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There were many stories that were proposed for a second season of the Original Series. A majority of them were in Glen Larson's proposal for a second season of the series, before it was canceled (and resurrected, in a different fashion, in Galactica 1980).
The Return of the Pegasus
Lieutenant Boomer reports to the bridge, notifying them that the Cylons are approaching Galactica so rapidly that they don't have time to prepare an effective defense. Starbuck, Apollo and Sheba are ready to launch. Starbuck objects to Sheba going on the mission, much to Sheba's chagrin; Apollo overrules him and they launch. In the battle, Sheba dies and the battle seems all but lost when Colonial Vipers from Pegasus turn the tide.
After leading Pegasus to the Fleet, they discover that Athena's entire body has been engulfed in flames. Adama's hands have also been burned, in attempting to smother the fire that consumed Athena's body. Starbuck and Cassiopeia bring Athena's body to the life center and place her in a polar-thermal unit. While treating Adama, Cassiopeia informs him that medication and pain-killers will keep Athena alive, however it will take extensive plastic surgery to repair Athena's face.
While suffering one tragedy, Adama must face another. His son, consumed with guilt over Sheba's death, wishes to step down as Blue Squadron's commander. To complicate matters, a guilt-ridden Adama wishes to step down as the leader of the Fleet, and wishes to place that trust in Commander Cain.
However, Apollo himself doubts Cain, noting that Cain has changed since their last encounter. These doubts are completely dispelled by Renata, Cain's executive officer. Her manner is described as "warm, almost subserviant [sic] and she knows how to make men feel important". Apollo believes that he has one mission in his life, and that is to "shield her and protect her from any possible harm", culminating to a heated disagreement between Apollo and Starbuck: Apollo accuses Starbuck of being a poor sport after Starbuck tells him of all the faults with Pegasus and Cain.
Starbuck explores the ship to assuage his suspicions, finding a "labrynth [sic] of intrigue and strange 'goings on' that combines the best of the suspense world from [Alfred] Hitchock to Coma" with Pegasus crew members being moved in and out of a "strange series of labs". Starbuck discovers that the crew members are all being converted into Cylon androids: as Cain himself has become. Starbuck rushes to tell Apollo, who has inadvertently told Renata of Starbuck's "foolish defense mechanism".
Renata asks after Starbuck's whereabouts, which Apollo furnishes. She notifies the crew of a "dangerous intruder" aboard ship and reveals that she is an "android" that is half-human, half-machine: a new breed of Cylon. In a typical clichéd fashion, she reveals the fact that she and the android the Colonials believe to be Commander Cain are going to destroy the Fleet once and for all.
After this is revealed, she tries to garrote Apollo in a move "faster than the speed of light", but he is able to break the wire with his hand in an "equally abrupt karate chop". While his hand is injured, he disarms her of the laser pistol. With Starbuck's help, they cast Renata into space, since she cannot be killed by normal means.
Apollo and Starbuck fight hand-to-hand to the launch bay, where they help defend Galactica from the "subverted intelligence cells of the legendary Commander Cain".
- How did the Cylons manage to infiltrate Pegasus? Was this a result of the Battle of Gamoray?
- What happened to Colonel Tolan?
A Woman's Power
With Athena's appearance "restored through long and painstaking hours of plastic surgery and skin grafts" by both Cassiopeia and Lieutenant Boomer, she appears "prettier than before, but her looks are quite different". While her face and body are unscarred, the rest of her body is a different story, and thus resorts to clothing to cover the rest of her body.
Adama meets with the male members of his crew, handing out duty assignments and formerly promoting Starbuck (TOS)| to Captain of Blue Squadron. The women, on the other hand, are organizing a campaign to change the way the Fleet has been run. Tired of war and its ill-effects, they want to achieve peace: to do this, they decide they will "withhold their favors and dispense with their domestic and fleet duties until peace is finally achieved".
Once more, Athena is asked by her fellow women to lead a meeting aboard Galactica, which she more than willingly accepts. As they debate this with themselves, activity within the Fleet has come to a standstill.
A furious Adama storms into Athena's meeting, notes the fact that they live in a militant society thanks to the Cylons, and lays down his ultimatum: resume their duties or be jailed. The women refuse and the movement's leaders are subsequently jailed, including Athena.
However, one of the leaders succeeds in extricating herself from the cell and, with a bomb strapped to her body, runs to the bridge, despite Athena's protestations.
The unnamed bomb-strapping woman makes it to the bridge, demanding that all prisoners be released. Additionally, she demands that the ships and provisions be relinquished for the purpose of getting their supporters away from the Fleet. Otherwise, she will destroy the bridge and cripple Galactica.
Apollo decides to speak to his sister, who explains the situation to her and inevitably convinces Athena to overcome her anger at what happened to her. She does so, admitting that her support for the women's cause was out of bitterness and anger, and convinces both sides to work together.
- In what capacity is Cassiopeia involved in this movement?
- Where exactly do these women believe they will go?