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Discussion page of Hero/Archive2

Can We compare Adama to President George....Washington?  :)

I was reading the quote from Eick, "...Adama begins to believe that on some level he might have been responsible for provoking the Cylon attack on the Twelve Colonies." and for some reason I felt that thie reminded me of Gorge Washington long before we was president or even commander-in-chief when, before the 7-Years-War, Washington was involved in a skirmish with the French over Fort Necessity, aka Pittsburgh (yes, we fought a battle for that city) that led to Washington signing a treaty stating, unbeknownst to him because he couldn't speak French and his interpreter sucked, that he committed attrocities against France in the name of the British Empire. This, according to many historians, led to the 7 Years War, known in America as the French and Indian War, that would decimate Northern Germany. I'm sure Washington at some level had to be aware of this error on his part and led him to remorse I imagine. Anyways, the story is different but I was wondering how many parallels there will be, if there will be, in this episode to Washington's conundrum. I wanted to ask a question on the article page but couldn't concise it enough for wiki standards. I may ask on the scifi bboard but input on this would be appreciated before I do. --StrayCat0 19:42, 3 August 2006 (PST)

That's an interesting analogy, showing a fine attention to historical detail. I think the parallel has minor flaws, though, since Washington's conduct in that matter isn't generally considered morally wrong so much as foolish. Gavrilo Princip might be worth considering as a parallel; he was the immediate but not ultimate cause of a devastating war, and he precipitated the conflict by attacking his fellow countryman, thinking it justified in contrast to the general consensus. --CalculatinAvatar(C-T) 02:28, 4 August 2006 (CDT)
It's unlikely that Adama's actions are quite the transgression that he believes it to be; after all, the Cylons had been violating the armistice line for about a half a year prior to Adama's, anyway.TaKometer 02:09, 18 November 2006 (CST)
I was wondering about the timeline as well. I think Adama says somthing like, the mission was a year before the attack, but the cylons had been planning the attack for two years. However, I think there is an error in the timeline. Adama also says he served with Boomer for two years, and I think he implied that it was on Galactica. Gaeta also says that he served with Adama for three years. It is possible that Gaeta was on the Valkyrie for a year, but I think the mission happened about two years before the attack, not just one. I will rewatch the episode, but do you have any ideas? Jrmurph 12:21, 18 November 2006 (EST)
I think there is an inconsistency in the story. It is not unexplainable, ie Gaeta and Boomer served with Adama on the Valkyrie, but it did seem like nobody other than Adama or Tigh recognized Bulldog so the timeline is a little esquew. --Straycat0 18:01, 18 November 2006 (CST)

Another Battlestar?

There is a spoiler image showing Adm Adama and Col Tigh in the CIC of the Battlestar Valkerie. I zoomed in on Adama and saw he had his Admiral's pins on. Might this be a sign that they soon will find yet another Battlestar? Bstone 01:24, 15 November 2006 (CST)

It's a flashback scene. It may be more of a costuming error. Note that Tigh still has his eye in that promo shot. -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate 01:39, 15 November 2006 (CST)
Right. Two eyed Tigh. Darn. I was hoping they'd find another Battlestar cause I do miss the Pegasus. It was bigger, much cooler and the doors made this cool "beep" when they opened. Bstone 01:50, 15 November 2006 (CST)
You can visit Valkyrie as well. It's a spoiler until Friday but you can adjust it with some new data later. --Spencerian 08:36, 15 November 2006 (CST)
It's true, I saw the Admiral pips as well, the flashback should have been Commander pips; as the Stealth ship incident occurred three years ago. SimsHsia 22:56, 17 November 2006 (CST)
The Valkerie looked to be a Mercury class Battlestar. This would make sense because the galactica class was an older ship and has been all but replaced with the newer bigger and more efficent Mercury class.--Mike 09:30, 18 November 2006 (CST)
It's definately not a Mercury, the only part really similar is the engine block. If anything, it looked most like a reimagining of the original series battlestar, down to the rectangular opening in the flightpod and the angular head. --Talos 09:47, 18 November 2006 (CST)
Inside it looks like a Mercury yes. That's a sign of its age. But outside, it's far smaller than a full-sized battlestar. Look at the gun battery on the top. There's only one and almost covers the width of the ship there. See the Valkyrie page for more details (where this discussion should take place), but I think it's basically a smaller battlestar meant for support duties. --Serenity 09:52, 18 November 2006 (CST)
Not disagreeing with your main point, but its quite possible that there were far more Battlestar classes than just the "Cylon War Type" and the Mecurcy class, given that the colonies built up a fleet of arround 120 Battlestars over about 50 years, particularly as the Viper apparently went through 5 different itterations over this time, although we are likely never going to see the intervening versions of either type --Useless 09:55, 18 November 2006 (CST)

