Interception of the A-B Raider

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Interception of the A-B Raider
Date: ca. 1980 A.D.
Related Episode(s):
Place: Near Sol
Result: Colonial victory
Galactican Fleet Cylons
Captain Kanon Andromus
1 Viper, Recon Probe Delta A-B Raider
Materiel Losses
A-B Raider destroyed
None 4 Cylons, 3 Centurions, Andromidus
Battle Chronology
Previous Next
Battle for the Delphi Interception of the A-B Raider Battle for the Agricultural Ships

While patrolling the flight corridors leading to Earth, Captain Kanon and Lieutenant Briton of Recon Probe Delta encounter an advanced Cylon craft. After engaging the ship in battle, and noting that the Cylons look humanoid, they determine that they must disable it before it reaches Earth. The pilots determine that the Viper cannot destroy the craft with firepower alone, since the Cyon ship is too fast and too well armed.

Knowing that the ship's present course would bring it to Earth, Kanon has no choice but to ram the ship, which causes the ship to crash land on Earth. The crash results in the destruction of Andromidus, an advanced Cylon form that looks humanoid, and three Centurions.


The Cylons have a new craft was previously seen in "The Super Scouts, Part I" leading an attack on the Delphi. However, the ship was apparently still unknown to the Colonials before Recon Probe Delta's encounter.