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Resistance (episode)

From Battlestar Wiki, the free, open content Battlestar Galactica encyclopedia and episode guide
This page covers the episode "Resistance." For the Resistance itself, see Resistance (movement).


Riots break out in the fleet over Tigh's declaration of martial law, and a group of Galactica crewmembers led by Lee Adama smuggle Laura Roslin out of the brig and into Tom Zarek's hands. Meanwhile, Kara and Helo fall in with a group of humans who have survived on Caprica and started a resistance movement.


On The Galactica

  • Having returned to the Galactica (after being rescued from Kobol in the last episode, Chief Tyrol is put in a holding cell and is interrogated by Colonel Tigh, who believes that Tyrol may be a Cylon. Even though Tyrol states that he would never do anything to hurt people on the Galactica, Tigh believes that, because of the Chief's relationship with Boomer, he can't be trusted. Tyrol is then put into the brig, where he tells Sharon to stay away from him.
  • Gaius Baltar has also returned to the Galactica, and he is questioned by Cally, who wants to know why no one will help Tyrol. Baltar tells her that his Cylon detector was flawed, and that he will try to prove that Tyrol is innocent. Cally threatens to reveal what he did to Crashdown if he doesn't help her, but Baltar promises to do whatever he can.
  • After arriving in the CIC, Baltar is questioned by Tigh, who wants to know why the Cylon detector didn't work. Baltar tells him that the test on Boomer was a preliminary test, and that he has screened out anomalies that might affect the outcome of the test. Tigh orders Baltar to test Chief Tyrol, and even though Baltar complains that he is the Vice President, Tigh tells him he has no power because of martial law.
  • Lt. Gaeta then alerts Tigh to a number of ships in the fleet, that are refusing to supply the Galactica with food, water, and tylium, and in addition, are holding protests against the treatment of Laura Roslin.
  • On his way to the brig, Lee Adama meets Dee in the hall, who tells him that Commander Adama is still sedated, and that there is a lot of protest and dissention within the fleet. Dee also tells Lee that Tigh's alcohol problem is spinning out of control.
  • In his quarters, Tigh is trying to figure out a way to get supplies from the ships that are protesting. Even though Saul wants to settle things peacefully, Ellen Tigh tells him that he needs to assert his authority, and puts him on a guilt trip, prompting Tigh to send a stern warning to the other ships, warning them to either resupply the Galactica, or face stern consequences.
  • In the brig, Lee tells Roslin that she still has quite an influence on some members of the fleet (as evidenced by her growing relationship with Corporal Venner), which prompts Roslin to state something bad is going to happen in the fleet.
  • After being informed that ships still aren't supplying the Galactica, Tigh orders squadrons of Colonial marines to board the ships and take the supplies by any means necessary.
  • On the transport ship "Gideon", a group of marines, led by Lt. Joe "Hammerhead" Palladino, attempt to take the food supplies off the ship. While the marines are transporting the food, the civilians on the ship grow angry, and riot against the troops. A shot is fired from an unknown assailant, and the marines, thinking they are being shot at, fire on the innocent people, killing 4 civilians.
  • After being informed that the supply operation went awry, Tigh realizes that he has made a bigger mess out of the problem then he thought. The riot also prompts Roslin to realize that this action will splinter the fleet, and will make them prime targets for the Cylons. Roslin tells Lee that she needs to leave the Galactica as soon as possible, and Lee tells her he will come along, and that he has also figured out a way to get off the ship.
  • Tigh tells his wife that he was not fit for command, and he knows that she was manipulating him into using strong-arm tactics to resupply the Galactica. Ellen tells Tigh that if she didn't motivate him, he would never stop drinking, which prompts Ellen and Tigh to start fighting, but instead, they start making love.
  • In the brig, Sharon tells Tyrol that she still loves him, but Tyrol tells her that the relationship meant nothing, and that Sharon doesn't even have feelings. Baltar enters the room and states that he is going to test Tyrol to prove he is really human. When injected with a syringe, Tyrol goes into a state of shock, and Baltar tells Sharon that he covered up her true nature as a Cylon from the rest of the fleet, and that if she wants to save Tyrol, she must reveal how many Cylons are aboard the Galactica. Just when it looks like Tyrol will die, Sharon tells Baltar that there are 8 other Cylons aboard the Galactica. Baltar manages to save Tyrol's life, and proves that the Chief is not a Cylon.
  • Lee puts his escape plan into action, closing down a causeway on the ship for maintenance, securing a Raptor to leave the ship on, and bringing Roslin from the brig to the shuttle bay, along with Elosha as well. When Roslin tells Billy to board the ship, he tells her that he will be staying behind, because he does not want to be part of a civil war.
  • On the bridge, Tigh learns that Lee and Roslin have escaped, and realizes that they have left on the Raptor. Even though he has the chance to destroy the ship, he doesn't fire on the Raptor, which escapes to the civilian ship Cloud Nine.
  • Upon arriving on the Cloud Nine, Roslin learns that Lee has brought Tom Zarek, who will help them hide in the fleet until they can muster enough support to overthrow the Galactica.
  • As Ellen puts Saul on another guilt trip for not firing on Lee, Commander Adama arrives in the room, having recovered enough to walk and move again, and asks what's happened on the ship. Tigh tells Adama that he messed things up badly, and Adama tells Tigh that they will fix the problem together.
  • Tyrol is released from his cell, and Baltar tells him that Boomer will be sent to another ship for testing. As Sharon is led down the corridor, being heckled and yelled at by crew members, Cally, who has been hiding in the crowd, runs out and shoots Sharon point-blank in the chest. As Cally is taken into custody, the dying Sharon tells Tyrol she loves him, and passes away.

