Tauron (ancient name: Taurus), one of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol, is reputed for its status as an agricultural colony (much like Aerilon). (Caprica pilot). Tauron was one of the wealthier colonies before the Fall (Dirty Hands) and is a colony that, for reasons related to their variation of Colonial religion, does not have flowers (Caprica pilot).
Taurons are noted to be a stoic people, whose native language is similar to Earth's Ancient Greek. When in mourning, Taurons wear black gloves as a possible way to distance themselves from the world. It is also traditional for the deaths of family members to be avenged; "blood for blood."
Around 100—80 BCH, the Tauron Civil War occurred here, causing the displacement of many of its people to Caprica, including Joseph and Sam Adama (then children) after their parents were killed in the uprising.
Colonials from Tauron are looked upon as "dirt eaters" and are treated as second-class citizens on Caprica. This racism forced Joseph Adama to change his last name, and the last name of his family, to the Caprican-sounding "Adams." Despite this racism, Tauron is reputed for its powerful crime syndicate, the Ha'la'tha with ties to various powerful Capricans.
Around 58 BCH, the Tauron Tomas Vergis, CEO of the Vergis Corporation, successfully invented a meta-cognitive processor that is stolen by the Ha'la'tha and given to Dr. Daniel Graystone for use in the U-87 prototype. The U-87 would better be known as the first Cylon created on the Twelve Colonie (Caprica pilot).
At the end of the first Cylon War (40 BCH), Tauron was under attack from Cylon basestars and ground forces, causing many civilian causalities in areas such as the city of Hypatia, including all of Helena Cain's family ("Razor", extended DVD edition).
Around 4 BCH, Tauron obtained the reputation for being a troublesome colony within the federal system of the Colonies, often disobeying directives decided by the colonies and "pushing their luck with the admiralty every chance they got." As a ruse then-Commander William Adama of battlestar Valkyrie claimed the Taurons were drilling for tylium ore on a moon that close to the Armistice Line, when in reality Adama launched a reconnaissance mission to determine Cylon activity over said Line (Hero).
Perah Enyeto is the colony's representative on the first Quorum of Twelve after the Fall (Colonial Day). Enyeto is replaced by another Quorum member, before the Quorum is dissolved after Tom Zarek's massacre ("Blood on the Scales", "Islanded in a Stream of Stars").
- Joseph Adama
- Sam Adama
- Shannon Adama
- Ruth, mother of Shannon Adama
- Helena Cain
- Lucy Cain
- Saundra Cain and her husband
- Tomas Vergis
- Tauron is the third of the twelve Colonial worlds shown in the Re-imagined Series, but only through the extended DVD version of "Razor". The extended version scene shows a brief scene on the surface with the terrified Cain family, but there is little detail.