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Galactica (TRS)

From Battlestar Wiki, the free, open content Battlestar Galactica encyclopedia and episode guide
For the Original Series Galactica, see Galactica (TOS). For the Video Game Galactica, see Galactica (Video Game).
Galactica (BS 75)
Galactica (BS 75)
Race: Colonial
Type: Military
FTL: Yes
Crew: Approximately 2,650
CO: William Adama
XO: Karl Agathon (presumed)
Role: Carrier / battleship hybrid
Weapons: Primary and point-defense Kinetic Energy Weapons, conventional missiles, nuclear warheads, Vipers, Raptors
Armaments: {{{arm}}}
Defenses: {{{def}}}
Aircraft: {{{aircraft}}}
Aviation facilities: {{{facilities}}}
Fate: Active
Emblem: [[Image:{{{patch}}}|175px|Ship's patch]]
Other Images: Gallery
Length: {{{length}}}
Width: {{{width}}}
Height: {{{height}}}
Weight: {{{weight}}}
Wingspan: {{{wingspan}}}
Other: {{{otherdi}}}
Game Information
Cost: {{{construction}}}
Construction Time: {{{construction}}}
Hull Size: {{{hull size}}}
Hull: {{{hull}}}
FTL Cooldown: {{{ftl cooldown}}} turns
Speed: {{{speed}}} m/s
Turn Rate: {{{turn rate}}}°/turn
Armor Sum
Armor Total: {{{armor total}}}
Armor Left: {{{armor left}}}
Armor Right: {{{armor right}}}
Armor Front: {{{armor front}}}
Armor Rear: {{{armor rear}}}
Armor Top: {{{armor top}}}
Armor Bottom: {{{armor bottom}}}
DRADIS Range: {{{dradis range}}} m
Processing Power: {{{processing power}}}
Munition Slots: {{{munitions}}}
Munition Cooldown Period: {{{munition cooldown}}} turns
Squadron Slots: {{{squadrons}}}
Squadron Size: {{{squadron size}}}
Special Abilities: {{{special abilities}}}
Additional Information

Galactica (BS 75) is the most famous warship in the Colonial Fleet. Built in time to participate in the Cylon War, she remained the only military vessel without integrated computer networks. Without networked computers, Galactica never upgraded to the new integrated defense system software developed by Dr. Gaius Baltar and his team. Because of this and other fortune, she became one of only two battlestars to survive the renewed Cylon attack on the Twelve Colonies, some 40 years after the end of the first war. At the time of the attack, she was part of the 75th Battlestar Group (BSG-75).


Galactica was one of the twelve first battlestars to be laid down by the Colonials. Initially they built a battlestar to represent each colony, and Galactica was the battlestar that represented Caprica. As such, she is some 50 years old (Mini Series). Following the outbreak of Cylon hostilities several more battlestars were built. Galactica's first commander was named Nash (Miniseries).

The original battlestars were all designed with non-integrated computer systems to avoid the Cylons' demonstrated ability to override or subvert networked command and control systems early in the war (Miniseries). Rather than technological sophistication, the battlestar depended on its sheer bulk and defensive / offensive capabilities to ward off any threats to itself or the Colonies.

Following the armistice with the Cylons, and their withdrawal from Colonial space, Galactica and her sister ships continued to serve the Twelve Colonies in a wide variety of roles. While her surviving sister ships were scrapped or upgraded to match the systems capabilities of more modern Colonial vessels, Galactica continued in service without her systems being fully networked or integrated, making her unique among Colonial military vessels (Miniseries).

With her active career drawing to a close, a decision was taken to retire Galactica and decommission her from service. Colonial Fleet chose not to scrap her, but to turn her into a combination of living museum to the original Cylon War and an educational center, with her conversion being overseen by her final commander, William Adama (Miniseries).

At the time of her formal decommissioning ceremony, Galactica was stripped of all but one of her operational Viper Mark VII squadrons, her munitions destroyed, and her starboard landing pod converted into a pressurized museum housing (among other things) a full squadron of Mk. II Vipers (Miniseries, also in Deleted Scenes). Many argue that a "squadron" is comprised of 20 Mk. IIs, but on-screen evidence contradicts this. Galactica clearly had more than 20 Mk. IIs aboard (likely as many as 40), as in 'The Hand of God' 19 Mk. IIs are deployed - by this time over 11 Mk. IIs had been destroyed on-screen, meaning Galactica arrived at Ragnar with at least 30 Mk. IIs. The most likely assumption is that the Starboard Flight Pod contained 40 Mk. IIs (one for each launch tube), with Adama's restored Model 'found in a salvage yard' making the total 41.

