Timeline (RDM)

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Dates use the day of the Cylon Holocaust as a baseline. See also Survivor Count, Original Series Timeline.

Ancient History

Recent Colonial History


Colonial Day

  • Day 47 - Morning: Colonial Day. Delegates arrive on Cloud Nine. Roslin addresses the Quorum. Baltar eyes Playa Palacios. Zarek moves to elect a vice president and is nominated by Marshall Baggott. Motion passes, chair to remain open 72 hours for nominations.
  • Day 47 - Afternoon: Roslin asks Wallace Grey to run for the vice presidency. Zarek expounds on his reform agenda. Valence scuffles with Apollo and Starbuck and is jailed. Helo and Caprica Boomer arrive at a spaceport in the vicinity of Delphi.
  • Day 47 - Evening: Starbuck and Apollo interrogate Valence to no effect.
  • Day 48 - Morning: Grey addresses the Quorum. Safiya Sanne changes Picon's vote to Zarek, bringing his total to 5 of 12.
  • Day 48 - Afternoon: Zarek serves Ellen Tigh a drink and inquires after the whereabouts of Valence. Baltar interviewed by James Macmanus. Valence found dead. Tigh, Apollo and Starbuck consult with Roslin on security.
  • Day 48 - Evening: Roslin travels to Cloud Nine and asks Grey to drop out of the race and recruits Baltar to replace him, interrupting his "exclusive" with Palacios. Apollo and Starbuck flirt in the bunk on Galactica.
  • Day 49 - Morning: Baltar elected Vice President, with Roslin casting the tie-breaking vote.
  • Day 49 - Evening: Victory party for Baltar. Roslin dances with Adama, Ellen with Saul Tigh, Billy with Dualla, Starbuck with Apollo and Baltar.
  • Day 49 - Night: Helo and Caprica Boomer infiltrate the spaceport. Helo discovers Boomer is a Cylon and flees.

Note: Roslin states that the chair will remain open for nominations for 72 hours on the morning of Day 47, but the next episode clearly takes place the day after the victory party, and is stated to take place on Day 50. Perhaps the Quorum moved to close the nomination period early after the nomination of a strong candidate.

Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part I

  • Day 50 - Early Morning: Apollo and Adama spar. Baltar and Starbuck have sex. Caprica Boomer catches up with Helo at Delphi, and he shoots her. Galactica Boomer contemplates suicide. Cottle examines Roslin and gives her "six months, at the outside".
  • Day 50 - Morning: Starbuck and an (already) drunken Baltar exchange innuendos over the officer's card game.
  • Day 50 - Afternoon: Roslin briefs Baltar on her economic agenda. Six warns him that "it's not safe to remain on Galactica". Galactica Boomer and Crashdown stumble upon Kobol. Helo holds Caprica Boomer at gunpoint. Apollo and Starbuck exchange blows.
  • Day 50 - Evening: Roslin examines an orbital photograph of Kobol and has a vision of the City of the Gods. Adama decides to send an expedition, which Baltar demands to accompany. Galactica Boomer shoots herself on Baltar's advice. In private, Roslin unsuccessfully petitions Adama to send the Cylon Raider after the Arrow of Apollo on Caprica.
  • Day 50 - Night: At Kobol, the scout party is ambushed by a Cylon Basestar. Starbuck devises a plan to deliver a nuke to the Basestar using the captured Raider and IFF device. Roslin convinces her to purloin the Raider and take it to Caprica instead.

Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part II

  • Day 51 - Early Morning: Survivors of Raptor 1 escape the wreck. Baltar passes out. Adama terminates Roslin's presidency. Apollo and Tigh plan an assault on Colonial One. Adama dispatches the wounded Boomer to take out the Basestar. Caprica Boomer leads Helo to Delphi Museum of the Colonies.
  • Day 51 - Morning: Starbuck arrives at Caprica, retrieves the Arrow of Apollo, kills a copy of Six and meets up with Helo. Galactica's marines board Colonial One. Apollo mutinies, Roslin stands down. Baltar has a vision of the shape of things to come. Galactica Boomer confronts other Boomers on the Basestar. She returns from her mission and shoots Adama.


  • Day 51 - Morning: A Cylon Basestar ambushes the fleet, which jumps to an emergency rendezvous point. Galactica jumps to the wrong coordinates and is forced to backtrack. Tigh paroles Apollo to lead the defense fighters. Tigh interrogates Galactica Boomer. While under fire from the Basestar, a Heavy Raider crashes into the starboard flight pod. Starbuck tries to shoot Caprica Boomer, but Helo restrains her. Boomer steals Starbuck's Cylon Raider. The survivors on Kobol take cover in a nearby forest. Socinus develops pulmonary edema. Crashdown sends Tyrol, Tarn and Cally after a medical kit left at the crash site. Tarn is gunned down by Cylon ground forces on his return.

Valley of Darkness

  • Day 51


  • Day 51


The Farm

Home, Part I

Home, Part II

  • Day 62-63 (est.): Raptor 1 lands on Kobol with William Adama and his contingent. Tomb of Athena found.
  • Day 64-70 (est.): Roslin reestablished as lawful President; martial law ends. Fleet reunification.

Future Events

  • Day 12 + 7 Months (c. Day 222): Elections due for President of the Twelve Colonies (Bastille Day).
  • Day 50 + 6 Months (c. Day 230): Roslin's maximum life expectancy (Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part I).
    • Roslin promised to get the fleet to Earth before her death (c. Day 230) ("Fragged").
  • Day 24 + 9 Months (c. Day 294): "Caprica" Sharon Valerii's daughter born. (see Notes below)
  • Day 36 + 3 years (c. Day 1131): Fleet runs out of tylium fuel that was resupplied from the Cylon asteroid mine; assuming that no other sources have been found before this date. (The Hand of God)


  • The above day listings do not take into account the possibility of the "leap year", which occurs on Earth every four years. The Colonials may or may not have anything similar.
  • Each month is estimated to be around 30 days. (365 divided by 12.)
  • The date of Valerii and Agathon's child is speculated, assuming that the Humano-Cylons share the same gestation period that humans do, and that the birth of their hybrid daughter is not premature.