Little Tauron

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Apartment buildings and the public market in Little Tauron.

Little Tauron was a neighborhood in Caprica City, Caprica before the Fall of the Twelve Colonies.

The area was located in downtown Caprica City and was primarily inhabited by Tauron immigrants and descendants. Little Tauron consisted of a string of open markets and businesses, as well as older apartment buildings. It was also an area in which members of the Ha'la'tha crime syndicate walked freely and with near impunity - the back room of Connie's Place being a popular hideout (CAP: "Pilot", "Rebirth", "The Reins of a Waterfall", "There is Another Sky").

Joseph Adama lived in Little Tauron with his wife Shannon, daughter Tamara and son, battlestar Galactica commander William Adama. Tad "Herecles" Thorean worked in a grocery store in Little Tauron (CAP: "The Imperfections of Memory").

The area was also recreated as a near perfect - if rundown - version for the illegal holoband site, New Cap City (CAP: "Ghosts in the Machine", "End of Line").


Presumably, the area became a Tauron neighborhood after the Tauron Civil War that displaced many native Tauron peoples.

Little Tauron featured a very prominent visual reference to the real world with the famous Pike Place Market sign from Seattle, Washington appearing in the digital matte painting of the location. [1]

In the pilot episode of Caprica, Joseph Adama's Little Tauron apartment was shot in Vancouver's Waterfall Building, the same location used for Kara Thrace's Delphi apartment building, though in subsequent episodes, the apartment was a sound stage set.

Exteriors where shot in Vancouver's Chinatown area. [2]