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Can We compare Adama to President George....Washington? :)[edit]
I was reading the quote from Eick, "...Adama begins to believe that on some level he might have been responsible for provoking the Cylon attack on the Twelve Colonies." and for some reason I felt that thie reminded me of Gorge Washington long before we was president or even commander-in-chief when, before the 7-Years-War, Washington was involved in a skirmish with the French over Fort Necessity, aka Pittsburgh (yes, we fought a battle for that city) that led to Washington signing a treaty stating, unbeknownst to him because he couldn't speak French and his interpreter sucked, that he committed attrocities against France in the name of the British Empire. This, according to many historians, led to the 7 Years War, known in America as the French and Indian War, that would decimate Northern Germany. I'm sure Washington at some level had to be aware of this error on his part and led him to remorse I imagine. Anyways, the story is different but I was wondering how many parallels there will be, if there will be, in this episode to Washington's conundrum. I wanted to ask a question on the article page but couldn't concise it enough for wiki standards. I may ask on the scifi bboard but input on this would be appreciated before I do. --StrayCat0 19:42, 3 August 2006 (PST)
- That's an interesting analogy, showing a fine attention to historical detail. I think the parallel has minor flaws, though, since Washington's conduct in that matter isn't generally considered morally wrong so much as foolish. Gavrilo Princip might be worth considering as a parallel; he was the immediate but not ultimate cause of a devastating war, and he precipitated the conflict by attacking his fellow countryman, thinking it justified in contrast to the general consensus. --CalculatinAvatar(C-T) 02:28, 4 August 2006 (CDT)
- It's unlikely that Adama's actions are quite the transgression that he believes it to be; after all, the Cylons had been violating the armistice line for about a half a year prior to Adama's, anyway.TaKometer 02:09, 18 November 2006 (CST)
- I was wondering about the timeline as well. I think Adama says somthing like, the mission was a year before the attack, but the cylons had been planning the attack for two years. However, I think there is an error in the timeline. Adama also says he served with Boomer for two years, and I think he implied that it was on Galactica. Gaeta also says that he served with Adama for three years. It is possible that Gaeta was on the Valkyrie for a year, but I think the mission happened about two years before the attack, not just one. I will rewatch the episode, but do you have any ideas? Jrmurph 12:21, 18 November 2006 (EST)
- I think there is an inconsistency in the story. It is not unexplainable, ie Gaeta and Boomer served with Adama on the Valkyrie, but it did seem like nobody other than Adama or Tigh recognized Bulldog so the timeline is a little esquew. --Straycat0 18:01, 18 November 2006 (CST)
- I was wondering about the timeline as well. I think Adama says somthing like, the mission was a year before the attack, but the cylons had been planning the attack for two years. However, I think there is an error in the timeline. Adama also says he served with Boomer for two years, and I think he implied that it was on Galactica. Gaeta also says that he served with Adama for three years. It is possible that Gaeta was on the Valkyrie for a year, but I think the mission happened about two years before the attack, not just one. I will rewatch the episode, but do you have any ideas? Jrmurph 12:21, 18 November 2006 (EST)
Does anybody think it's strange that Adama believes it better to fire a weapon ACROSS the Armistice Line, INTO Cylon space, as opposed to allowing Novacek's ship to be discovered? A ship that close to the line could easily have been explained away as having strayed off course... but an offensive weapon fired into their space? --Madbrood 01:54, 25 November 2006 (CST)
Another Battlestar?[edit]
There is a spoiler image showing Adm Adama and Col Tigh in the CIC of the Battlestar Valkerie. I zoomed in on Adama and saw he had his Admiral's pins on. Might this be a sign that they soon will find yet another Battlestar? Bstone 01:24, 15 November 2006 (CST)
- It's a flashback scene. It may be more of a costuming error. Note that Tigh still has his eye in that promo shot. -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate 01:39, 15 November 2006 (CST)
- Right. Two eyed Tigh. Darn. I was hoping they'd find another Battlestar cause I do miss the Pegasus. It was bigger, much cooler and the doors made this cool "beep" when they opened. Bstone 01:50, 15 November 2006 (CST)
- You can visit Valkyrie as well. It's a spoiler until Friday but you can adjust it with some new data later. --Spencerian 08:36, 15 November 2006 (CST)
- It's true, I saw the Admiral pips as well, the flashback should have been Commander pips; as the Stealth ship incident occurred three years ago. SimsHsia 22:56, 17 November 2006 (CST)
- You can visit Valkyrie as well. It's a spoiler until Friday but you can adjust it with some new data later. --Spencerian 08:36, 15 November 2006 (CST)
- Right. Two eyed Tigh. Darn. I was hoping they'd find another Battlestar cause I do miss the Pegasus. It was bigger, much cooler and the doors made this cool "beep" when they opened. Bstone 01:50, 15 November 2006 (CST)
- The Valkerie looked to be a Mercury class Battlestar. This would make sense because the galactica class was an older ship and has been all but replaced with the newer bigger and more efficent Mercury class.--Mike 09:30, 18 November 2006 (CST)
- It's definately not a Mercury, the only part really similar is the engine block. If anything, it looked most like a reimagining of the original series battlestar, down to the rectangular opening in the flightpod and the angular head. --Talos 09:47, 18 November 2006 (CST)
- Inside it looks like a Mercury yes. That's a sign of its age. But outside, it's far smaller than a full-sized battlestar. Look at the gun battery on the top. There's only one and almost covers the width of the ship there. See the Valkyrie page for more details (where this discussion should take place), but I think it's basically a smaller battlestar meant for support duties. --Serenity 09:52, 18 November 2006 (CST)
- Not disagreeing with your main point, but its quite possible that there were far more Battlestar classes than just the "Cylon War Type" and the Mecurcy class, given that the colonies built up a fleet of arround 120 Battlestars over about 50 years, particularly as the Viper apparently went through 5 different itterations over this time, although we are likely never going to see the intervening versions of either type --Useless 09:55, 18 November 2006 (CST)
Barry Kennedy as Admiral Corman[edit]
Hey all, I was just checking on Barry Kennedy's link, and it links to an IMDB page other than his profile page detailing his filmography, and etc. SimsHsia 23:52, 17 November 2006 (CST)
- That's because some people keep forgeting the "nm" when entering imdb numbers and in that case the link default to title instead of actor --Serenity 06:53, 18 November 2006 (CST)
The Stealth-Star[edit]
hey i just noticed this but the name of the ship was the stealth star so someone(not me)should create it a page. Best Snorkel378
- Already done Stealth Star. --Talos 09:41, 18 November 2006 (CST)
The scene with Baltar, Six and Three in bed[edit]
it says on there that 3 is having a sexual realationship with baltar and six? Cylons arent lesbos i think they were having a 3some —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Snorkel378 (talk • contribs).
