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Resurrection Ship, Part II

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Revision as of 05:03, 16 January 2006 by Sgtpayne (talk | contribs) (Response to questions & added question about Cylon strategy)
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"Resurrection Ship, Part II"
An episode of the Re-imagined Series
Episode No. Season , Movie {{{movie}}}
Story by
Assistant Director
Special guest(s) {{{guests}}}
Production No. {{{production}}}
Nielsen Rating {{{rating}}}
US airdate USA {{{US airdate}}}
CAN airdate CAN {{{CAN airdate}}}
UK airdate UK {{{UK airdate}}}
DVD release {{{dvd}}}
Population {{{population}}} survivors
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The battlestars Galactica and Pegasus engage in an all-out battle to destroy the Cylon “Resurrection” ship.


  • The episode begins, like Act of Contrition. well into the events of the story, as Lee Adama floats in a planetary body of water. He sees something approaching him—it is a Cylon Raider with a Viper in hot pursuit, and we return to reality to see Apollo floating in space in his ejection seat, followed by the title card, "48 Hours Earlier".
  • Kara Thrace asks Lee Adama for backup on her mission to assassinate Admiral Cain. Lee accepts, and reassures Kara of the importance of trust as he embraces her.
  • Helo and Galen Tyrol are bound and beaten in the brig by upset Pegasus officers, aided again by their marines, until Executive officer Jack Fisk arrives to break it up.
  • Helena Cain and Kara Thrace have a drink together, and Cain asks Thrace to promise not to flinch when she has to commit a "terrible sin"
  • Lee makes a courier run to Galactica, taking the opportunity to ask his father about Kara's mission. Adama is uninterested in discussing the issue, but Lee is surprised to know that President Roslin is involved in the assassination plot.
  • Thrace and Jack Fisk both prepare for their assassination missions, as well as the attack on the Resurrection Ship.
  • Before Adama aborts his assassination plan on Cain, he solicits advice from the cooperative copy of Sharon Valerii, asking her why the Cylons hate humanity as they do. She reminds him of a portion of his decommissioning speech (Miniseries), asking whether humanity has asked itself if it is deserving to survive despite its failings.
  • The Resurrection Ship and two Basestars are destroyed by the Colonials; During the battle, Lee Adama's Blackbird is destroyed and he almost dies during SAR due to leaks in his flight suit.
    Cylon basestar under assault
  • During the battle, Apollo's flight suit springs a leak. Dualla tries frantically to contact him, but Apollo only releases the leak in his flight suit and says, "I'm sorry, Kara", before losing consciousness as the last of his oxygen runs out, but a SAR Raptor appears just in the nick of time and saves him.
  • Baltar turns to Gina to replace his internal Number Six. He repeats to Gina Six's story about going to watch Pyramid games, finally taking her hands in his as Baltar's internal Six disappears. As Gina senses the destruction of the Resurrection Ship, she takes a sidearm from a marine, with Baltar's help, and asks Baltar to kill her. Baltar refuses, and gives her the sidearm, telling her she needs justice.
  • William Adama and Helena Cain both speak over wireless to conspirators Jack Fisk and Kara Thrace, respectively, but neither commander gives the order to assassinate the other.
  • After the battle, Admiral Cain is shot to death by Gina in Cain's quarters. Cain is challenging to the last, unregretful of the treatment that Gina has been given.
  • At Cain's funeral, Kara Thrace speaks admiringly of her, saying the Fleet would have been safer with her than it is without her. This statement raises a stare from Commander Adama.
  • Lee Adama confides to Thrace that he didn't want to survive to the mission, Anastasia Dualla stands outside Adama's quarters eavesdropping, visibly worried about young Adama.
  • The Pegasus, and its crew, remain in the Fleet, with William Adama becoming an admiral to command both battlestars. After receiving new admiral insignia from Laura Roslin, he gives her a brief but affectionate kiss, to the smiles of both.
  • Laura Roslin is now visibly weakened by her fight with cancer, and her composure and strength are failing. Her end appears near.