On Caprica

  • Helo and Starbuck are lost in the wilderness, and are subsequently shot at by a group of humans. It eventually leads to a standoff between the two groups, but Starbuck manages to convince the humans that they are not Cylons. When asked about their identities, the group of humans tell Helo and Starbuck that they are members of a pyramid team called the Buccaneers, and that they have been attacking the Cylons and stealing supplies from them for weeks.
  • The Buccaneers take Helo and Starbuck to an abandoned high school, where they stay for the night, and Starbuck challenges the leader of the group, Anders, to a game of pyramid.


  • What will Commander Adama do to resolve the crisis now that he has regained consciousness?
  • What will happen to President Roslin, now on the run?
  • What will happen to Cally now that she has killed Galactica-Boomer?
  • Could Galactica Boomer return to the show, to be reunited with Chief Tyrol, after having her consciousness transferred to another Humano-Cylon body?
  • Chief Tyrol mentions that he once served aboard the battlestar Pegasus; will this be significant when the Pegasus is discovered by the Galactica?


  • Continuing from the events of last episode, "Fragged", Cally has indeed threatened Dr. Baltar with revealing that he killed Crashdown in return for demanding that he help Chief Tyrol.


  • This episode gave no direct indication of its date. All the first season episodes identified the date during their Caprica segments, and the first three episodes of this season have taken place on the same day as Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part II. There are a few possible indicators of time elapsed:
    • Tyrol is in a holding cell, and apparently hasn't been there for long.
    • Apollo has been gone from the officer's card game long enough to be missed. His last game was on Day 50.
    • Apollo asks Dualla how his father is doing "this morning", and Dualla's response implies that this is at least the second time he's asked her. His first opportunity to do so would have been on the morning of Day 52, putting this episode at Day 53 at least.
  • Galactica Boomer dies in this episode, shot by Cally.
    • Boomer dies in a matter that seems to mirror what happened to Lee Harvey Oswald (the assassin who gunned down U.S. President John F. Kennedy, and who was shot at point blank range by another man named Jack Ruby while being transferred to another prison).
      • In addition, the shooting on the Gideon was inspired by the Boston Massacre.
  • If Boomer is to be believed, there are 8 more Cylons hiding in the Fleet. It has already been established that there are only 12 Cylons models in existence, and four have already been revealed in the Fleet (Shelly Godfrey, Leoben Conoy, Aaron Doral, and now Boomer), so each of the as-yet-unknown models may have a representative copy hiding in the Fleet.
    • Note, however, that there have already been two Dorals, and the Cylons would have no way of predicting which ships would escape with the fleet. It's probably unlikely that there is exactly one of each undiscovered type remaining to be found.
    • Boomer produced this number under extreme duress. It is possible that she simply fabricated it, or that Baltar was relying on "God" to produce it for her, as he himself did in "The Hand of God".
    • Baltar asserted during the scene that Boomer had the information in her subconscious, so this may have been a way of producing it from extreme duress.
  • Commander Adama has regained consciousness.
  • There is a small resistance movement on Caprica comprising roughly 50 people, and Helo and Starbuck have joined up with them.
  • Chief Tyrol has been serving on Battlestars since he was 18. Other Battlestars he has served on include the Columbia, Atlantia, and Pegasus.
  • First mention of the Battlestar Pegasus in the re-imagined series.
  • Baltar's Six considers the term "Toaster" to be a "racial epithet".
  • Apollo can pilot a Raptor. (He brought a pilot along with in "Fragged")
  • Cadet "Hot Dog" Constanza is now leading Combat Air Patrols.
  • This episode introduces a conspiracy to free Laura Roslin from imprisonment—see Laura Roslin faction for more information.
  • One of Galactica's Raptors is now on board Cloud Nine. It was all Galactica could do to muster two Raptors in Fragged, although they had four in operation earlier that day in Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part II. Will Cloud Nine return the vehicle, and if not, will this further hamper Galactica's ability to deploy marines within the fleet?
  • Tyllium is used to fuel the maneuvering thrusters on the Viper craft, as well as the FTL engines for the rest of the fleet.
  • The background music in the scene where Apollo says goodbye to an unconscoius Adama is a faint echo of "Wander my Friends", the victory music from The Hand of God.

Noteworthy Dialogue

  • After Baltar tries to explain the failure of his cylon detector:
Saul Tigh: Spare me your weasely technobabble.
  • In the Galactica's brig, Tyrol is led into a cell with Sharon Valeri:
Sharon Valeri: (crying) Chief? I thought you were on Kobol?
(Tyrol is shoved into the cell, and Sharon tries to hug him)
Chief Tyrol: Don't you talk to me. Don't come near me. Don't even tough me. If you do, I will kill you.
  • In one of the Galactica's hallways:
Cally: They locked the Chief up with Boomer. Tigh thinks he's a Cylon.
Gaius Baltar: I know. I'm going to see the Colonel now. If anyone's going to find a way to clear the Chief, or...
Cally: Or what? Throw him out the airlock like a piece of garbage? If Commander Adama were in charge, this would have never happened.
Gaius Baltar: Yes, but he's not in charge, is he?

Official Statements


Guest Stars

Writing & Direction

  • Written by
  • Story by
  • Teleplay by
  • Directed by

Production Notes

  • Series 2 (2005/2006)
  • Production Number: 2.4
  • Airdate Order: 4 (of 20)

First Run Air Dates & Releases

  • UK Airdate: September 2005
  • US Airdate: August 5th, 2005
  • DVD Release: Date
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