- You are assuming that the Six we see is Caprica-Six and not Baltar's internal Six. --Mercifull (Talk/Contribs) 20:49, 18 November 2006 (CST)
The fact that Baltar and Six are in a 'clutch' position makes it unlikely that it's his internal Six. Three would have noticed Baltar trying to hug thin air in his sleep. Baltar is also in the center of the bed, rather than on one side. In addition, Caprica seems to be aware of (and approves) Three's new interest in Baltar. Regarding the possibility of a relationship between Three and Six: that is only speculation, but just because we haven't seen a lesbian relationship between cylons doesn't mean one isn't possible.Dallan007 22:18, 19 November 2006 (CST)
- It could be that Caprica-Six sees this as a way to weaken Baltar--after all, the formula for getting Baltar to give up secrets seems pretty clear: get in his bed, get in his head, so to speak. Remember that during the torture in previous episodes, he said to Three, "I love you with all of my heart." That's what started the relationship, so I think Three is interested in Baltar for whatever reason, not necessarily Six. Plus, on a more humorous note...I have to wonder if the Cylons have any sexual relations amongst themselves at all. This could be one deprived Cylon... Rose Immortal 13:24, 20 November 2006 (CST)
Speculation on Cylon sexual orientation aside, I think we all can agree that Baltar is one lucky sonofabitch. --BklynBruzer 05:28, 21 November 2006 (CST)
- weell, if put aside the whole electro-shock thing and the drilling in the ear thing. Face it, Baltar had to work hard for that threesome.--Straycat0 09:47, 21 November 2006 (CST)
- Well, yes, he did work hard for it, but doesn't everyone work hard for a threesome? --BklynBruzer 17:53, 21 November 2006 (CST)
A threesome with Six and Three would be cool, but personally, I think a threesome with two Eights would be awesome, and far better. But that's because the Eights are my favorites NickScryer 22:02, 21 November 2006 (CST)
- Personally, I find Lucy Lawless and Tricia Helfer to be hotter than Grace Park. --BklynBruzer 17:50, 22 November 2006 (CST)
Everyone I am so sorry to bring this up cause we changed the subject badly- Snorkel378
The Black Ops Mission[edit]
Does anyone think that the entire mission was poorly concieved? First, the Colonials jump a Battlestar to very close range of the armistice line, which one would expect to attract attention in and of itself. Second, we see the Valkyrie track the S-Star after launch and over the line. This either means the Valkyrie tracked it directly on DRADIS, which indicates it's not much of a stealth ship and that the Cylons should be able to detect it as well, or the S-Star has some sort of transponder reporting its position, which is also something the Cylons should detect. Finally, as referenced in the main article, the S-Star maintains radio contact with the Valkyrie throughout the whole mission, again something the Cylons should be able to detect. Would the writers have really overlooked all this, or are we meant to conclude that the Admriality meant for the mission to have been discovered by the Cylons? --Cleophus 22:55, 18 November 2006 (CST)
- -The mission is quite similar to the United States' U2 overflights during the late 1950's and 60's. Certain similarities between the depicted incident and the incident involving Francis Gary Powers can be read. It also conjures up several dozen observation flights by aircraft such as specially outfitted C-130's flying perilously close to a boundary line — even going so far as to slip a wingtip across it to "call a bluff". Also, there's the incident involving the Chinese Gai-8 fighter and the US P-3 Orion.
- In the case of our Colonials here, the stealth craft is more than likely equipped with an "odd frequency" (either very low or very high), encrypted transponder that transmits on a specific wavelength, only for IFF purposes. If I recall correctly, F-117 Nighthawks can still use their radios when on ops (someone please correct me if I'm wrong). I suspect that this mission was proposed in order to get a glimpse into any Cylon activity. The stealth craft would be dangled out as a tiny bit of bait – just enough to get a response. Its stealth characteristics would increase its ability to dash back across the Armistice Line untracked and unaffected, and then Valkyrie would be able to observe and record the arriving Cylons. If questions were raised ("What are you doing here?" ... "Good question, what are you doing here?" ... "We detected you over the Armistice Line." ... "Who, us? Noooo... We've been on our side this whole time, just trolling about, watching over our miners over there on that moon there. So why are you here again? You don't mind if we take some photos of you while you're here, do you?"), the Colonials would feign ignorance and innocence, but they'd at least have a response... something that the Cylons haven't even projected in thirty-plus years. -- Hawke 11:59, 19 November 2006 (CST)
- --Is it possible that the Stealth Star was shot down by a Colonial Force in hopes that it would percipitate a conflict? Similar to the Gulf of Tonkin? This way the Colonials can say one of their ships got lost and was destroyed by the Cylons in cold blood (Or something along those lines). Also, it makes no sense a ship would jump in, shoot the S-Star, and jump out. Why wouldnt it commit to killin the S-Star? --Skrip00 16:31, 20 November 2006 (CST)
- Perhaps. We don't know either way. To be honest, after some seriously critical thought about it on my part, there's really not much of it that makes sense, since it was poorly explained in the episode. -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate 16:55, 20 November 2006 (CST)
Folks in White Robes[edit]
Aren't there five white-robed figures in Number Three's vision? It's pretty speculative, but maybe these are meant to represent the five missing Cylon models (maybe they've undergone some kind of transcendence, and are "with God now" or something). Maybe the article should note this (after all, the white-robes show up for the first time just a couple episodes after we first learn that there's definitely something different or mysterious about the five missing models), though I don't know the proper section for it. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Steve (talk • contribs).
