This is a listing of terms in the original series. For terms used in the re-imagined series, see List of terms (RDM).
- CORA: Computer, Oral Response Activated; an artificial intelligence capable of operating a Viper (The Long Patrol)
Military jargon[edit]
- "four-point peel off": a maneuver performer with a group of four Vipers (War of the Gods, Part I)
- Warrior: an all purpose term for Colonial soldier and Viper pilot
Other colloquialisms[edit]
- felgercarb: expletive, similar to "crap"
- frack: expletive, similar to "fuck"
- plant vapors: a psychoactive drug familiar to the Colonials; Boomer comments that one of the women on Carillon was probably "smoking plant vapors" (Saga of a Star World)
- pogees: expletive, similar to "shit" (The Living Legend, Part II)
- socialator: a sex worker, escort, prostitute (Saga of a Star World)
Battlestar Galactica specific terms[edit]
- ambrosa: alcohol
- boraton: a liquid that extinguishes fires (Fire in Space)
- cubit: a form of currency
- daggit: a dog
- fumarello: a small cigar that Starbuck typically smokes
- grog: an intoxicating beverage, likely similar to beer
- lupus: a wolf-like animal
- mushies: a food
- pluton: a form of radiation that breaks down food
- protein: another type of food
- scanner: term for a computer monitor and telelvison set
- scorpius: likely term for a scorpion; Maga comments that Borellian Nomen have the patience of such a creature, he also comments that the name "Borellian Nomen" strike fear at the hearts of those who hear it like the scorpius (The Man with Nine Lives)
- seal: marriage
- solonite: an explosive used in demolitions (The Gun on Ice Planet Zero, Part II)
- tylium: a fuel source, highly combustible (Fire in Space)