New Caprica City is the small colony that the Fleet makes on New Caprica. Its population is 39,192 as of "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II". The city is essentially a shanty town of makeshift buildings and tents with a small number of buildings built from grounded ships. The city's market place and commons area/athlectic courts are located near the interstellar ships. Colonial One, the Astral Queen, an Atmospheric shuttle and a Colonial Shuttle sit just outside of town. Former President Laura Roslin ran the city's elementary school.
In Occupation, Cylon occupation has caused some changes on the face of the city. While the humans still live in a shanty town of tents and a makeshift marketplace, the Cylons have built some permanent structures. The largest of these is the prison complex, a concrete structure and walled compound which dominates the city's skyline. Laura Roslin and Colonel Saul Tigh were imprisoned in a subterranean cell in the prison's basement. Around the prison compound are apartments occupied by Cylons, including Leoben Conoy and Kara Thrace. The apartment of Conoy and Thrace is essentially concrete and utilitarian, barred off in the hallways by gates. However, the one occupied by Thrace and Conoy is furnished and contains artwork, and is more comfortable than the human tents. In addition to these structures, numerous watchtowers have been constructed in points throughout the city. At night, seach lights on these towers illuminate the streets and tents below.