  • Adama had the first opportunity to implent his "plan" on Admiral Cain. Why didn't he? Did Boomer's earlier comments about humanity not deserving to survive have something to do with that?
Adama's remarks to Starbuck, that it is not enough to survive, but be worthy of survival, seem to point to this.
Perhaps, but does Admiral Cain's actions (such as the cannabilism of Pegasus' civilian fleet) necessarily justify her worthiness? It could also be that Adama realized that he didn't have the right to make that judgement.
  • Why did Cain not issue the order for Adama's execution? Was it a change of heart? Or did she suspect that her life was in jeopardy by Thrace?
  • Subsequent to Gina killing of Cain, Gina disappears from Pegasus and Colonial military imprisonment (as promised by Baltar). Where is she being hidden?
  • Is Lee Adama becoming depressed and unable to command his pilots?
He lost the role to command once Admiral Cain demoted him & put him in the general roster. A better question is will he be in a proper frame of mind to fly, or become a liability?
  • How will Pegasus resources be used throughout the Fleet?
  • How many new Viper squadrons and pilots have been added to the Fleet?
  • How will Adama deal with the mob-level brutality that appears throughout Pegasus?
  • How closely have the Cylons studied the memories of the 'first' Boomer aboard the Galactica, and the other spies in the fleet?
  • How will Kara Thrace's comments at Cain's funeral affect her relationship with now-Admiral Adama?
  • In "Resistance", Baltar forces Galactica's first Sharon into revealing that eight Cylons are still in the Fleet. However, this obviously does not take into account the introduction of Pegasus. Thus the question remains: Are there any more Cylon agents are aboard Pegasus? If so, what do they number?
  • Will another Blackbird be constructed?
  • Are there going to be any other promotions, and will Adama continue to command Galactica?
  • Who will be CAG of Galactica? Starbuck and Apollo were assigned to Pegasus at the time Admiral Cain was assassinated.
  • What changes in the Cylon strategy will we see, now that the Resurrection Ship has been destroyed?


  • The beating of Helo and the Chief was edited so that in the teaser, all we see is the "Sunshine Boys" entering the cell with their marines, about to tie the two up while making threatening comments. Given that they were involved in the gang rape of Gina, many viewers left the teaser fearing that far worse was going to happen to Agathon and Tyrol than simply being beaten with soap wrapped in towels.
  • The basestar/battlestar battle was epic, although viewers did not see a great deal of it from a play-by-play standpoint. The pairing of an advanced battlestar such as Pegasus with the oldest battlestar, Galactica, likely illustrates why the Cylons used sabotage instead of all-out war to defeat the Twelve Colonies. With proper planning, battlestars working in tandem will shred a basestar in a close-range attack, which uses missiles and fighters, but appears to have no gun batteries itself.
  • Lee Adama's collision with the downed Raptor occurred partly because Adama was looking behind him, examining the damage he dealt to the Resurrection Ship. This may be symbolic of one of Lee's character flaws—he is always looking backward, always examining what he's done instead of keeping his attention on the here and now. See Water, where Lee agonizes over firing on the Olympic Carrier while his father warns him specifically about not second-guessing himself. This theme also parallels Cain's words—which Starbuck echoes at her funeral—about not flinching or second-guessing when terrible things have to be done.
  • Obviously, the writers felt that the battle was less important than the events planned immediately after--the mutual attempts by Cain and Adama to kill each other. Viewers enter the battle scene at the stage where the battlestars tackle the destruction of the basestars, although there was a ruse earlier involving the entire Fleet. This quick segue was also likely done in light of the cost for the visual effects, since the shots of the battlestar attacks would be greatly desired by the fans, but also be new VFX and therefore expensive.
  • Sharon again shows that she has the memories of the 'original' Boomer, which was previously shown in the season opener when she started to tell Starbuck of the time they met.
  • A new love triangle is formed as Gaius Baltar seems more fixated on the notion of Gina and her pain rather than the feelings of his virtual Number Six, who unsuccessfully pleads him not to aid Gina in killing herself. As he takes Gina's hand, the virtual Six disappears from view in the scene. Perhaps Baltar needed to touch a "real" Six copy, and is also swayed by her "humanity"--her vulnerability and weakness, as well as her differing interpretation on how she thinks God will forgive the Colonials for the destruction of the Cylon fleet.
  • Admiral Adama's affectionate kiss with Laura Roslin opens up all kinds of new story possibilities and complications for the characters and the Fleet. It might have been considered by some viewers to be the most surprising part of the whole episode since no information on this scene was noted in advance of the show's airing. As noted by RDM in the podcast commentary, the kiss was improvised by Olmos. His and McDonnell's acting continues to be exemplary.


