From the DVD set
From the episode script
- When Sheba kisses Apollo inside the Cylon raider, after a moment, he kisses her back.
- After Starbuck, Apollo and Boomer clasp hands in the pilots' quarters, Starbuck and Apollo head for the landing bay to meet Baltar. After getting on the lift, Starbuck says,
- Starbuck: "You know, everyone wishing us luck is making me nervous."
- Apollo: "Yeah, I know what you mean. (looks around) I kind of hoped I'd see Sheba again before we launched."
- Starbuck: (smiles) "Did you?"
- Apollo: (looks at him) "What are you smiling at?" (The lift touches the base and they step off. We move with them.)
- Starbuck: (laughing) "Sometimes, you're funny, buddy."
- At the very end in the Celestial dome, as Apollo climbs down from the chair, he slips and Starbuck catches him. Starbuck says,
- Starbuck: "You're the only guy I know who would fall out of the hand of God."