- - I noticed that too, but was going to "acquire" the episode and re-watch that part, or watch it again on Monday to see... I _think_ there are five humanoid figures in white robes, kneeling or seated in that semi-circle when Three walks amongst them. -- Hawke 11:59, 19 November 2006 (CST)
- Three's in the opera house on Kobol where Baltar's internal Six shows him Hera's cradle; I believe those are the same white drapes that can be seen on the opera house stage in Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part II. --Noindiecred 11:38, 20 November 2006 (CST)
- Well I agree she's in the opera house from KLG, but I don't think I'm referring to the drapes. In the initial shot of the opera house, there seem to be five glowing figures standing between the six white drapes. Some of the quick shots of the opera house that follow show these figures, and some do not (as though they are alternately hiding and revealing themselves). At the end of her experience, Three approaches and reaches out to one of these figures just before she is resurrected. --Steve 02:50, 21 November 2006 (CST)
- Sorry, you're right. I watched the episode again and noticed them. (Don't know why I missed them the first time, I was watching on a huge HDTV then!) I have a feeling that in the next few episodes, Three is going to keep having "accidental" deaths, and we'll see these figure again. --Noindiecred 20:26, 21 November 2006 (CST)
- I just see some friggin' glowing blobs. --BklynBruzer 21:55, 28 November 2006 (CST)
- That was my initial reaction too, but right at the end of that extra-life experience she approaches one of them. So I think they really may be "figures". --Steelviper 22:46, 28 November 2006 (CST)
- Ah. --BklynBruzer 10:27, 29 November 2006 (CST)
Reference to Raising Arizona?[edit]
I'm new here, so I didn't want to jump right into the thick of things by adding this to the main page before running it by other people...when Adama and Novacek are sitting down for the first time, Adama asks him something like "How did you escape, Bulldog?". Novacek rambles for a little bit (again, I don't remember exact words) but wraps up with "I felt the facility no longer had anything to offer me...". If I'm not mistaken, this is a reference to Raising Arizona--John Goodman's character says just about the exact same thing after he breaks out of prison. I can't seem to find the line on IMDB or Wikiquote, though... —The preceding unsigned comment was added by MikeDanger (talk • contribs).
- Please remember to sign your posts on talk pages ~~~~ --Mercifull (Talk/Contribs) 07:08, 19 November 2006 (CST)
- As far as I remember "Raising Arizona", the dialogue goes like this:
- - You busted outta jail?
- - No, ma'am. We released ourselves on our own recognizance.
- - What Evelle is tryin' to say is we felt the institution no longer had anything to offer us. -- Spike 08:28, 19 November 2006 (CST)
Insight into Cylon plan[edit]
If the Cylons know where the Colonials are, or at least know well enough to send Bulldog at them, it's common sense to ask, why don't they just attack? Well, maybe their goal isn't to destroy Galactica et al outright but something more complex. One thing that does seem consistent with their plan is their desire to kill Adama, perhaps because they want to send the fleet into disarray without him at the top. Examples: Leoben telling Roslin that Adama's a Cylon in Flesh and Blood, Boomer shooting Adama repeatedly in Kobol's Last Gleaming Pt. II. There may be more examples that I can't think of right now.
People have been crying out "plot hole!" with reckless abandon in light of Bulldog's ability to pinpoint Galactica's position, but if the Cylon plan really is as simple as kill all humans, as these detractors might claim, then much of the show falls apart. The reality is, we don't really know the Cylon plan, and at this point, there's really no reason to jump to the conclusion that the writers are just too lazy to think of one. Drumstick 18:22, 19 November 2006 (CST)
- The Cylons might know full well where the Colonials are but if they jumped in a couple of Basestars then the fleet would zip out of there pretty sharpish and might go somewhere where the Cylons dont know and they will have to find them all over again. IMO, their plan is a long game. --Mercifull (Talk/Contribs) 19:17, 19 November 2006 (CST)
- IMHO, "Hero" is the weakest episode of the series yet. There's just too many logic errors for me to dismiss as part of the "suspension of disbelief" process. For instance, how does Bulldog have the time to learn how to pilot a Cylon raider, when Starbuck took hours to figure out how to operate the thing? Also, how would Bulldog be able to operate the FTL drive -- Kobol's Last Gleaming pretty much made it clear that the FTL drive needed an actual computer, given that the brain had to be ripped out in order for it to be piloted manually. But that's another not so fine mess.
- As for the Cylon plans, well, they're clearly compliated and seem to be changing since the attack. Whether or not this is by design has yet to be detrmined, though I sincerely doubt that the writer's have this thing all planned out a la Babylon 5. -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate 22:30, 19 November 2006 (CST)
- Yeah, I know what you're saying. I also doubt it's all planned out B5-style (hasn't Ron basically said something to that effect anyway, like how much they enjoy making it up as they go along?), but that doesn't mean it necessarily can't all add up in the end, and we should assume that they do know what they are doing until they are proven wrong.