Noteworthy Dialogue

  • Fisk: Specialist Gage, let me ask you something. Those men in there, are they wearing Colonial uniforms?
Gage: Yes sir.
Fisk: Specialist Ferrine, do you agree that those are in fact Colonial uniforms?
Ferrine: Yes sir. They killed Lieutenant—
Fisk: Shut your frakkin' mouth!
  • Fisk: I don't want your thanks. I owe Lieutenant Thorne my life, as do many people on this ship.
Helo: He was trying to rape a prisoner!
Fisk: You can't "rape" a machine, Lieutenant.
  • Cain: You drink, Thrace?
Thrace: Only to excess, sir.
  • Fisk: Good hunting, Captain.
Thrace: You too, Colonel.
  • Tigh: Be sure your Marines and our Marines are aware of their areas of responsibility, in case we're boarded by the Cylons. The last thing we need is Colonials shooting at each other.
Fisk: Amen to that.
  • Sharon Valerii: It's what you said at the ceremony before the attack, when Galactica was being decommissioned. You gave a speech, it sounded like it wasn't the one you prepared. You said that humanity was a flawed creation, and that people still kill one another for petty jealousy and greed. You said that humanity never asked itself why it deserved to survive…. Maybe you don't.
  • Number Six: Tens of thousands of Cylons are about to die! Tens of thousands, Gaius! God will not forgive this sin!
Baltar (to Gina): Do you think God will forgive us?
Gina: God forgives all.
Six: Don't listen to her. You think she can help you? You think that that broken woman can offer you even a fraction of what I can? I know God's plan for you. I know how to help you fulfill your destiny.
Baltar: Do you know what I miss most? You're going to laugh when I tell you this. Sports.
Six: Don't do this.
Baltar: Yeah, that's right. I used to love getting to the Pyramid game just before tip-off. If I timed it right, I could sit down right at the horn, and then let the emotion of the crowd flood over me. Waves and waves of it, like electric current.
Gina: That's beautiful.
Baltar: And I always had two tickets…
Six: No…
Baltar: One for me…
Six: Please…
Baltar: And one for you.
Baltar's internal Six disappears as Baltar takes Gina's hands
  • Lee Adama (as the last of his oxygen runs out): I'm sorry, Kara.
  • Kara Thrace (to herself as she approaches Pegasus CIC): I wish you were here, Lee. But what the hell.
  • Tigh: I'm glad we didn't need your marines today.
Fisk: Yeah, me too.
  • Adama (to Starbuck over wireless): I've been thinking about what we talked about before. It's not enough to survive. One has to be worthy of surviving. That's all.
  • Cain (to Fisk over wireless): Congratulations, Jack.
Fisk: Thank you, sir.
Cain: That's all.
Fisk: Yes, sir. (hangs up the phone)
Tigh (to Fisk): You look like you could use a drink.
Fisk laughs
  • Gina: Suicide is a sin. But I need to die!
Baltar: What you need is justice. I know a place where you can stay, where you can be safe, where I can look after you.
Gina: Why would you do that?
Baltar: Because I love you.
  • Gina: Tell me, Admiral. Can you roll over? Beg?
Cain: Frak you.
Gina: You're not my type.
Gina shoots Admiral Cain in the face
  • Kara Thrace: I, um, only knew Admiral Cain for a short time, so what I have to say about her will be short. She faced things. She looked them right in the eye and she didn't flinch. That's something that we do a lot around here. We second-guess. We worry. When I think about what she went through after the attack, all alone, one ship, no help, no hope, she didn't give up. She didn't worry. She didn't second-guess. She acted. She did what she thought needed to be done, and the Pegasus survived. It might be hard to admit or hard to hear, but I think that we were safer with her than we are without.
  • Kara Thrace: Lee. Lee, you okay? Are you okay?
Lee Adama: No, not really. Um...I broke my word to you.
Kara: What are you talking about?
Lee: I let you down. I wasn't there when you needed me.
Kara: Look, a close call like that? That'd mess with anybody's head. Alright? You know, it turns out I didn't need you anyway, so…. Let's just be glad that we both came back alive, alright?
Lee: That's just it, Kara. I didn't want to make it back alive.
  • Laura Roslin: Rumor has it that I know very little about military protocol, but I do know that someone who commands more than one ship is called an admiral. Congratulations, Admiral Adama.
William Adama: Thank you, Madame President. Thank you, Billy. I um, never gave up hope, I just stopped trying to get these a long time ago.
Laura: Just goes to show you, BIll. Never give up hope.
Bill: Same goes for you, Laura.

Official Statements


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