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New Cap City

From Battlestar Wiki, the free, open content Battlestar Galactica encyclopedia and episode guide
Revision as of 19:32, 4 March 2010 by Mars (talk | contribs)

New Cap City is a v-world game in which holoband-users participate in various illicit activities.

Baxter Sarno has charged the game with contributing to the moral decline of Caprica City that led, in part, to the bombing of Maglev No. 23 (Gravedancing).

The objective of the game, if it has one, is currently unknown. Some players believe that the goal is to acquire items – like money and weapons – that can be converted into points. Other believe that discovering the objective of the game is, in fact, the objective of the game. Players who are "killed" in the game subsequently wake up in reality, and are unable to reload their avatars into New Cap City.

After the death of Tamara Adama aboard Maglev No. 23, Daniel Graystone used software developed by his own deceased daughter to create an avatar of Adama at the request of her father. That avatar was later found in an unprogrammed space by Lacy Rand and Zoe Graystone's avatar, who helped Tamara escape into the larger virtual world where she sought out the gamer Vesta in order to wake up. Discovering Tamara's unique ability to recover from game-inflicted damage, Vesta offered Tamara a trade: if Tamara-A helped Vesta in New Cap City, Vesta would help find a way to wake up Tamara in the real world.

Tamara traveled to the game along with another of Vesta's underlings, Heracles, in order to "steal" the avatar of another high-ranking gamer named Chiron. Tamara and Heracles find Chiron at a speakeasy, where Tamara distracts him and his guards by posing as a jilted girlfriend while Heracles took a digital copy of Chiron's avatar. Tamara was shot in the altercation, but Heracles extracted her from the club, and demonstrated his new ability to shift between his own avatar and Chiron's. The two later visited a bank where Chiron kept a vault, and after dismissing the guards, Tamara entered a code which Vesta had discovered inscribed on manhole covers around the city.

Heracles proceeded to collect as much of Chiron's money as possible before the bank alarm sounded and two guards rushed into the vault. Tamara pushed Heracles to the ground as the guards opened fire and was hit with several rounds before summoning her own will to alter the code of the game, forcibly derezzing the guards before collapsing.

After the robbery, Tamara learned from Vesta that she had died in the Maglev bombing and could not be woken up into the real world. Discovering that Vesta intended to continue using her as a pawn in the game, Tamara used Heracles' weapons to kill everyone in the room except Vesta, then instructed Heracles to return to the real world and tell Joseph Adama that she was trapped in v-world. After Heracles removed his holoband, Tamara told Vesta that she was "awake" and her, ejecting Vesta from the game (There Is Another Sky)


The concept of the game has been compared to the real-world video game Grand Theft Auto.