- Also, a lot of people have been talking about how unrealistic it is for Bulldog to have learned how to operate the raider in such a short time. I'm not trying to start an arguement about this, but I don't actually remember them saying that he had only a short time to learn how to use the raider. Are you guys just assuming that he had to learn it all quickly based on the rushed nature of his escape? Is there a reason he couldn't have actually had a few hours to do it? I mean, if they let him escape, then he could have been in the basestar hangar for hours trying to work the controls while they watched (and snickered) from behind the glass. --Drumstick 23:59, 19 November 2006 (CST)
- I agree that a lot of people have seemed predisposed to cry foul lately--I can understand how the scientific goofs in "A Measure of Salvation" could've set people on edge--but I do think it's possible that if the Cylons are operating under a religious motivation, that their plan does go beyond a simple "kill all humans" approach. They may see the need to exact specific steps of revenge/torture against humanity, perhaps a particular punishment for each perceived offense. That's just one possibility, but it could well be they have the death of a thousand cuts in mind for the remnants of humanity. I think Drumstick's probably on to something here. Or you know, if they wanted Bulldog to escape, they could have trained a Raider (which wasn't injured like Starbuck's) to understand and obey his commands or even set it up with an interface that a human could use. Until we see proof or disproof of all the different theories, I think it's too early to try to claim BsG has jumped the shark or anything similar. I also have to wonder if anybody here has writing experience with writing a full-length work. I am working on my first novel, and keeping total, perfect consistency is not easy and while I tend to get the big things right, I am still finding a lot of subtle things that need tweaking, and this despite my best efforts. Rose Immortal 13:17, 20 November 2006 (CST)
- As an aside wrt the Cylon plan, Browndog's question from the Episode page:
- Does the fact that Adama was potentialy responsible for starting the war explain why Galactica was important enougth to have 2 out of 12 human cylons on board during the start of the mini-series??--Browndog 14:17, 23 November 2006 (CST)
- I think that it's plausable considering the roles that Boomer and Doral were playing at the time that their both being on Galactica at the time of the Attack is simply a coincidence. Short of conspiracy within the Fellt Boomer is asigned where she's needed, and Doral's position as a civil servant would have been a good cover for a Cylon spy.--Whyte Wolf 20:01, 23 November 2006 (CST)
Hey maybe they think that if adama is dead the fleet will destroy itself or get into a civil war cus that almost happened when tigh was in command and the Cylons may think he is still XO. Best Snorkel378
I agree with the English version of Snorkel378's comment: the Cylons obviously planned for Bulldog to kill Adama. This would give them the distraction they need to make a battle last longer than the FTL spinup time, and put a less capable officer in command of Galactica. Catrope 12:21, 28 November 2006 (CST)
Possible Discontinuity[edit]
According to the episode, Adama and friends served on the Valkyrie a year before the attacks. This implies that Adama was only commander of the Galactica for a year before the miniseries. Yet on the Kara Thrace article, it states that Thrace "resigned from flight school as a instructor and transferred as an operational pilot aboard battlestar Galactica under the command of William Adama, where she served for some two years prior to the Cylon attack on the Twelve Colonies." They can't both be right.
Also, from the Tyrol article: "He served aboard battlestars from the age of eighteen, including Columbia, Atlantia, and Pegasus (Resistance). He has served under William Adama on Galactica for five years (Litmus)." If he served under Adama for 5 years, why didn't he mention the Valkyrie when he was being intimidated by Tigh in Resistance? This could be simply because Tigh would have known that.--Drumstick 22:16, 19 November 2006 (CST)
- No, your first impulse is correct - it's quite certainly an error.
- Gaeta: And... may I take this opportunity to say that it's been both a pleasure and an honour to serve under you [Adama], these past three years. (Miniseries)
- Adama: We [Thrace and I] talked about a lot of things. We've been aboard this ship for over two years, we know each other very well. (Act of Contrition)
- Adama: She [Valerii] was more than that to us. She was more than that to me. She was a vital, living person... aboard my ship for almost two years. She couldn’t have been just a machine. Could you love a machine? (The Farm)
- Also, note that the timeline in Adama's dossier (which seems to be accurate based on other data points) puts his transfer to Galactica at six years prior to the miniseries.
- --April Arcus 01:48, 20 November 2006 (CST)
- It is quite possible that this is not an error per se. Adama and some of his command staff could easily have been assigned to the more modern Valkyrie from Galactica for the mission. It wouldn't make much sense to send "the bucket" on a stealth mission anyway. Notice Valkyrie seemed smaller and was probably more modernized, which would make it all the better for that type of mission. So Adama could easily have been in command of Galactica for several years prior, been offered command of Valkyrie as a reward, for career advancement or just for the mission... and have been pushed back to Galactica when the mission failed. Certainly the plan to decommission Galactica was in the works for some time, and they would not want one of their good commanders to retire with the ship... until after the mission where he failed. None of the characters would be expected to say "I served under Adama for some years, and some other guy for a couple of months, then Adama again." They would just say they served with him for X number of years. If we compare to the modern US Navy, this sort of thing is not all the uncommon.--Xealot 10:22, 20 November 2006 (CST)
- The dossier's progression from XO of Columbia to Commander of Valkyrie to Commander of Galactica seems to indicate that Valkyrie was his first battlestar command. Though I agree that the serve under "X years" would fly if they stayed under him. It's just the "this ship"'s that start biting them. (When they specify the ship instead of the command.) --Steelviper 10:53, 20 November 2006 (CST)
- It is quite possible that this is not an error per se. Adama and some of his command staff could easily have been assigned to the more modern Valkyrie from Galactica for the mission. It wouldn't make much sense to send "the bucket" on a stealth mission anyway. Notice Valkyrie seemed smaller and was probably more modernized, which would make it all the better for that type of mission. So Adama could easily have been in command of Galactica for several years prior, been offered command of Valkyrie as a reward, for career advancement or just for the mission... and have been pushed back to Galactica when the mission failed. Certainly the plan to decommission Galactica was in the works for some time, and they would not want one of their good commanders to retire with the ship... until after the mission where he failed. None of the characters would be expected to say "I served under Adama for some years, and some other guy for a couple of months, then Adama again." They would just say they served with him for X number of years. If we compare to the modern US Navy, this sort of thing is not all the uncommon.--Xealot 10:22, 20 November 2006 (CST)
- It's really embarassing in continuity. If they had put the entire affair a few years further into the past, it would have made much more sense not only in Adamas biography, but also in the overall plot. Boomer served on Galactica for two years and probably spend some additional time at flight school, so Adama must know the Cylon infiltration started long before the Stealth-Star incident. This should really get Adama to ask himself how long the attack had been planned, though he might convince himself that the Cylons put their infiltrators in place just as a precaution and his actions led to their decision to actually use them. A few years more time between the attack and the incident would put the estimated start of Cylon infiltration (which actually could be anywhere between 2 and 20 years before the attack) around the same time, giving Adama a far more powerful reason to believe that he started it right there. I would like to think that putting the incident one year before attack was just an accident, but then it would probably become even more difficult to explain how Bulldog survived that long.
