- For information on the Video Game's "New Caprica", see New Caprica (Video Game). For information on the failed Singer/DeSanto continuation series colony, see New Caprica (SDS).
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New Caprica is the name given to the harsh but fairly habitable planet found by The Fleet.
Racetrack discovers the planet by mere happenstance after her Raptor Jumps to the wrong coordinates enroute to Caprica on a rescue mission.
Unable to join up with the other Raptors on the rescue mission, Racetrack returns to Galactica with information and sensor readings on the planet.
New Caprica is surrounded by a dense nebula that renders DRADIS practically useless, which could hide the planet from Cylon discovery. The surveys reveal plants and animals on the surface, confined to a temperate belt near the equator. The nebula makes the planet enticing colonization by the travel- and war-weary survivors of the Fleet.
The planet later becomes a galvanizing issue that Tom Zarek believes would swing the presidential election in Baltar's favor (Lay Down Your Burdens, Part I). The gamble is successful; Baltar convinces the population to vote him to the presidency. Baltar orders immediate colonization of the planet, despite the serious issues surrounding the destruction of Cloud 9.
The Colony, One Year Later[edit]
The population center on New Caprica becomes New Caprica City.
Over a year after settlement, there are major shortages of basic living materials and medical supplies. Most of the population still live in canvas tents instead of permanent homes of some sort. Many among the population of New Caprica City, including Galen Tyrol and the workers' union which he now leads, blame President Gaius Baltar and his lack of leadership as President for most or all of the continuing economic/social problems facing the settlers on New Caprica (Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II).
On the 380th day after colonization, the Cylons discover New Caprica, attracted by the energy signature caused by the detonation of a nuclear warhead that destroyed Cloud 9 a year earlier. The orbiting remains of the Fleet (including battlestars Galactica and Pegasus), far from able to mount any kind of defense of New Caprica, Jump to safety, while President Baltar surrenders to the Cylons (Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II).
The exact population of New Caprica City is 39,192 prior to the Cylon's occupation.
Left behind on New Caprica when the Cylons arrive include former President Laura Roslin and current President Gaius Baltar, Colonel Saul Tigh and his wife Ellen, Major Cottle, Captain Kara Thrace and her husband Samuel Anders, Chief Galen Tyrol and his wife Cally, Presidential aide Felix Gaeta, Maya and her adopted daughter Isis.
The Occupation[edit]
The Cylons (presumably using both humans and Centurions "manpower") use raw materials they apparently have brought them to the planet to build numerous concrete facilities on New Caprica. These buildings include residences and the New Caprica Detention Center (The Resistance).
The Cylon occupation leads to numerous security restrictions and heightened levels of control and repression on the planet. In "Occupation," there are nightly overflights of Cylon Raiders with searchlight sweeps. The New Caprica Police, humans who are intimidated to work for the Cylon authority to control humanity, perpetrate crackdowns using Cylon-approved lists of supposed insurgents. The NCP wear black ski masks, blue body armor, and a green uniform with a white armband with a dark letter "C". They as used as prison guards where Cylon Centurions would be impractical to use. Further, using humans to control humans adds a specific level of "authority" to the puppet government.
The puppet administration of President Gaius Baltar, controlled by Cylon elements, rules "in name only," according to Laura Roslin. Behind him, there are at least two Cylon-owned ministries. One operates the detention facility, the other internal security.
The human resistance, led by Colonel Tigh, has a wireless communications center hidden underground. They successfully contact a Raptor that awaits any communication from the humans. Admiral Adama deploys a two-Raptor team, led by Sharon Agathon, to aid in the resistance (Precipice).
Rescue of the people of New Caprica[edit]
Following the successful retrieval of the launch keys (Exodus, Part II) by Sharon Agathon. Admiral Adama launches a rescue mission with the Galactica to rescue everyone on the surface. New Caprica is successfully evacuated and the planet is abandoned. Gaius Baltar is left behind to stop the Cylons from setting off a nuke and finds Hera alive and hands her over to D'Anna Biers before they leave the planet behind.