Barry Kennedy as Admiral Corman

Hey all, I was just checking on Barry Kennedy's link, and it links to an IMDB page other than his profile page detailing his filmography, and etc. SimsHsia 23:52, 17 November 2006 (CST)

That's because some people keep forgeting the "nm" when entering imdb numbers and in that case the link default to title instead of actor --Serenity 06:53, 18 November 2006 (CST)

The Stealth-Star

hey i just noticed this but the name of the ship was the stealth star so someone(not me)should create it a page. Best Snorkel378

Already done Stealth Star. --Talos 09:41, 18 November 2006 (CST)

The scene with Baltar, Six and Three in bed

it says on there that 3 is having a sexual realationship with baltar and six? Cylons arent lesbos i think they were having a 3some —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Snorkel378 (talk • contribs).

You are assuming that the Six we see is Caprica-Six and not Baltar's internal Six. --Mercifull (Talk/Contribs) 20:49, 18 November 2006 (CST)
It would be an odd choice cinematically to have Three wake up from a dream and show us something from inside Baltar's head. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Wldkt1 (talk • contribs).
Please remembe rto sign your posts on talk pages guys ~~~~ --Mercifull (Talk/Contribs) 07:05, 19 November 2006 (CST)

The black ops mission

Does anyone think that the entire mission was poorly concieved? First, the Colonials jump a Battlestar to very close range of the armistice line, which one would expect to attract attention in and of itself. Second, we see the Valkyrie track the S-Star after launch and over the line. This either means the Valkyrie tracked it directly on DRADIS, which indicates it's not much of a stealth ship and that the Cylons should be able to detect it as well, or the S-Star has some sort of transponder reporting its position, which is also something the Cylons should detect. Finally, as referenced in the main article, the S-Star maintains radio contact with the Valkyrie throughout the whole mission, again something the Cylons should be able to detect. Would the writers have really overlooked all this, or are we meant to conclude that the Admriality meant for the mission to have been discovered by the Cylons? --Cleophus 22:55, 18 November 2006 (CST)

Folks in white robes

Aren't there five white-robed figures in Number Three's vision? It's pretty speculative, but maybe these are meant to represent the five missing Cylon models (maybe they've undergone some kind of transcendence, and are "with God now" or something). Maybe the article should note this (after all, the white-robes show up for the first time just a couple episodes after we first learn that there's definitely something different or mysterious about the five missing models), though I don't know the proper section for it. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Steve (talk • contribs).

Reference to Raising Arizona?

I'm new here, so I didn't want to jump right into the thick of things by adding this to the main page before running it by other people...when Adama and Novacek are sitting down for the first time, Adama asks him something like "How did you escape, Bulldog?". Novacek rambles for a little bit (again, I don't remember exact words) but wraps up with "I felt the facility no longer had anything to offer me...". If I'm not mistaken, this is a reference to Raising Arizona--John Goodman's character says just about the exact same thing after he breaks out of prison. I can't seem to find the line on IMDB or Wikiquote, though... —The preceding unsigned comment was added by MikeDanger (talk • contribs).

Please remember to sign your posts on talk pages ~~~~ --Mercifull (Talk/Contribs) 07:08, 19 November 2006 (CST)