- Another point that's problematic: did Valkyrie have an integrated computer-network? Up to this episode all information we had suggested that all battlestars save Galactica had them and that it was Adamas position of no network on my ship that prevented an upgrade.
- If Valkyrie had a network Adamas politics of it's all hand on here are somewhat harder to believe. Up to now it looked like the position of a war-veteran who opposed networks on principle, this is harder to believe if he already commanded a ship with such a network.
- If there was no network on Valkyrie, then why wasn't there one? It appears extremely unlikely that the networks were all installed in the time between the incident and the attack, though the decision cannot have been made to long before Adama took command of Galactica, because the previous commander would probably have had it installed. And given that it must have been a major decision to put networks on battlestars once more it's hard to believe that the Admirality would allow commanders to pull the plug on it as they see fit. I can imagine Adamas opposition being tolerated on Galactica, because it was an old battlestar nearing it's decommissioning with a design that may have been especially hard to upgrade (regardless of Gaetas patchwork in Scattered). They could have simply decided that it was not worth the effort to force Adama to accept the upgrade. But that would be hard to believe for Valkyrie, if you are sending a battlestar on such a sensitive mission you want it at maximum performance. Nevfennas 14:49, 20 November 2006 (CST)
- The network thing isn't hugely problematic. We have no notion of how old Valkyrie was. Atlantia was at least 17 years old at the time of the attack (based on Adama's dossier), and was still worthy to serve as Nagala's flagship in the Miniseries. Galactica was even older. --April Arcus 01:44, 21 November 2006 (CST)
- Adama's dossier may or may not help matters. If the screencap interpretation in the article is correct, then it is currently 21356 - based on the 45th anniversary of Adama's commissioning - which is consistent with what we know about Colonial Day and the Armistice. Therefore the Fall of the Colonies occurred in 21354, and that means the Valkyrie incident occurred in 21353 or thereabouts. However, the dossier goes on to state that Adama took command of Valkyrie in 21345, and Galactica in 21348. If the dossier is correct, then the Valkyrie incident had to take place in 21347 or 21348...which means that Adama's "graceful retirement" lasted for 6 years until the Fall. If this timeline is correct, then it basically blows all the dialogue in this episode out of the water, but validates everything we've seen and heard in the first two seasons. Of course, this is all contingent on the dossier being correctly interpreted - and I personally cannot make out the last two dates on screen. --Xenophon10k 19:55, 21 November 2006 (CST)
- That was the conclusion we came to above. The Dossier is entirely legible and is visible on screen for over sixty frames. --April Arcus 22:31, 21 November 2006 (CST)
- I missed that part. That image is a lot clearer than the screenshot I had, as well. --Xenophon10k 10:24, 22 November 2006 (CST)
Cylon detector problems[edit]
There's some inconsistency with the "Cylon Detector" that Doc Cottle used to determine that Bulldog was a human. First of all, if you look at the screen caps, this one, you can see that the screen says "-RESULTS NEGATIVE-" If he was testing the DNA against their military records, it should say "-RESULTS POSITIVE-" If it's negative, the DNA doesn't match. That, or it's supposed to be a Cylon Detector, and it's saying that he's not a Cylon. It seems like it could be a simple goof between dialogue and props.
However, going along with the DNA reasoning... that doesn't necessarily prove anything, does it? If they tested Boomer's DNA against the DNA they have on record for her, I assume it's going to match, since they probably took Cylon DNA initially. Who's to say that the same thing didn't happen to Bulldog? In that case, his DNA would match, but he'd be a Cylon. Seems like a poor determiner of race, that's all. I don't think that he's necessarily a Cylon, just that this is another "oops."
--It might prove something...if the Colonials have DNA records going all the way back to a person's birth. If they're matching against that kind of original record (heck, maybe they even have the parents' records, too), then that may well constitute proof. Rose Immortal 13:06, 20 November 2006 (CST)
- Did you think that maybe the "-RESULTS NEGATIVE-" bit came from searching for cylon synthetic particles? --BklynBruzer 19:40, 27 November 2006 (CST)
- Also, remember that the Cylon detector is still set up to read "green" (human) for all results. I think it's safe to say that Bulldog isn't a Cylon, but I'm wondering when the crew will figure that out. It's purely speculation but, given that Gaeta seems to have taken over Baltar's lab, he may discover the setup in the near future. --Slander 10:16, 27 November 2006 (CST)
- I think the Colonials had (and still have) DNA records of everyone who ever served in the military (keeping records of absolutely everyone may have been considered too invasive on people's privacy). Bulldog was already a highly skilled pilot when Adama asked him for the Valryrie's mission, so he definitely joined way before the Cylon infiltration. The fact that his DNA matches to the sample taken around five years ago, proves he's not a Cylon. It should indeed have read "Result Positive", though. --Catrope 12:37, 12 January 2007 (CST)
- No, because it was the Cylon detector that read "Result Negative". As for the detector being set up to read negative for every result, I doubt it. The dialogue at the end of Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down indicates that the detector hasn't been tampered with but Baltar would lie about any positive result. Otherwise it makes no sense for Six to have asked, "So, what did her test really say?" -- Noneofyourbusiness 13:19, 12 January 2007 (CST)
- I don't remember the episode very clearly (I'll watch it again tomorrow, then), but I remember Cottle saying something along the lines of:
- "Well, the conspiracy theorists are gonna be disappointed. We checked your DNA against the military records, and it matches. So you're not a Cylon."