With the unexpected resumption of hostilities on the part of the Cylons, Galactica quickly proves her worthiness as a warship is far from over as she withstands a direct hit from a tactical nuclear missile, and then single-handedly engages two basestars after re-arming herself at Ragnar Anchorage, providing an umbrella of fire cover under which an assortment of 75 civilian ships containing the last survivors of the Twelve Colonies escape the Cylons.

Since the exodus of the Colonials from their overrun homeworlds, Galactica becomes both protector and provider for the Fleet. She provides direct fire-cover for the Fleet during Cylon attacks no fewer than 240 times ("33", "Act of Contrition"). She provides much of the Fleet with recycled water (Water) and she is the primary source of medical care, with groups of civilians routinely brought aboard for check-ups and the like (Litmus). Galactica also undertakes internal policing duties within the Fleet ("Water", "Bastille Day").

Galactica successfully goes on the offensive against the Cylons, capturing a tylium fuel mining and processing plant in the process (The Hand of God).

Galactica is joined by the advanced battlestar Pegasus, commanded by Admiral Helena Cain, at the mid-point of the second season of the Re-imagined Series. Battlestars Pegasus and Galactica destroy two basestars as well as a critical Cylon support ship, the Resurrection Ship (Resurrection Ship, Part I). After the death of Admiral Cain, President Laura Roslin promotes William Adama to Admiral, restoring him to overall Fleet command, but now with two battlestars at his disposal (Resurrection Ship, Part II).


One of Galactica's large cannon turrets

Galactica shares the same overall technical specifications as other original Colonial battlestars of her class, with the following key differences and qualifications:

Available Flight Pods

Only Galactica's port flight pod is in service. The starboard flight pod was enclosed and pressurized as the main museum display facility. It was violently depressurized after a Heavy Raider crashed into it (Scattered). No episode since "Valley of Darkness" addresses the status of the flight pod since its depressurization.

Nuclear Warheads

Galactica had five nuclear warheads as of "Bastille Day." Commander William Adama uses one to destroy a Cylon basestar (Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part II). Dr. Gaius Baltar cannibalizes one to use in his Cylon Detector, which he later gives to Gina, who detonates it aboard Cloud 9. This leaves Galactica with three.


Prior to the arrival of Pegasus, Galactica has at most thirty-four Vipers, of which at least six are Mark VIIs (c.f. Viper tally).

Galactica received additional supplies from Pegasus since her arrival that have helped in repair and refurbishment of her original fighter complement; more recently, she has received new Mark VII Vipers built on Pegasus ("Pegasus", "Scar").


The number of Raptors available to Galactica has been portrayed inconsistently. We currently must assume she has at least five and left Ragnar Anchorage with at least eight (c.f. Raptor tally).

Other Craft


Before the attack, Galactica has approximately 2,800 crewmen, while awaiting its decomissioning.[1] By the time of the arrival of Pegasus, attrition has reduced this number to 2,660.[2] Since "Act of Contrition," Galactica's offensive capability has also been greatly hampered by the number of qualified pilots available, although Galactica's reunion with Pegasus has ameliorated this substantially.

Senior Staff before the founding of New Caprica

Former On-screen Members of the Senior Staff

  • Captain Lee Adama - CAG (Promoted to Commander and assigned as Pegasus CO)

Running Tallies

  1. Original crew:
    • In the Miniseries, Adama states that he has "almost 2,000" crew on board Galactica.
    • In "Water," Baltar says there are 45,265 civilians in the Fleet. Given the stats of total fleet population in that episode, that means there were 2,693 military personnel in the Fleet at the time. It is unclear if this was a gaffe or a retcon, but the more recent figure is generally accepted.
    • In addition to the 85 killed in the flight pod fire (Miniseries), 29 Viper pilots are lost on-screen in the first three sorties, and Helo goes MIA (all events in the Miniseries). This makes for a pre-attack total of 2,808 crewmembers.
  2. Running tally of crewmembers:
    • Thirteen pilots are killed in "Act of Contrition". Eight are recruited to replace them, leaving a net loss of five.
    • Three crewmen are killed by a suicide bomber in "Litmus".
    • Starbuck is seen giving combat flight training to fourteen nuggets in "The Hand of God", suggesting an additional six nuggets had been selected by that point. Apollo earlier alludes to a second group of trainees in "Act of Contrition".
    • Four Viper pilots are killed in action in "The Hand of God".
    • Ten die on Raptor 3 in "Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part II", and Sharon Valerii is revealed as a Cylon agent.
    • Eleven crew are killed in the Cylon boarding action in "Valley of Darkness".
    • Four of the crew of Raptor 1 die by the time the survivors are rescued in "Fragged".
    • Helo returns in "Home, Part I."
    • Subtracting these losses from the total given in "Water" yields no more than 2,662 crewmembers prior to the arrival of Pegasus.
    • Galactica's crew complement is currently unknown as of the Season 2 finale's jump foward in time to one year later, although Admiral Adama mentions that it is vaguely half of its former strength

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