In the original series, the fleet comprised of the last surviving battlestar, Galactica, and 220 ships. With the exception of Galactica, the ships were not capable of lightspeed. The fleet was restricted in its speed for it had to accommodate the slowest ship within the fleet -- removing that ship (or ships) was not an option as all ships in the Fleet were filled to (or over) capacity.
Ships in the fleet include:
- Battlestar Galactica, the only military vessel capable of defensive and offensive actions
- Celestra, electronics ship (Take the Celestra)
- Prison Barge, a prison ship operated by members of Council Security
- Rising Star, a luxury liner and chancery
- Freighter Gemini, from which Cassiopeia is rescued
- Astradon, a freighter nearly lost in the Magnetic void (Lost Planet of the Gods)
- Aedina, a civilian ship nearly lost in the Magnetic void (Lost Planet of the Gods)
- Tip Barge, possibly a garbage ship (Lost Planet of the Gods).