- This supports my point that the test actually does prove Bulldog isn't a Cylon (in response to Rose Immortal above). "Result Negative" may very well have been the Cylon detector, again, I don't remember the episode that vividly, I'll watch it again. --Catrope 13:31, 12 January 2007 (CST)
- I don't remember the episode very clearly (I'll watch it again tomorrow, then), but I remember Cottle saying something along the lines of:
- No, because it was the Cylon detector that read "Result Negative". As for the detector being set up to read negative for every result, I doubt it. The dialogue at the end of Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down indicates that the detector hasn't been tampered with but Baltar would lie about any positive result. Otherwise it makes no sense for Six to have asked, "So, what did her test really say?" -- Noneofyourbusiness 13:19, 12 January 2007 (CST)
Moved content[edit]
Folks, stuff like this needs to be removed (or reworded) on sight. Right now, this document reads a bit like it's arguing with itself. Before adding content that seems to contradict itself, please discuss it on the talk page -- that's what this feature is for.
Below, here's what I've removed thus far from the article that contradicts itself. Stuff like this, again, must be hashed out on talk pages before entering the main article space. Thank you. -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate 11:52, 20 November 2006 (CST)
Removed content[edit]
- Dualla apparently served on the Valkyrie; she can be seen in the background standing behind Adama and Tigh in the flashback scenes.
- That person in the scene is most likley not Dualla; it's not easy to see because the flashback-scenes in the CIC have (deliberatly) not the best quality.
Adama's Dossier[edit]
I feel that the dossier info should be moved to its own article. It really isn't a "standard" part of an episode article. Or if there is enough room for it in William Adama, maybe move it to that article. A lot of room dedicated to what is pretty much a sidenote for the events that occur in the episode itself. --FrankieG 13:17, 24 November 2006 (CST)
- I agree. The best place for it is in the William Adama article, in my view. -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate 21:03, 24 November 2006 (CST)
- How about putting the dossier info in William Adama and the details of the analysis about dates into Timeline (RDM)? --FrankieG 12:13, 25 November 2006 (CST)
- Great idea! I'm for it. -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate 13:51, 25 November 2006 (CST)
- How about putting the dossier info in William Adama and the details of the analysis about dates into Timeline (RDM)? --FrankieG 12:13, 25 November 2006 (CST)
In the iTunes download, Adama said "bullshit attitude" to Bulldog. In the SciFi version, it was bleeped out, was it not?
- What time count? I'll check --Mercifull (Talk/Contribs) 13:28, 24 November 2006 (CST)
- It was definately bleeped out in the SciFi broadcast. I noticed it while watching it last week. It's when Adama is talking with Bulldog shortly after he is rescued from the Cylons. --Talos 13:59, 24 November 2006 (CST)
- It survived the Canadian broadcast on SPACE. I remember I smiled when I heard it and thought "how the hell did they get away with that in the states?" For some reason anything short of fuck coasts by unedited on Canadian basic cable. -- Kahran 19:52, 24 November 2006 (CST)
- I'm Canadian and I should probably know more about this than I do, but a friend who worked in broadcasting for years told me it was because the CRTC goes by a complaint system for censoring profanity, whereas the FCC actively polices the American airwaves. One Vancouver TV station aired the South Park movie uncut and unbleeped last Canada Day (at around 3 in the morning). --Steve 06:33, 25 November 2006 (CST)
- It survived the Canadian broadcast on SPACE. I remember I smiled when I heard it and thought "how the hell did they get away with that in the states?" For some reason anything short of fuck coasts by unedited on Canadian basic cable. -- Kahran 19:52, 24 November 2006 (CST)
- It was definately bleeped out in the SciFi broadcast. I noticed it while watching it last week. It's when Adama is talking with Bulldog shortly after he is rescued from the Cylons. --Talos 13:59, 24 November 2006 (CST)
- Yeah, the bullshit was bleeped out. -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate 19:54, 24 November 2006 (CST)
- The thing I've never gotten is, we have other shows here with all sorts of colorful language, short of f***. So why the edit? These clueless mofos need to get one (a clue). This is the way people talk. --Sasoriza 14:27, 25 November 2006 (CST)
- Joe, is there a Wiki policy on profanities? --BklynBruzer 15:09, 29 November 2006 (CST)
- We don't have a written policy on profanity specifically, short of the BW:CIVIL. For instance, it is acceptable to use the word "fuck" in the article on "frak" because of the obvious correlation. On the other hand, it is unacceptable to tell a contributor to go "frak themselves and their little dog too". -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate 09:28, 30 November 2006 (CST)
Its the same way on myspace Snorkel378
Three's Opera house Scene[edit]
I was wondering if someone could elucidate their theories a little further on Three's opera house scene. The comments on this article seem to suggest that Three had never seen the opera house before. However, on first viewing the episode it seemed to me that she was trying to get there. Isn't that the reason she asked the centurion to kill her in the first place? (If not, what's her motivation for doing so when she knows that she will resurrect -- she's not escaping anything!) And her comments directly after she wakes up in the resurrection chamber seem to suggest that she doesn't need time to "process" what she's seen -- she's more confirming that yes, there is something there. i.e.- I've seen it before, I wasn't sure of what I was seeing, but now I know what I'm seeing and I want to tell the others about it.
Did anyone else interpret it this way? Or just me? --Wolf530 10:08, 25 November 2006 (CST)
- I think that her dreams pushed her into it. However, I don't think that she knew exactly what. My theory using spoilers and rumors (major fanwanking):
It has been hinted by RDM and Eick that an entire model will be boxed. Another rumor is that the remaining five have been boxed. Five figures were shown in white robes. Maybe the remaining models were boxed because they started doing what Three is doing now. Committing suicide to find the mystery that plagues their dreams.
- --FrankieG 12:06, 25 November 2006 (CST)
did anyone see left side one of five figures has a neckless or medal--mustah
- I'll try to remember to put a podcast citation "hook" in the transcript around the part where he mentions the five figures for the note April just added. --Steelviper 12:18, 1 December 2006 (CST)
Here's a screencap. As you can see, they're pure white silhouettes. - no black eyes or necklaces or other decorations.
