots Part Deux (it was on tv when I was replying to that) where the government goes to get Topper Harley to go rescue all the captured people in Iraq since he's all that is left. --Talos 09:19, 7 March 2007 (CST)