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Life Sciences describes both the biological and psychological medical practices of the Twelve Colonies of Man.
- balcon infusion
- A treatment applied to Starbuck by the Beings of Light upon transport to their dimension. He responds well to the treatment (TOS: "War of the Gods, Part II").
- Starbuck: "Well, it's my bio-pulse line, sir. You see, it's a bad time for me to be cooped up in a cockpit." (TOS: "Saga of a Star World").
- "Bio-pulse" is a likely reference to a 1970's Scientology fad that attempts to track behaviors and motivations based on pseudo-biological cycles known as biorhythms.
- Some sort of head or brain scan (TOS: "War of the Gods, Part I").
- A device capable using cryogenic suspension to preserve or prolong a patient's life, until effective treatment can be applied (TOS: "Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I").
- A device used by advance scouts after returning from a recon mission to detect and remove contaminants, presumably removing viruses and bacteria to which Colonials have no natural immunity (TOS: "Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I").
- energon treatment
- Some sort of rejuvenating treatment, available in the life science station (TOS: "War of the Gods, Part I").
- The technical name given a laser scalpel, used in Adama's surgery (TOS: "Fire in Space").
- hypernutrients
- A treatment available in the life science station, offered to Iblis (and refused) to help speed his recuperation (TOS: "War of the Gods, Part I").
- Doctor Salik: "increase [the critical patient's] Islodin intravenous feed six units per centon." (TOS: "Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I").
- A type of medicine.
- laser scalpel
- Doctor Salik: "I don't think you want me poking around your father's heart with a laser scalpel at a time like that." (TOS: "Fire in Space").
- See finite microlaser.
- Doctor Salik: "If we just let him lie in that life pod he doesn't have a chance in a centura." (TOS: "Fire in Space")
- The life science center is the medical care facility on board a Colonial battlestar (TOS: "Saga of a Star World").
- respiratory probe
- Some sort of lung or lung function probe. Apollo admonishes Dr. Salik to get a portable respiratory probe to be used on Iblis (TOS: "War of the Gods, Part I").
- restons
- A measure of well-being used by the Beings of Light. Starbuck's restons respond well to the balcon infusion, allowing him to stand and move about (TOS: "War of the Gods, Part II").
- ultrasonic scrub
- The colonial method of "scrubbing in" prior to surgery (TOS: "Fire in Space").
- catharsis treatment
- Adama: "If anyone amongst us can say that he's all right, after what has happened, I recommend them for catharsis treatment." (TOS: "Saga of a Star World")
- Adama is likely referring to some sort of psychotherapy, a process where the subject is allowed to express deep emotions regarding an event in his or her life that had not been able to be properly expressed.
- Catharsis is a Greek term meaning "purging" or "cleansing."
- A special scan to aid a human in recalling lost or repressed memories (TOS: "War of the Gods, Part I").
See also[edit]