--April Arcus 12:27, 1 December 2006 (CST)
No Definitive Proof of "Cylon" (removed Question)[edit]
I removed this question-
*Why did the Cylons have one craft jump in and fire on the stealth star and then jump out, then sending two more ships to finish the attack?
... and replaced it with this question-
*Just what exactly was the "Unknown" craft that jumped near Stealth-Star, disabled it, and then jumped away? Whose was it? Where did it come from?
By reviewing the sequence and examining both the DRADIS screen and character dialog, there is no definitive proof that the first craft detected, that damages Stealth-Star (whether by weapon or collision), is a Cylon. It is tagged as "UNKNOWN", and remains as such through the entirety of the sequence. The next two contacts are tagged as "UNKNOWN" as well, but we can deduce (notice, I don't use the word assume) that these are Cylons responding to some kind of alert and investigating. However, they too are not referred to as Cylon contacts.
In fact, if we "rewind" back to Adama's original explanation-of-events (with Novacek present) to President Roslin, Adama states that it was the Tauron miners that shot Novacek down. Granted, such a statement is probably conjecture, speculative, and the "official, on the book" account of the event. In any case, there is no proof that it was a Cylon at the cause of Novacek's wreck.
I see three possibilities: A) Bulldog was interdicted by a Cylon, B) Bulldog was interdicted by the Taurons, or (and this is the one that gives ya chills) C) he was set up by Colonial High Command (without Adama's knowledge) to be bait. Point is, though, we don't know, at this juncture, which it was. -- Hawke 02:29, 1 December 2006 (CST)
- Erm... the Tauron miner story was just a cover for the black-ops mission. It's Cylons all the way... -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate 20:36, 1 December 2006 (CST)
Cleanup on Aisle Six[edit]
I thought I'd start a topic for identifying areas that need to be cleaned up. --Steelviper 15:38, 6 December 2006 (CST)
- The analysis portion definitely needs to be cleaned up. I would love to see all the second, third, and forth level bullets removed. That section reads much like a forum, which is the encyclopedic equivalent of shooting yourself in the foot. I would very much like to see the second-level and on bullet points merged, or rewritten, into one bullet point per topic, incorporating what content that consensus deems fit. The only other minor thing is the notes, which might need to be cleaned up a bit, but the analysis is really glaring here. (And in other articles previous to this episode too, with the exception of "Unfinished Business", which is pretty much the best ep guide entry we've had yet this season, much to my wonderful surprise. I firmly believe that we can definitely repeat this again with "The Passage".)
- To reiterate my point, the analysis needs to be more anal (forgive the pun) in terms of sounding more like an encyclopedic piece rather than some rant on a Skiffy board. Additional thoughts? -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate 22:44, 6 December 2006 (CST)
- Yeah, people need to stop using a Wiki as their personal bitching ground. Criticism has its place of course, but it needs to be worded carefully and not read like a rant on the usual forums --Serenity 12:43, 7 December 2006 (CST)
- Nice job on the cleanup of "Analysis", Serenity. I looked at it yesterday, but threw up my hands in disgust and went back to minor editing. =) JubalHarshaw 11:36, 12 January 2007 (CST)
- The interesting thing is that I could keep most of stuff, but just had everything as second-level bullets. They still refer to the original bullet point while being intended as answer for another second-level point --Serenity 11:41, 12 January 2007 (CST)
- Nice job on the cleanup of "Analysis", Serenity. I looked at it yesterday, but threw up my hands in disgust and went back to minor editing. =) JubalHarshaw 11:36, 12 January 2007 (CST)
Special Guest Stars?[edit]
Can anyone who has the iTunes, check to see if Lucy was also included in the Special Guest Stars list. Thanks. Shane (T - C - E) 12:33, 9 December 2006 (CST)
Added some changes to noteworthy dialogue, and summary.[edit]
I fleshed out the summary to cover Bulldog's mention of a Cylon sickness (whether real or faked,) and some more detail on Adama's understanding of how he supposedly provoked the Cylons. I also added a part of Tigh's speech to Novacek, as it gives some insight on his persistent malaise, and Adama's quip when asked about the medal, partly for humour value and partly because it sums up his attitude to the whole affair.
- can it be that Adame commandes the Battlestar Valkyrie just for this one mission?
If he does it would be no continuity error. And he said in the briefing, that he needs HIS man.
- That would be fanwanky. It's simply an error. I changed all other articles to assume that the mission took place six years before the Cylon attack. That fits with the document seen in the episode (although these aren't always reliable by themselves) and the dialogue established in other episodes. And there is just no reason why he would have to change ships for one mission. --Serenity 05:17, 25 November 2007 (CST)
Unrealistic Transfers[edit]
I added this text regarding the notion of Gaeta or Tyrol being transferred between Galactica and Valkyrie with Adama back to the article, after Fredmdbud removed it:
- This scenario is highly unrealistic, however...
While I readily admit that the content is subjective, I think in its given context and purpose (that is, debunking attempts at fanwanking the discontinuity by altering Gaeta and Tyrol's established histories), it's an important statement. Part of the reason we adopted this analysis in the first place was to avoid the accumulation of fancruft at both the Felix Gaeta and Galen Tyrol articles (see Talk:Timeline (RDM)#"Hero" Timeline Issues, revisited). I feel that to that end, the statement should be allowed to stand. --April Arcus 20:57, 6 February 2008 (CST)
- Indeed, it is also possible to create a situation of anti-fanwanking, which is to categorically rule out *plausible* scenarios. Is it unheard of for the guy/gal at the top to "bring along" trusted and key people wherever he or she goes? How long has Tigh served as right-hand man to Adama? Cain and Belzen had known each other and worked together for years. And sometimes its less useful to try to intuit, infer, or out-of-hand dismiss inconsistencies as contrary to what *must* be correct, than to just document and note the inconsistencies and errors, which may or may not be addressed by the ultimate authorities -- the show and its writers. Sometimes the thing is what it is ... and we are along for the ride.-- Fredmdbud 21:13, 6 February 2008 (CST)
- While I would like to agree with you Fred, the fact of the matter is that Adama botched the mission. As a result (and per Eick's comments from the season three companion), his assignment to Galactica was as punishment. Therefore, any request to the Colonial Fleet for personnel transfers would have likely been railroaded, simply out of spite and politics -- and logically, you don't move junior officers. You might move Tigh as well, but not Gaeta, Tyrol, or Boomer. It simply wouldn't happen. -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate - Battlestar Pegasus 21:18, 6 February 2008 (CST)
- Loyalty can go both ways -- "follow you through hell and high water" -- they could have followed him on their own. They certainly have strong enough attachments and allegiances, more out of respect for the man and not just the rank. And since following a disgraced commander to a soon-to-be-mothballed battlestar is conceivably a low-prestige posting, I doubt there was much competition.-- Fredmdbud 21:28, 6 February 2008 (CST)
- I disagree ... Adama did not botch the mission, rather the mission did not turn out as planned, and Adama took the fall, probably set up as the patsy as Roslin suggests. And like a good soldier, Adama fell on his sword for executing an ill-advised and provocative mission. But my main point (about the plausibility) still stands, his crew could have chosen to stick with him from one post to another, if he would have them along. And I don't see how taking out the comment of unrealism substantially took away from the factual basis of the sentence. Sometimes we make way too many assumptions, and similar to nature, fandom often hates the absence of neatly-fiitting facts ...-- Fredmdbud 21:38, 6 February 2008 (CST)
- While I would like to agree with you Fred, the fact of the matter is that Adama botched the mission. As a result (and per Eick's comments from the season three companion), his assignment to Galactica was as punishment. Therefore, any request to the Colonial Fleet for personnel transfers would have likely been railroaded, simply out of spite and politics -- and logically, you don't move junior officers. You might move Tigh as well, but not Gaeta, Tyrol, or Boomer. It simply wouldn't happen. -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate - Battlestar Pegasus 21:18, 6 February 2008 (CST)
- Indeed, it is also possible to create a situation of anti-fanwanking, which is to categorically rule out *plausible* scenarios. Is it unheard of for the guy/gal at the top to "bring along" trusted and key people wherever he or she goes? How long has Tigh served as right-hand man to Adama? Cain and Belzen had known each other and worked together for years. And sometimes its less useful to try to intuit, infer, or out-of-hand dismiss inconsistencies as contrary to what *must* be correct, than to just document and note the inconsistencies and errors, which may or may not be addressed by the ultimate authorities -- the show and its writers. Sometimes the thing is what it is ... and we are along for the ride.-- Fredmdbud 21:13, 6 February 2008 (CST)
- I acknowledge Eick's comments, and it's nice that they thought about it, but it still doesn't make all that much sense. There are two scenarios:
- Adama only transferred to Galactica after the Valkyrie mission. That still contradicts other statements that Valerii and Thrace served there under him for two years.
- Adama and Tigh went to Valkyrie for a special mission and then back. First, it should have been stated that way. Second, there is no reason for Adama to conduct that mission. It could have been done by Valkyrie's commander. And from a real-world POV, they could have just used Galactica. There was no reason to introduce another battlestar. So 1.) makes more sense.
- As for the comment. I don't really have a problem either way. I do consider it unrealistic that so many people transferred with Adama, but the removal doesn't hurt the argument that much. -- Serenity 03:58, 7 February 2008 (CST)
- How about this version of 2:
- The new ship Valkyrie was attached temporarily to BSG 95 (or formed some other more transient two-battlestar group with Adama in command), partly as a shakedown cruise, and partly to get Galactica's crew acquainted with the ship that was intended to be many of their new postings (and Adama's new command) after Galactica's decommissioning. As such, the crew is made up of many of Galactica's personnel. Galactica, already practically obsolete, is left to serenely orbit Caprica with an almost skeleton crew whilst the superior ship Valkyrie conducts a few useful missions.
- After the disastrous reconnaissance mission Adama and Tigh (and by extension the rest of the crew they bought with), are punished by being pushed back onto the "sinking ship" of Galactica (it being a black-op they couldn't punish them overtly) so the old commander can be retired without any fuss.
- It's fanwanking I know, but the producers probably have a viable backstory as well, and Eick seems to be fairly confident of it. OTW 06:19, 7 February 2008 (CST)
- These types of explanations introduce numerous plot points that strain credibility and have no external justification, just to defend a blatant continuity error - this is fanwanking in the worst way. The simplest way to deal with this is just to change the dates from dialogue to match the dossier, which is already a canon document anyway. Occam's razor should prevail here. --April Arcus 20:13, 10 February 2008 (CST)
- I know, I know, I was just trying to prove a point that there are probably thousands of similar somewhat-feasible explanations. Our problem here that Occam's razor gets a bit blunt when David Eick specifically denies that they have a continuity error. OTW 05:01, 11 February 2008 (CST)
- More like he believes - strongly - that there isn't one. But I think they overlooked the many statements about how long Adama spent with other people on Galactica. By moving the mission a few years back, everything makes perfect sense. I also like that Galactica was supposed to be a punishment and a way to quietly end his career. Just not at that time. -- Serenity 06:37, 11 February 2008 (CST)
- I know, I know, I was just trying to prove a point that there are probably thousands of similar somewhat-feasible explanations. Our problem here that Occam's razor gets a bit blunt when David Eick specifically denies that they have a continuity error. OTW 05:01, 11 February 2008 (CST)
- These types of explanations introduce numerous plot points that strain credibility and have no external justification, just to defend a blatant continuity error - this is fanwanking in the worst way. The simplest way to deal with this is just to change the dates from dialogue to match the dossier, which is already a canon document anyway. Occam's razor should prevail here. --April Arcus 20:13, 10 February 2008 (CST)
- How about this version of 2: